File Submitter: horred the plague
File Submitted: 16 Dec 2012
File Category: BG:EE Mods
<b>WARNING: If you have a previous version of BP Series installed, please uninstall completely before installing BP Series v 0.3100+</b>
<p>Love the game, but getting sick of incessant party micromanagement every time you run into a mere kobold? Then the BP Series Party AI Scripts are just for you. Sit back and watch the fun, instead of pausing every two seconds to make sure Minsc isn't off picking daisies in mid-battle, nor if Edwin is casting Meteor Swarm at a pair of goblins five feet away from himself.
Over a dozen scripts specialized for your party's needs, support for every spell, kit and Bhaalspawn ability, as well as many popular items. An intricate series of Hotkey Toggles puts powerful in-game auto-management at your fingertips. Systems include Undead Turning, Bard Song, Set Traps, Backstabbing, Party Healing, Spell Sequencing, and more!
Fully utilizes Detectable Stats system, the ultimate in advanced AI for spell/item/effect detection for the IE engine. Fully compatible with enemy AI mods using the same system. Adds many IDS file entries from BG2:ToB that were missing in BGEE. All this allows for some of the most intelligent, logical decisions and spellcasting choices possible in IE scripting.
As of version 0.3024, BPSeries not only supports BGEE but also BG2:ToB w/ or w/o BGT! That's right, we'I brought the shiny new chrome version of these classic scripts back home where they belong. Note that these are currently a nice clean Vanilla set of scripts. That means, they don't try and support the added content of 101+ mods. This support will likely come in the near future, but not before I have all the kinks in the core vanilla system ironed out. They've come a long ways already since I started this rework a few weeks back, but there's still room for improvement. They are running clean, mean, and most efficiently. In my opinion, this is the best version of the BP Series scripts to date!</p><p> </p><p>As of v3053, BPSeries now supports Mac OSX
New Mac Instructions (by Rathlord & me):
Place the setup-bpseries.tp2 file, and the weidu.exe, in your Resources folder.
Open a terminal in your Resource folder.
Type: .\weidu setup-bpseries.tp2 --log setup-bpseries.debug
</p><p><strong>Mac OSX Installation Instructions (by mlnevese):</strong></p><p>In Finder, go to Applications/Baldur's Gate-EE/Game Data/00777/. Right click on "Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition" and select "Show Package Contents." Go to Contents/Resources. The Override folder will be there, along with the game data.</p><p>Unzip bpseriesxxxx inside the Resources folder</p><p>Open a terminal window.</p><p>Type, or just copy and paste the foollowing command:</p><p>cd /Applications/Baldur's\ Gate\ -\ Enhanced\ Edition/Game\ Data/00777/Baldur's\ Gate\ -\ Enhanced\</p><p>Once inside the Resources folder type:</p><p>./</p><p>Follow the prompts on screen.</p><p> </p><p><strong>NEW:</strong> BP Series v3100 and up have full support for BG2:EE!
</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>
<span><strong>The History:</strong></span>
This script set was taken right out of the Big Picture mod for BG2:ToB. Don't worry, I asked the author first (in the mirror, the morning before). But its history is much older. It started off as a breakdown of the U-Series script into smaller/more specialized scripts, as early as 2003. Cirrerek was responsible for this effort, and this is where his e-Series came from. I even did a revision for the e-Series, back in 2005. Some time in early 2006, Seanas (who formerly assisted with the Big Picture mod) took the e-Series and added a bunch of mod content to make it compatible with the Big Picture megamod set of mods (before BWP even existed, besides as a twinkle in Leonardo's eyes). I came out of retirement for a while in 2008, found and liked the set, and I've been chiselling at them on and off since. When BGEE came out, I saw the opportunity to start from scratch, build for a new vanilla game where I didn't have to account for the additions of 200+ mods at once. This is allowing me to really clean up the core system, and make it much more efficient for all subsequent versions (BG:EE, BG2:ToB, and now BG2:EE).</p>
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