The most difficult thing I encountered was in converting the STATES.ids entries over. In particular, those nice custom bitwises we made to pack many states into 1 entry (e.g., STATE_ENCHANTED). BGEE actually reads these and decompiles them as a textual line. So, something like STATE_NON_VISIBLE (0x400010) is decompiled as:
This part wasn't so bad, weidu can handle lower-value coverted to hex or decimal, but the really big ones like STATE_OUT_OF_ACTION (0x8014202d) had to be split up and re-combobulated before weidu would recognize them.
Other thing is, weidu has to have the copy of dialog.tlk next to your chitin.key file--it can't handle the BGEE/Data/00766/lang folder. I'm guessing these are some of the things being worked on in the new weidu for BGEE. But this is no different than using any other mod I've seen posted about on the BGEE forums. So, copy the dialog.tlk file of choice from your BGEE/Data/00766/lang/(your language) folder into your BGEE/Data/00766 folder.
Other than that, just extract the zip file contents to your BGEE/Data/00766 folder, double-click the Setup-BPSeries.exe file, and you're ready to go.
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Edited by horred the plague, 15 December 2012 - 09:06 PM.