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BP Series for BGEE, BG2 and BG2EE

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#121 horred the plague

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Posted 24 May 2013 - 03:25 PM

New Version 0.3070 is uploaded. This includes changes to the DS system, to account for the new BPv181 release. BPSeries (v03070+) and BPv181 (b3010+) are 100% compatible, install order not important. It also looks for and responds properly if SCS (or SCS2) is installed, and skips the duplicate components. This is not as important in BGEE (the DS system is totally compatible), but in BG2 it was causing installer crashes with any combination of these mods. Note that currently BPSeries must be installed after SCS/2 (at the least, the SCS-family core) for this to work. A set of marker files were added, that future versions of SCS could account for.


Also added was a complete overhaul of the Cloud Detection & Response system (to both AI mods). Now creature (invisible, non-interactive) is spawned at the cloud's epicenter, giving the victims a precise point to 'RunAwayFrom', etc etc. Fully tested in game, much happier with the results.

Edited by horred the plague, 24 May 2013 - 03:27 PM.

#122 horred the plague

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Posted 06 June 2013 - 06:39 AM

BGEE updated to v0.3073. I fixed some reported bugs in the cloud detection system, and also BPFT-TH should work with the dual stealth/trap hotkey toggles. Also, BGSeries should work with SCS/2 in either order. I recommend putting BPSeries afterwards if you choose both, simply because I update more often than DavidW.


I just got a BGT game installed last night; if I see the same problems in that I'll update the code for BG2 as well.

#123 horred the plague

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Posted 07 June 2013 - 02:17 PM

A busy week for BPSeries! Updated to v0.3074, with the following additions:



v0.3074 Proposed fix for reported stuttering behavior with mages (???)
               Fixes to cure potion passing and consumption code
               Fixes to enemy targetting blocks
               Made the BG2/BGT scripts more BG1-friendly--added targetting, threat levels, and curative code geared for lower levels
               NEW: Charming Rogue Kit for Imoen, by Vlad Pappar, and a custom BPSeries script for the class (BPCROGUE) *English only, for now*
               NEW: BP for BG1 -- Several of the Big Picture Enemy AI mod's scripts exported or converted over to BG1 counterparts. Very small-reaching at this stage, will be expanded upon as time passes. This singular component is NOT compatible with SCS!


Please also note that the BP for BG1 is a script overwriter--it will overwrite existing game enemy AI scripts. This shouldn't cause issues except with other enemy AI mods--I was careful not to overwrite any scripts with plot material. But thus, the incompatibility with SCS. If that means nobody ever uses it, so be it. I made it for myself, and just decided to share it at the last minute. :)


The Charming Rogue kit has been buried in the BPSeries mod since late 2012, for those observant enough to see it. I finally made it "non-private". All credit for the kit goes to Vlad Pappar, author of NeJ/2. I've been writing scripts for this kit for ages (inc one for NeJ, ~ 9 years back), so I decided to make it available to you as well. Works equally well with BG:EE or BGT. If you're using this WITH NeJ, please install the Kit from BPSeries instead of from NeJ or BGT/NeJ. You'll still have the same kit, and a nice custom AI script for it to boot. :coolthumb:


(P.S: Vlad, should you happen upon this post and wish it, I'll happily modernize the current NeJ equivalent script for you--w/o all the BP-exclusives. Just send me word. ;) )

#124 Mad Mate

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Posted 25 June 2013 - 05:20 AM

Firstly, thank you for this mod, Horred!

I just want to let you know that in your last uploaded version v0.3079, somehow, old readme and tp2 from v0.3076 creeped in.

#125 horred the plague

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Posted 26 June 2013 - 03:12 AM

They're just numbers, not actual versions per se. The meat is what matters, and it's the proper version. I'll try to remember next time, thanks.

#126 -Gleason-

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Posted 01 July 2013 - 09:57 PM

What are the extra files required to get BP to work in a Big World install? The link in the pdf that says it has instructions seems to be a dead end.

#127 Isaya

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Posted 02 July 2013 - 12:12 PM

Hi horred,


Here is an update of the french translation covering the texts you added recently. I also made small adjustments to a few script description in order to better match the english version. The archive contains all the files for the french directory.

I'll have a look at the charming rogue kit and script translation.

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#128 horred the plague

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Posted 03 July 2013 - 02:58 AM

Thanks, Isaya. I'll see if I can get these in over the weekend. I had some trivial change to make already (internal version numbers) so it won't be all alone. :)

#129 Isaya

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Posted 05 July 2013 - 01:58 PM

Thanks horred. The few new lines have been waiting for me to translate them for months, so there's no hurry.

#130 Quiet

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Posted 15 July 2013 - 10:34 PM

And here is the updated Russian translation.

According to the testers, in BGEE Russian text is now displayed properly, so that you can correct line in .tp2:

~Russian by prowler (BGEE in English)~



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#131 horred the plague

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Posted 16 July 2013 - 02:34 AM

Thanks! As soon as I get a bit of time I'll get this (and the French trans) to live. It's been a busy couple of weeks, but hopefully will taper down soon.

#132 -Guest-

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Posted 25 July 2013 - 09:39 AM

I am not sure how much control you have over it... but pocketplane lists this mod as ONLY compatible with BGEE. No BGT compatibility according to them.

If I hadn't been checking BGEE only mods on a whim I wouldn't have found this

#133 hook71

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Posted 04 August 2013 - 09:34 AM

Kulyok has now updated the Pocket Plane modlist so it is listed for BGT as well.

#134 horred the plague

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Posted 06 August 2013 - 06:40 AM

Kulyok has now updated the Pocket Plane modlist so it is listed for BGT as well.

Thanks for the update and for keeping an eye on that.

And sorry for the update delays, for the lot of ye. A week or so back, my main work PC died in the summer heat--Windows drive no less, and it took a couple other parts with it. I pieced two computers into one, making a slightly better singular work PC, then picked up a used HDD and made a Linux server from the scraps. My first experiences with Linux, it's been a learning experience no doubt. All-inall I'm highly impressed with its potential, and I'll be including some Linux support in future updates. I've had good results with BGT so far, but haven't tested BGEE out yet. I'm guessing that since Overhaul was very interested in supporting the OS, it won't be a big deal. I anticipate a fe more days of testing things out, and then I'll have an update for you all inc the two language packs that came in over the past couple weeks (French and German updates).

As a bonus, I did some work on the TDD installer to make it Linux compatible. More on that in another forum. But be assured I haven't left the building again, yet. :)

#135 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 22 October 2013 - 03:17 PM

I've been working on these again. Noting some of the changes here, as much as a log for myself as for others. No ideas when I'll get the next release out, still testing a lot and I'd also like to add some changes for new upcoming scripting functions. So far:

  • Changes to the system which calls the party in sight of the nearest enemy (when they can't see them yet). This is doing much better--the only problem remaining is one I doubt I can fix. This system depends on globals being set, and there's an engine-imposed 1-second delay on this. Sometimes PC's will be charging an enemy, and turn around midstep to answer the shout (MoveToObject(LastHeardBy(Myself))
  • Found the cause that made a ranger stop actions every 18 seconds while stealthed
  • Cleanups to the 'potion passing' system. Only done when the victim is at 25% or less Hit Pts. This is because when passing at 50%, the potions weren't always being used.
  • No longer requires a potion to be equipped, to be passed. This is because it's impossible to pass just 1 potion from a stack. And once passed, it isn't equipped on the new holder and thus was impossible to pass to another. Downsides: If you don't want potions to be passed, you'll have to toggle the item usage switch to "no disposables". Chances are it can find potions even hidden w/in a bag or case.
  • I tried to stop the 18-second delay to a bard when singing a battlesong, but this is impossible. The fault lies in the engine itself. Test: Try moving a singing bard from one side of the screen to the other in one click, after turning off AI entirely. They'll still pause step every six seconds, and after 18 seconds (or less, depending on when you started walking in the cycle) they'll stop dead in their tracks.
  • Tested completely w/ BG2EE, and working fine. In fact, most of my testing was done there. (don't ask how, and I won't have to lie to you :P )
  • Attempted cleanups to the backstabbing system. It's still triggering after conversations and at battle's end, though not actually stabbing anybody. I doubt I can stop the convo part in ToB, but I have high hopes for BG2EE (and BGEE, when it gets the new scripting functions). Still not sure why it triggeers at battle's end, but I'll keep looking.
  • Changed the BPINVISO creature to use a special ring instead of natural abilities. I believe this was causing some of the infequent reported problems. Either that, or the code is not applied universally (a few scripts missing it). The latter was more a BP symptom than BPSeries, so I'll concentrate effort there.
  • Got the Level One Innates not only separated, but installing properly at last.
  • The "BP Stats" now affect different IDS for BPSeries and BP, but they are complimentary and BP will now look for BPSeries already installed. I only saw a problem when BPSeries was installed BEFORE BP, which goes against my own suggested install order.
  • Cleaned up some script parsing errors, associated w/ the BP Stats fix. Using more raw numbers, less identifiers. This is because there are new/different IDS entries on the "EE" side
  • Added targetting checks so that those disabled (sleep, stun, hold, etc) are not entirely overlooked. Instead, they are prioritized to the bottom of the stack. After all, an active attacker is much more dangerous than a sleeping one (e.g). Script will check the 3 nearest enemies for disabilities, attacking the nearest first (but after any 'active' targets)
  • Arbane's Sword now used automatically via script conditions (NOW WORKING!). More unaccounted-for items will follow.
  • BP for BG1 and Charming Rogue removed from package (complications w/ custom kits and new BGEE patch).
  • When a 'call for unseen enemy' is shouted, spellcaster types will attempt a buff or summons before advancing into combat. Thieves will no longer lay traps here, by default (they rarely did much good placed at random, anyways).
  • Began testing with the new BGEE patch--will likely release new version when satisfied.
  • // New in v0.3100 (all games)
    @3125 = ~BPCL-MG: ~
    @3126 = ~This script is for cleric/mages, with or without fighter class. It emphasizes spell use, and ranged weapons over melee.
    D-Enable/Disable AI (Self)
    E-Toggle Item Use
    K-Toggle Ranged/Melee
    B-Buff (Toggle Long-Medium-Short Duration)
    V-Toggle Turn Undead
    N-Toggle Party Healing~
  • Added Blackguard script for BG2EE.
  • Updated Weidu to v23400, incorporated new functions into tp2 file.
  • Rewired the way that Nahal's and Spell Immunity are handled. There will be a message on-screen, and then the game will pause just prior to casting the spell. The message tells you why (mentions the spell name, and person casting). You then have the choice of clicking on that person freely. You can choose to keep the spell at this stage, and the menu for it will pop up after casting. Or, you can give the person another action and the spell cancels w/o loss. If you ignore them at the pause, they'll probably waste the spell but no other losses should occur.
  • Cleaned up the summoning (non-hotkey) code in several scripts
  • Added all the new kit abilities and new kit HLA's into the BG2EE scripts. Still need to get Hexxat's racial abilities into BPFT-TH script (both games).
  • Progressed w/ adding item usage throughout all 3 games' scripts. Made it from A to HELM before I ran out of gas. The hidden function unearthed by avenger_teambg, also present in BG2:ToB, can handle weapon abilities and items w/ several abilities. For now I'm using the item names for strings, but in a latter version I'll add custom strings for each item ability where needed (so you really know what's happening).

There's probably more I did, but that's all I can remember for now. More to come....

Edited by horred the plague, 10 November 2013 - 07:43 PM.

#136 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 14 November 2013 - 06:11 PM

BP Series v0.3100 is now live, and available in the downloads section. A lot of fixes and enhancements, in this version. Just the tip of the iceberg...See the thread directly above for the changelog. In highlights, this version is fully compatible with Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition.




MacOSX support folder was carelessly forgotten in the rush, but coming soon in v0.3101...I'm including the folder from the last BP Series version here, in the meantime...


Attached File  BPSeries__MACOSX.zip   741.79K   283 downloads




P.S: v3101 will also include support for Hexxat's innate abilities

Edited by horred the plague, 14 November 2013 - 06:36 PM.

#137 horred the plague

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Posted 16 November 2013 - 11:02 AM

Updated to v0.3101, which includes the _MACOSX folder for Macintosh users, and some minor installer changes to help insure compatability with The Big Picture and other mods using Detectable Spells.


EDIT: With a quick hotfix for STATE_DISEASED_FIX and DS compatability, we're up to v.3102 Use this if your scripts don't compile properly after installing another mod using DS (it happened to me after installing Rogue Rebalancing for BG2EE)

Edited by horred the plague, 16 November 2013 - 12:49 PM.

#138 Isaya

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Posted 16 November 2013 - 02:44 PM

Hello Horred.


Here is an updated French translation up to date with V0.3102, including the new WeiDU prompts for V235. Too bad I didn't react quickly enough after the V0.3100 release. It's not such a big change in terms of text, so maybe you can wait a bit for other translations to update before making a new release. Thank you.

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#139 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 19 November 2013 - 06:49 PM

Thanks, Isaya. If I do another hotfix/short release, I'll be sure to slip this in--other translations or not. The next major version should have plenty of strings in it though, when I get the item usage completed for all the BG games this supports. I'll probably post an English tra file a bit in advance, so ye translators have fair chance to coordinate w/ release (rather than my usual antics).

#140 -Virus-

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Posted 20 November 2013 - 11:40 AM



I experience a problem in BGEE - BP-Mage script hotkey V is not working for me at all, charracter only says: "Invalid: 999980" then "Invalid: 999979".


Other bugs/feature requests:

- Somtimes character changes weapon to less effective if have it equiped in different equip slot

- Charracters ignore sleeping enemies.


Thanks for this great scripts!!