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BP Series for BGEE, BG2 and BG2EE

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#101 hook71

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Posted 23 February 2013 - 02:21 PM

I have no trouble unpacking the attachment with the built-in unarchivers in Mac OS 10.8 or Windows 8. 7-zip 9.20 worked fine in Windows as well.

#102 Isaya

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Posted 23 February 2013 - 03:42 PM

Here are the files for french. The archive includes the whole french directory with both ansi and utf8 versions.

I hope there is no problem with my archive anymore. ;)


Keep up the good work, horred.


Isaya--sorry for the late response. Well.....I tried three archiver tools--Zip Genius, 7-Zip, and WinRar--as well as straight Windows un-zipping. ZipGenius crashes, 7-Zip and WinRar give me a single 11.6kb file w/ no file extension. Windows-based opening tells me the archive is corrupted. I downloaded it more than once, with same results What tool are you using to pack these, and/or is it Windows OS? Just trying to figure out what is going wrong and how to make it right--whether it's on your end or on mine.

Hello horred. I used 7-Zip 9.20 64 bits on Windows 7 to create this archive. This really is weird that we can't exchange archive files. :unsure:


Here is a rar file, and the two tra files as well, to be safe.


On the BGEE forum, I think someone mentionned a text missing. Did you locate it by any chance? Is there some new texts to translate to fix the case reported there?

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#103 horred the plague

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Posted 23 February 2013 - 06:23 PM

Thanks, Isaya. The RAR file opened without a hitch. I'll get a new version up in a bit. Thanks to all of you that hustled through a translation! :new_thumbs:


As per the BG:EE forum post, considering what was reported as missing, and the lack of response to my qustion--I'm suspecting user error with the dialog.tlk file as the culprit. The mssing strings would have been @3123 and @3124 (BP-Monk plus in-game definition) which I found present in all the TRA files along with the library/tp2 code to call them. The two strings I found missing within the script were in-game defaults, so no translation was required just a new STRREF.


EDIT: Posted and available for download! :)

Edited by horred the plague, 23 February 2013 - 06:32 PM.

#104 horred the plague

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Posted 24 February 2013 - 02:33 PM

A (newer) version 0.3050 is available for download. This contains FULL support for the new BGEE Update 2014 kits, plus further support for the stealth and find traps toggles.


From the Changelog:


v0.3050  Added support for all the Update 2014 kits (BGEE). Added support for stealth &/or find traps toggles throughout BG2 and BGEE.
--Hotkey definitions vary by script. Some old ones were removed too. Please see above for details (only English is up to date this version)
--Set up a new form of cone-attack targetting w/ the Dragon Disciple Breath spell. Incorporated it into Cone of Cold (not foolproof but better)
--Monk HLA's re-added to the BG2 content
--Special stealthing allowances made for the Shadowdancer's Hide in Plain Sight ability
--Shadowstep auto-support is limited to emergency (20% or less Hit Points). Plot your own strategies otherwise :)

Code for the kits are accounted for in the following (BGEE only) scripts:
--Sun Soul and Dark Moon in BP-Monk
--Dwarven Defender in BP-PureF
--Shadowdancer in BPFT-TH, BPFT-CL, BPFT-MGT, BPFT-RNG, BP-Multi, BP-Range, BPHEALC2, BPHEALM2
--Dragon Disciple in BP-Mage, BPFT-MGT, BP-Multi, BP-Range, BPHEALM2



--Kit abilities were accounted for in Detecable Spells where applicable

--Updated Read Me file (inc hotkey changes)



TRANSLATORS: Sorry, I had no idea this update was coming or I'd have held off on requests. There were no new additions, but there were lots of changes to the in-game script descriptions (hotkeys). I've updated English so far--for me to try and splice this into other languages would be gibberish at best. The read-me file was updated this time with the most recent hotkey assignments.


NOTE: The hotkey assignments vary a little in BG2; the text is mostly meant for BGEE. Mainly because we have an extra Hotkey usuable in BG2 (L). Some day we'll have to make two sets of in-game definitions in every language (but not today).

#105 Quiet

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Posted 25 February 2013 - 01:19 AM

And the Russian translation is ready again.

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#106 Isaya

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Posted 25 February 2013 - 10:24 AM

Hello horred.


Since you managed to read the rar file, I'm going to use that archive type in the future. Here is the latest version of the files for v0.3050. Thanks.

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#107 horred the plague

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Posted 28 February 2013 - 03:29 PM

Thanks you two! I'll give Lisandro a couple of days to catch up if he happens to see this, and then I'll get an updated version out either way. Was waiting to see if any bug reports came in, but no news is good news as they say... :)


Hopefully everybody likes the new monk script and the thieving toggles. I especially found the latter quite useful.


P.S: Is anybody actually bothered by the exploitive "try to hide every second until you succeed" part? I could easily add the standard 6-second cooldown delay that the GUI requires, but can't do both options within a single script w/o yet-another hotkey that we're already short on. (Unless it was done from the installer as a component).

Edited by horred the plague, 28 February 2013 - 03:34 PM.

#108 Lisandro

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Posted 28 February 2013 - 04:28 PM

Hi Horred I'm here, I did see the post... I'll send you the translation on saturday... please... wait a little!


¡Nos vemos!

#109 horred the plague

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Posted 28 February 2013 - 09:00 PM

Hi Horred I'm here, I did see the post... I'll send you the translation on saturday... please... wait a little!


¡Nos vemos!


No problem, Lisandro.. That gives everybody a couple more days to dig up some bugs as well. :shifty:

#110 horred the plague

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 07:21 AM

I went ahead and updated to v0.3051, with French and Russian translations. I'll just add Spanish when Lisandro can get to it.

#111 Lisandro

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 09:16 AM

Ups... Sorry by the delay... My life was complicated...


Here is the spanish translation...


¡Nos vemos!


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#112 horred the plague

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 10:54 AM

No problems...take care of the madness-called-life first, by all means. :)


v0.3052 uploaded (with Spanish translation)

#113 horred the plague

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 05:30 AM

v0.3060 is posted, with a (seperate) package for Mac-OSX support. No other changes besides the OSX addition.



EDIT: v0.3061 uploaded, recombined Mac and Windows into 1 package. I think we figured out where the last attempt went wrong. Also updated the hidden easter egg in the package.

Edited by horred the plague, 12 March 2013 - 11:53 AM.

#114 -Palas-

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Posted 13 March 2013 - 08:11 PM

Running into problems in BG2, SOA+TOB. getting "[HaveSpell] argument [SHAPESHIFTER_SHAPESHIFT_GREATERWERE] " parse errors while installing, but that doesnt seem to affect the compiling/use of the script.

The problem is that my toons stutter ever 3-4 seconds. walking along the whole game just "jerks" its not just the toons, its the mouse and the game in general. as soon as i remove any of the BP scripts from all my toons, it stops.

Is there a way to diagnost what part of the scripts is screwing up?

#115 -Palas-

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Posted 13 March 2013 - 08:23 PM

Sorry for doublepost, i cant edit since i am posting as guest.


corrected "SHAPESHIFTER_SHAPESHIFT_GREATERWERE" error while compiling by changing it to "SHAPESHIFTER_SHAPESHIFT_GREATERWEREWOLF" in the BAF files. SPELL.IDS lists it as SHAPESHIFTER_SHAPESHIFT_GREATERWEREWOLF, not SHAPESHIFTER_SHAPESHIFT_GREATERWERE, i guess thats part of fixpack or something, dunno if it's vanilla.


Still getting stutter/slow downs while any of the BP scripts are selected. Any help? I'll register an account for any replies if i have to. thanks@

#116 horred the plague

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 02:17 AM



This comes from the tp2 file (the tph library file actually). This is the only parse error of this nature reported in 100's of installs. Adding these two together, my diagnosis is that something went wrong in your installation. With that, it's also possible that the scripts were buggered in the effort.


The scripts can add a little overhead, and it's not impossible that they could be causing the slowdown. However, it's much more likely that the install went wrong and that is the problem.


Try to uninstall, then reinstall. See if that helps. If that doesn't solve the parse error, and this isn't your first time using BPSeries---try deleting, re-downloading, and then installation.


Finally, do you have other mods installed? It's not impossible that another mod could bugger things up for this mod. Especially since you're seeing "GREATERWEREWOLF" and not "GREATERWERE". Weidu will register a false positive when another mod adds the former, and won't add its own line. Why? Because it contains ALL of the name of the latter within its name. If I had to take a wild guess, I'd guess SCS because not too many other mods currently available would be touching Spell.IDS. I also guess it was installed before BPSeries, not afterwards. But that's just an educated guess. If I'm right, try installing SCS AFTER BPSeries and see if that gets rid of the parse error. If I'm right, you'll have two entries in spell.ids at 4644 (one for both mods).

Edited by horred the plague, 14 March 2013 - 02:25 AM.

#117 Palas

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 05:52 PM

One entry in spell.ids, and i didnt install strategems.

Installed mods : Fixpack, unfinished business, widescreen, flirtpack, bpseries, tweakpack, lvl1npcs. (in that order)

i went ahead and installed the weidu test script to see if one script was running continuously, i think it was called "fstest" or something like that. there were no anomalous scripts. I went ahead and tried leaving the characters assigned the BP scripts, and just toggling the global ai button, and it had the same affect. AI enabled with a BP script causedthe whole game to stutter every couple of seconds (mouse scrolling, animations, character walking, etc)

I'll try a complete reinstall tomorrow. suggested load order?

BTW, your bpseries work FANTASTICALLY in BG:EE, which is actually why im trying to use in in BG2. best scripts ive ever used bar none!



EDIT 15-03-2013


Did a full uninstall of BG2, then reinstall. Only installed BPSeries v3061, no othe rmod. New game. No stutter without BP script selected, or with AI button OFF. Game/Character/Animation stutter every couple of seconds with script active. Also, there were some parse errors on install of detectable stats, for creature scripts i beleive.


So at this point i guess i learn to live with a game that gets all hurky-jerky despite running on a 3ghz chip, or wait for bg2:ee and all the mods im interested in to be compatible.


Again my mod list (after this test where i only installed the scripts) is Fixpack, unfinished business, widescreen, flirtpack, bpseries, tweakpack, lvl1npcs. (in that order).


Thanks for any suggestions, i'll stop thread crapping now :)





Just ran through another install, this time installed the other mods including bpseries, same thing happened. I DID notice that the PureF script didnt have the slow down at all, so it looks like a problem with spellcasting.


Is anyone else having this for BG2? i know everyones busy playing BG:EE now :)

Edited by Palas, 15 March 2013 - 05:44 PM.

#118 -Derek-

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Posted 03 April 2013 - 05:42 PM

Hi! I just tried installing BPSeries v3061 in the latest version of BG:EE. It's the only mod I'm running. When I install it, I get missing script messages when trying to choose the scripts. Any suggestions? I shouldn't have to start a new game, right?




#119 horred the plague

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 09:08 AM

Hi! I just tried installing BPSeries v3061 in the latest version of BG:EE. It's the only mod I'm running. When I install it, I get missing script messages when trying to choose the scripts. Any suggestions? I shouldn't have to start a new game, right?





No, shouldn't take a new game at all. But you will have to juggle the dialog.tlk file around as per the mod instructions posted over in BGEE forums and elsewhere--if you hadn't already.

#120 horred the plague

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 09:11 AM

Version 0.3062 is now available for download from the Downloads section. From the changelog:


v0.3062 Updated to much smaller UPX weidu for Mac OX.
     Removed dozens of Detect() calls, replacing with Exists() and Range(). Detect was positively determined to ruin sight checks
     Worked out Shadowdancer Backstabbing support with lots of live testing.
     Sorted out ordering of shouts so poison, disease, and very low hit pts should take priority over lesser shouts
     Did some cleanup on potion self-healing systems