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BP Series for BGEE, BG2 and BG2EE

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#41 Lisandro

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Posted 23 December 2012 - 05:26 PM

Ok... it is done

And about Vanilla... we eat it in deserts! :shifty:

Hehe... Ok, I have translated like "a game without any mod", I hope you like it!

If you need something, please, shout!

¡Nos Vemos!

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#42 prowler



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Posted 24 December 2012 - 02:02 AM

please // comment russian lang only for BGEE. bg1, bg2 and BGT are ok.
for bg1, bg2 and bgt we must use cp-1251, not unicode?

Coordinator of the Russian BWP Translation Team - Arcanecoast.ru
Work with SHS, PPG, G3, CoM, Dragon's Hoard, Sorcerer's Place, RPG Dungeon

#43 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 24 December 2012 - 02:38 AM

please // comment russian lang only for BGEE. bg1, bg2 and BGT are ok.
for bg1, bg2 and bgt we must use cp-1251, not unicode?

I'l have to figure out how to actually "do" that. This is my very first multi-game installer... :ermm:

If I can't figure it out, I'll include Russian for both, but with a note?

Edited by horred the plague, 24 December 2012 - 02:42 AM.

#44 prowler



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Posted 24 December 2012 - 03:26 AM

It seems that the script BPFT-DR (@3116) lacks line "N-Toggle Party Healing".

I'l have to figure out how to actually "do" that. This is my very first multi-game installer... :ermm:

If I can't figure it out, I'll include Russian for both, but with a note?

Russian language option in setup - 1 lang or 2 lang options (bg vanila and bgee)?

Coordinator of the Russian BWP Translation Team - Arcanecoast.ru
Work with SHS, PPG, G3, CoM, Dragon's Hoard, Sorcerer's Place, RPG Dungeon

#45 horred the plague

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Posted 24 December 2012 - 06:41 AM

Think I'll offer it as normal, but w/ a short note (BGEE in English). I'll just put the English file in the BGEE folder, the Russian cp in BG2 folder. That way, when it is fixed, it's a very easy switchback.

Besides, that way I don't have to figure out how to make weidu do extra circus tricks, just to beat a bug. I can wrack my brains over how to make the scripts better, instead. :)

#46 Lollorian


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Posted 24 December 2012 - 07:57 AM

Sorry if I intrude but this was the only active BPSeries thread in the page :P

This issue relates to the BGII:ToB version though, so if you could kindly take a look :)

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#47 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 24 December 2012 - 08:14 AM

Sorry if I intrude but this was the only active BPSeries thread in the page :P

This issue relates to the BGII:ToB version though, so if you could kindly take a look :)

Thanks, but what I'm releasing next in BPSeries will only support vanilla BG2/ToB. No mod support at this time, use mods at own risk though I doubt there's much risk at all, even less than before). Mods will be re-introduced slowly, as we go.

An offhand guess is that some mod has added/altered a buggy spell/effect/vvc, the script is trying to cast it, and boom goes the game. The fact that eSeries also triggered it is a big clue. It's not BPSeries, per se....I saw similar crashes recently too, btw--but only in a BWP install running ToB-Ex. If it's the scripts, it's indirectly so.

#48 horred the plague

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Posted 24 December 2012 - 12:19 PM

Merry Christmas!

I have the promised new version available for download. I bring you BPSeries for BGEE AND BG2:ToB/BGT v0.3024:

Changelog Notes:

0.3024 Huge update; package now works with BG2:ToB and BGEE
----Special UTF-8 encoded TRA files for BGEE (thanks to Isaya for research)
----Detects game install and assigns proper script code and ansi/utf-8 tra file as needed
----BG2 content contains BG2 items and HLA's in addition to BG1/BGEE content

Brand-new "civilized" weidu installer complete with library files for functions
----The shocking part is that I did it myself
----Even more shocking? It works!!!

Made it back to Detectable Spells package; working perfectly
---- Special thanks to GeN1E for putting up w/ my swearing while sorting it all out
---- Integrated BPSeries extra content in proper DS fashion
---- Made allowances to DS content for new BGEE entries (Blackguard innates)
---- Properly converted BPSeries cloud detection to DS standards

More major fixes to healing system
----Now a second "clone" script provided for a secondary party healer. Secondary healer
has a short 1-round (6 second) delay before administering spells.
----Poison-curing and other ill effects removed from system (only handles HP healing spells)
----Potion use and potion-tossing removed from healer system
(still pulses a short delay shout/global to try & help fight duplication)
----Self-healing checks for HEALER toggle, applies no penalties if not set to on
----Even all this is still not perfect. Sometimes party members still get double-healed.
I don't think there is a perfect answer w/in IE scripting limits. Will keep juggling ideas about...

Reworked and simplified final attack blocks in all scripts
----Added more variation in melee/missile weapon selection. Rate varies by class/script
----Fighters more likely to charge w/ sword, followed by clerics, rogues, mage/bards, and archers
----Melee/Missile toggle still weighs heavily on choices. This covers special conditions
(e.g., 2 or more enemies close, or taking melee damage)
----Those using missile weapons will try to back away from melee combat

Backstabbing code cleaned and bug-fixed
----FIX: Located bug where stealthed thieves would backstab innocents outside of combat

Added missing support for Undead turning to BP-Multi and BP-Range

Cleaned up some remaining TLK entries from early non-weidu BGEE version (funny-looking)

Added new GAME-FIX subcomponents:
----FIX: STATE_DISEASED is broken in BG2 and BGEE. Now uses STATS.ids #134
Modders: See bpseries/lib/bg.tph file for details on values
----This fix is both compatible with and can support aTweaks diseases including Mummy Rot

----FIX: "Wyvern Mages"---In BG2 and now BGEE Wyverns and some farm animals like cows
and chickens were set to be class Mage. This wreaked havoc on an AI system geared at
targetting enemy mages. Too many chickens have been Silenced by my party priests
over the years, this needed to change. :) Nor did I want to have to leave an extra line of
code in every spellcasting block of every script--e.g. !Race(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),WYVERN).

----FIX: Enchanted Weapons (sorta): BGEE left enchantment value at zero on many in-game
magic weapons (e.g., the old trusty +1 longsword) &/or forgot to set the Magical flag.
As a result, you could not hurt a being protected from normal weapons w/ a +1 sword.
A proper fix in in the works at Beamdog, so I did this crude patch for now. All it does is
check each weapon for Enchantment Value (Ench.) vs their THACO bonus value. IF Ench. is 0
and there's a positive, THAC0 bonus, Ench. is set to equal THAC0 bonus (e.g., it makes your
+1 longsword into a +1 longsword w/ Ench. = 1 instead of Ench. = 0). It also makes sure the
Magical flag is checked off. w/o this your +1 sword could break in the Iron Crisis e.g.

Reworked the final (close-range/melee) targetting sequence so that Last Hitter takes precedence
over LastAttacker of Myself. Also added a STATE_CHARMED check. Also added check for
all party members for assisted-shout targetting instead just a single ([PC]) check.

A very intense round of general script-cleaning, typo-fixing, reorganization, streamlining, etc etc

Thanks for all the new translations, and help trying to sort out the BGEE quirks. Credits for translators (new and old) are given right in the BPSeries installer. Keep them coming! Let's hope BGEE catches up w/ true multilingual support, some day soon...

Enjoy! And have a great holiday season!!
--Horred the Plague


P.S: Quick hotfix v0.3025 uploaded. It seems BGEE doesn't like UTF-8 in English, only ANSI (lexor errors...sometimes...other times it works). I simply replaced sometimes-broken UTF file, w/ usually-working ANSI file, and...tada!

Edited by horred the plague, 24 December 2012 - 12:54 PM.

#49 Lollorian


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Posted 25 December 2012 - 07:06 AM

You mentioned VVCs and the first thing that pops into mind is your thread in the Spellpack forums in the BWL :P Can't make heads out of that discussion though :lol:

I don't wanna clog this thread with discussion of a (now) outdated BPSeries but is the guy's only alternative just not use the scripts? :unsure:

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#50 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 25 December 2012 - 09:10 AM

I posted in the appropriate thread about it. I'm at a loss to the exact cause as well, though I'm aware of the issue. I suspected LC at first, but even after removing it I had the issue reappear. I have pretty decent reasons for not thinking it's the scripts themselves, but something the scripts are influencing. A great example would be the level two + innate spells. Perfectly fine if a player casts them, but if a script casts them? KA-BOOOM

I thought VVC because of the nature of the error. On my end, it was definitely happening while spellcasting. LC added the most spell graphics, so naturally was the first culprit. Removing the Chant spell fixed the bug I had posted about. Then I had one w/ the Mad Cleric in the docks. There was some mod that was changing him (can't remember which), and removing it (I made its file more vanilla in DLTCEP) solved THAT problem. But it still came back to haunt me, later on.

This problem never surfaced until semi-recently. People have used the scripts for years w/o this issue, and in mega-mod installs---and suddenly it appears. The scripts hadn't changed in public release for almost 2 years. The playing field probably did. What does all this suggest?

I do have a version of BP laying around, with enough fixes/changes/etc to justify a v181. There's even a dodgy attempt at justifying TDD and DSotSC spells with SP and LC spell mods, even w/ IDS/script support, for BPSeries. The real solution would involve fixing weidu's ADD_SPELL to recognize entries over 50 (as ToBEx acknowledges these as valid), and converting all TDD/DSotSC/SR spells to ADD_SPELL format. But in the meantime....*juggle juggle*

I may as well release it. Barring hotfixes, translation updates, etc--this might be the last version of BP as it currently stands. After this, things might change heavily. Either a rebuild from the ground up, a start from scratch, or a leave it as it stands (monument to the past, it served us well) and move on--these are the options I'm debating.

#51 Lisandro

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Posted 25 December 2012 - 09:59 AM

In Spanish doesn't work...

I had to change with notepad++ to utf without bom

Playing de game BGEE the texts are right, only in the setup-weidu shows wrong the acents

#52 -Rigowen-

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Posted 25 December 2012 - 01:46 PM

I installed v0.3026 and after doing so noticed that I cannot equip and/or move/remove Rashad's Talon +2. Same thing goes for the Wakizashi +1. I had a backup of my installation and after reverting I was able to interact with those two weapons again.

#53 Isaya

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Posted 25 December 2012 - 02:33 PM

Hello Horred,

I updated the French translation to match the latest additions/changes. While testing v0.3026 with the updated files, I noticed the same issue as Lisandro. And I think I know the cause.

When the tp2 file copies the tra files either from ansi or utf directory, it should tell WeiDU to reload the tra file, otherwise the installation will go on with the one loaded immediately after choosing the language and where WeiDU gets the strings to display @7008 and @7009.
So I think you should add
LOAD_TRA ~bpseries/language/%LANGUAGE%/Setup.tra~
immediately after the two COPY to overwrite Setup.tra in the tests for BGEE and BG II.

That worked for me.

I hope you can read the archive this time. Otherwise I'll make a separate upload too.

Please, could you change the credit for the French translation? The original translator is Graoumf so I believe you should mention him too (otherwise he'll kill me for translation theft ;) ).

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#54 horred the plague

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Posted 25 December 2012 - 04:54 PM


I'll get the tp2 updated. I had a couple other fixes, it's an excuse to push them through early. The zip file was corrupted for me again, hmm...please upload the raw files--ASAP, if you see this please (a 12 Days release is holding up on that TRA file).


#55 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 25 December 2012 - 05:03 PM

I installed v0.3026 and after doing so noticed that I cannot equip and/or move/remove Rashad's Talon +2. Same thing goes for the Wakizashi +1. I had a backup of my installation and after reverting I was able to interact with those two weapons again.

I looked at the altered files, and I can't see any "file reason" for this to happen. The usability flags were untouched. What class of PC do you have, and do you have any other mods installed besides BPSeries?

#56 Kaeloree


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Posted 25 December 2012 - 05:04 PM

Hmm, works for me horred -- will PM you a re-archived version :)

#57 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 25 December 2012 - 05:28 PM

Worked like a charm. I'll have a new package up momentarily.....it's up!

v0.3027 Fix for international TRA files, thanks to Isaya. Still a far stretch away, but doing our best
More fixes to the secondary healer system. It actually looks like it's (mostly) working at last *holds final judgement*
More fixes to the cloud detection (fleeing) system. Derived some more constant targets
to RunAwayFrom()
More fixes to the final targetting/attack blocks, some of it in hotfix 0.3025
A bit of general script cleanup, mostly on the BGEE side this time

(Might've forgotten to hit save before upload--was just adding Graoumf in to the French trans credits. Will get that next time if not. Sorry Graoumf! Just juggling too many files, as per usual. Got the important file-working stuff in at least. :) )

Edited by horred the plague, 25 December 2012 - 05:32 PM.

#58 Lisandro

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Posted 25 December 2012 - 08:29 PM

In spanish doesn't work...

I've changed with notepad++ to utf without bom and it works, but the accents aren't show right in weidu's cmd...

And I add some weidu lines in setup.tra

thank you!

¡nos vemos!

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#59 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 26 December 2012 - 06:48 AM

Sorry that it didn't work, Lisandro, but glad you could sort it out. Being able to speak a little Spanish doesn't equate to reading it, I'm afraid (doing the best I can). I have your file in place both as the default file and as the 'utf' folder file. I'm going to sneak it into an update, as I still have time before this is "12 Days released".

#60 Isaya

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Posted 26 December 2012 - 07:27 AM

Horred, I'm afraid the two LOAD_TRA lines are missing in version 0.3027. May I remind you to add them in the next release, please? Thank you.

Regarding the problem reported by Lisandro, it's true that notepad++ notices a difference. It makes a difference between some files using UTF-8 (without BOM), like the one I sent you, and the spanish one, using UTF-8.
If I create a new file in notepad++ and tell it to use UTF-8, when the file is saved it contains 3 bytes, 0xEF, 0xBB and 0xBF. According to Wikipedia, the BOM has no use in UTF-8 and it seems that either WeiDU or the game doesn't like it. This BOM sequence is found at the beginning of the spanish file that fails according to Lisandro.

I don't know how this file was created. I checked the converters, both iconv and Cp Converter, and they don't add a BOM. Anyway, removing the BOM is easy with notepad++. You just need to change the encoding to UTF-8 (without BOM) and save the file.

The BOM is currently present in RUSSIAN\utf as well (even if the text are in english).
I also noticed that the Italian file in the ansi directory is using UTF-8 by mistake. You'd need to convert to Windows-1252 to make it work on BG II.

Edited by Isaya, 26 December 2012 - 07:27 AM.