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BP Series for BGEE, BG2 and BG2EE

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#21 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 19 December 2012 - 09:46 AM

I'm thinking it has a bad install of the DS package from the first attempt, as none of the IDS entries are being recognized by the scripts. Tjuh, try uninstalling the first part of the mod (which will automatically uninstall the second). After that, open the BPSeries/Backup folder (if it exists) and delete its contents. If it doesn't exist,just create the folder there. And then reinstall both parts of the mod. I "think" you'll be fine after that. Oh, and don't forget to replace the dialog.tlk folder once more into your lang/[language] folder.

[EDIT]: I should have a new version coming over the weekend; Isaya touched an issue involving BGEE. weidu, translations, and multiple text lines w/ non-English symbols--as well as created some fix-code. I'll include that fix-code as an optional component for our international players (as well as my usual round of cleanups/optimizations). You international users will have to let me know if it works or not.

Edited by horred the plague, 19 December 2012 - 09:51 AM.

#22 Tjuh

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Posted 19 December 2012 - 10:59 AM

'Jarno Mikkola', on 19 Dec 2012 - 17:23, said:



SKIPPING: [Detectable Stats v3.1 (required for BPSeriesScript Component)
Detectable Stats already...detected. Skipping component.

Erhm, I am pretty sure this component is required as it should extends the .ids files... why in the frell would it be "detected" and skipped when one doesn't have even the weidu.log at all ?

It's because the first part of the setup the Detectable Stats installed just fine, just the second part didn't. And I deleted the weidu.log to do a fresh install, that's why it's showing up in the debug.

'horred the plague', on 19 Dec 2012 - 17:46, said:

I'm thinking it has a bad install of the DS package from the first attempt, as none of the IDS entries are being recognized by the scripts. Tjuh, try uninstalling the first part of the mod (which will automatically uninstall the second). After that, open the BPSeries/Backup folder (if it exists) and delete its contents. If it doesn't exist,just create the folder there. And then reinstall both parts of the mod. I "think" you'll be fine after that. Oh, and don't forget to replace the dialog.tlk folder once more into your lang/[language] folder.

I tried this but didn't change a thing, I'll just wait for the next update :shifty:

Edited by Tjuh, 19 December 2012 - 11:00 AM.

#23 prowler



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Posted 19 December 2012 - 12:29 PM

Russian tra for v. 0.2016

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Coordinator of the Russian BWP Translation Team - Arcanecoast.ru
Work with SHS, PPG, G3, CoM, Dragon's Hoard, Sorcerer's Place, RPG Dungeon

#24 horred the plague

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Posted 19 December 2012 - 02:35 PM

Thank you, prowler! Included for this weekend's update. I don't know if you read the post above, but Isaya has some code to help handle the vanishing lines due to international symbols. Only tested for French thus far, but I'll try to get it set up properly for Russian (etc) too. Please let me know how it works out.

#25 Tjuh

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 01:25 AM

I have fixed all of my installation errors, so disregard all of my previous statements and thank you for this mod.

#26 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 04:53 AM

'Tjuh', on 21 Dec 2012 - 09:25, said:

I have fixed all of my installation errors, so disregard all of my previous statements and thank you for this mod.

Glad to hear it. Welcome aboard! :)

#27 Isaya

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 05:14 AM

Hi horred,

As promised on the BGEE forum, here is the French translation for BPSeries for BGEE.

The archive include the French tra file in both "old encoding" and UTF8 encoding (in the LANGUAGE directory). The UTF8 version is the one to include in BP Series for BGEE. There is also the Russian file converted to UTF8 that didn't give good results in my setup.
Additionnally, the archive includes the iconv tool and bat file I used for my initial tests with BP Series and BGEE, although they are of no use in this mod.

Happy end of the world! :)

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#28 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 05:26 AM

Thanks Isaya! ---hmm, something must have happened in the upload; I keep getting a corrupted zip file when I download. anybody else?

#29 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 06:03 AM

'horred the plague', on 21 Dec 2012 - 13:26, said:

I keep getting a corrupted zip file when I download. anybody else?

My download of BPSeriesv2016-French.zip worked perfectly ... so it could be something on your end... or something.

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.

#30 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 07:52 AM

Hmm...trying on a second computer, in a different location. The archive opened, but I got a "file" (no extension) that doesn't read but in code in Notepad++. Trans-Atlantic woes, perhaps?

#31 Isaya

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 09:13 AM

I downloaded the archive on another computer and it's working for me too. Did you try another archiver? I used 7-zip to create the archive.

Sorry Horred, let's try with each tra file seperately.

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#32 horred the plague

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 10:34 AM

It was 7-zip on one computer, winrar on the other---but no matter, the raw files worked fine. I even managed to make a set of UTF-8 files for the rest of the languages using CP Convertor that you posted about. I'm guessing that BG2 would prefer the ANSI format, so if I make a universal style mod I'll need 2 sets of tra files? Unless/until BGEE &/or weidu solve this problem?

International Users: Please give us feedback on your installations after the upcoming v0.2020 build (some time this weekend, after I sort a couple more code issues out). The biggest trouble-zone to watch is with long lines of text, like the script definitions.

Thanks again for the help. A lot of mods can benefit from this knowledge; I hope more modders have read your thread in BGEE forums and taken heed.

#33 prowler



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Posted 21 December 2012 - 12:58 PM

mmm. I don't think that I'm understand what to do. I have not BGEE but file with russian UTF8 is readable.

Coordinator of the Russian BWP Translation Team - Arcanecoast.ru
Work with SHS, PPG, G3, CoM, Dragon's Hoard, Sorcerer's Place, RPG Dungeon

#34 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 01:28 PM

'prowler', on 21 Dec 2012 - 20:58, said:

mmm. I don't think that I'm understand what to do. I have not BGEE but file with russian UTF8 is readable.

That was the question really--if everything was readable. Isaya found that in French, the lines were cut short when you had .tra strings more than one line long. Like w/ the in-game descriptions of the BP scripts, e.g. He also found additional issues with Cryllic and BGEE---but we're not checking from a Russian-based installation like you are. That's why we needed your input. ;)

#35 Isaya

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 04:27 PM

Prowler, maybe you could have a look at this discussion on the BGEE forum. You can safely ignore all the part regarding what is required to make mods compatible with both BGEE and BG II. BGEE requires encoding the texts in UTF8, not with the local Windows code page as the old games.
If you use the texts with the Windows code page encoding, you get in game what Horred said: the text is not displayed beyond the first special character. I put some screen captures in the discussion to show this issue, and that, using UTF8, BGEE was properly displaying the texts.

This UTF8 solution proved sufficient to allow proper installation of BPSeries for BGEE so that the texts are displayed properly. In French at least. I converted your translation to UTF8 and installed BP Series in russian. And BGEE doesn't display anything that is using cyrillic when I check the text file in notepad++.
So our question is: does it fail to display the cyrillic because my system is from Western Europe, or does it fail as well with a russian setup? So this indeed requires something having access to BGEE.

Horred, regarding the all-in-one installer, having both UTF8 and the other type of files is indeed an option. However I couldn't figure out a way to handle this without doubling all the language directories since the names must remain the same. And I have no clue how to tell WeiDU to use one language directory or the other out of the LANGUAGE parts in the tp2. So that meant having a choice of language of French (BGII) and French (BGEE) when installing. Not good.
I gave up and tried the alternative I described.

#36 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 06:52 PM

'Isaya', on 22 Dec 2012 - 00:27, said:

Horred, regarding the all-in-one installer, having both UTF8 and the other type of files is indeed an option. However I couldn't figure out a way to handle this without doubling all the language directories since the names must remain the same. And I have no clue how to tell WeiDU to use one language directory or the other out of the LANGUAGE parts in the tp2. So that meant having a choice of language of French (BGII) and French (BGEE) when installing. Not good.
I gave up and tried the alternative I described.

I have an idea on this, but it requires even a third (dummy) file. Inside each language folder you have a setup.tra (etc), and two subfolders (1 windows code, 1 utf- 8) w/ the same tra's. Use the single language prompt at onset, then use weidu code like you were for copying the necessary set of files right after each component's BEGIN (from subfolder, overwriting the main folder's). As long as titles are single lines, and w/o special characters, we'll be totally fine. Sure, a bit of overkill-- but the neatest end-user solution I can think of thus far.

[EDIT]: Actually, all you need in the main folder to start off with is a setup.tra, let the tp2 file just copy over the rest

Edited by horred the plague, 21 December 2012 - 06:54 PM.

#37 prowler



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Posted 23 December 2012 - 08:19 AM

Until BGEE come with offcial russian I think it's better to comment (//) russian translation version for BGEE. :o

Edited by prowler, 23 December 2012 - 08:23 AM.

Coordinator of the Russian BWP Translation Team - Arcanecoast.ru
Work with SHS, PPG, G3, CoM, Dragon's Hoard, Sorcerer's Place, RPG Dungeon

#38 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 23 December 2012 - 11:21 AM

'prowler', on 23 Dec 2012 - 16:19, said:

Until BGEE come with offcial russian I think it's better to comment (//) russian translation version for BGEE. :o

Ouch--that bad, eh?Even the UTF-8 version was of no help?

*temporarily comments out the Russian option in tp2 file* :crying:

I'm pretty sure this is a priority "fix-me" issue for Beamdog. (We can only hope so)

Thanks for letting us know, prowler. Sorry it isn't working out, thus far. We won't let your hard work on translation go entirely to waste--if there's any way we can help it.

#39 Lisandro

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Posted 23 December 2012 - 03:25 PM

Hi Horred... Sorry by the delay... a lot of things to do in my real life!

I need to understand in what situation these texts appear...

@10001 = ~Charmed, Allegiance PC~
@10002 = ~Charmed, Allegiance Controlled~
@10003 = ~Charmed, Allegiance Charmed~
@10004 = ~Charmed, Allegiance GoodButRed~
@10005 = ~Charmed, Allegiance Neutral~
@10006 = ~Charmed, Allegiance Evilcutoff~

Because in spanish we have this for gender:
"encantado=charmed (male) encantada=charmed (female)"

and I don't know how to translate exactly for a good response....

#40 horred the plague

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Posted 23 December 2012 - 04:02 PM

'Lisandro', on 23 Dec 2012 - 23:25, said:

Hi Horred... Sorry by the delay... a lot of things to do in my real life!

I need to understand in what situation these texts appear...

@10001 = ~Charmed, Allegiance PC~
@10002 = ~Charmed, Allegiance Controlled~
@10003 = ~Charmed, Allegiance Charmed~
@10004 = ~Charmed, Allegiance GoodButRed~
@10005 = ~Charmed, Allegiance Neutral~
@10006 = ~Charmed, Allegiance Evilcutoff~

Because in spanish we have this for gender:
"encantado=charmed (male) encantada=charmed (female)"

and I don't know how to translate exactly for a good response....

Sorry, don't worry about those strings. Those were debugging strings I left in the tra file by mistake. These new strings are live in the next version of BPSeries however:

@3117 = ~BPHEALC2: ~
@3118 = ~This script is a near-clone of BPFT-CL, part of an ongoing battle to eliminate duplicate party healing castings. Add this to your secondary healer, they'll have a 3-second delay added before they heal.
	 D-Enable/Disable AI (Self)
	 E-Toggle Item Use
	 K-Toggle Ranged/Melee
	 B-Buff (Toggle Long-Medium-Short Duration)
	 F-Toggle Backstab
	 N-Toggle Party Healing
	 V-Toggle Turn Undead Mode~
@3119 = ~BPHEALD2: ~
@3120 = ~This script is a near-clone of BPFT-DR, part of an ongoing battle to eliminate duplicate party healing castings. Add this to your secondary healer, they'll have a 3-second delay added before they heal.
	 D-Enable/Disable AI (Self)
	 E-Toggle Item Use
	 K-Toggle Ranged/Melee
	 N-Toggle Party Healing
	 B-Buff (Toggle Long-Medium-Short Duration)~
@3121 = ~BPHEALM2: ~
@3122 = ~This script is a near-clone of BP-Multi, part of an ongoing battle to eliminate duplicate party healing castings. Add this to your secondary healer, they'll have a 3-second delay added before they heal.
	 D-Enable/Disable AI (Self)
	 E-Toggle Item Use
	 K-Toggle Ranged/Melee
	 B-Buff (Toggle Long-Medium-Short Duration)
	 V-Toggle Turn Undead
	 F-Toggle Backstab
	 N-Toggle Party Healing~

@3064 = ~*Casts Goodberry*~

@7000 = ~BPSeries Detectable Spell Additions~
@7001 = ~BPSeries IDS Rule Additions~
@7002 = ~DS Stats IDS Cleanup~
@7003 = ~Fix for STATE_DISEASED~
@7004 = ~Fix for Wyverns and other 'Mages'~
@7005 = ~Creating Directories where needed~
@7006 = ~Compiling the BPSeries Scripts~
@7007 = ~Adding In-Game Descriptions~
@7008 = ~Detecting BGEE Install~
@7009 = ~Detecting BG2 Install~
@7010 = ~Unrecognized Game. No scripts for you...~

@7025 = ~ Impatient Hotfix for BGEE Weapon Enchantments
	   (not perfect, but better than vanilla)~

@7025 (and its component) will be deleted when BGEE makes the proper fix to the weapon files, but for now it's a good thing. Don't worry about literal translation for 'vanilla' hehe.

---And as the TRA code implies, yes the next version of BPSeries will cover both BGEE and (vanilla) BG2/ToB (& BGT I'd imagine so I added it to supported formats). Just no mod support like the old BPSeries for BG2 had (yet). I've already got it set up and installing properly on my end. Just need to add some things back into the BG2 scripts (e.g. HLA's) before it's release-worthy.