I've looked everywhere I can think of in the forums to try and find why I keep getting this. I'm still just learning how to add mods and have a stable game. I get the feeling there's something really basic I'm overlooking but I simply have no idea what it is. Any help as to whats going on here?
[C:\Faerun\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\Setup-BGEEClassicMovies.exe] WeiDU version 24000Choose your language:0 [English]1 [Polski (Polish)]0Using Language [English]Using .\lang\en_us\dialog.tlkWould you like to display the readme? [Y]es [N]onInstall Component [Restore BG1 movies to BG:EE]?[N]o, [Q]uit or choose one:1] Replace all movies2] Add missing movies1Installing [Restore BG1 movies to BG:EE -> Replace all movies] [v1.00]Creating 1 directoryCopying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Creating 1 directoryCreating 1 directoryCreating 1 directoryCopying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Copying 1 file ...Creating 1 directoryCreating 1 directoryCopying and patching 1 file ...Copying and patching 1 file ...ERROR: No translation provided for @7ERROR: [movidesc.2da] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)Stopping installation because of error.Stopping installation because of error.ERROR Installing [Restore BG1 movies to BG:EE -> Replace all movies], rolling back to previous stateWill uninstall 38 files for [BGEECLASSICMOVIES/SETUP-BGEECLASSICMOVIES.TP2] component 0.Uninstalled 38 files for [BGEECLASSICMOVIES/SETUP-BGEECLASSICMOVIES.TP2] component 0.ERROR: Not_foundPLEASE email the file SETUP-BGEECLASSICMOVIES.DEBUG to Sam.Using Language [English]Install Component [Restore BG1 movies to BG:EE]?[N]o, [Q]uit or choose one:1] Replace all movies2] Add missing movies