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My thoughts on BG:EE

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#1 begolf00

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Posted 30 November 2012 - 02:46 PM

First off some positive things.
•Instant loading is awesome
•The GUI is pretty good. I sort of miss the old brown though.
•Zooming is fun
•The new character Dialogues I like.
•The journal is amazing

Some negative things

•The GUI does not scale well in my opinion.Does not look crisp and sharp
•The font is hard on my eyes,for others it might be fine.
•Some of the new animated cut scenes are hit and miss. Some look great others are just bad. Just my personal opinion.

•Currently there are some game bugs, which is to be expected. Won't mention them as I believe they will be fixed fast.

•Some people can not get the game to run,though it works fine for me.
•No AI updates, yes I know the original never had it but using TUTU or BGT I've been spoiled setting it at what ever I want. A fair amount of people are not even going to play the game until this is fixed. I tried but just couldn't keep playing at a snail's pace.

•No gamma, though I believe this will be fixed.
•The intro specifically has missing dialogue, I really liked the quote from Nietzsche which is gone.
• Some of the cut scenes are completely gone and have not been replaced.

All in all I really am glad that there even is a BG:EE however the game really needs some more polish. As of right now I prefer the old versions on GOG. I do however realize that most likely the great modders on this site will now be supporting the new version since lots of things have been un-hardcoded. I plan to continue to support this version but pray that they don't make the same mistakes as they have on the release of BG:EE when they decide to come out with BG2.

Right now I give the game a 5/10. If they fix the blurry GUI,lack of AI updates, somehow let users use a different font, do something about the intro and missing cut scenes and maybe polish up the few that are bad I would easily give the BG:EE a 10/10.

I know some of this is my personal opinion but some of the new things they have done have really split people's opinion. If you go to this youtube video (https://www.youtube....h?v=egfgFZATd5E) just look at how many people dislike the opening.

-As it stands I will be playing the old versions from GOG. I'm sure within a month I'll be back and playing BG:EE but it's going to take them awhile to figure things out.

-I'd just like to thank all the modders who have contributed to BG:EE as I'm sure before long it will be the only version to have.

-Hopefully I don't get flamed.

Edited by begolf00, 30 November 2012 - 02:47 PM.

#2 Dakk

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Posted 30 November 2012 - 03:06 PM

Well put.

#3 Almateria


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Posted 30 November 2012 - 03:35 PM

That Nietzsche quote had absolutely nothing to do with the game and introduced a whole new generation of armchair philosophers, I'm glad it's gone. Anyway, I really like your post!

#4 begolf00

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Posted 30 November 2012 - 04:27 PM

That Nietzsche quote had absolutely nothing to do with the game and introduced a whole new generation of armchair philosophers, I'm glad it's gone. Anyway, I really like your post!

Haha that's funny. I've never really given it much thought. Though I still like it. If they don't bring that back it won't kill me lol.

#5 -Dubh-

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Posted 30 November 2012 - 07:09 PM

That Nietzsche quote had absolutely nothing to do with the game and introduced a whole new generation of armchair philosophers, I'm glad it's gone.

Well, that's a matter of opinion.

I feel dumb for asking this, but are NPC mods and such useable with EE? That will be the main factor in if I even consider getting it.

#6 Kaeloree


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Posted 30 November 2012 - 07:52 PM

That'd be a no for the time being, until said mods are updated to support BG:EE.

#7 -Dubh-

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Posted 30 November 2012 - 11:25 PM

That'd be a no for the time being, until said mods are updated to support BG:EE.

Darn; there are a lot of mods for which support has been abandoned, so that kinda limits things a bit. Thank you for the answer. :)

Guess I'll have to just watch my brother play this when he gets it and see what I think of it then, but it's not going to be replacing the original for me.

As a side note to no one in particular, why do the EE romance options for females seem unattractive (at least last I looked at the portraits), whereas males get the usual blonde elf? :(

#8 Almateria


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Posted 01 December 2012 - 02:16 AM

That Nietzsche quote had absolutely nothing to do with the game and introduced a whole new generation of armchair philosophers, I'm glad it's gone.

Well, that's a matter of opinion.

Not really, the quote isn't relevant at all through the game.

#9 Eleima


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Posted 01 December 2012 - 02:40 AM

How is it not relevant?!?! I just under the impression that it referred quite directly to the Bhaal essence.

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#10 Lollorian


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Posted 01 December 2012 - 02:41 AM

Based on youtube videos though, another positive: The new Exit from Candlekeep and Gorion battle scenes make a lot more sense now :D

Someone should make a mod to replicate that in regular BG(T) :P

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#11 Yovaneth


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Posted 01 December 2012 - 04:06 AM



Edited by Yovaneth, 01 December 2012 - 04:08 AM.

#12 Bartimaeus


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Posted 01 December 2012 - 06:36 AM

How is it not relevant?!?! I just under the impression that it referred quite directly to the Bhaal essence.

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you." (or something equivalent - going off of memory here)

Are you thinking of Alaundo's Bhaalspawn prophecy?

"The Lord of Murder shall perish...but in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny...Chaos shall be sewn from their passage; so sayeth the wise Alaundo." (also off of memory)

(edit) The difference, of course, being that Frederick Nietzsche was a real philosopher, (or whatever), and Alaundo was a D&D (and Candlekeep?)-based seer...

Edited by Bartimaeus, 01 December 2012 - 06:38 AM.

#13 -Dubh-

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Posted 01 December 2012 - 10:40 AM

How is it not relevant?!?! I just under the impression that it referred quite directly to the Bhaal essence.

That was always my impression as well. Personally, since I was pretty young when I first played BG1, that quote made me really consider the morality of my character's actions (ie, killing people) in a way that other games hadn't before. Impressionable kid or not, it worked. In most games, hack n' slash is bascially the point, but in Baldur's Gate, there's a lot more complexity to think about, and that's why the roleplaying potential is so good. Although people are, of course, free to have other interpretations.

#14 Cuv


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Posted 01 December 2012 - 11:32 AM

Based on youtube videos though, another positive: The new Exit from Candlekeep and Gorion battle scenes make a lot more sense now :D

Someone should make a mod to replicate that in regular BG(T) :P


I'm loving BG:EE, but then I seem to be one of the few who hasnt experienced any issues with it.

#15 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 01 December 2012 - 12:27 PM

but then I seem to be one of the few who hasnt experienced any issues with it.

You haven't tried to modify it... I take it. Yeah, I would wait until the Weidu.exe can use the BGEE's files from the .biffs themselves too.

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#16 Andrea C.

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Posted 01 December 2012 - 01:01 PM

You haven't tried to modify it... I take it.


#17 Cuv


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Posted 01 December 2012 - 01:39 PM

Uhm Jarno... I am in the beta and have been modding it since I got my little hands on it :devil: The current WeiDU 'does' work with some workarounds.

And the eye rolling was because I was the one who designed the G/S cutscene. Shhh!

Edited by Cuv, 01 December 2012 - 01:39 PM.

#18 Almateria


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Posted 01 December 2012 - 01:55 PM

How is it not relevant?!?! I just under the impression that it referred quite directly to the Bhaal essence.

That was always my impression as well. Personally, since I was pretty young when I first played BG1, that quote made me really consider the morality of my character's actions (ie, killing people) in a way that other games hadn't before. Impressionable kid or not, it worked. In most games, hack n' slash is bascially the point, but in Baldur's Gate, there's a lot more complexity to think about, and that's why the roleplaying potential is so good. Although people are, of course, free to have other interpretations.

You end the game with over 2 thousands mostly sentient creatures killed, how is that for morality? The quote simply doesn't fit with the tone of the game. It's all about being at odds your with internal demons, and you aren't in BG1 unless you count being narrated to in dreams -- and it's not really internal demons, but your nature as a Bhaalspawn. BG2 certainly makes that struggle more relevant, but in BG1 it isn't. Being an evil character or being born of evil doesn't have anything to do with Nietzsche's quote.

#19 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 01 December 2012 - 02:32 PM

The current WeiDU 'does' work with some workarounds.

Yeah, you just gotto un-.bif all the files ... and then install the mods, and put the .tlk file to it's original location. Not very practical would you not say... :shifty: Or you could just override the existing files by putting the replacement files to the 'override' folder, which should be totally ban-able offense on today's moding community(the subtext being that the mod overwrites everything else).

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#20 Cuv


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Posted 01 December 2012 - 03:03 PM

Oh no... you can write to the dialog.tlk location with a .bat where it sits. And the mods still layer okay. Got three running on it now.. my own stuff though. But yeah... the_bigg posted that he is working on the new WeiDU and that will solve lots of problems.

weidu bgee_setup.tp2 --script-style BG2 --tlkin .\lang\en_US\dialog.tlk --tlkout .\lang\en_US\dialog.tlk --log test_bgee.DEBUG

Modding it isnt any harder than the original, there are just a few things that you can't do... but there are more things that you CAN do now. ie:Animations have been externalized (Miloch and I will get together at some point and fill everyone in on that). I currently have about 80 new animations plugged into my game with unique slots.