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Classic gameplay window for BG:EE

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#21 -agris-

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Posted 02 December 2012 - 08:50 AM

You failed... to notice that Kwait-W picture size is far smaller, apparently the game uses different GUI's for different resolutions... like it always did in the originally unsupported resolutions too, in there it failed for huge number of reasons like crashing but also in that the GUI's resolution was bad because the images were just resized to be bigger.

Ok, so that makes the least amount of sense. Help me out here. Kwait-W's picture is smaller, and the GUI takes up less of the screen than a larger render window. That's backwards! If both of our games were to use the exact same UI art panels as Kwait-W's, my UI would be tiny. I don't expect that. Isn't the 'normal' behavior for the UI to scale so that it is the same proportion of the game window for all resolutions (within reason)?

It seems to me that the gui in my image should be the same relative size as Kwait-W's.

#22 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 02 December 2012 - 09:53 AM

It seems to me that the gui in my image should be the same relative size as Kwait-W's.

It depends on what resources you use... the portraits in the bigger one are ~85x130, while the lower uses the 36x60 ones(YxX). I at least assume the picture is somekind of resize from the *******m.bam file(110x170), and not the *******s.bam file(36x60).

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#23 -agris-

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Posted 02 December 2012 - 12:53 PM

Ah, so your theory is that depending on the resolution, the game uses different portrait sizes which will shift the relative UI size to accomodate them. Yea, I don't know. Medium portraits are now 169x266 and Small are 54x84.

Ok, in Kwait-W's image the portraits are indeed the small size: 54x84 (this is assuming his 1280x1024 image isn't a 4:3 resized). My image, the portraits are a bastard size of 84x131. No matter what resource is being resized (small or medium), my portraits are taking up a higher percentage of my screen real estate. You can prove it to yourself by looking comparing the relative areas of these assets. I think the devs goofed and scaled the UI by a linear (x) factor when they should used area (x^2).

Some math to prove it: 1920x1200 has 76% more screen area than 1280x1024, so you would expect my portraits (which are indicative of all UI elements) to also increase by 76% in area, but they don't. My portraits are 143% larger, so the UI is actually taking up a higher portion of the game window in higher resolutions, which is totally backwards and hopefully a bug.

#24 Kwiat_W

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Posted 03 December 2012 - 06:15 AM

<p>Can a mod change the title of this topic to &quot;Classic gameplay <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>window</strong></span> for BG:EE&quot;, the S is a typo, I never had any intention to reskin rest of the interface. And please drop the &quot;1.0&quot;.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>I don't know what the BGEE team meant by saying that gui is now &quot;completely unhardcoded and easier to mod&quot; but doing what I did, reskining (and repositioning) the interface works the same way it did before. It doesn't require any extraordinary skills or knowledge, but it requires lots of time and lots of work - tedious, repeating, boring and often very frustrating work.</p><p>Creating new graphic is the easier, pleasant and satisfying part of the job. Converting those graphics to mos and especially bam files is the frustrating part. Bamworkshop 2 is bugged as hell and working with it can cause you some suicidal thoughts. DLTCEP is a decent tool (for gui editing, for many other things its great), but doesn't have all the functionality you need and occasionally it can bug something too.</p><p>Modifying CHU files is as exciting as creating a spreadsheet in the excel - lots of numbers, calculating positions and dimensions. The math is easy but there are about 20 chu files to edit, some can have up to 30 windows, a window can have up to 60 elements, and an element may have up to 10 fields you need to change. Sometimes there is no easy way of telling what is the purpose of a specific window or an element, so you have to edit them, reposition or paint something over a bam or mos file, load the game and try to find where the edited element is.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>So no, I don't have any intentions to restore the whole UI.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Making this skin I've noticed that the new UI reuse the same graphical files more often the old one. For example in the original game a different mos file is used when player loots a container, reforms the party, for the ui element that pops when the protagonist dies, for the minimized/maximized (and the middle option) chat box. And this is times 3, cause each supported resolution (640x480, 800x60, 1024x768) had separate files, but in BGEE all those windows reuse just a few files (this is also why the texture &quot;jumps&quot; up or down when you minimize/maximize the chatbox). Without this change it would take me few more days to finish this mod. If this is what they meant saying that GUI is easier to mod then they were telling the truth, but I'm afraid other UI elements in the game are not so &quot;susceptible&quot; to this trick.</p>

icon11.gif W_GUI - a GUI replacement for Baldur's Gate 2/TUTU/BGT/CA
icon11.gif W_PackMule - Your own pack mule for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA, BGEE and BG2:EE

icon11.gif Psionics Unleashed - play as a Psion, mod for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA


#25 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 03 December 2012 - 07:01 AM

Can a mod change the title

If you can edit the topics first post, you should be able to change the topic title too... try.

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.

#26 Kwiat_W

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Posted 03 December 2012 - 11:54 AM

:doh: I forgot about the "use full editor" option, than the title can be changed.

icon11.gif W_GUI - a GUI replacement for Baldur's Gate 2/TUTU/BGT/CA
icon11.gif W_PackMule - Your own pack mule for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA, BGEE and BG2:EE

icon11.gif Psionics Unleashed - play as a Psion, mod for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA


#27 ScuD

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 05:14 PM

Here are VERY high 2560x1600 resolution screenshots. There are some issues with the UI, but I think they are not your mod-, but game-related.
Sorry, the files are huge.

Attached Files

  • Attached File  UI.zip   14.31MB   334 downloads

Edited by ScuD, 10 December 2012 - 05:27 PM.

#28 Kaeloree


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Posted 10 December 2012 - 05:18 PM

Check your My Documents/Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\screenshots folder, I think. :)

#29 ScuD

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 05:29 PM

And I thought I was stealthy enough to edit my post... 8)

#30 Kaeloree


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Posted 10 December 2012 - 05:42 PM

Hah :D Nice work. Those are definitely engine issues that Overhaul are aware of, but they're not a high priority right now IIRC.