Hey guys and gals, thanks for the replies! I'll get in touch ASAP, just putting the finishing touches on things before I set up testing threads. Dace, Valerie and Arath
ToB should be up by later today; HD
ToB will be fairly soon after that after Aeryn checks that everything looks good. The more testers the better, so if you're interested and reading, please post or shoot me a message!
Pain Elemental: Sarine is an
NPC mod by SisterVigilante, she's a romanceable Cowled Wizard

Sarine still has a little bit left to go, but I'm definitely making progress on her--shouldn't be too long now.
As for time limits, 'as soon as possible' would be good, since I really want to get all these things out the door by Christmas.

But whatever timeframe suits you, really!