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Hints & Help for kiwidoc: Dec 11th The Door Bug strikes again!

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#41 Yovaneth


    The newly-appointed Master Builder of Baldur's Gate

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Posted 13 December 2012 - 03:08 AM

Yes... but you've still uncovered a bug that so far, I have utterly failed to fix. It's a bit of a head-scratcher because 'it used to work'. :WTF:

#42 Yovaneth


    The newly-appointed Master Builder of Baldur's Gate

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Posted 13 December 2012 - 06:24 PM

Okay; I've finally fixed this bug(ger). The same problem also applied to the door on the northside (the one that requires Angharad's key) though no-one ever reported that door as a problem. The problem seems to have been in the way that DLTCEP describes doors if you use the assigned default door name; simply changing the door names and altering the scripts to suit got it all working again.
