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Hints & Help for kiwidoc: Dec 11th The Door Bug strikes again!

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#1 kiwidoc_again

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Posted 24 October 2012 - 08:50 PM

I've decided I better start just one thread, as otherwise I'll clutter up this entire board. I need help on three issues in order to get any further. I'd appreciate hints more than a detailed. blow by blow description of what to do :)

SPOILERS in this post, and all the following posts!


Edited by kiwidoc_again, 11 December 2012 - 02:36 PM.

#2 micbaldur


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Posted 24 October 2012 - 09:28 PM

I've decided I better start just one thread, as otherwise I'll clutter up this entire board. I need help on three issues in order to get any further. I'd appreciate hints more than a detailed. blow by blow description of what to do :)

1/. Dwarf's Maze: Getting past the teleport traps.
I've gone over the enitre maze with a fine tooth comb, detected traps at 14o% and hunted for secret doors and I just can't find my way into either of the two lighted areas (top leftt and bottom left of the map). On one occassion my party was in a narrow tunnel and going either forward or back over ground I'd already trodden on teleported me all over the place. How do I get past them without cheating and using Ctrl J?


2/. Getting the Orb Quest
I've been into every door and spoken to everyone who will talk to me in Govt West but I still can't get anyone to ask me to look for the Orb. A hint or two would be greatly appreciated.

Later when you have progressed in quest.

3/. Going straight ahead in the first cave
This applies to the first small cave under Porthpentrych, where the river meets the key. I can turn left into the dwarf maze, but I can't unlock the second entrance straight in front of the exit (just to the left of the stream). I appreciate that the answer to this may lie in solving part 1 and/or 2 of this post, but if it doesn't I need help.

Probably later when you have progressed in quest.

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#3 kiwidoc_again

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Posted 25 October 2012 - 12:27 AM

Many thanks for the hint micbaldur :) I thought I'd already gone back to the tanar'ri, but it seemes I loaded the wrong save game, and went back before I went over the teleport traps. I'm having far too many "senior moments2 lately!

Edited by kiwidoc_again, 25 October 2012 - 12:28 AM.

#4 kiwidoc_again

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Posted 25 October 2012 - 04:17 AM

Problem with the final Tanar'ri encounter
I've run into another bug. I've got the key for the tanar'ri, but when I go back to give it to him something really odd happens. I only get the last line of dialogue - the one that goes ... "TSUT!! I care not if you 'recall rightly' ........ the Abuss calls. GO!!!" I get to thank him and that's all. I don't lose the key from my inventory, and the tanar'ri doesn't give me whatever it is the red wizard dropped. However my journal and world map are updated, and I can work out the story from them. Do I need whatever it was he was supposed to give me, or can I carry on regardless?

#5 Yovaneth


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Posted 25 October 2012 - 02:19 PM

Crap. There's complete ballsup in the Tanarr'i's dialog - I added a section to take account of something else happening and dropped the ball. That line about the Red Wizard is a leftover from a quest I didn't finish; it's been completely removed from v2.0.

A wee favour please: can you drop the attached .d file into the \dialog folder in the installer, then reinstall FFT. After that, try talking to the demon again and let me know if the missing dialog problem's fixed? You'll still get the Red Wizard line because that requires the new v2.0 .tra file to remove it.


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#6 kiwidoc_again

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Posted 26 October 2012 - 07:36 PM

Good news. I went back for a quick test and got the whole dialogue, and lost the key as well. I'm in the middle of another quest (trying to do some more outdoor stuff to porgress my Edwin romance) but as soon as I come back to FFT I'll let you know how it goes. btw gloriously intriguing, moody and evocative game so far :)

#7 Yovaneth


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 01:48 AM

Many thanks for the feedback. The dialog fix is now in v2.0.


#8 kiwidoc_again

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Posted 31 October 2012 - 10:32 AM

I've got two more issues.
First: Problem with Garalial/Angarath dialogue - After looting the caravan I went to see Garalial. He wouldn't talk to me other than telling me to talk to Anagarath. My conversation with her seem to start halfway through. Her first line was ....
"So are you willing to do what I asked?"
I got the Orb quest ok, and the key. I can figure out the gist of the missing dialogue from the journal entry. However I'm worried I might run into problems because of this.

Second: Difficulty with the entry to the Dwarven Halls - I insert the key, and get the notice that a flare outlines a door - but I can't find anything other than the fallen rocks. No matter how carefully I search there is no sign of a door, or a cursor entrance icon. When I get my thief to investigate I get the "locked door" icon, and it tells me that I need a special key to unlock it ... just as if I haven't inserted the magic key.

Edited by kiwidoc_again, 31 October 2012 - 11:19 AM.

#9 Yovaneth


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Posted 02 November 2012 - 03:59 AM

Dwarven Halls: it's a pretty straightforward script for the door and I've never heard of it going wrong before. You can reset the door by


We need to get this one sorted because using CLUAConsole to change areas will drop you straight into the middle of serious trouble.

Angharad: You can fix the conversation problem with


The only thing that I can see that may trigger that problem is if you attack Meilir before he has finished talking to you. I think I can fix that one.


#10 kiwidoc_again

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Posted 02 November 2012 - 07:04 AM

Argh ... now my Edwin romance has crashed. I think I will give up on this game. I will definitely try the mod again, but I will avoid ...
1/. Edwin Romance (going to some of the new areas seems to muck this up)
2/. Any NPC who needs you to set their proficiencies with ShadowKeeper.
3/. Installing Aurora after installing FFT

Many thanks for all the help so far, and I'm sorry for being such a pest. I'll be back in a week or two - and hopefully things will run much better.

#11 kiwidoc_again

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Posted 23 November 2012 - 11:00 AM

I'm back again after my short break - but I admit I'm not tracking all that well this week - health issues giving me a serious case of brain fade ;) I'm very early on in a new game, and I haven't been accosted by a complete stranger yet. For the life of me I can't remember where Lief Torman was in my last game. I did a search and found the other thread, but where is the Grey Goose?

Also do you have to start a new game to play the mod? (I didn't spot the new version straight away).

Edited by kiwidoc_again, 23 November 2012 - 11:33 AM.

#12 Yovaneth


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Posted 24 November 2012 - 05:15 AM

The Grey Goose is by the City Gates. No, you don't have to start a new game - I really didn't want people to have to do that.


#13 kiwidoc_again

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Posted 25 November 2012 - 07:30 PM

Aaahhhh now I see why i couldn't find "The Grey Goose" - I know it as "The Crooked Crane"! I've been succesfully accosted,no matter what you call the inn ;)

#14 Yovaneth


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 03:06 AM

Well, that'll teach me to take information without double-checking it!


#15 kiwidoc_again

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Posted 28 November 2012 - 10:01 AM

I've decided to give "The Crooked Crane" aka "The Grey Goose" another name ... "The Bent Budgie" :lol2:

On a slightly more serious note ... I'm playing a new v2 game, and I've only just got to Porthpentyrch, but I've aldready noted a minor issue. When I am travelling to any destination in Athkatla, or to Porthpentyrch the travelling time is always 0. Travelling time between other destinations has been normal.

#16 Yovaneth


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 10:43 AM

Yeah; the travel time bug is a known - and so far unsolvable - problem. It's bugging the hell out of me (sorry...).


#17 kiwidoc_again

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Posted 29 November 2012 - 01:06 PM

I've finally attempted to enter the maze with the dwarves tomb ... (had to get Faren to be a LOT better at lockpicking than his normal starting skills!!) but now I've struck a problem which i think other people have also had. I've unblocked and unlocked the door into the maze, but I can't get my party to go through it. I've varied the parties position, tried going one at a time, left the area and returned, restarted the game, gone back to an earlier save and done the lockpick again ... all to no avail. I've even tried using the CLUA ... but I don't know the area code for the maze :( I've searched the forum for ages and can't find a solution.

I definitely didn't have this problem last time round v1.5 Got nothing on my error log - do you need my Weidu?

Edited by kiwidoc_again, 29 November 2012 - 01:08 PM.

#18 kiwidoc_again

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Posted 29 November 2012 - 01:38 PM

A quick update. I did some hunting through the dq files and I think I found the Area Code - ys0270. I can use the CLUA to move to any of the other areas in Portpentrych, but if I try to go to this are I just get a dull clank as a sound effect and then the games seizes up on the load screen.

My error file now has:

Start Logging Session---------------------
File: CGameArea.cpp
Line: 5198
Exp: creatureData.GetDataSize()
Msg: Creature file not found YSGRMARC
Run Debugger?

#19 Yovaneth


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Posted 30 November 2012 - 03:41 AM

AAAARGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink: :blink: :blink: The little sod escaped AGAIN!!! Drop this into the override folder.

Alternatively, replace your .tp2 file with the one attached and re-run the installer.


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Edited by Yovaneth, 30 November 2012 - 03:41 AM.

#20 kiwidoc_again

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Posted 30 November 2012 - 09:19 AM

I still can't get through that (expletive deleted) door :wall: I first tried dropping the cre file into the overrride. I could use the CLUA to get into the maze, but not the door. I then replaced the .tp2 file and re-installed the mod - no change. Should I completely uninstall the mod and then reinstall?