I'm somewhere in the middle of the game now and I am totally in awe.
I got that issue with a low adrianlikespc variable when his quest started, and have as a result been walking the friendship path unknowingly for a while. It's good to know how much more of his trust I have gained as a romantic interest. Not all mods handle this difference as well as yours. Adrian's complexity never becomes excess, I doubt it ever could with his personality and backstory being this thought-out psychologically, geographically, etc. This is easily the least caricature
NPC, native or modded-in, I personally have encountered (and/or romanced) anywhere, ever. Pure perfection. Thank you!!

It would actually be nice if the list of PID questions (including the 'silly' ones) updated every time I feel like it, but well, can't have it all, sadly.
Also, he got me thinking on some nuances of lawful evil vs. chaotic evil worldview which resulted in an epiphany of sorts.
Once again, for everyone: this is what can probably be (I'm not yet finished with the playthrough,after all) the ultimately outstanding
NPC mod of the millenium for those who love their melodramas handled elegantly and their emotionally traumatized companions behaving believably (and charming on occasion. Heartbreakingly). Can't use words frequently used to describe passable mods to describe this one. Can't recommend it enough. Also, the
NPC portrait of the millenium.