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Platinum Coins for Modder use

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#41 Miloch



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Posted 13 October 2012 - 05:36 PM

I dunno if bronze and silver have no place, but they would seem a bit extraneous for a party of adventurers. However, the average FR peasant would hardly see a gold piece, given that a full set of leather armour tends to sell for about 1gp. In reality, copper and silver would be much more common in the 2nd ed. FR, with the following exchange rates:


1 platinum piece = 1 platinum
= 5 gold
= 10 electrum
= 50 silver
= 500 copper

I'm not saying all that should be implemented in the game engine, since it only really recognises gold as actual currency, but it would be more true to canon. Also, carrying coins should encumber the party as per canon rules. Not saying that should be implemented either, but banks and perhaps even earning interest might make an interesting addition.

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#42 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 13 October 2012 - 11:04 PM

However, the average FR peasant would hardly see a gold piece, given that a full set of leather armour tends to sell for about 1gp. In reality, copper and silver would be much more common in the 2nd ed.

Right and Wenril just gives you 150 gps for killing 20 zombies just cause he can't... and there's plenty of gold all over the place. The armor price and all comes from the game being a stat based game... not an actual replica of a real world kind of world.

but banks and perhaps even earning interest might make an interesting addition.

Yeah, with interest of -1% per day...

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#43 Lollorian


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Posted 14 October 2012 - 06:46 AM

So pretty much anyone has a chance to generate it, but to think a mere gibberling got a hold of the fearsome blade of the notorious Black Dhavrag, scourge of the Sword Coast... :D

Aye a +2 it is :D And Khalid still has it equipped - albeit he prefers the +2 Longsword we got off Greywolf (cause he got a pip in longswords :lol:)

As for on-topicness, I still think platinums are a nice little idea (think beans in the HP series of games :ROFL:)

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#44 Miloch



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Posted 14 October 2012 - 08:02 AM

Right and Wenril just gives you 150 gps for killing 20 zombies just cause he can't... and there's plenty of gold all over the place.

No one said that gold all over the place is realistic, hence why some of the Aurora components let you tweak that. But still, you rarely find more than a few coins and some lower-level gems in BG1 peasant houses. Wenric is an exception, an obviously well-to-do farmer. You don't encounter him until later in the game (until you can get past the bridge into Baldur's Gate), he owns pretty much all the land north of the bridge (has that map to himself) and has a cloak of protection +1 in his house. Could be nobility practically in BG terms.

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#45 Smiling Imp

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Posted 18 October 2012 - 03:18 AM

but banks and perhaps even earning interest might make an interesting addition.

Yeah, with interest of -1% per day...

You could make a tax collector that taxed the party once a week or so, on everything they own, but make what they keep in the bank exempt. :whistling:

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#46 Miloch



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Posted 18 October 2012 - 03:42 AM

You could make a tax collector that taxed the party once a week or so, on everything they own, but make what they keep in the bank exempt.

Would have to carry a serious reputation penalty for whacking him, because that's the first thing I'd do anytime I saw him, even with a good-aligned party.

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"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#47 DavidWallace

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Posted 18 October 2012 - 02:15 PM

You could make a tax collector that taxed the party once a week or so, on everything they own, but make what they keep in the bank exempt. :whistling:

A tax system that came down heavily on people earning a living, but left financial investments untouched? Don't be silly, no-one would accept that any government would let that happen.

#48 Lollorian


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Posted 18 October 2012 - 07:57 PM

Ah I remember the Bank of Cyrodiil and House Tax mods for Oblivion :D I hated the House Tax mod with a vengeance :lol:

How would one go about implementing balance checks and interest calculations using BGII scripts though? :P Storing and retrieving numeric values is something I think the BGII engine cannot do... without ToBEx I mean :D

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#49 Almateria


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Posted 19 October 2012 - 12:45 PM


#50 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 19 October 2012 - 02:11 PM


Yeah, let's add just the 9,999,999 globals to slow down the game just the little bit we need to make it completely unplayable. :twisted:

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#51 Eric P.

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Posted 16 December 2012 - 05:31 PM

I don't see the point. It would be like the tokens from Spellhold - a scavenger hunt for special items to exchange for other items. That's not a money system, and the game's existing gold system works perfectly well.

Not really a scavenger hunt as you can trade gold for platinum at the money lenders, but yeah, it is used for special items. Sure the game's existing gold system works perfectly well, if you enjoy a static computer world with little realism.. A real fantasy world would have copper, silver, bronze coins that would have different names, i.e the Athkatlan Eagle. Anyways, I'm guessing that is a 'no' from you and your mod.

Not bronze, but yes, it would be more "realistic" to see copper and silver, as well as various trade bars and gems used as currency, but electrum and platinum coins are rare. The BG games have an overly simplified monetary system out of convenience. Maybe they should have used a silver standard instead of a gold standard.

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