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Comments on Pillars of Eternity (aka Project Eternity)

super neato

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#21 Almateria


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Posted 13 September 2012 - 11:27 AM

Josh "I wasn't kidding about anime" Sawyer:

Nietzsche is the gateway drug for Michel Foucault. Posted Image

hope u guys liek our discipline & punish rpg ^________________^

edit: prestige class: panopticonjurer

If anybody else said that I would be all like "cool joke", but Obsidian could make it happen.

#22 Almateria


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 09:06 AM


Aaaand it's a kickstarter! I'd be pissed but I just can't stay mad at Obsidian.

e: It's isometric and stuff

Edited by Almateria, 14 September 2012 - 09:07 AM.

#23 theacefes


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 09:23 AM

That means a new RPG system, entirely new art, new characters and animation and whole lot of lore and dialogue.

BGEE, Project Eternity....guys, I think we just became a target audience. :P

Edited by theacefes, 07 April 2015 - 09:24 PM.

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#24 Aeryn



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Posted 14 September 2012 - 09:53 AM

Very interesting. Very ambitious, and risky all around. Since it's Obsidian, I can't bring myself to get excited that it'll end well, but if they pull it off, I'd play it.

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Posted 14 September 2012 - 10:55 AM

Interviews with Feargus and Chris are up on Gamebanshee and Kotaku

I'm tired of designing content and interactions that caters to consoles and console controllers.

F*ck yeah.

Posted Image

#26 Almateria


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 11:25 AM

No one is going to give a company a million dollars to make an isometric game.

I wish that was true but they are at 300k already, which is insane.

I seriously didn't waint it to end like this, I'm super bummed out right now :(

#27 GeN1e


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 11:30 AM

No one is going to give a company a million dollars to make an isometric game.

*cough* Wasteland 2 *cough*

I don't give a damn about graphics, my most favorite games are BG, Might & Magic, Fallout 2, HoMM3 and Diablo 2. I utterly fail to comprehend how some people manage spot a difference between 2004 graphics and 2010 ones - they all look the same to me.

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#28 Aeryn



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Posted 14 September 2012 - 11:58 AM

No one is going to give a company a million dollars to make an isometric game.

I wish that was true but they are at 300k already, which is insane.

Holy hell, it was at 100k just a little over an hour ago. :o

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#29 theacefes


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 12:15 PM

No one is going to give a company a million dollars to make an isometric game.

*cough* Wasteland 2 *cough*

I don't give a damn about graphics, my most favorite games are BG, Might & Magic, Fallout 2, HoMM3 and Diablo 2. I utterly fail to comprehend how some people manage spot a difference between 2004 graphics and 2010 ones - they all look the same to me.

Sorry I should be more specific. I mean big publishers/game corporations with money. Not crowd sourcing. My bad. :)

EA for instance. Or Activision. That sort of thing.

Edited by theacefes, 14 September 2012 - 12:15 PM.

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#30 Almateria


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 12:37 PM

I don't give a damn about graphics, my most favorite games are BG, Might & Magic, Fallout 2, HoMM3 and Diablo 2. I utterly fail to comprehend how some people manage spot a difference between 2004 graphics and 2010 ones - they all look the same to me.

Posted Image
Posted Image

Yeah I agree completely

I mean, none of those is BG, which is literally the best and prettiest game that ever graced our unworthy lives

Edited by Almateria, 14 September 2012 - 12:40 PM.

#31 Daulmakan


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 02:37 PM

F*ck YEAH!
Posted Image

Updated my journ-- I mean, BACKED THIS.

Interviews with Feargus and Chris are up on Gamebanshee and Kotaku

I'm tired of designing content and interactions that caters to consoles and console controllers.

F*ck yeah.

Posted Image

Posted Image

504K and counting, not too shabby. :D

Edited by Daulmakan, 14 September 2012 - 02:39 PM.

item_pack.jpg   Drows.jpg


#32 Western Paladin

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Posted 14 September 2012 - 04:13 PM

Considering that there have been literally three* good western RPGs since the last Infinity Engine games, I'm not surprised this attracted so much attention.

*You know the ones I mean.

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#33 Kaeloree


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 04:27 PM


#34 Shae

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Posted 15 September 2012 - 12:13 AM

Knew they were thinking about a Kickstarter, but I didn't even dare to think that this countdown might be leading to it (my thoughts were worst case: another Dungeon Siege, most likely: Wheel of Time, most wanted but highly unlikely: Kickstarter).

So a new Obsidian isometric fantasy game with Avellone involved in it? There is no way I can resist backing this.

Looks like they've put a bit of work into preparing this too with the map and visual reward tiers etc.
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#35 Almateria


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Posted 15 September 2012 - 02:41 AM

Considering that there have been literally three* good western RPGs since the last Infinity Engine games, I'm not surprised this attracted so much attention.

*You know the ones I mean.

Alpha Protocol, Mass Effect and Oblivion? I like your taste, brotha

#36 Ascension64

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Posted 15 September 2012 - 04:59 AM

Currently $915,985, yikes!

Would you pay $1000+ to design some in-game content? I am somewhat skeptical that being affluent means they also have the ability to design a part of the game that will ship.

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#37 Almateria


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Posted 15 September 2012 - 06:51 AM

I would totally pay 1000$ to do something like that if I had the cash. In fact, if I had enough money to spare, I would make sure every game project got funded, but with some crude goatse humor added

e: But I think people who pledge 10000$ are people like Snoop Dogg or Matthew Perry

Edited by Almateria, 15 September 2012 - 07:04 AM.

#38 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 15 September 2012 - 12:46 PM

26,925 Backers
$1,102,548 pledged of
$1,100,000 goal
31 days to go

Done, and done... :P

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Posted 15 September 2012 - 12:48 PM

Funding successful, in just over one day!

Awesome stuff. If they include some decent stretch goals (i.e. a modding toolkit) they have a good chance of surpassing Wasteland2.

Edited by aVENGER, 15 September 2012 - 12:50 PM.

#40 Archmage Silver

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Posted 15 September 2012 - 01:09 PM

Splendid. Backed it for 160$.

Funding right now: 1,110,595 / 1,100,000

It's there already... excellent. Project Eternity is a go.
