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Comments on Pillars of Eternity (aka Project Eternity)

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#1 Almateria


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Posted 11 September 2012 - 06:34 AM


So Obsidian put up a new teaser announcing a new game with a 4 in it! The name's yet unknown, but there are two possibilities:
- Dungeon Siege 4 (Please no)
- Neverwinter 4. (Counting the MMO, there's been three Neverwinters up to now)

Fallout 4 and The Old Republic 4 aren't a possibility because the teaser doesn't look cool enough.
I really hope it'll be the Ne4winter, because they've been sitting on a 4e license for years, and with all the great potential, produced only Daggerdale. 4e deserves at least one game.

Opinions, thoughts, whatever?

#2 theacefes


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Posted 11 September 2012 - 07:26 AM

I'm waiting on Neverwinter. Until then, I will be playing my classic games like RSCLegacy. Let me know when it is released.

Edited by theacefes, 15 July 2019 - 04:08 PM.

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#3 Rabain



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Posted 11 September 2012 - 09:44 AM

I don't think the number is meaningful for the game being produced. Some other quotes have appeared with different numbers attached.

"What do the words mean?"
"Nothing. The Dirge of Eír Glanfath is sound without form, a lone voice crying out in mourning because it must."

(4 Hidden)
To tenderness, fellowship. To fellowship, vigilance. So bring we all to the Night Market. I am the Spindle of Esenath. Know me by my light and stand with me in darkness.

"The book unread is unwritten. The reason we don't explain it is the reason we use it. Its power is in its mystery. That is the Leaden Key, in part, in whole. Is it clear?"

"Digging for truth buries the seeker."

(3 Hidden)
Two centuries ago, your divine champion told the people of Dyrwood to grovel at his feet. If you've come on pilgrimage to the blasted crater that was our reply, Godhammer Citadel is *that* way.
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#4 Almateria


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Posted 11 September 2012 - 10:36 AM

KOTOR3 then, yesss

Seriously though, I guess it's a countdown then. And if it's a countdown and the numbers are irrelevant, it'll be the Wheel of Time game. :( I want Obsidian to succeed at least once, but their record just doesn't bode well at all.

#5 theacefes


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Posted 11 September 2012 - 11:53 AM

'Almateria' said:

KOTOR3 then, yesss

Seriously though, I guess it's a countdown then. And if it's a countdown and the numbers are irrelevant, it'll be the Wheel of Time game. :( I want Obsidian to succeed at least once, but their record just doesn't bode well at all.

What would be your definition of succeed for them? To many, their success was before they even became Obsidian, or even with the MoTB expansion.

I think that the bar has been significantly raised over the years - for all studios. As CRPG players, I think that we've grown especially picky about what we want in a game. Look at all the criteria. The story has to be good, the graphics need to be up to date, the gameplay should flow and be intuitive, the characters have to have depth, and walls of text games, while nostalgic and awesome, just don't fit in a 'modern' game's requirements to be considered good. That is, no AAA studio will spend millions to produce another text based RPG game and expect success. It's 2012 - not going to happen.

Apologies for that off-topicness. I think I've just been so jaded by Obsidian's definition of "quality" that I'm just skeptical before a game is even announced. :(

Edited by theacefes, 07 April 2015 - 09:30 PM.

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#6 Almateria


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Posted 11 September 2012 - 12:14 PM


What would be your definition of succeed for them? To many, their success was before they even became Obsidian, or even with the MoTB expansion, although I think that it's pretty sad if the only good thing a studio has to offer is an expansion.

Let's keep to Obsidian as Obsidian. I mean that not a single game of theirs except FNV was critically acclaimed, and became a "good concept, horribad execution" instead of a classic it could have been. And with FNV, they've been shafted out of the cash bonus by Bethesda anyway. They just keep on screwing up literally all the chances they get, either by their or publisher's fault (SEGA, Bethesda). I'm skeptic too, but in a mostly positive way though, maybe it's because Alpha Protocol proved that deep inside they can make amazing RPGs.
However, what you said is not exactly true for RPG players. From what I've noticed you are way more detached from real game design are are more acceptive of bad graphics and gameplay design, so that game, no matter how potentially terrible will become a cult classic anyway. Maybe it's because an RPG is a pretty rare thing these days, so you love all the games that even come out. I mean, the BGEE thread is a huge proof of that

#7 theacefes


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Posted 11 September 2012 - 12:29 PM


From what I've noticed you are way more detached from real game design are are more acceptive of bad graphics and gameplay design, so that game, no matter how potentially terrible will become a cult classic anyway.

Are you speaking in generalities or to me specifically? :) If you ask most people here, I'm actually quite unforgiving of bad graphics and gameplay design - there is an entire rant about Dragon Age:Origins from me regarding the crappy graphics and overall dev time (2009 release with 2004 graphics...seriously?). BG/IE games are classics of course, but my favorite franchises are ME and TES so that should give you some idea of the kind of games I like (if you even care ;) ).

More to the point, I had to state the whole MoTB and pre-Obsidian successes to cover my ass. Don't want an angry mob coming after me again. But yeah, FNV had game crashing bugs on the *console* version. That's....really sad. :P

Regardless, I think we're in agreement here that neither of us have faith that whatever this game is will be good.

Edited by theacefes, 11 September 2012 - 12:31 PM.

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#8 Daulmakan


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Posted 11 September 2012 - 02:26 PM

'Almateria', on 11 Sept 2012 - 18:36, said:

And if it's a countdown and the numbers are irrelevant, it'll be the Wheel of Time game.

That would be my guess as well, but it was my idea that they only did consulting work on that one.

It doesn't seem to fit South Park either. :P

KOTOR3 or IWD3 would be awesome, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

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#9 Dakk

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Posted 11 September 2012 - 02:38 PM

'Daulmakan', on 11 Sept 2012 - 22:26, said:

[IWD3] would be awesome, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

I can hear Trent Oster crying already.

#10 Daulmakan


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Posted 11 September 2012 - 02:48 PM

'Dakk', on 11 Sept 2012 - 22:38, said:

'Daulmakan', on 11 Sept 2012 - 22:26, said:

[IWD3] would be awesome, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

I can hear Trent Oster crying already.

I think he already has much bigger things to worry about. :devil:

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#11 Eleima


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Posted 11 September 2012 - 06:50 PM

I've seen various theories all across the internet, ranging from Wheel of Time to Neverwinter Nights. I'm withholding judgement until I have more information, though. I'm not sold on the Neverwinter Nights 4 theory (traditionally, if it doesn't have a number, the MMO in this instance, then it doesn't count in the numbered progression). The quotes don't ring any bells either, so no idea what's going on there.

So chalk me up as "wary" and "curious".

Edited by Eleima, 13 September 2012 - 01:41 AM.

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#12 Almateria


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Posted 11 September 2012 - 10:09 PM

"One little piece of information that was slipped to me -- call it "insider information" if you like, or call it something to take with a grain of salt -- is that whatever this game is, it's likely to be a PC-exclusive title, and something of a "crowd pleaser" for fans of hardcore RPG gaming."

And Experts Say: it's Dragon Age 3. But I kind of doubt that, I mean, EA delayed DA2 just to finish the console ports, I doubt they would make the third game a PC exclusive. But Obsidian DA3 would be certainly a something

Anyway, more wishful speculations: It's a regular fantasy setting, made by Josh 'stoked on anime' Sawyer, for fans of hardcore RPGs...
It's Dark Alliance 3! Yesssss

#13 theacefes


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Posted 11 September 2012 - 10:37 PM

Myst 6 - The Puzzle That Will Make You Throw Yourself Off A Cliff (for real!)

On a serious note:


Check out the site's source code. Could it actually be an original title and not a sequel to anything?


<!--. X . X X . T X -->
<!-- Two centuries ago, your divine champion told the people of Dyrwood to grovel at his feet. If you've come on pilgrimage to the blasted crater that was our reply, Godhammer Citadel is *that* way. -->

I highly doubt it's DA. They've sunk way too much money in that franchise to hand it off to Obsidian.

UPDATE: Oh, also..


It should be noted that, prior to its official reveal, Dungeon Siege III's codename was also Project X.

Source: http://www.oxmonline...“project-x”

Edited by theacefes, 11 September 2012 - 10:59 PM.

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#14 Rabain



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Posted 12 September 2012 - 06:13 AM

I think for Obsidian it would probably be better if it was their own fantasy setting. That way they don't have several million fanboys whipping them all through development from whatever series it might be.
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#15 Tempest


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Posted 12 September 2012 - 07:30 AM

I'm still holding out for an Eberron game.

"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

#16 theacefes


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Posted 12 September 2012 - 09:31 AM

'Rabain', on 12 Sept 2012 - 14:13, said:

I think for Obsidian it would probably be better if it was their own fantasy setting. That way they don't have several million fanboys whipping them all through development from whatever series it might be.

Because they are all still trying to figure out why their games crashed. :P (I'm terrible)

And yes, for the sake of just continuing to be respected as a major studio, I think that it would be in their best interest to release an original title.
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#17 Almateria


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Posted 12 September 2012 - 09:46 AM

They've only done it once and it bombed horribly, due to it being An Obsidian Game. I don't think that's possible :/

Anyway, Josh tweeted this:
Posted Image

Fencing Simulator 2013? There wasn't a good fencing game in... ever, actually, so Obsidian might be breaking into new territory.
Also the letters form "PORNO HERE" Posted Image

#18 Choo Choo

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Posted 12 September 2012 - 11:22 AM

There's one E too many. ^^

I'm kind of hoping it's an original title, actually.

theacefes: You have to be realistic as well, you can't just be Swedish!

#19 Almateria


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Posted 12 September 2012 - 12:04 PM

e-Porno? It's the internet after all.

e: Maybe those are last words in words?


Also for some reason they have a Kickstarter profile. Come on Obsidian, don't degrade yourself! Kickstarter's for scrubs

Edited by Almateria, 12 September 2012 - 12:37 PM.

#20 -Theacefes-

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Posted 12 September 2012 - 01:04 PM

You need a kick starter account if you want people to see if you've backed projects I believe. It's possible that the studio plans on backing other projects.