Now I found some labyrinth where I only can go one at the time so now I will save and play more tomorrow..

Ztartrax's BWP issues
Posted 27 February 2013 - 03:48 PM
Posted 27 February 2013 - 03:56 PM
Kicked Auren Auseph and let Rynn join me so now going to find her contact and then kill of some Yuan-Ti´s.
Is there any more quests in Hllondet that I can do so I dont have to go the whole way back here again later on?
No and no need to go back, after that Rynn's quest Hlondeth goes to civil war.
Well except personal item from Thron Sturman at Western Hlondeth.
I also hope to trigger Ariena´s quest soon.
It takes few days before you encounter Bounty Hunter. Has she talk to you?
So you can recomend me to play Selence´s quest?
It's good fun, like Gromnir Il-Khan says.
CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here
Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible
Posted 27 February 2013 - 04:01 PM
Ztartrax, on 27 Feb 2013 - 23:48, said:
Now I found some labyrinth where I only can go one at the time so now I will save and play more tomorrow..
You could go upstairs first and finish Rynn's quest. Or go to downstairs to labyrinth. Good luck with maze.
By the way Rynn leaves the party after you finish her quest at upstairs.
CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here
Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible
Posted 28 February 2013 - 01:47 AM
Im downstairs, just killed a Dracolich and the only way seems to go back out into the maze.
Did only find the door to this Dracolich from the maze where I only could be one person at the time. Do I have to go all the way back to go upstairs to finish Rynn´s quest?
Posted 28 February 2013 - 02:18 PM
Now I cleared the house and Rynn has left me, went back to Athkatla and met the Bounty Hunter chasing Ariena, killed him and his friends.
Does Ariena have anything more in her quest?
Posted 28 February 2013 - 03:24 PM
Now I cleared the house and Rynn has left me, went back to Athkatla and met the Bounty Hunter chasing Ariena, killed him and his friends.Yes.
Does Ariena have anything more in her quest?
CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here
Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible
Posted 01 March 2013 - 02:15 PM
When I go to Pip and asks if he can enchant some gems for me and I show him the gems he tells me what he can do, I ask about the outcome and he tells me and I just "that doesnt sounds good".
How do I get him to enchant some gems?
Posted 01 March 2013 - 02:30 PM
Ztartrax, on 01 Mar 2013 - 22:15, said:
When I go to Pip and asks if he can enchant some gems for me and I show him the gems he tells me what he can do, I ask about the outcome and he tells me and I just "that doesnt sounds good".
How do I get him to enchant some gems?
If you want to Pip enhance gems you need various items (ordinary items not MAGIC ones like +1 items) in your inventory.
For example "Helmet of the Star +2" needs "Yellow Star", ordinary helmet (HELM01) and 3,000 Gold.
CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here
Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible
Posted 02 March 2013 - 03:00 PM
Then Pip can suck my ...... I dont use ordinary items!!
Posted 02 March 2013 - 03:25 PM
Ztartrax, on 02 Mar 2013 - 23:00, said:
Then Pip can suck my ...... I dont use ordinary items!!
Well he enhances ordinary items into decent unique items and some of those are great.
At least do enhancement with "Rock of Glowing Star". Or you lose great quest "The Quest for the Eye of a God".
Warning though. You can't do Brundor's item enhancements after Pip leaves from Smithy. You CTD if you try to enter Brundor's Smithy.
CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here
Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible
Posted 03 March 2013 - 10:49 AM
What does CTD mean?
Brundor has only enchanted one item for me so far...:/
How do I get the "Rock of Glowing Star" then so I can start "The Quest for the Eye of a God"?
Posted 03 March 2013 - 11:39 AM
What does CTD mean?After you let enhance Pip "Rock of the Glowing Star" he leaves Brundor's Smithy and goes outside to Arlax.
If you try to enter Brundor's Smithy after that game CTD.
Brundor has only enchanted one item for me so far...:/So enhance Brundor's item's before you let Pip leave. There are couple of items you can't get done because you get "parts" for them after Pip leaves.
How do I get the "Rock of Glowing Star" then so I can start "The Quest for the Eye of a God"?One "Rock of the Glowing Star" was at Dragon Sanctuary at Bremen and other one was at Grolim at Mysterious Cave when you rescued Catti-Brie.
Edited by micbaldur, 03 March 2013 - 11:39 AM.
CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here
Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible
Posted 03 March 2013 - 12:00 PM
After the brake in to Ribalds store and meeting with Selence (when she gives me the key) she walks away. Where can I find her now if I want her to join me?
Posted 03 March 2013 - 12:12 PM
After the brake in to Ribalds store and meeting with Selence (when she gives me the key) she walks away. Where can I find her now if I want her to join me?After you get the Key talk to her again and she says to talk to again after 3 days. After 3 days talk to her and she joins. She stays at Sea's Bounty Inn at Docks.
CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here
Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible
Posted 03 March 2013 - 12:21 PM
Whats wrong with the smith in the Docks??
I gave him "Mace of Disruption" to forge it but he never gave it back to me..
Posted 03 March 2013 - 12:22 PM
micbaldur, on 03 Mar 2013 - 19:39, said:
What does CTD mean?After you let enhance Pip "Rock of the Glowing Star" he leaves Brundor's Smithy and goes outside to Arlax.
If you try to enter Brundor's Smithy after that game CTD.Quote
Brundor has only enchanted one item for me so far...:/So enhance Brundor's item's before you let Pip leave. There are couple of items you can't get done because you get "parts" for them after Pip leaves.Quote
How do I get the "Rock of Glowing Star" then so I can start "The Quest for the Eye of a God"?One "Rock of the Glowing Star" was at Dragon Sanctuary at Bremen and other one was at Grolim at Mysterious Cave when you rescued Catti-Brie.
Still doesnt know what CTD mean..
Posted 03 March 2013 - 12:39 PM
I have the "Rock of the gloving stars" but my charname didnt mention it to Pip when I was there...
I cant change weapons for Selence, "magical weapons are in use"....have you experienced that?
Im also looking for "Grudin", met a travellergroup in Copper Coronet and they want me to find him.
Posted 03 March 2013 - 12:45 PM
Still doesnt know what CTD mean..
Oh... sorry Really...
... you don't know what CTD mean. Lucky you.
Well CTD is Crash To Desktop, you can check it here.
CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here
Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible
Posted 03 March 2013 - 12:51 PM
How do I kill "Undestroyed Banelich"?
Think I must have hit him back to the stoneage soon...
Posted 03 March 2013 - 12:51 PM
I almost never have any "crash to desktop" so now I didnt know that..