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Ztartrax's BWP issues

Which quest is this? How do I kill him?

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#421 micbaldur


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 01:57 PM

Found the problem, I had to change my GLOBAL to 11 on .... .... DEAD YUANTI


Now I have spoken to Rynn and she has send me to pick up the chest for  her.

That work too but right way was killing (respawning) Yuan-Tis at Storage House  (AR3641) in Eastern Hlondeth.

Edited by micbaldur, 27 February 2013 - 02:02 PM.

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#422 micbaldur


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 02:01 PM

I opened the chest and found a "potion of XXX giant strenght"....


There is a locked wall and also the table in front of the man shows to be something when I use TAB but I cant go there and open anything.

Did you noticed those yellow stars at floor in Temple of Mystra. Maybe you should try "using" those.

Edited by micbaldur, 27 February 2013 - 02:01 PM.

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#423 Ztartrax

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 02:11 PM

I also spoke to the man in the same house as Rynn and he send me to the bridge to kill zombies, I have killed all of the zombies and skeletons but the soldiers pulled back to the middle of the bridge, my main character followed them and now I cant move him, he just joins them again in the middle of the bridge...:(

#424 Ztartrax

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 02:12 PM

Where does the key go that I got from Selence?



You don't need that at all. The key is for chest at Copper Coronet but you have opened that chest earlier if you have those Umar Hills letters (needed for Soubar cutscene at Umar Hills).

Aha, so now I dont have any more quests for Selence?


I have those letters and have got River Chiontar on my map but right now Im in Hllondet and next big quest is "FfT"..

#425 Ztartrax

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 02:13 PM

I opened the chest and found a "potion of XXX giant strenght"....


There is a locked wall and also the table in front of the man shows to be something when I use TAB but I cant go there and open anything.

Did you noticed those yellow stars at floor in Temple of Mystra. Maybe you should try "using" those.

Yes and the stars opens the "Altar" but the wall is still closed, it says "you need some sort of key" (or something like that).

#426 micbaldur


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 02:18 PM

Yes and the stars opens the "Altar" but the wall is still closed, it says "you need some sort of key" (or something like that).

Oh  :o  you didn't kill those 2 Priest of Mystras at Temple of Mystra. Kill them :devil:  and one of those have Stone Key you need. :P

Edited by micbaldur, 27 February 2013 - 02:31 PM.

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#427 micbaldur


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 02:19 PM

I also spoke to the man in the same house as Rynn and he send me to the bridge to kill zombies, I have killed all of the zombies and skeletons but the soldiers pulled back to the middle of the bridge, my main character followed them and now I cant move him, he just joins them again in the middle of the bridge... :(

That's long and bloody fight. You retreat 2 times. You should gain control of your CHARNAME. Don't try go back up where you retreat.


Try keeping those Hlondeth Officers alive, well at least maybe one.

Edited by micbaldur, 27 February 2013 - 02:29 PM.

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#428 micbaldur


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 02:24 PM

Aha, so now I dont have any more quests for Selence?
I have those letters and have got River Chiontar on my map but right now Im in Hllondet and next big quest is "FfT"..

That's good that have gotten River Chionthar to your worldmap. :lol:

But it's NOT over for Selence. :o  She has big quest and Stronghold at Graveyard. So talk to her again she says to come back after 3 days. Then talk to her again and she joins and starts her quest later.

It's great quest you'll see it later. :P

Edited by micbaldur, 27 February 2013 - 02:27 PM.

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#429 Ztartrax

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 02:29 PM

Yes and the stars opens the "Altar" but the wall is still closed, it says "you need some sort of key" (or something like that).
Did you kill those 2 Priest of Mystras at Temple of Mystra. One of those have Stone Key you need.

No they didnt pick a fight so I didnt see any reason to kill them.


But good to know, will go back and kill them after I have finished off the zombies, did that over again to see what I have missed, this time i pulled back with the soldiers.

#430 Ztartrax

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 02:31 PM

I also spoke to the man in the same house as Rynn and he send me to the bridge to kill zombies, I have killed all of the zombies and skeletons but the soldiers pulled back to the middle of the bridge, my main character followed them and now I cant move him, he just joins them again in the middle of the bridge... :(

That's long and bloody fight. You retreat 2 times. You should gain control of your CHARNAME. Don't try go back up where you retreat.


Try keeping those Hlondeth Officers alive, well at least maybe one.

Okey, then I have to take it easy, my first try I killed all of the zombies when the soldiers pulled back..:P

#431 micbaldur


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 02:39 PM

No they didnt pick a fight so I didnt see any reason to kill them.

That's NOT excuse that they don't attack you. Always better to kill than not to kill. :devil:
What kind of a Child of Bhaal are you, pacifist maybe. :P
Remember you are maybe becoming Lord of Murder so MURDER DEATH KILL always. :P Unless there too big reputation drop but it's always worth to try MURDER DEATH KILL. :D

Edited by micbaldur, 27 February 2013 - 02:42 PM.

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#432 Ztartrax

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 02:53 PM

I have killed the zombies and reported back, found the "Serpent chest" and are going to see Rynn now, only one small problem.


Some of the Yuan-Ti´s doesnt fight back...:(

#433 Ztartrax

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 02:54 PM

No they didnt pick a fight so I didnt see any reason to kill them.

That's NOT excuse that they don't attack you. Always better to kill than not to kill. :devil:
What kind of a Child of Bhaal are you, pacifist maybe. :P
Remember you are maybe becoming Lord of Murder so MURDER DEATH KILL always. :P Unless there too big reputation drop but it's always worth to try MURDER DEATH KILL. :D

I dont know if there is any reputation drop before I do the killing....:P

#434 micbaldur


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 03:01 PM

I have killed the zombies and reported back, found the "Serpent chest" and are going to see Rynn now, only one small problem.


Some of the Yuan-Ti´s doesnt fight back... :(

I have encountered also some enemies not fighting back (i don't remember those Yuan-Ti's though). It's probably some kind of AI problem or something like that. :blink:

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#435 Ztartrax

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 03:02 PM

How long do I have to wait untill Rynn´s contact contacts me?


Does Valiant have any more quests? He says: Talk to you later.



#436 Ztartrax

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 03:03 PM

I have killed the zombies and reported back, found the "Serpent chest" and are going to see Rynn now, only one small problem.


Some of the Yuan-Ti´s doesnt fight back... :(

I have encountered also some enemies not fighting back (i don't remember those Yuan-Ti's though). It's probably some kind of AI problem or something like that. :blink:

When I played in 2008 the enemies in "Academy of Kuldin" didnt fight back....booring ass hell...:/

#437 micbaldur


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 03:03 PM

I dont know if there is any reputation drop before I do the killing.... :P

Well you are Demi-God with powers like RELOAD. Always worth to try MURDER DEATH KILL (maybe bodies have nice items). :P

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#438 micbaldur


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 03:09 PM

How long do I have to wait untill Rynn´s contact contacts me?

That's extremely annoying thing to find contact Gonthir Astinar from random place. It didn't take long for me though.


Does Valiant have any more quests? He says: Talk to you later.

Only one item enhancement.

Edited by micbaldur, 27 February 2013 - 03:09 PM.

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


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#439 Ztartrax

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 03:11 PM

Kicked Auren Auseph and let Rynn join me so now going to find her contact and then kill of some Yuan-Ti´s.


Is there any more quests in Hllondet that I can do so I dont have to go the whole way back here again later on?


I also hope to trigger Ariena´s quest soon.


So you can recomend me to play Selence´s quest?



#440 Ztartrax

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 03:21 PM

How long do I have to wait untill Rynn´s contact contacts me?

That's extremely annoying thing to find contact Gonthir Astinar from random place. It didn't take long for me though.

Him I found outside the place where Rynn was, the one Im looking for is the other one with the key so I can get into the house with Yuan-Ti´s.

Does Valiant have any more quests? He says: Talk to you later.

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