General Discussion Thread
Posted 09 September 2012 - 01:11 PM
"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Posted 09 September 2012 - 02:19 PM
Is the release planned any time soon?

Edited by Beleg33, 09 September 2012 - 02:23 PM.
you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc
Posted 09 September 2012 - 02:31 PM

"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Posted 10 September 2012 - 12:33 AM

Baldur's Gate 1 NPCs in SoA & ToB
Smiling Imp Cross Banter Mod
ZELINK (Zelda x Link) mod for Baldur's Gate 2 SOA
Posted 10 September 2012 - 05:00 AM
"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Posted 10 September 2012 - 10:11 AM

Splendid with a NPC for Bg1 tutu. I love that!
Posted 10 September 2012 - 11:05 AM

And I suppose no harm in clarifying: a female gnome or halfling, or a male of any race will get flatly shot down if you attempt to flirt with Valerie at any of the points that it's possible to do so in the friendship arc. Female humans, elves, half-elves, half-orcs, and dwarves will meet with somewhat greater interest, but Valerie is not ready or looking for a romantic relationship at this time.
"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Posted 11 September 2012 - 02:32 AM
Posted 11 September 2012 - 05:13 AM
As it is, for a female PC who meets her race requirement (Valerie does not find gnomes or halflings attractive), the friendship in BG1 may or may not be tinged with attraction and flirtation depending on the dialogue choices you make. She doesn't make a secret of finding the female human/elf/half-elf/half-orc/dwarf PC attractive, but she's not looking or ready for a relationship at this time.
"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Posted 29 September 2012 - 12:02 PM

Posted 29 September 2012 - 07:04 PM
Otherwise, Valerie as planned for BG2 won't require you to have befriended her in BG1. As tentatively planned, when you meet Valerie surveying the damage to Waukeen's Promenade you'll have a few different ways to address her - as a friend (in which case her dialogue will assume that she was with you throughout BG1), as a stranger, or if you meet all of her romance requirements save maybe reputation, as a certain someone she shared a kiss with on the Sword Coast. The friend and kiss options will start her romance proper earlier than usual (I'll explain more when I start seriously working on her BG2 material), but otherwise you won't really miss out on anything of note about her.
Save maybe the fact that, as her banters with Yeslick reveal, Valerie reads dwarven poetry. Dwarven love poetry.
Edited by Tempest, 29 September 2012 - 07:08 PM.
"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Posted 27 October 2012 - 12:39 PM
Can't wait

Posted 27 October 2012 - 01:17 PM

But be warned. Valerie has no sympathy or goodwill for those who have been murdering her friends and colleagues. Not even an old friend...
"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Posted 28 October 2012 - 02:07 PM
I'll replay BG1 just for her

And I am mighty curious about how she will handle the whole "Cowled-Wizards-aren't-the-good-guys" here things...
Posted 28 October 2012 - 03:18 PM
As Valerie will present and explain the situation, circumstances bring the player character into conflict with the Cowled Wizards and do not endear the Cowled Wizards to the player character, but there's no malice on their part. They're doing their job and enforcing Amn's very strict laws against unregulated use of magic. Now, you're free to argue that those laws are unjust (and indeed you can do so in her friendship), but Valerie disagrees. She agrees with the Amnish view of magic: it's dangerous, volatile, and is often used to kill an awful lot of people. The Amnish army tries not to let people in the streets have siege weapons, and the Cowled Wizards take the same view of magic.
"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Posted 28 October 2012 - 09:37 PM
She agrees with the Amnish view of magic: it's dangerous, volatile, and is often used to kill an awful lot of people.
I've actually been wondering this for a bit... what with her views on magic, how does she manage to actually get along with Edwin? Is it naïvété and she just thinks the Red Wizards are ultimately self policing?
Posted 28 October 2012 - 11:23 PM
Also, their behavior towards Valygar.is borderline (but less definitively evil than Spellhold by a long shot)
I agree that the Cowled Wizards have two "face". Valerie is used to seen the good one, while the NPC is more used to the evil one. I am curious at her reaction to the "evil one"^^
A lot like Jaheira and the Harpers in the course of BG2 after all. The Harpers are a major force of good in the Realms, but that doesn't make them perfect or without a quite darker side, which Jaheira find out in the course of BG2.
Can't wait^^ HUZZAH!^^
Posted 29 October 2012 - 05:22 AM
I've actually been wondering this for a bit... what with her views on magic, how does she manage to actually get along with Edwin? Is it naïvété and she just thinks the Red Wizards are ultimately self policing?
Mainly? Edwin basically never does anything actually evil in the party's presence, and Valerie won't go "You're obviously evil. Die, evil-doer!" More to the point, Edwin and Valerie genuinely like each other (in a non-romantic sense - well, Edwin would probably sleep with her in a heartbeat) despite how much they may seem not to. They're both smart, intellectual, formally trained mages who love the complexities and theories underlying magic. All it takes is a little insincere flattery to make Edwin purr.
"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Posted 29 October 2012 - 01:07 PM
Posted 29 October 2012 - 01:17 PM
Using magic to hurt and kill people with undeniably evil intent is Valerie's big red button, and it will come up more than once in BG2, but Edwin strikes Valerie as pretty harmless, all told. Egomaniacal, but harmless - in Valerie's eyes, Edwin is too self-absorbed to actually be a danger to anyone except on accident.
"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri