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First Baldurization Attempt: WIP

baldurize baldurs gate portrait charname

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#1 Scars Unseen

Scars Unseen
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Posted 07 September 2012 - 06:39 AM

So I decided to make an attempt at making a portrait for a half elf kensai to use for BGEE. I've been loosely following enkida's tutorial on deviantart, but also experimenting. I've still got some work to go, but I figured I'd see what you think of my progress so far.




Edited by Scars Unseen, 07 September 2012 - 06:42 AM.

#2 Lava Del'Vortel

Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 07 September 2012 - 07:37 AM

I think you're going in the right direction but let me post some notes:

-The shade of his face and hist chest is different. Chest seems to be more red. Also it need some smoothening, because there are some strange white spots. I suppose it was suppose to give glow effect. I would advice to smudge it (but watch out! there are some lines on the chest that you need to stress with brown colour)

-I think you used to much smudge on it. With the make-up and so smooth skin, it looks a bit weird - especially when we can see those spots on the chest that were not smudged. To fix the face, use brush along with dark brown colour (even use some different shades and different levels of the opacity). Then, pain some of face lines.

-You need to work on his hair. It can't be whole black. You need to use different shades of gray and dark brown. I'm not really skilled when it comes to painting hair, so... huh, I would advice to experiment a bit. Same goes with the facial hair, but it's much better than his hair.

-Background is too blury. Look for the background among sky stock photos or just use google. No one is going to blame you for stealing the sky :P

-Some edges are too sharp. Use smudge tool to fix it.

-Add some details. Maybe some tattoos, scars, a necklace, earings, blade of his sword...

-you seem to be on the right direction! Keep trying and remember that making portraits isn't easy. Everyone has some problems when making those.

It's not like I'm any kind of guru. You may want to look at MiLeah's work, study Enkida's portraits...

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: baldurize, baldurs gate, portrait, charname