BGI MONSTER LONG : 16 Directions unmirrored (10 + 6E)
Definition given by IESPD and/or Infinity Animations :
G1 G1E // 16 Seq.
G2 G2E // 80 Seq.
G3 G3E // 48 Seq.
But it seems that they use not 16, but only 8 directions, each one doubled. But as the only ones I was able to study were splitted, it is very difficult to understand them.
As far as I can see, there are only 4 unsplitted animations :
Ankheg (MAKHxxx + MAKHDxxx) : special.
G1 G1E // 32 seq.
G2 G2E // 24 seq.
G3 G3E // 16 seq.
Carrion Crawler (MCARxxx) and Small Wyvern (MWYVxxx)
G1 G1E // 16 seq.
G2 G2E // 80 seq.
G3 G3E // 48 Seq.
G1 : Walk
G2 :
Seq. 0-9 : SD ?
Seq. 16-25 : ??
Seq. 32-41 : ??
Seq. 48-57 : Sleep and Die
Seq. 64-73 : Dead
G3 : Attacks ?
Seq. 0-9 : ??
Seq. 16-25 : ??
Seq. 32-41 : ??
Ogre (MOGRxxx)
G1 G1E // 24 seq.
G2 G2E // 16 seq.
G3 G3E // 32 seq
G1 :
Seq. 0-7 : SD ?
Seq. 8-15 : SD or SC?
Seq. 16-23 : walk
G2 :
Seq. 0-7 : Attack
Seq. 8-15 : Attack 2
G3 :
Seq. 0-7 : SC ou SP ?
Seq. 8-15 : GH
Seq. 16-23 : Sleep and Die
Seq. 24-31 : Dead
What a f.... mess ! (in French : "Quel foutu bordel !"). Why those three bam files have not the same number of sequences ?
BGI SIMPLE MONSTER : 8 Directions unmirrored (5 + 3E)
Definition given by IESPD and/or Infinity Animations :
G1 G1E // 48 Seq.
G2 G2E // 24 Seq.
Same as the caster animations, but has extra attack animations instead of casting ones.
As far as I can see :
G1 :
Seq. 0-4 : Walk.
Seq. 8-12 : SD or SC ??
Seq. 16-20 : SC ?
Seq. 24-28 : GH ?
Seq. 32-36 : SL and Die.
Seq. 40-44 : Dead.
G2 :
Seq. 0-4 : Attack 1
Seq. 8-12 : Attack 2
Seq. 16-20 : ??
It is the same as the BGI MONSTER LONG format : some G2 bams have only 16 sequences...
Can anybody give me the exact definition of the sequences of those two formats ?
In fact, I want to convert either creatures who just fight and creatures who fight and cast spells.
Edited by Gwendolyne, 26 August 2012 - 07:55 AM.