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#101 non servian

non servian
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Posted 11 April 2015 - 11:54 AM

Hello! I seem to have a problem. instead of displaying Adrian's name in dailog window it says "it feels much better now, I am glad you listened"

#102 Rhaella

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Posted 11 April 2015 - 12:30 PM

Did you uninstall something and continue from an old save? That tends to lead to problems like this.


If you press and hold K, it should go away, though you may need to save and reload for it to take effect. There may be other problems in the installation now, though, so you might need to start a new game at some point.

#103 non servian

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Posted 11 April 2015 - 12:44 PM

Yes, I did continue from an old save, which has been made before updating to mod's new version. Thank you for your reply!

#104 Miss Sakaki

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Posted 11 April 2015 - 11:50 PM

Just spotted a minor dialogue loop in Adrian's "I'd be lost in this country if I didn't know how to play the black market" talk - the response "Taken a lover, you mean?" leads back to the previous phrase.

#105 -Thiago-

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Posted 26 February 2017 - 05:27 PM



when Tanya apeared at the first time, I killed her...................then Adrian left the party..................................somedays passed then Adrian apeared walking on the direcction of my character as if he wanted to start a dialogue, but...............he stood still..............i tried to initiate a dialogue but he say his ordinary script at the bottom of the dialog bar..............not interacting with my character.


I tried to put him on the party with ztrl+u(hold)+i  and when he join the party the last interacion dialogue that he said to leave the party appeared again, then he left the party.


I think this is an impossible glitch to solve..............how can i restart all the quest of Adrian to Tanya apear again and I just pay her......


Thank you for the attention.

#106 Rhaella

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Posted 26 February 2017 - 06:03 PM





...should do the trick. If it doesn't, let me know!

#107 -quetox-

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Posted 10 April 2017 - 05:59 PM

hey hey,


i had to kick adrian out of the party and i can't find him anymore. he said he'd be in waukeen's promenade. is there an exact location? or a spawn code?

thanks for the mod, i really enjoy this npc. about my 100th playthrough and enjoying the hell out of him

#108 jastey

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Posted 09 April 2018 - 10:28 AM

Not a bug, but would it be possible to release a version with traify-ed crossmod? - Would be safer for the EE-version anyhow, just in case there is a symbol inside the texts. I'm asking because the German translation is being worked on.

#109 Rhaella

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Posted 09 April 2018 - 01:11 PM

No problem at all! I'll wait a bit to make sure there's nothing else I need to fix, but I just traified everything for the next version. Here's the crossmod.tra file if you guys want it.

Attached Files

#110 jastey

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Posted 09 April 2018 - 10:51 PM

Cool, thank you! I'll link it to the translator.

#111 Justine

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Posted 24 June 2018 - 11:36 AM

Hello, I am new on this forum and firstly I wanted to say that Adrian was first romance mod that I truly played (romance not friendship path) and this playground was by far my most enjoyable one. It is truly a masterpiece, not breaking immersion at all, since he just fits in this story. I was truly charmed by your work. It even managed to move me to tears at some point.


Ok, so, starting on my problem, I am rather new to mods, at the beginning I only used 1 or 2 at most, but this time I installed more of them thinking about the future runs (I used Big World Setup and in hindsight I suppose that I should have been more careful). Anyway, I managed to defeat Irenicus without any game breaking bugs (when I had to revive Adrian I couldn't start conversation with him, but after reloading script worked at last) and start Throne of Bhaal. Everything worked fine until meeting Gorion's Wraith. There conversation goes as always, wraith attack verbally my PC, Sarevok, Imoen and then Adrian. Game spawns Saalyn, who immediately tells "Uhnn... What... what in the bloody hells...? Brother...?" and then stops. During next several seconds nothing happens and then Adrian starts conv with me "He was right you know...". After it everything stays as it was and clicking on Gorion only spawns more Saalyns with their initial convo. I have already tried reloading several times and checking if I don't have any other romance, and I think it's not the case. I am using version 4.2.


I could send my weidu, but it's mostly in polish, I have installed polish localisation, Ajantis mod (I only saved him, he was in my party for about 5 seconds), Xan mod (again, in party for several minutes), Banter Pack mod, Viconia Friendship mod, Haer'dalis romance mod (he wasn't in my party at all), unfinished business mod (not all components, since I use Enhanced Edition) Sarevok romance mod (I didn't initiate romance talks at all) and Imoen romance mod (I am mostly concerned about this one, but I didn't initiate romance with Imoen, only friendship, after checking correct variable, I noticed that Imoen romance active is 4, so no romance.


Ok, sorry for such a big block of text, english isn't my first language, and I was afraid that you won't understand me otherwise. I hope that you will be able to make sth out of my rambling :)

#112 Rhaella

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Posted 24 June 2018 - 11:48 AM

The problem here is actually the Haer'dalis romance--you're getting the wraith sequence for the wrong character (even though he's not in the party). If you manually disactivate the Haer'dalis romance, you shouldn't run into problems, though there's the possibility that the Sarevok romance has a similar coding issue. 




...should solve the problem.

#113 Justine

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Posted 24 June 2018 - 01:41 PM

Worked like a charm, thanks for your help and such a quick reply :)

#114 Fenyald

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Posted 29 June 2018 - 11:05 AM

Hello, I would like before all to thank you for having developed the first npc-mod I will use. That is as soon as I finish to set everything up. I have trouble with the soundset installation.


I installed the mod in a batch using the Big World Project, that didn't let me choose all the setting's details. The installation is on the whole functional except some minor unwished things until now. Among them is the language setting and the soundset of the Adrian mod, which are english and absent, when I would prefer french and the phaelin soundset on.


I suppose that BWP disabled the unadapted components, but I wonder if there is a way to disregard that. So I try a soundset setup using The Imp instruction there (a few topics down from here), only for some error to appear as seen in this file:



[E:\Jeux\Black Isle\BGII - SoA - mod1\setup-Adrian_Soundset.exe] WeiDU version 24300
In state 87, I expected one of these tokens:
  [118] AND_EQUALS
  [259] OR_EQUALS
  [408] EQUALS
Parse error (state 87) at SAY

Near Text: SAY
        GLR parse error

[SETUP-ADRIAN_SOUNDSET.TP2]  ERROR at line 58 column 1-5
Near Text: SAY
ERROR: parsing [SETUP-ADRIAN_SOUNDSET.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error
ERROR: problem parsing TP file [SETUP-ADRIAN_SOUNDSET.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error

FATAL ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error

Press ENTER to exit.



Would it be possible to tell me if it can be sorted out? I hope I provided the needed informations for my request to be understandable.


Thanks in advance for any time given to this problem.

Edited by Fenyald, 29 June 2018 - 11:19 AM.

#115 Rhaella

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Posted 29 June 2018 - 03:10 PM

The voiceset issue shouldn't be any problem at all, since it's included as an optional installation. If you just run setup-adrian and select "no change" to the option to install, the next prompt will give you the option of installing the soundset manually.


I do not know anything about BWP, however, so if you can't install it in French, I'm not sure how to fix that. The only solution I can think of is to just manually replace the English files with French ones prior to installing, but since this will involve a reinstall anyway, it might just be easier to install him separately.

#116 Rhaella

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Posted 13 July 2018 - 05:10 PM

Hi Rhaella, I see that you are using RAR5 archive, could you please repack you mods as normal zip files because those can be opened without installing additional extracting software?


Done and done! Though I think this was the only one that was still using a rar file.

#117 Fenyald

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Posted 18 March 2020 - 02:23 PM

Good day!


I want to thank you for your help, despite the time gap. Yeah, simply re-executing the setup gave the option to change to french, even after BWP.


For anyone who might use the information, I think the installation log could be interesting. As far as I observed, there is no incompatibility between those mods and Adrian (2018):





I admit to not having finished this game, but I went a fair way into everything and the romance was established with Adrian. I have had great moments with him, despite a couple unfortunate timings. An example:


Minsc, a faithful associate who settled as he does in the middle of wilderness, asked us (Charname, Jaheira, Adrian and Imoen) to meet him in the dilapidated ruins we conquered some months ago.


So arriving from Athkatla by a sunny midday, we began to walk the length of the still imposing colonnade of the choir, idly enjoying the rays of sunlight filtering between the pilasters. All at once, charname was taken with a sudden thought and immediately asked Jaheira without prelude "Did we leave the shadow stone in Athkatla?" But it was too late, as a dreadful and distant voice was heard:


-Are you blind? Mad? I will gut you and feast on your twitching entrails!


Our heroes were decidedly too relaxed by the peaceful setting, for only charname and Jaheira had begun to acknowledge the incoming threat, and Adrian, still looking the other way, was centered on other feelings:


-Fenyald, about what we said last night...





A great moment  :D


Joke aside, I liked the diverse interactions and their atmosphere, simple everyday stuffs or more complexe situations. It really gave me occasions to role play with varying prompts. It's never heavy-handed or omnipresent, but decently plentiful.


I have opted for the phaelin soundset after spending some time listening to both, as the're both good and consistant.

Having used the the phaelin one in-game, I found it blended well even with the french voices. Its tone didn't clash at all and I didn't need a time to adapt to hear both french and english. The soothing/slippery pitch gives a strong identity to the voice, without I suppose having pronounced distinctive english inflexions. I sincerely enjoyed to hear it accompanying the dialogues, as well as the music theme.


For some context, this game was centered around Fenyald, a magic user, lawful evil, necromancer if I remember correctly, who sacrificed to a number of gods, the ones with an emphasis on the lawful or of course magic part, but with a philosophical devotion to Gargauth; in the aspiration to use its teachings to manipulate efficiently the many powers charname interacts with, and with the ambition to not fall pray herself to the inevitable betrayals, to convince herself she'll keep control of the situation and manage to disengage from her doom.


I still don't know if this could have come to fruition, maybe, or maybe she was deluding herself.

As for her relationship with Adrian, it was as heartfelt as it could be with this way of thinking. Very weak, or surprisingly strong, since one gives all that it's ready to engage and only as much. She was sincere in her feelings, but it'ld be unrealistic to pretend knowing every future circumstances and swear unconditional fidelity to a beloved.

Lawful evil who value loyalty and acts faithfully mixed with no reluctance toward undistinctive treason, violence or egoism.


(Sidenote: I find interesting that the french translation of the alignement "lawful" carries different undertones -for me at least- as it's "loyal". It implies an other type of steadfastness than the blatant reference to "law".)


It was pleasant for me to revisit the good times I had, I wish you all as much pleasure in your BG and non-BG endeavors.

Edited by Fenyald, 19 March 2020 - 10:58 AM.

#118 Gwendolyne

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Posted 21 March 2020 - 10:59 AM

Merci pour l'auteure !


Dommage que tu n'aies pas joué la dernière version (5.0). :blush:

Edited by Gwendolyne, 21 March 2020 - 12:51 PM.


In progress : Menace sur le Royaume de Diamant Éternel there.

#119 Rhaella

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Posted 21 March 2020 - 12:39 PM

Je te remercie aussi, haha. Ravie de savoir que tu t'amuses bien. :)

And yes, Gwendolyne has optimized everything, including updating things in the French version, so the new version would presumably go more smoothly for you.
(Interestingly, I think even in English, "lawful" can carry additional connotations. I've at least always seen it as primarily the Mafioso alignment, rather than being about law in a stricter sense, though even that is probably different than what you're thinking of.)

#120 Fenyald

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Posted 24 March 2020 - 05:31 AM

Bien sûr merci aussi au traducteur fr et à toute l'équipe de la couronne de cuivre, sur laquelle j'ai largement consulté les infos et les tutoriels d'Isaya! :clap:


I admit I'm on the verge of a new start on this install, so powerful was the recollection of Fenyald's adventure.

Would you think adding the v5.0 on top of the pile is feasible, as I kind of don't feel like redoing the whole install procedure, the details of which I have greatly forgotten?


Oh yes excellent! Thank you for the comparison with mafioso! It's exactly how I see the main gist of LE, without having thought of it as such until now. Of course there's further variations, but I like this base of definition.



EDIT: Nevermind, I wrecked the install with low-wisdom manipulations. V 5.0 it is; a perfect occasion for trying it.

Edited by Fenyald, 25 March 2020 - 05:28 AM.