Or perhaps posting what I was looking at (from Ninde) for an example would help. If I understand this script right, it's adding in the fix for BIMOEN2 only if it would apply changes to the file, but otherwise it would leave it alone. Is that correct? Also, I'd have to say I've never understood the tp2 file stuff very well. For my own mod, I just did a lot of copying and it seemed to work.
// Fixing Imoen's dialogue file ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~mel01.cre~ THEN BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~interdia.2da~ ~override~ SET_2DA_ENTRY 17 1 2 ~BIMOEN2~ // fixes ToB version BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES END ELSE BEGIN APPEND ~interdia.2da~ ~IMOEN BIMOEN2~ // fixes SoA version UNLESS ~BIMOEN2~ END
Thanks for any help. I'll wrap my head around this stuff yet.
Also, if CMorgan reads this.... yes, I am picking a lot of this back up quicker than I thought.