aTweaks PnP Undead messes up Item Revisions' item reallocation. IR gives the Underdark Death Knight leader (uddeath2.cre) Soul Reaver (sw2h08.itm) so he can use it and drop it on death :
// remove Frost Giant Strength belt from Death Knight and properly equip him, also give him Helm of Darkness COPY_EXISTING uddeath2.cre override LPF FJ_CRE_VALIDITY RET valid=valid END PATCH_IF valid BEGIN REMOVE_CRE_ITEM plat16 sw2h08 belt08 // he didn't wear that belt anyway PATCH_IF comp_ir=1 && comp_cursed=0 BEGIN ADD_CRE_ITEM helm02 #3 #0 #0 NONE HELMET END ADD_CRE_ITEM plat16 #0 #0 #0 NONE ARMOR ADD_CRE_ITEM sw2h08 #0 #0 #0 NONE WEAPON1 EQUIP TWOHANDED END BUT_ONLY
but the change is then overwritten by PnP Undead, which gives him another 2H sword. That makes it impossible to get Soul Reaver on a Item Reallocation + PnP Undead install.
EDIT : this also seems to affect the Helm of Darkness (helm02) that this Death Knight is supposed to wear.
Edited by Tonton Fred, 30 July 2012 - 02:41 AM.