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Can we rename this forum please?

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#41 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 23 August 2012 - 09:03 AM

I'm not sure I would consider making a BWP-only forum here on SHS because the BWP has its own forum already.

And the whole Megamod forum without the BWP is an absurd one.
So I'll say yey to the "BWP/S and Megamod Help" forum name.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 23 August 2012 - 10:00 AM.

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.

#42 ScuD

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Posted 23 August 2012 - 11:01 AM

I suggest the name "Big World & Mega Mod Help". Not a big change from what we have now.

#43 Factor X

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Posted 23 August 2012 - 11:19 AM


Seriously, it doesn't seem normal that there aren't more people here in this forum. Bad marketing.

BWP should be the central hub, linking to all the other mods.

I'm playing right now my own megamod, it took me days to choose my mods, but the install process (which lasts 5 hours!) was as easy as saying hello.

And what a hell of a game!! And stable as rock. 146 mods and not a single crash for 15 hours of play.
I even reainstalled the game, just to change a component or two (xp settings, banter accelerator), took my old save games, and I detected no problem at all. (but I suspect a problem later maybe because of the randomization of object, we'll see)

So a high praise to all the extraordinary work that has been done here through the years to make all these mods compatible.

It is an AMAZING achievement.

And It it isn't normal that there isn't any BWP dedicated forum. Renaming the forum shouldn't even be questioned. It should have been done long ago.

That is my opinion :)

#44 Kaeloree


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Posted 23 August 2012 - 03:21 PM

I'm currently thinking "BWP & Megamod Help," and wondering whether we actually move it to be the first IE Mod forum there is (above NPC Mods). This isn't a promise, just a thought. Opinions?

#45 Beleg33


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Posted 23 August 2012 - 03:26 PM

I don't think it matters where it is placed. Just has to advertise where to post about BWP and megamod related issues/questions/praises. Thanks for considering it :D
Random spambot #8434678 said :

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#46 Kaeloree


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Posted 23 August 2012 - 03:33 PM

I think you'd be surprised in terms of placement. Doing that would make it the one of the most visible forums on the board.

#47 Beleg33


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Posted 23 August 2012 - 03:48 PM

Well why not? It's actually very smart as sometimes people searching for help stop at the first subforum (IE help) and post there about megamod related stuff.
Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#48 -Hurricane-

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Posted 23 August 2012 - 05:43 PM

I say "Yay" to K'aeloree's thought. :) It is the single most frequented forum in the Modding section, why not "promote" it to form its own category. After all, the BWP itself is not a Megamod in the same sense as the other mods in the Mega Modifications subforum.

#49 Factor X

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Posted 24 August 2012 - 03:45 AM

there are other megamods?

#50 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 24 August 2012 - 04:34 AM

there are other megamods?

Well, erhm, the original concept might have evolved from the history... see the BiG World Project is not the first one... only the last to be on the shoulders of big things...
And today you can actually say that each player creates his own Megamod, as the content is individually chosen. But -hurricane- means the large mods that are attached in the Megamod cathegory in SHS, and have forums here... TS-BP, BP, IA, CtB, SoS, BGT, TDD, Worldmap... ... http://www.shsforums...-modifications/

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 24 August 2012 - 04:41 AM.

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.

#51 Fouinto

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Posted 24 August 2012 - 07:56 AM

I'm currently thinking "BWP & Megamod Help," and wondering whether we actually move it to be the first IE Mod forum there is (above NPC Mods). This isn't a promise, just a thought. Opinions?


#52 dreamer2007

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Posted 24 August 2012 - 11:02 AM

I'm currently thinking "BWP & Megamod Help," and wondering whether we actually move it to be the first IE Mod forum there is (above NPC Mods). This isn't a promise, just a thought. Opinions?


+2 to the renaming and to the moving of the forum :)

#53 Miloch



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Posted 25 August 2012 - 02:22 AM

I think it makes sense to move it up as well. Might also detract irrelevant posts in Big Picture if that's not the first "Big" subforum they see.

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#54 Azazello


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Posted 25 August 2012 - 03:21 AM

I'm currently thinking "BWP & Megamod Help," and wondering whether we actually move it to be the first IE Mod forum there is (above NPC Mods). This isn't a promise, just a thought. Opinions?

Tis fine by me.

Though I still stand by my earlier suggestion: the forums need some (not extensive) cleanup, and more--and more active--management. I know this comes with its own headaches.

But if a name- and placement-change is the simplest to do for now, let's go for it.

#55 dreamer2007

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Posted 03 September 2012 - 01:17 AM

Bump! :)

#56 Anduin Shadow Mantle

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 10:36 AM

You disappear to nose around the BG:EE forum for a bit then... BAM 11.2 is out and everything is GO!

Well done people!

#57 Lollorian


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Posted 11 September 2012 - 05:33 AM

Giggity :ph34r:

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#58 Miloch



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Posted 20 September 2012 - 02:53 PM

Any progress, K'aeloree?

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"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#59 Anduin Shadow Mantle

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Posted 01 October 2012 - 10:42 AM

K'aeloree? Is this a do-able request?

#60 Kaeloree


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Posted 01 October 2012 - 04:47 PM

Of course. There are still a few things that have to happen before something like this could, though, like restoring the ability to upload attachments etc. Something along these lines will definitely happen.