There is a problem with Zannaster and the solution was posted before.
From a post by Colonel Klink:
"CLUAConsole:GetGlobal("Cb_ZannasterHealed","LOCALS").The variable was 0, and I was to change this in 3 to force the Zannaster's changing. So here is the code:
Oh,don't forget to point Zannaster when you "CLUAte" him..."
From the last statement, I assume he means to put the cursor on Zannaster the Mage.
When Zannaster the Mage is "Near Death", I set the global to 3. He goes to the spiel, and changes to Zannaster the Lich. I beat Zannaster the Lich to "Near Death" and just before he dies, a cut seen brakes in and in the end, I die, even though I have enough hit points and magic protection.
Here is the problem:
Using: CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("Cb_ZannasterHealed","LOCALS",3)
Using: CLUAConsole:GetGlobal("Cb_ZannasterHealed","LOCALS")
Note that GetGlobal does not confirm that the value was set.
Now for a test.
Using: CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("Cb_PartyBoughtCabin","Global",2)
Gives the response: CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("Cb_PartyBoughtCabin","Global",2)
Using: CLUAConsole:GetGlobal("Cb_PartyBoughtCabin","Global")
Gives the response: Global: CB_PARTYBOUGHTCABIN GLOBAL set to 2
This time GetGlobal does confirm that the value was set.
Checking Globals with ShadowKeeper, Cb_ZannasterHealed does not show up in the Globals list.
A second game I have going has TobEx_Beta0024.rar (which is 24.7. and CtBv1.13a.rar.
In this game I was able to kill Zannaster. After I killed Zannaster, ShadowKeeper listed the Global CB_CULT_OF_DRAGON_DEMISE = 1. ShadowKeeper did not list the Global Cb_ZannasterHealed. The reason why I do not continue with this game is that I am having other major difficulties with this game, including acquiring more freedom spells. I used up the five I had fighting Zannaster.
Any suggestions? Does anyone know why the CLUACONSOLE:SETGLOBAL("CB_ZANNASTERHEALED","LOCALS",3) command does not appear to work?
Thanks for any help,
Edited by tomkaz, 12 July 2012 - 07:39 AM.