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Problem with stores selling mod-added potions and spells

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#1 AmyAE

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Posted 15 June 2012 - 08:16 AM

I'm having an issue where stores in BG1 sell mod-added potions and spell scrolls for 1 gold. This doesn't seem to affect all potions (for sure, I know that the drinks from Nameless Melody Inn and Rupert's dye potions are not affected), but it's definitely affecting Dark Side of the Sword Coast and the food mod.

I tried to do a search and couldn't find mentions of anyone else having this issue. Can anyone help?


Weidu log below:


Edited by AmyAE, 15 June 2012 - 02:39 PM.

#2 AmyAE

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Posted 24 June 2012 - 07:17 PM

I've discovered the reason for this behavior: certain spells and scrolls added into stores are showing up with a charge of 0. I've still been unable to figure out exactly what mod caused this issue. Using NearInfinity to change the charges of affected items to 1 is impossibly tedious, but seems to work as long as I haven't previously visited the area where the store is located. Hopefully someone with more technical know-how than I have will find this information helpful.

#3 Miloch



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Posted 30 June 2012 - 05:24 AM

If you could figure out which mod is causing it, try posting in the mod's forum. There are instructions on how to do a weidu --change-log in the megamod pinned topic. It could conceivably be Store Revisions or Randomiser but I haven't a clue if that's true.

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#4 AmyAE

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Posted 30 June 2012 - 05:48 AM

I've tried some change-logging, but haven't been able to isolate the problem yet.

I was doing some experimenting and tweaking, and ended up with the same issue on a slightly different install, so hopefully that will give me more context.

#5 AmyAE

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 09:55 PM

After some more testing, I've discovered that the culprit is TobEx version 24. It wasn't showing up in the change-log because it isn't actually changing the files; it's just recognizing items listed in stores with 0 charges as actually having a stack size/charge of 0, rather than a stack size/charge of 1 (which seems to be the vanilla game behavior).

#6 AmyAE

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Posted 14 July 2012 - 06:43 AM

Solved: in TobEx.ini, under [Store], set "Item Recharge Mod=0". I can't believe it was that easy the whole time...

#7 Azazello


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Posted 14 July 2012 - 07:27 AM

Congrats on the successful troubleshooting. :coolthumb: