I'm trying to install BGT-Weidu 1.14 with all the recommend setting(BG, TotSC , BGII, TOB, all patched, no other mods). But it seems the installation are not working. The followings are from my SETUP-BGT.debug SETUP-BGT.DEBUG 2.89MB 528 downloads :
[./CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 590551 bytes
[./CHITIN.KEY] 182 BIFFs, 41793 resources
[./CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 590551 bytes
[./CHITIN.KEY] 182 BIFFs, 41793 resources
[./CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 590551 bytes
[./CHITIN.KEY] 182 BIFFs, 41793 resources
[./CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 590551 bytes
[./CHITIN.KEY] 182 BIFFs, 41793 resources
Unable to Unlink [bgt/backup/0/READLN.0]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "bgt/backup/0/READLN.0")
Unable to Unlink [bgt/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "bgt/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT")
ERROR: Failure("arghai.cre: read out of bounds")
請發送文件 SETUP-BGT.DEBUG 發送到 http://forums.spellh...p?showforum=261
Using Language [繁體中文 (Chinese - Traditional)]
[繁體中文 (Chinese - Traditional)] has 5 top-level TRA files
[bgt/language/tchinese/prompts-win32.tra] has 85 translation strings
[bgt/language/tchinese/setup.tra] has 81 translation strings
[bgt/language/tchinese/dialog.tra] has 113 translation strings
[bgt/language/tchinese/journal.tra] has 319 translation strings
[bgt/language/tchinese/scripts.tra] has 22 translation strings
This is driving me mad. I'll strongly appreciate anyone who can solve this problems! Thanks you!
p.s. The language I used is traditional Chinese(I'm from Taiwan). I had tried English version but it seems to have a different problem.
p.p.s. The OS I'm using is Win7.
Edited by poclee, 20 May 2012 - 05:13 AM.