After a little bit of tracking down the issue (running the cleanup batch from BWP is not advised -- it removes stuff needed to check whats going on) and then examining the installation files for DSotSC from my "lite" big world setup (since cleanup batch file removed everything from the 'insane' install), I found the repeating block....
IF Global("Chapter","GLOBAL",2) Global("RandomSpawn","GLOBAL",3) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobalTimer("RandomSpawnTime","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS) ENDThere is nothing being set to prevent this block from running again. The script can never get past this point. It's in a hold pattern so to speak waiting for an external source to change one of the two variables. The RandomSpawn would be the most likely to be changed
I think you could be ok adding in as an additional check
the double negative means that it is expired or it was never set.
In fact I will test this and see what happens...