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Irenicus soundset 1.0 discussion

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#1 Xyx

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Posted 06 April 2012 - 04:48 PM

This topic is for the discussion of Irenicus 1.0.

I've always been super-impressed by David Warner's voice acting. I know other people made Jon Irenicus soundsets (some of which are very good), but I wanted to make one myself anyway (and it is even better, in my ever so humble opinion.)

But what do you think?

#2 Bartimaeus


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Posted 10 April 2012 - 04:07 PM

I like it. Really well made. A few things though: Action 7, ("Ahh.") doesn't seem right to me by itself. And the In Forest, "Walk among them, these beasts that are less than you are." seems strange to me as well. ...and also, Critical Hit, "This is your death!" could use a little cutting off the end, as you can hear him taking in another breath to talk some more. :P Lastly, Nighttime, "It is time for another...test." sounds weird. As if there should be a longer silence between another and test and he says it too soon.

But yeah, besides that, really awesome. Great work, :D

(was Tired, "I am tired." pieced together from several different clips? If so, good work, because it sounds perfect!)

#3 Xyx

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Posted 15 April 2012 - 09:29 AM

Action 7, ("Ahh.") doesn't seem right to me by itself. And the In Forest, "Walk among them, these beasts that are less than you are." seems strange to me as well.

Yeah, these are a bit borderline. Not sure what else to put there, though.

...and also, Critical Hit, "This is your death!" could use a little cutting off the end, as you can hear him taking in another breath to talk some more.

That's a long "thththth" from "death", not the intake of breath, and it tapers off into complete silence. I can see how it could be misheard, though.

Lastly, Nighttime, "It is time for another...test." sounds weird. As if there should be a longer silence between another and test and he says it too soon.

Astutely observed! You've obviously been playing a lot of BG2. ;) The pause seemed really long with the quote taken out of context, so I trimmed it a little. If others agree that it sounds odd I'll revert it.

(was Tired, "I am tired." pieced together from several different clips? If so, good work, because it sounds perfect!)

Yes! From IRENIC38.WAV: "It is fortunate you arrived when you did. I am eager to resume my experiments, and was growing tired of waiting." It turned out rather well.

#4 -guest123-

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 03:09 PM

does it work for bgee ipad?

#5 -guest-

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 12:20 PM

i just tested it, some files do work on ipad, but then it crashes at the sound when you select him....

do you know why this is? is there is specific format the game on ipad supports, are you using different frequencies to record the wavs? can you try to make them all on the same freq?