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Is there no limit???

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#1 quinlan

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Posted 06 April 2012 - 01:21 PM

I found a site http://elderscrolls...._Power-Crafting and followed its instructions.
I have created a potion of fortifying enchanting for 30 seconds for 1900% stronger!!!

My fantasy story


"Man, in his discussions with other men about questions of religion, statecraft, geography, trade, has always reached a point in the discussion where it has seemed wise to reply to his opponent by disemboweling him or knocking his brains out."


My name is Thomas Hockenberry, Ph.D., and I think the "Ph.D." stands for "Pouring His Draft."


"The study of modern science today is being done by the brain of primitive man."

#2 Almateria


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Posted 06 April 2012 - 02:02 PM

Not really!!!

#3 quinlan

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Posted 06 April 2012 - 02:09 PM

Even more crazy than this :woot: crazy :woot: number is the fact that it is 100% legitimate. I didn't use any console at all!

My fantasy story


"Man, in his discussions with other men about questions of religion, statecraft, geography, trade, has always reached a point in the discussion where it has seemed wise to reply to his opponent by disemboweling him or knocking his brains out."


My name is Thomas Hockenberry, Ph.D., and I think the "Ph.D." stands for "Pouring His Draft."


"The study of modern science today is being done by the brain of primitive man."