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Installing BGT

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#1 cormaeg

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 08:34 AM

I tried installing BGT v. 114 today and it would not install.  It gave me and error message and told me to post this here...anyway, hopefully one of you wizards here can instruct me on how to get it to work. :)


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#2 Sasha Al'Therin

Sasha Al'Therin
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Posted 03 April 2012 - 08:51 AM

You installed the original games inside Program Files. Install to a non-default location not within either Program Files or Program Files (x86). Since Windows XP & newer protect these directories from unwanted tampering, modding them in these locations is problematic.

Try that first, then see if you still have problems.

My working mods:
an AI Party Script for BG2 game engine DOWNLOAD LINK ONLY!
Interactive Tweaks for BG series with some IWD support. DOWNLOAD LINK ONLY!
Rest For 8 Hours an IWD mod
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#3 cormaeg

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 11:26 AM

Thanks for the prompt reply! Actually, I just got it to work by uninstalling and reinstalling inside the x86 file. I hate how Windows "protects" you from yourself, grrr. Now to see if I can get some mods to install correctly. I had them installed, but they weren't working before. Gonna try the BWP and see if that helps.
Actually, maybe I should uninstall and reinstall somewhere else? Or will it work if I were to just move the Black Isles folder to another location?
Thanks in advance!


Edited by cormaeg, 03 April 2012 - 11:30 AM.

#4 Sasha Al'Therin

Sasha Al'Therin
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Posted 03 April 2012 - 12:18 PM

you should be able get by with just moving it, however, you won't be able to use the cd or the already established icons to start the game. You'd have to use the bgmain.exe directly and update your .ini file to point to the new directory on the hard drive. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, best to reinstall in a directory that is not either one of the Program Files.

My working mods:
an AI Party Script for BG2 game engine DOWNLOAD LINK ONLY!
Interactive Tweaks for BG series with some IWD support. DOWNLOAD LINK ONLY!
Rest For 8 Hours an IWD mod
My contributions: BG1Fixpack, BG1Tweaks
On Hold: Solestia an NPC for SOA
My website: http://sasha-altheri...s.com/index.htm

#5 cormaeg

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 01:16 PM

Well, Sasha; I've got to hand it to you-rather than waiting for a reply I just tried moving it...and naturally as you have already explained above it did not work.
I of course had no idea why. But when you explained the part about the .ini file, I was able to move it, modify the .ini file and successfully create a new shortcut that works! I had originally assumed that simply having the shortcut directed to the proper folder would be fine, but thank you hugely for prompt and accurate responses, I would have given up on my own.
You da man!
Now that Windows won't be interferring so much, I suspect those mods will install and work much better.
Thanks again!
