Some of [the imoincest fanbase] were really just normal people who liked the expansion of her and <CHARNAME>'s story and childhood, and weren't playing for the incest factor. A lot of people really weren't playing for the incest factor, but yes, we had people who were way too into incest, or rape, or hentai, or whatever.
We had a lot of foreign people on there, and unfortunately there was a LOT of inter-team dating. Yes, I did date people from there, yes, I actually married one of them, but I will say that painkillers plus college led to a terrible decision. He's a cool dude and all, just not ready to be in a relationship like that.
Among the crazy, we had one guy who was a black dude from Poland who accused everybody of racism when we told him that his pages-long rant about the EU gaming people banning use of child models in games was insane and creepy. He was pissed that they weren't in there to kill because "MY IMMERSION", and that's it. He was also really really into drawing Chaos Marines before I knew what they were.
One dude who tried to get with me constantly introduced me to [cheap alcohol site] as he is apparently a connoisseur of s***ty alcohol. He was a pathological liar as well, lived in his parents' basement, and stalked a lot of girls from the place by doing internet detective work and digging up phone numbers. When his oh-so debonair self just couldn't seem to get interest out of me, he made up a girlfriend so I would get jealous. Her name was Lexi, she was British, addicted to heroin, and stripping her way through law school. He literally thought I would buy that, but it didn't take much prodding for him to admit that he made her up. After everyone found out, he tried to make "Lexi" look real to THEM by making her a forums account and having her post a couple of times, still maintaining that they were boyfriend/girlfriend.
I think the cherry on the sundae is that the dude easily had 10-15 years on most of the girls.
There was the spergin' dude who I got to be friends with IRL and it turned out that he wrotethe worst thing
[link removed - it's a shock site]. I believe he lost custody of his daughter in his divorce because of that whole ASSTR page.
As far as the ladies went, it was a toss-up. We had some cool chicks in there who were just fans of the character... and we had chicks with 0 redeeming qualities fantasizing about getting raped by Sarevok and s***. Sh**ting up IRC with links to "hawt yaoi fics", s***ting up the legit play-by-post D&D game I tried to run on there with their supar-sexii kawaii bishounen yaoi with purple hair and a 12inch d****, or s****ting up both there AND the normal forums by constantly talking in detail about sex they would never have.
So, while we had normal people, we also had a bunch of That Guys. It got VERY VERY creepy, because there seriously ended up being this weird idolization of myself and any other VAs who were trying on the series. It got REALLY bad for me, since I had a fancy account with bells and whistles that was all about me being ~*~Imoen's Voice In The Mod~*~ with special titles and avatars and shit, and there was literally a fan-club that popped up around me, and then some other dude who was "opposed" to my fan-club and so HE had one and there were elaborate and frightening signature banners like FYAD and it was all very terrible.
There was a mass exodus after we had literal proof that the mod s*** was all Mirabbo's [mod writer] wank dream. His wife showed up to bawl me and some of the other female VAs out because of the "conversations" she had been seeing between us and him. She said it was the exact kind of roleplay sex fantasy s*** he was trying to get her to do, and she said no, so she thought he was cheating on her with us because we were from the internet and would do just about anything for a fetish.
Those conversations were the f****ing script he wrote for the mod. We ran.
You see? If only the friendship part were there, it would be better - but by how much I don't really know.
(please note that the post was edited to add more clarification, and cut down on the swearing per forum rules. Otherwise, this is the post in it's glory.)
Edited by William Imm, 31 March 2012 - 03:42 PM.