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Mass Effect 3 DLC

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#121 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:58 AM

Here's what I'm wondering, though: Citadel is the last single-player DLC, right? Yet Reckoning, a multiplayer DLC, adds new weapons that are not available in single player. Does it mean we'll never get them in single player, I wonder?

Well, if you look at the content, you actually see that the only not released weapon between the SP's 1&2 arms packs and MP's DLC addons after the two DLC's come out is the MP's "Lancer Assault Rifle", and the Citadel might actually have that too... yeah, you might feel funny about it, but the Multiplayer game has nearly always had less weapons than the single player so far, and the last MP DLC should equalize the two. Yes, we are not actually forgetting the single player's heavy weapons.... like the Geth Spitfire(even though it's not the assault rifle like it is in the MP game, but a heavy weapon off it's own) is in single player at the very end of one of the maps.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 25 February 2013 - 05:26 AM.

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#122 Eleima


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 10:00 PM

New trailer for Mass Effect 3: Reckoning DLC @ Computerandvideogames.com
Mass Effect 3 Reckoning DLC Leaked Info Blowout @ Gameranx

Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC: The Official Word From Bioware @ Gameranx

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#123 Eleima


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 09:54 PM

Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC Update @ Gameranx

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#124 Eleima


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Posted 01 March 2013 - 10:01 PM

Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC Achievements / Trophies revealed @ Computerandvideogames.com

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#125 Archmage Silver

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Posted 03 March 2013 - 03:45 PM


Citadel FAQ @ Bio Blog

#126 Eleima


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 09:55 PM

'Mass Effect 3' Citadel DLC Trailer: This Is The End, Beautiful Friend @ Forbes
BioWare Bids Farewell With Mass Effect 3: Citadel Trailer @ Escapist Magazine
Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC launch trailer reunites the Normandy crew @ Polygon

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#127 Kulyok

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Posted 05 March 2013 - 12:16 AM

Thank you! Looks amazing to me. Did anyone else get a "blahblahblah SHE IS DANCING WITH GARRUS!!" feeling? And Zaeed! I am SO getting it. ... And Jacob. Wait, maybe not. 


"The last thing that tried to trash-talk me was a few kilometers taller than you." Go Shepard!


By the way, does anyone know, do we have to install patches for this, or does it update the game to 1.05 automatically?

#128 Eleima


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Posted 05 March 2013 - 12:54 AM

If I'm not mistaken, Origin should update the game for you automatically.  Will look into it ASAP.

Doesn't look so amazing to me, I just can't seem to "buy into" the concept.  Earth is being blasted to smithereens, billions are dying, ...  and Shepard is on shore leave?!?!  Just doesn't compute.  :(

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#129 Archmage Silver

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Posted 05 March 2013 - 07:13 AM

If I'm not mistaken, Origin should update the game for you automatically.  Will look into it ASAP.

Doesn't look so amazing to me, I just can't seem to "buy into" the concept.  Earth is being blasted to smithereens, billions are dying, ...  and Shepard is on shore leave?!?!  Just doesn't compute.  :(

Renegade... :bi:

#130 Kulyok

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Posted 06 March 2013 - 07:21 AM

I cried. 




Youtube, naturally.




And Javik's scene is SO worth it. But, um, don't youtube it yet. From what I saw, regular play seems boring, so you might want to savor the good bits. But if you are sure you aren't buying this stuff - youtube everything. Definitely.


EDIT: But don't watch Tali's. EVER.

Edited by Kulyok, 07 March 2013 - 05:11 AM.

#131 Eleima


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Posted 11 March 2013 - 09:54 PM

Citadel Soundtrack available for free @ BioWare Social Network

Mass Effect 3 Citadel soundtrack available for free, download Shepard's last musical hurrah @ PC Gamer Magazine

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#132 Kulyok

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 11:47 PM

Okay, since nobody seems to have reviewed Citadel DLC here, I'll do it, since I've played through it a few days ago.


There's only one guideline: it's probably best to play this DLC from your final "pre-Cerberus-Base" save on the Normandy, because this way you'll get all the DLC's content at once.

You'll also get more content if you imported a ME2 save with all 12 squadmates, did good by Wrex and so on - an "ideal paragon" playthrough, in other words.


You've likely watched the video trailer or youtube walkthroughs, so the premise is familiar: Hackett orders some necessary maintenance/repairs for the Normandy, it's moved into dock, and you're getting mandatory shore leave on the Citadel. Anderson's conveniently gives you his Citadel apartment, because he, to quote Strugatsky brothers, now believes that "Earth is where the most important things are". 


How realistic is it? Is it fair that Shep gets a great apartment while refugees in the wards struggle in squalor, and that Shepard and Co celebrate shore leave, as people die on Earth, Palaven and Dekuuna? I don't know, I've never been in real war, but I remember reading the Young Lions by Irwin Shaw some years ago about WW2, and I'd say it's quite plausible, at least the way Shaw wrote about it. There was shore leave, there was a chance to unwind, especially if you remembered what horrible places these soldiers came from. (By Jack's words, she comes back from battling husks on Palaven with her team and nearly losing one of her own - and I don't know about the others, but I think Jack deserved that leave tenfold). But anyway, I choose to believe that the mod's premise was more or less real(istic) - after all, Citadel still stands, restaurants still work and people still watch Blasto all around Shepard. And speaking of Blasto...


You're going to have GREAT one-on-one time with your squadmates. Javik, Vega&Cortez, romanced Garrus, non-romanced Miranda, Jack(non-romanced Jack and Miranda scenes for femShep are AWESOME), Joker, Grunt(I love you, Grunt!), Zaeed, Kasumi - frankly, nearly everyone. There's even audiovisual stuff from Thane and Mordin(no Legion, alas) - Thanemancers may or may not love the goodbye scene, but I think it was a good tribute. You can even hit Jacob(that cheater!) and he'll apologise!


And, yes, THE PARTY.


But before that, you're going to have a quest. For such a huge DLC, the quest is quite a short one. I won't spoil, but these are the main highlights: a sushi restaurant, a casino, a visit to the Citadel Archives, and a trip to the docks.


- You're getting LOTS of NPC reactions, including one from your romance interest. The quest *is* very short, however, and, unfortunately, in some places the pacing isn't done very well: for example, you're bombarded with NPC phrases and videoscenes from Citadel Archives too quickly, so you're likely to miss some of the good stuff.

- On the other hand, the pacing was slower in the casino, and I had every chance to enjoy every bit of random dialogue, but I didn't find it very good, even with the Consort(especially with her, actually).

- You're getting a Kasumi-like-mission, a break-in, but I didn't enjoy that part(too much intense micromanagement with security cameras for me, but I saw a guy posting that he loved it!); 

- You're taking your whole ME3 crew with you to the Citadel Archives(no ME2 people, though), and it's cool, but, again, there's such thing as "too much good stuff" - you'll probably have to replay it a few times to catch all these brilliant blink and miss phrases. 

- And, yep, there's a certain someone who wants not just to kill you and hijack your Normandy, but to PUT YOUR HAMSTER INTO AN ANIMAL SHELTER! Beware.


Once the mission is over, you're free to wander into the part of the Citadel outside your new apartment, play the many minigames(quasar!) in the Arcade and the casino, visit the Armax Arsenal arena(do it at least once to get an extra invitation for some quality time with Jack on the arena) and, most importantly, have some one-on-one time with your squadmates.


The latter is great. The former, I don't know - I am okay with minigames when they are sparse; this time, there were too many. And even though the developers added a nice touch "all your lost money go to the refugees", I'm afraid to say I didn't participate much. Besides, Shepard defeating an evil ***** and throwing a party - this I can understand. But Shepard wandering aimlessly for days in the arcade? The same Shepard who says "I'll sleep when I'm dead"? ... Um, that's a stretch here.


Multiplayer folks will probably enjoy various random dialogue outside your apartment, such as a banter about stupid vanguards who storm with mission packs(I assume you shouldn't?) and sentinels who do only one thing: detonate tech armor. Okay, I might be just grouchy, but I didn't enjoy that, either. Even Francis Kitt's appearance seemed a bit forced. Dancing with Garrus, though? Not at all! 


(By the way, is it just me or did Garrus get TOO many females? Female Shepard, Doctor Michel, Tali, and now a female turian if you're not romancing him!)


Shopping: you can get new weapons and mods during the course of the quest(but my main pet peeve with ME3 still stands: you have to look for interactive objects very carefully, or you'll miss all this stuff).

Also, there's a shop that allows you to customize your apartment a bit(get nice couches instead of those awful Cerberus-styled black-and-white ones, for one). It doesn't have a big selection, but it was a nice touch.


And... and you get your love interest. From the initial comments after the failed sushi dinner with Joker to the "quality time-together"-scene to the party comments(Garrus's comment to Shepard dancing at the party! Aaaaargh!!), the after-party scene, the goodbye scene at the Normandy... I'll be banal here and repeat what several thousand people have already said: that goodbye scene from the Citadel DLC should be the real finale. And in a way, it was, it really was.


The party: you'll definitely want to replay it a few times, because the scenes change depending on your preference(you're only getting "Shepard! Wrex! Grunt!" scene in one of the choices, for one - I didn't get it in my party). It's got three stages, each stage a completely awesome work of love, and the aftermath. The aftermath is a marvel in itself, from Vega cooking eggs at the kitchen to waking up with your love interest(OR JAVIK, if your female isn't romancing anyone! OR even Vega, if you flirted with him and pressed him into a one-night stand!) - it was hilarious. Finding Javik in my bedroom's bathroom after I woke up with Garrus was, um, a worthy moment, too.


So, yep. Don't mind the sucking(sometimes) quest, don't mind the pacing, don't mind the cheese - I say it's worth it. You may even grow sentimental and buy Omega and Leviathan afterwards just to prolong the sensation. Because this truly is goodbye. And now that I've said it - 


I should go. Or I *should* go? Or is it I should GO?

#133 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 13 March 2013 - 01:33 AM

I should go. Or I *should* go? Or is it I should GO?

Ouh, that's way too hillarious... :ROFL:  :ROFL:  :ROFL:


And I agree completelly with what you said, darn good DLC.

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#134 Kulyok

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Posted 11 May 2013 - 09:37 PM

Replayed Leviathan, and yep, seconding my recommendation about playing it after Rannoch - or at least playing it after "locking in" your love interest. Because only in that case will you get absolutely lovely lines by Garrus(or Tali, or Liara, or Kaidan), and they're absolutely worth it.


(Although I still take every Leviathan/Omega mission as a chore(unlike, say, Geth Concensus), but the main culprit there is ME3 engine and its horribly annoying "find all the credits and weapons mods and don't miss anything" minigames. Honestly, I'd pay for a non-bugged autoloot mod).

#135 Kulyok

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Posted 14 May 2013 - 09:29 PM

I'm replaying ME3 now, and if you've got a pre-party save, I'd highly recommend to reload it and play the party again, but choose different options for each section of the party. For example, I played with energetic/loud/dance options, and now I'm playing through the "quiet" party. There's incredible new dialogue, scenes, and so on. (Some of it might be the same, including, say, an appearance by Kasumi in front of the fridge, but you're getting the "Grunt-Wrex-Shepard" scene instead of "Grunt says no" scene, Tali doing "wumwumwum" and flying arms instead of herbed cheese, and so on).

#136 The Imp

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Posted 15 May 2013 - 05:34 AM

I'm replaying ME3 now, and if you've got a pre-party save, I'd highly recommend to reload it and play the party again, but choose different options for each section of the party.
I also suggest that you backup the quick save the game makes during the last scene in the game, this way you can actually see all the endings with a single playthrough. Yes, you need to exit to Windows after the save is made, but so what (and use it instead of the one made after the scene is over, as the game cheats and makes a new quick save taking you all the way back to the before the last chapter of the game).

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#137 Kulyok

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Posted 15 May 2013 - 05:49 AM

Yep, that's also what I do. You need the Auto-Save, though - use ALT-TAB, enter the save folder (it's something like My Documents/Bioware/Mass Effect 3 for me), and it's all yours.


Although I usually choose the Red ending anyhow. 

#138 Yovaneth


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 03:02 PM

Necroposting.... :devil:  I wonder if there's a random element in who comes to the party. I've just finished playing Citadel as part of a 1-2-3 runthrough and despite 'Inviting All', I didn't get Tali, Miranda, Zaeed or Kasumi. I did note that the full wording was 'Invite All Available'; hence the wondering about the random element. Some damn good firefights though and some genuinely funny one-liners. One big loose end though; I was expecting something more to come out of one of the end cutscenes (the one focusing on the wrist restraints) but nothing did. I daren't extrapolate further because it would introduce a total DLC spoiler for those that haven't played it and haven't had it spoiled by reading reviews.



Edited by Yovaneth, 08 August 2013 - 03:04 PM.

#139 Kulyok

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Posted 08 August 2013 - 09:14 PM

Now I'm intrigued. I'm not sure about wrist restraints - haven't seen any. Were they in Shepard's apartment? I'll go google it.

EDIT: Remembered it. I think the cutscene with wrist restraints was for the (Paragon, in my case) interrupt - Shepard says very convincingly that the prisoner shouldn't try to escape, and the prisoner understands. 


As for Tali, Miranda, Zaeed or Kasumi, I think the conditions were:

- character is really alive;

- you've met him in the game and the character's quest is completed(for example, Horizon for Miranda, the Hanar ambassador for Kasumi).

Edited by Kulyok, 08 August 2013 - 09:19 PM.

#140 Yovaneth


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Posted 09 August 2013 - 01:43 PM

Yes, that's the 'wrist restraints' scenario. I did wonder if it indicated an escape and more mayhem :devil: . I've met Tali and Miranda but not the other two and no specific quests yet. That could be it.


Oh yes - and score one for Edvard Grieg. Literally! :lol:

