I was sent by the Greybeards to a location of a Shout Word. There was an elder dragon sleeping perched on that semi-circular rock construction where the Words are etched. There was also a Named Dragon Priest (with a very nice Mask!) patrolling the area. While i was hiding and pondering the best way to approach the battle to come, i saw sudden commotion. The dragon rose and flew towards a nearby path directly from the other side of where i was sitting/hiding. The Dragon priest followed him, too. Zooming in with the archery perk, i saw a lone figure running. At the beggining he run like he wanted to avoid the monsters, but then he changed his mind and attacked them. The poor soul didn't stand a chance against any of his enemies, let along both of them at the same time. He died shortly. There was nothing i could do to save him. Being a dragonborn, i managed to destroy the dragon and the priest afterwards. Remembering the previous incident, i looked for the body of the stranger. He was an unnamed Imperial Courier. With Skyrim being a land in revolt, there must be a lot of couriers going back and forth with news and orders dispatched. I was really moved by the guy's bravery. I decided to give him a proper burial. I dragged his body up the mountain slope towards the place of the Shout Word. In front of the semi-circular construction there was a large coffin out of which the priest arose when i approached the site. I managed to place the Imperial Courier inside there, with his weapon lying on his chest. It was a difficult thing to do, so it took me a lot of time, but it was time very well spent.
This is a very important statement coming from me, because the more i play the game, the more i discover things that i don't agree with, and i don't mean the occasional bugs. However, a game that allows me to do something like what i did yesterday, holds my eternal respect.
This is what it means to role play, not kill monsters, loot their bodies and buy items.
My fantasy story
"Man, in his discussions with other men about questions of religion, statecraft, geography, trade, has always reached a point in the discussion where it has seemed wise to reply to his opponent by disemboweling him or knocking his brains out."
My name is Thomas Hockenberry, Ph.D., and I think the "Ph.D." stands for "Pouring His Draft."
"The study of modern science today is being done by the brain of primitive man."