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BiG World Installpack v11.1 ready to release

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#1 Leonardo Watson

Leonardo Watson
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Posted 20 March 2012 - 10:07 AM

I just wanted to update my Installpack, however, I am not able to upload any file. Thus I sent it to K'aeloree and hope he will upload it soon.

I have completely reworked the install.bat. There is a completly new message strings system. Also some bugs are fixed and a few nice features added. Thanks to Dabus now the language selecting tool is completely changed.

BGT 1.14 includes a new feature that had caused a lot of troubles. Now the install.bat installs BGT correctly again.
Besides: You need the WeiDU beta from the install.bat to be able to install BGT 1.14 at all!

Note: This is only a technical update of the Installpack. No new or changed mods are considered. The install.bat still installs the mods as described in the BWP guide v11. Newer mod versions may or may not work with this installer. If you want to install newer mods you will be on your own. Best you leave them out.

#2 William Imm

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Posted 20 March 2012 - 10:41 AM

Please make sure you have included the completely revised BG1 check - WFM and for most other people, and it should work for you as well.

EDIT: For convince, please use this version of the installpack if you are still experiencing issues with the BG1 patch check with GOG & such. Please do not report about this issue anymore, or expect to be in 17 distinct pieces soon after you post.

Please note that this installpack tweak does remove installation of two BG2 Tweaks components (Rest Anywhere and 100% Learn Spells) because they are considered OP for a normal game.

Edited by William Imm, 01 April 2012 - 10:10 AM.

At this point, I'm not really doing much Baldur's Gate related. More focused on Skyrim modding and the Born of Legend tabletop roleplaying game. Don't expect much activity here.

#3 William Imm

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Posted 20 March 2012 - 11:01 AM

Besides: You need the WeiDU beta from the install.bat to be able to install BGT 1.14 at all!

I'm inclined to call partial-bull**** on that - BGT needs >= 231 - not the beta WeiDU that the BWP is currently using. Still nice to see that the check is working again.
At this point, I'm not really doing much Baldur's Gate related. More focused on Skyrim modding and the Born of Legend tabletop roleplaying game. Don't expect much activity here.

#4 -Don-

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 07:14 AM

Any chance this will be uploaded by tomorrow? I'm kinda leaving for overseas and won't have a home internet connection, and I wanted to take the latest version with me on my laptop.

#5 P. W. S.

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 05:32 PM

Besides: You need the WeiDU beta from the install.bat to be able to install BGT 1.14 at all!

I'm inclined to call partial-bull**** on that - BGT needs >= 231 - not the beta WeiDU that the BWP is currently using. Still nice to see that the check is working again.

So is there a conclusion of whether Weidu 23100 does the job well? After all, the warning of 23102 worries a lot :huh:

#6 William Imm

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 06:35 PM

Well, in most cases. 23102 contains a fix for a case if you install tons of mods, like, a full expert installation, which no sane person will do, except for testers.
At this point, I'm not really doing much Baldur's Gate related. More focused on Skyrim modding and the Born of Legend tabletop roleplaying game. Don't expect much activity here.

#7 Kaeloree


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Posted 23 March 2012 - 01:54 PM

You can now grab it from the usual location :)

#8 Cerest

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Posted 27 March 2012 - 12:22 AM

The default settings for Spell System adjustments have a major typo,

The arcane setting is, by your default,
Where n is the spell level.

This translates to,
Level 1 spells: 30 real seconds
Level 2 spells: 36 real seconds
Level 3 spells: 50 real seconds
Level 4 spells: 75 real seconds
Level 5 spells: 113 real seconds
Level 6 spells: 168 real seconds
Level 7 spells: 240 real seconds
Level 8 spells: 334 real seconds
Level 9 spells: 450 real seconds

The divine spells however, have a different setting,

This translates to,
Level 1 spells: 327 real seconds
Level 2 spells: 79806665 real seconds
Level 3 spells: 3345283561402 real seconds
Level 4 spells: 6369051672526099 real seconds
Level 5 spells: 2228243323000104369 real seconds
Level 6 spells: 266974832416110802088 real seconds
Level 7 spells: 15269455490616652972468 real seconds
Level 8 spells: 508290694010800208223769 real seconds



The easy workaround would be to go to the install batch file and change,

%IFSD% Call %INST% iiSpellSystemAdjustments "0" "TYPE iiSpellSystemAdjustments_0_input.txt"
%IFSD% Call %INST% iiSpellSystemAdjustments "1" "TYPE iiSpellSystemAdjustments_1_input.txt"


%IFSD% Call %INST% iiSpellSystemAdjustments "0" "TYPE iiSpellSystemAdjustments_0_input.txt"
%IFSD% Call %INST% iiSpellSystemAdjustments "1" "TYPE iiSpellSystemAdjustments_0_input.txt"

Also, Spell System adjustments does not detect Identify spell castings from the inventory as a spell cast and thus, does not recharge. I'm not sure how you fix this though @_@

Edited by Cerest, 27 March 2012 - 12:45 AM.

#9 Lollorian


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Posted 27 March 2012 - 05:00 AM

The divine spells however, have a different setting,

This translates to,
Level 1 spells: 327 real seconds
Level 2 spells: 79806665 real seconds
Level 3 spells: 3345283561402 real seconds
Level 4 spells: 6369051672526099 real seconds
Level 5 spells: 2228243323000104369 real seconds
Level 6 spells: 266974832416110802088 real seconds
Level 7 spells: 15269455490616652972468 real seconds
Level 8 spells: 508290694010800208223769 real seconds


Better yet, replace the iiSpellSystemAdjustments_1_input.txt's contents with:
Attached modified file for omfg convenience :P

This changes the equation to

This translates to,
Level 1 spells: 30 real seconds
Level 2 spells: 38 real seconds
Level 3 spells: 60 real seconds
Level 4 spells: 104 real seconds
Level 5 spells: 177 real seconds
Level 6 spells: 290 real seconds
Level 7 spells: 450 real seconds
(No divine level 8 spells mate :devil:)

This also meets the 450 sec recharge time for level 9 mage spells set by the BWP ;)

Attached Files

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#10 Cerest

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Posted 27 March 2012 - 05:45 AM

Thanks, that works just as well. :)

Btw, this also needs to be corrected in the main PDF.

Edited by Cerest, 27 March 2012 - 05:53 AM.

#11 Nicktalope

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Posted 29 March 2012 - 07:11 AM

Ffirst of all, sorry formy badEnglish.isthe best I cando thanks togoogle translator
Leonardo,I really admireyour work isexcellent and impressiveyour effort,is allI ever wantedto findamega-modinstallation,
I have a question:isit possible to convertthe installationin abatchfilefor installationinWeiDU?I haven'tprogramming knowledge, but you couldunifytpfilesinto onein the order ofinstallation ofthe components aslisted inyour guide?It occurs to meperhaps by copying and pastingit carefully,and probablywill have to "disarm"the components of themods.(maybethere will beproblemsof rights of use, but you canget permission from theircreators?).It seemsmore practicalto start aWeiDUinstallationafter another,andwould reducethe amountof unnecessary files.Ido not know ifthis is possible,or if the programsupportsinstallationWeiDUso great,butwould solvemany problems and would reduceinstallationtimeand potential conflictswith operating systems.

#12 William Imm

William Imm

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Posted 29 March 2012 - 09:26 AM

Nicktalope - at least make sure your words are properly spaced - I have a really, and I mean really hard time reading your message.
At this point, I'm not really doing much Baldur's Gate related. More focused on Skyrim modding and the Born of Legend tabletop roleplaying game. Don't expect much activity here.

#13 dabus

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Posted 29 March 2012 - 04:13 PM

Sorry, but that's kind of a fun question. :D

Putting all TP2 files into one (couldunifytpfilesinto one = could unify tp-files into one) would mean you'd have to have the permission as said -- will not happen. If he would, he wouldn't go through the trouble of patching and so on. Some modders want to have their files at their fingertips so they can update them if there are faults in it/delete them if they don't want to support the mod and don't want to get help-requests for stuff that's already fixed.

Someone (Leonardo) would also have to check each mod for changes before a BWP release and adept the changes. I think that's huge increase in work. Because mods get updated more frequently than the BWP, I'd guess he'd have more work to do than now.

He'd also have to have way more knowledge of WeiDU than he has now, and I also think that he'd have to rewrite some parts.

I guess you could convert the Batch into a tp2-file that calls the other weidus.
But as most mods are build for Windows and you'd have to change some amount of mod-files first (also TobEX is Windows only, right?), it would take some effort to get it to a level where it can compete with the current state in Windows.
THINK! - It's not illegal.

#14 -max-

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Posted 29 March 2012 - 09:56 PM

Hi Leo and Dabus. After some trial and error I edited the new installpack .bat to add a few expert mods into a tactics installation, including NEJv691.

Everything installed very well except for NEJv691 and the patch. A message went by in the cmd window - something about it not being compatible with your language settings.

I have English as the language choice, and the mod and all its files are in the BG2 folder. Looking at the install bat I can't find any check for language, and there is nothing about NEJ in the BWP debug file either. The only thing I saw regarding the error was that message.

The other mods that I added to Tactics (from expert) installed no problems. Any idea how to make it install?

BTW, looking at the huge amount of stuff in the bat file makes you appreciate how much work you guys do. A big thank you! :clap:

#15 dabus

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 04:28 AM

The install.bat contains a function called :GETTRA. It searches the Tra.txt for the line that contains a mods name and sets its value as a variable that is used later. Then it gets the entries from the BWP_LANGUAGE (your language choice) and searches the variable for that string. If it's found, it takes the pending number as the language that it will pass to the WeiDU-setup.
When you look at the Tra.txt, it

Look at the tra.txt in v11.1. The mods are just named wrong, so the Install.bat never finds them, cannot put the correct value into the variable and thus is empty. Searching an empty string will fail and thus no selection would ever fit and the batch tells you that.

Should be:

Btw.: The typo was there in the version before, but since there was a fall-back that assumed the mod would be English and the number 0 in case it was not found, it got installed anyway.
THINK! - It's not illegal.

#16 William Imm

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 01:03 PM

If anyone wants to complain of a looping BG1 check when using the GOG.com/D&D Anthology versions of the game, please don't post and use this altered version of the BiG World Install.bat with my revised BG1 check. Please do NOT whine about this issue anymore - I am sick and tired of hearing it - Google is your ***** friend
At this point, I'm not really doing much Baldur's Gate related. More focused on Skyrim modding and the Born of Legend tabletop roleplaying game. Don't expect much activity here.

#17 Lollorian


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Posted 31 March 2012 - 11:02 PM

BiG issues? "BG1 Patch Check" loop? Problems with BGT installation? Use this fix and rejoice!

Might wanna change that to point to the new attachment then yeah? :P

What would be awesomer would be attach that to your first post here in this thread (right after Leonardo's ;)) so that anyone who checks this thread can get the fix immediately :D

EDIT: You might also wanna mention that this install.bat disabled BG2Tweaks component #3031 (100% spell leanring) and #3190 (Rest anywhere) from being installed because they're apparently OP according to this post :P

Edited by Lollorian, 01 April 2012 - 12:23 AM.

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#18 William Imm

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Posted 01 April 2012 - 10:11 AM

Thanks, Lol. Updated sig, and my first post as well.
At this point, I'm not really doing much Baldur's Gate related. More focused on Skyrim modding and the Born of Legend tabletop roleplaying game. Don't expect much activity here.

#19 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 06 April 2012 - 02:31 AM

I will upload a fixed version of BWP-Installpack v11.1 if the download section will ever work again. (being unable to upload any file)

Edited by Leonardo Watson, 06 April 2012 - 02:32 AM.

#20 -max-

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Posted 06 April 2012 - 10:59 AM

Thanks Dabus, I was able to install Nej now. A few more things-

1) I had to install Innate fix and Generalized biffing manually.

2) HelmLA.item stopped DO quest pack component "all creature and area improvements" installing. Installation paused, I took it out of override folder, and installed manually (then put it back in). Then hit continue and install went ahead fine.

3)I forgot to remove the ToB cd from computer and install looked like it worked anyway. I thought it might have caused a problem with bgt...

4)I have played NEJv691 up to the meeting with Larrel in the Severed Hand. When you ask to go to Dorn's Deep (part of the new content) the game always CTD.

Just guessing I looked at the area files with DLTCEP, and it looks like 18 out of 22 areas are missing. These areas are in the NEJ3 folder starting at TT6000 to TT9799. Four show up blank (no bmp) and the rest are not there. Just testing I added them all to the override folder. Now it doesn't crash, it says noading area, then bg2 freezes, and I have to quit the program.

There are no errors that I can see in the debug file for NEJ691. Any ideas?