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Desperate beginner requires idiot-proof instructions for installing a

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#1 Bigal109

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Posted 12 March 2012 - 04:09 AM

Hallo Anybody

I have recently bought the GOG versions of Bg1 and 2 and wish to add somew basic mods to enhance this game which i loved when I played it many years ago.

I read various posts readmes etc and downloaded various mods and based on this came to the conclusion that the BiG World Project would serve my needs best. So I followed the instructions in the readme and it all seemed to work okay then the installer said it had failed to download or "fetch"(?) a critical file (Throne of Bhaal Hacks 0.5.1: The Mod itself (ToBHacks_v0.5.1.zip)*. I checked if that had been one of the files I had downloaded from the linklist and it was but I was unable to open it and I'm afraid accidentally assigned it to use adobe acrobat as its default program (don't ask me how that happened!!)and since then I have tried to delete it and download it again but it seems to be permanently attached to adobe. I tried reinstalling the games and using the installer again several times and then finally gave up in frustration as it was then pretty late at night.

I am hoping someone can take pity on a clueless technophobe and tell me how best to resolve this.

Should I uninstall the games and delete all the files and then try downloading them again (I found that many of the files I downloaded were ultimately not ones I wanted in the final install)?

Right now I am extremely confused and in need of patient expert help.

Any assistance would be most appreciated.

#2 novision

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Posted 12 March 2012 - 09:38 AM

Hey man, I feel your pain.
I went through endless trouble installing.
In the end I decided to install manually, which took some time, but has the benefit of giving one a much clearer idea of where things go wrong.
There are many, many more mods out there but all too many of them are of limited quality. Some years ago I installed the game using the auto installer that downloads all the mods, but the game was very slow and would crash frequently, so I´m not fond of these mega installs.

Here is the order in which I installed:(Which is probably not the best order of installing, but it worked.)
I´m not sure where the BGII mega mods would come in the order, maybe at the end.

1. (Nothing here, I just can't be bothered to renumber all the list.)
2. BG2 Fixpack
3. Bheck the Bodies
4. BGTrilogy
5. Txt Music
6. DSotSC
7. NSotSC
8. NSotSC patch
9. TGC
10. Thalantyr items
12. BGI UB
13. Underrepresented Items
14. SCS I
15. SCS II
16. BGTTweak ( Should be right after BGT maybe?)
17. UBII
18. Fairy Dragon(This is only if you intend to have a Lwful good or Neutral Good mage, can't remeber which.)
19. Worldmap
20. Widescreen

#3 Fouinto

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Posted 12 March 2012 - 10:12 AM

Take a look at this thread.

#4 -Big Al-

-Big Al-
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Posted 13 March 2012 - 08:59 AM

Thanks for the help guys

Feel a bit foolish as found the thread Founito suggested shortly after posting this message.

Am in process and all seems good. Willl report back again once completed.

Thanks again to all

Big Al