I am having way too much fun.
Don't get me wrong... I stink. I am never going to be a crackerjack FPS player. I got me a soldier, made him a tank, and had a blast. Literally - the firts match, I let off a concussive shot into the barrier I was holding down. (By the way, neominsc, whoever you are, you rock - sorry I dropped out but my computer rebooted in the lobby!!! and ScottPilgrim or ScottBishop {I think one of those} had me drop in unnannounced, and was exceedingly kind - I learned a ton, and was a boat anchor. Luckily I couldn't care less about mutch more than holding down a flank and hosing automatic weapon fire onto everything, pinning enemies down. Low kill count, but I can handle Bronze - I know to stop shooting and let the Vanguard/Krogan get the kill, as I don't care about the score, and they probably do).
So I was thinking - when the multiplayer part of ME3 goes live, where could I find like-minded "I want to have fun and explore this FPS side of things with folks who are ok with a grunty team player?". And then I thought to myself, "self, I bet there are some SHS folks who are roleplayers like me, and might be fun to FPS with".
To start it all off, I am cmorganbg (soldier) and cmorganbg_# for other characters; I assume I will be able to set the same up in the multiplayer game when it goes live. I enjoy playing, don't care if we lose every game, and am not likely to run off or use a rocket launcher directly into the first enemy we see. I run on CST, and only speak english, but I am happy to play with anyone, unless they are blasting rap music into their open mike (Ride of the Valkyries is OK, though. I love the smell of napalm in the morning.)
Origin Name: cmorganbg
Time Zone: CST
Platform: PC
Mic: yes
If this is a good idea, and someone with more experience at setting up teams or gathering information can take this over and set it up.
(I'm still modding. But right now, this is way, way fun )
Edited by cmorgan, 03 March 2012 - 06:08 AM.