What area would you like to see next in Tamriel?
Posted 11 April 2012 - 12:47 AM
Anyway, it is not a matter of this thread so i will not go on about my personal issues!
Eleima, reading through you link, i am more convinced that the next game shouldn't be about Tamriel, but Akavir! Think about it! Vampire humanoids that performed genocide against humans and dragons? Some kind of tiger humanoids whose leader managed to become an immortal dragon???
"Man, in his discussions with other men about questions of religion, statecraft, geography, trade, has always reached a point in the discussion where it has seemed wise to reply to his opponent by disemboweling him or knocking his brains out."
My name is Thomas Hockenberry, Ph.D., and I think the "Ph.D." stands for "Pouring His Draft."
"The study of modern science today is being done by the brain of primitive man."
Posted 13 April 2012 - 03:31 PM
Granted they're a part of Tamriel history, but I wouldn't go as far to say they're "an elemental force". They got overrun by cliff racers on Vvardenfell, for crying out loud! They hadn't been seen since the Merethic Era. Besides, they're weren't technically extinct, they had been mostly killed and driven off, and some were still living in Tamriel, hidden from sight (Parthurnaax is one).
The origin of dragons is unknown. The College of Whispers has questioned dremora, who claim dragons just were, and are: eternal, immortal, unchanging, and unyielding.
It is a quote from elderscrolls wiki.
"Man, in his discussions with other men about questions of religion, statecraft, geography, trade, has always reached a point in the discussion where it has seemed wise to reply to his opponent by disemboweling him or knocking his brains out."
My name is Thomas Hockenberry, Ph.D., and I think the "Ph.D." stands for "Pouring His Draft."
"The study of modern science today is being done by the brain of primitive man."
Posted 14 April 2012 - 12:06 AM
But to get back on track, I think it'd be a mistake to go in that direction and focus on dragons, it'd be a disappointing direction for the franchise to take. The Elder Scrolls isn't about dragons. It's about... the Elder Scrolls!! And that's the one thing that links every game. And as Todd Howard often says, the main character of the game isn't the Player Character. Nope, it's the setting, it's the land you tread, the rivers you cross, the hills you climb, the mountains you scale.
So by all means, we can go to Akavir if it means discovering a new country and its culture. Or stay in Tamriel, and journey to the warm sands of Elsweyr, the Black Marsh, or the forests of Valenwood. But hopefully, they won't make it about dragons.
(Of course, I'm no dev', and Bethesda will do as they please, I trust them enough to deliver another great installement five, six years from now.)
Check out my DeviantArt account, as well as my scribbling on FanFiction.net
Posted 14 April 2012 - 12:33 AM

And while i am in love with the idea of dragons, I, too, wouldn't like an Elder scroll based on them. After all, i am playing Skyrim now, and it is exactly that, so there is no need for repetition!
As for the dremora, i - unfortunately - have to agree with you. I mean, if i judge from the intelligence of a Synod mage i met in Skyrim, those two new guilds are probably even less intelligent that the kid in the book that tried to bind a daedra and got killed in the end!
Edited by quinlan, 14 April 2012 - 12:34 AM.
"Man, in his discussions with other men about questions of religion, statecraft, geography, trade, has always reached a point in the discussion where it has seemed wise to reply to his opponent by disemboweling him or knocking his brains out."
My name is Thomas Hockenberry, Ph.D., and I think the "Ph.D." stands for "Pouring His Draft."
"The study of modern science today is being done by the brain of primitive man."
Posted 14 April 2012 - 07:21 PM
I thought of another reason why Akavir wouldn't do: it's huge, an entire continent. I couldn't find any information on its exact size, particularly relative to Tamriel, but it's four distinct regions. It's purely practical, look at the time it took to develop and loving craft Skyrim, each rock, each bluff, each cow. That was just a province, imagine the time it would take to depict an entire continent. EIther a lot would get "lost in translation", as it is, or it'd take forever.
And yeah, daedra are cunning and dangerous. Any novice mage should know that!

Edited by Eleima, 14 April 2012 - 07:22 PM.
Check out my DeviantArt account, as well as my scribbling on FanFiction.net
Posted 15 April 2012 - 01:21 AM

Thanks for the podcast.

"Man, in his discussions with other men about questions of religion, statecraft, geography, trade, has always reached a point in the discussion where it has seemed wise to reply to his opponent by disemboweling him or knocking his brains out."
My name is Thomas Hockenberry, Ph.D., and I think the "Ph.D." stands for "Pouring His Draft."
"The study of modern science today is being done by the brain of primitive man."
Posted 15 April 2012 - 07:06 PM
Check out my gaming oriented Youtube channel >>> https://www.youtube....er/viceiceman85
Posted 15 April 2012 - 09:17 PM
Actually, Tamriel would need a lot of development time as well, since it's all of the provinces of the Empire (Valenwood + Skyrim + Cyrodiil + High Rock + Black Marsh + Morrowind + Elsweyr + Hammerfell + Summerset Isle).Hadn't thought of that. Indeed, a new continent needs A LOT more of developing than Tamriel.
If you liked that one, you should definitely listen to the other Skyrim Developer Diaries that were released in October and November 2011, just prior to the game's release. The one on Mark Lampert and how he uses different, mundane sounds is absolutely astonishing.Thanks for the podcast.
What they talked about is exactly why i like Skyrim. Skyrim is the 1st 3d game i have tried.
Oh my gosh, sacrilege! Definitely give Jade Empire and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic a try. They have great stories, and the graphics aren't that bad. The story and character development will make you forget the 3D graphics.I have a problem with 3d graphics; they look fake and i cannot let it go and play the game. That's the reason i stayed with BG, IWD, Torment series up to 2012. They are games that more or less have reached the maximum of their potential. Skyrim is the 1st 3d game i have encountered that realism is expressed with graphics good enough. Not perfect by a long shot for me, mind you, but good enough to make me interested to play the game.
Aaaand, after that little tangent, back on topic!!
I know!!! You're the one who instilled that hope in me, and I'm afraid I'll be terribly disappointed when they release Horse DLC!And like I have stated before, Summerset Isles would be a perfect expansion for Skyrim...

Check out my DeviantArt account, as well as my scribbling on FanFiction.net
Posted 06 May 2012 - 02:24 PM
I'd love to go pretty much anywhere, just to explore it as it is in the present Era. I mean, I know that Elder Scrolls Online is going to be dealing with ALL of Tamriel, but it's Tamriel as it stood a kajillion years ago: Elsweyr JUST became its own country, for example. Black Marsh, I think, would be cool, because there's literally a race of ape-people that live in the woods and try desperately to emulate how cool Argonians are as a cultural thing.
What I really want to do is explore Akavir, but only well after I have gotten to run all over every country in Tamriel in the present era. And yes, I would utterly love to revisit High Rock and Hammerfell (what we got to see of it and not just the Illiac Bay) with the current engine and graphics.
Think about it, guys. You get too late to a city and the city gates are closed. So you turn around and start walking. Instead of walking into a never-ending wasteland full of spriggans and pixilated sprites of trees and what are either piles of rocks or poop... you walk into actual plains, actual forests, actual deserts. You can walk around the deck of your ship as you sail from Daggerfall to Wayrest, from Wayrest to Sentinel. Casting protection spells to protect you from the heat of traversing the A'likr Desert. I'm drooling, are you drooling?
"You just want them to be your panties, you dirty little girl!" -Ilmatar and Kellen
"Endure. In enduring, grow strong." -The Third Circle of Zerthimon
Posted 06 May 2012 - 09:15 PM
But yeah, the potential is mind boggling, at least to me. We won't have to choose... The forests of Valenwood, the desert of Hammerfell, the Adamantine Tower in High Rock, colorful Morrowind (did you see the screenshot with the Ordinator?? Sqeeeee!!!!)...
One thing I'm curious about is how they're going to deal with the Knahaten flu. Are they going to set the stage before the outbreak, or close of fthe border to the Black Marsh to all but Argonians?... And yeah, meeting the Kothringi would be incredible!!!
But yeah, Akavir is looking increasingly likely as a setting for TES6 as a result of TESO's announcement.
And yes, I'm drooling.

Edited by Eleima, 07 May 2012 - 09:48 PM.
Check out my DeviantArt account, as well as my scribbling on FanFiction.net
Posted 07 May 2012 - 04:58 PM
If I get to straight-up play as a snake dude or tiger dude in TES6 and get to run around Akavir being some kick-butt samurai, I would be SO JAZZED.
Or... I know they covered it in the books, but that floating city that's actually a chunk of Mehrunes Dagon's Oblivion plane. THAT would be cool to have as an explorable city. I haven't read the books but, being the ES nerd that I am, I read up on it in the Wiki and it's pretty awesome-sounding. It'd be like a cross between Shivering Isles and the Oblivion Plane sections of "Oblivion".
Also, Eleima, we're going to find each other on TESO and go on a MIGHTY ADVENTURE to the Iliac Bay right?

"You just want them to be your panties, you dirty little girl!" -Ilmatar and Kellen
"Endure. In enduring, grow strong." -The Third Circle of Zerthimon
Posted 07 May 2012 - 09:47 PM
@Isilven; regarding the books... I read the first one, the Infernal City, and it was *awful*, the writing was just... yuck. It did have a certain appeal, with part of the story happening in Black Marsh. The city itself was interesting. Part of my dislike might have also stemmed from the fact that I was still in denial that a warlord had become emperor, and that Vvardenfell had been obliterated.
Regarding the Knahaten Flu, the wiki says it "completely destroyed the non-Argonian population of Black Marsh", so I'm sure any other race would be spared, but then it adds that "the most affected was the human population"... I don't know, maybe we're reading too much into it.
And yes, time zones and little monkeys willing, we'll find each other on TESO, definitely!! My goto character is always a Breton, so with luck, I'll start upin Daggerfall, Wayrest or Northpoint.
Edited by Eleima, 07 May 2012 - 09:51 PM.
Check out my DeviantArt account, as well as my scribbling on FanFiction.net
Posted 08 May 2012 - 11:10 AM
And yes, little monkeys willing, we're going to Breton up and Daggerfall everywhere.
Okay, so for the Flu, we can insinuate that while it did kill off like, every non-Argonian, it REALLY hit the Men hard, so I'm assuming that all the Breton, Nord, Redguard, and Imperial ex-pats in Black Marsh were obliterated.
"You just want them to be your panties, you dirty little girl!" -Ilmatar and Kellen
"Endure. In enduring, grow strong." -The Third Circle of Zerthimon
Posted 08 May 2012 - 01:18 PM
theacefes: You have to be realistic as well, you can't just be Swedish!
Posted 08 May 2012 - 02:12 PM
sorry there guys, I just got all Patrick Stewart on the thread.
"You just want them to be your panties, you dirty little girl!" -Ilmatar and Kellen
"Endure. In enduring, grow strong." -The Third Circle of Zerthimon
Posted 08 May 2012 - 09:02 PM
Isilven, someone's had too much coffee!

Check out my DeviantArt account, as well as my scribbling on FanFiction.net
Posted 09 May 2012 - 08:35 AM
"You just want them to be your panties, you dirty little girl!" -Ilmatar and Kellen
"Endure. In enduring, grow strong." -The Third Circle of Zerthimon