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Comments on Dragon Age news

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#21 Vicen


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Posted 23 May 2011 - 01:57 PM

I'd like dwarves back.

Agreed...You do not even SEE one dwarf female in DA2 to my knowledge...that certainly needs to change in DA3...seeing as how there were tons of them in Origins and actually a companion in Awakening... :ph34r:

Edited by Vicen, 23 May 2011 - 01:57 PM.

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#22 Philiposophy

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Posted 23 May 2011 - 04:17 PM

I want to see some female qunari most of all. I mean, there was concept art and all.

#23 Zander

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Posted 28 May 2011 - 11:00 AM

He also said this:

I am absolutely aware of the concerns voiced here. Issues like level re-use, the implementation of wave combat, concerns about the narrative and significance of choice and so on have all been not only noted, but examined, inspected and even aided me (and many, many others on the team) in formulating future plans. Further, I'm not only aware of the concerns, but I agree that there are aspects of DA II that not only can but must be improved in future installments. And that is precisely our intent.

Finally, let me conclude by saying that while we are all aware of your concerns, I am very proud of what the team accomplished with Dragon Age II. I know many are advocating a "it wasn't broke, why did you try to fix it?" stance, and I absolutely understand why. From my perspective, as someone looking to the future and the DA franchise, I think that DA II moved us into a space that has more potential.

He all but says that it's going to be his way, and if you don't like it, too bad. That final paragraph is damning telling, IMHO.

After that, I'm not really expecting DA III to be much different. When the lead designer doesn't like DA:O, don't expect him to bring back any features that he's already cut out of his interpretation of the DA universe. About all we can hope for is a finished product rather than a Beta (I'm feeling generous) build.

Edit for spelling.

Edited by Zander, 28 May 2011 - 11:02 AM.

#24 Daulmakan


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Posted 28 May 2011 - 01:54 PM

Nice move promoting probable DLCs in the same post...

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#25 Archmage Silver

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Posted 28 May 2011 - 04:35 PM

I'd like to think that they would actually try to make Dragon Age III a decent RPG, but I don't really believe it. BioWare used to deliver, but now it's all about these action crap games and accessibility.

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think that EA ruined them by handing over the control to some corporate suits who think that RPG stands for Ripoff = Pure Gold. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be in the corner over there wearing my tinfoil hat...

#26 Tempest


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Posted 28 May 2011 - 05:39 PM

EA makes a habit of running formerly good franchises into the ground. Mass Effect seems to have avoided the curse, and they do still turn out a decent game now and then, but DA2 was a jarring drop in quality compared to the first game, and it appears there is little grounds for optimism for DA3.

"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

#27 Zander

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Posted 28 May 2011 - 05:50 PM

EA makes a habit of running formerly good franchises into the ground. Mass Effect seems to have avoided the curse, and they do still turn out a decent game now and then, but DA2 was a jarring drop in quality compared to the first game, and it appears there is little grounds for optimism for DA3.

Having seen some of the stuff on the Mass Effect forums, I'm beginning to think that ME3 will be ME2++, as the lead Whatever-she-is (Christina Norman) doesn't like RPG and wants to eliminate "numbers". GAH!

Having almost given up on BiowarEA, I'm at a loss where to turn. I'm not really interested in the continuing saga of Geralt, so that leaves Bethesda, yes? Any other suggestions?

#28 Daulmakan


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Posted 28 May 2011 - 09:11 PM

Having almost given up on BiowarEA, I'm at a loss where to turn. I'm not really interested in the continuing saga of Geralt, so that leaves Bethesda, yes? Any other suggestions?

Personally, the only game I'm looking forward to is Diablo 3 (now that's an ARPG I can be comfortable with), but who knows when it'll get released. That, and hope there are some legs to the Obsidian IWD3 rumors (doubtful with the next Dungeon Siege coming up IIRC).

Luckily, I'm a buff for "older" games like the IE series, HOMM3, Disciples2, KotORs, Jedi Academy, and Bloodlines, and I can always go back to those. :wub: Or get another replay of DA:O. :devil:

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#29 -Kaenya-

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Posted 29 May 2011 - 07:37 AM

I'd like to think that they would actually try to make Dragon Age III a decent RPG, but I don't really believe it. BioWare used to deliver, but now it's all about these action crap games and accessibility.

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think that EA ruined them by handing over the control to some corporate suits who think that RPG stands for Ripoff = Pure Gold. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be in the corner over there wearing my tinfoil hat...

Sadly enough, this is where I'm at. I watched some of a playthrough of DA2 on Youtube and didn't even want to get it. I'm mostly returning to/trying out older games these days. I do like the Elder Scrolls games and will get Skyrim, because at least I know the gaming world will be a big place where I can do a lot of different things. With DA, I feel like they're too hung up on trying to attract a crowd and not on the integrity and depth of the game itself.

About the multiplayer thing - it worked in Baldur's Gate, but in Icewind Dale it gave single players the short end of the stick (I still love the games, but NPC mods make them a lot better for me), and the Neverwinter Nights OC was, IMO, a disaster (why should I feel compelled to play a game if my PC isn't even the main character, just the only character that ever does anything?).

#30 Vicen


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Posted 29 May 2011 - 11:32 AM

I think most of you either have unrealistic expectations for games now a days or I am just an easy critic...No game is ever going to be another BG2...might as well get use it to...BG2 was the exception to the rule...not the standard sadly...DA:O gave us hope but as we all know the majority overrules the minority...so be thankful we have what we got...

With that being said there is always room for improvement and hopefully Bioware can do a lot better in DA:3 then they did with DA:2...(Stop re-using all the areas and make more then 1-2 types of bandits!...swarms also get old fast too...)

Thats just my 2 cents...Flame on if need be ha... :devil:

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#31 Archmage Silver

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Posted 29 May 2011 - 01:18 PM

Having almost given up on BiowarEA, I'm at a loss where to turn. I'm not really interested in the continuing saga of Geralt, so that leaves Bethesda, yes? Any other suggestions?

I've personally got three more RPG developers I'm watching if BioWare isn't developing what I'd like to buy: Bethesda, Obsidian, and Larian. Then there are the indies, although I must admit that I don't really follow the indie scene that much. For indie RPGs, I do keep an eye on Age of Decadence, Dead State, and of course, The Broken Hourglass.

Luckily, I'm a buff for "older" games like the IE series, HOMM3, Disciples2, KotORs, Jedi Academy, and Bloodlines, and I can always go back to those. :wub: Or get another replay of DA:O. :devil:

Same here. I'd add the following to that list of yours in case DA III doesn't cut it: Arcanum, Fallout 1&2, Wizardry 8, ToEE, and Divine Divinity.

#32 Zander

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Posted 29 May 2011 - 01:59 PM

Thanks for the suggestions, guys. *Makes careful notes*

@Vicen - no need for asbestos clothing before reading :)

I don't expect, or even want today's games to be like BG2. That would be unrealistic and limiting - given the vast improvements to computers since then and the sheer cost of making them (time and money) My problem lies with Bioware's recent evolution. I played and enjoyed DA:O. I played and after getting used to its differences in gameplay, had great fun with ME. Keywords Enjoyed and Had Fun.

ME2 removed some of the (minor) annoyances of ME, and streamlined the gameplay. They also took away a few non-combat related numbers rightly or wrongly, causing warning bells to ring, if you like, and introduced some plot "twists" that were very hard to swallow. (I hated being TIM's tool, and not being able to rebel, or even make others aware of his duplicity). Latest indications are that there is more focus on gunplay, removing more non-combat-related numbers, although I think the only non-combat related numbers left are paragon-renegade. Even the possibillity of being able to romance Kaidan without "cheating" doesn't really sweeten the pot much.

As for the DA disaster, all signs on the forums from the lead since he returned indicate that he's not about to compromise his vision, (yes, yes, you have concerns, but I'm determined to put RPG on everyone's console/pc even if I have to remove all the RPG elements from them and lie through my teeth in the descriptions on the website), so I'm not too optimistic there.

Am I over-reacting, over-pessimistic? I hope so, but I fear I'm not.

(Perhaps I should get out my asbestos suit for my first sentence.....)


#33 KIrving

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Posted 29 May 2011 - 02:19 PM

Having almost given up on BiowarEA, I'm at a loss where to turn. I'm not really interested in the continuing saga of Geralt, so that leaves Bethesda, yes? Any other suggestions?

I've personally got three more RPG developers I'm watching if BioWare isn't developing what I'd like to buy: Bethesda, Obsidian, and Larian. Then there are the indies, although I must admit that I don't really follow the indie scene that much. For indie RPGs, I do keep an eye on Age of Decadence, Dead State, and of course, The Broken Hourglass.

I discovered Dead State a few months ago and it's definitely a game I'm hanging out for. It looks very RPG heavy with lots of diplomatic dilemmas and ZOMBIES....YAY!!!!! I just hope they stay independent for development and publishing.
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#34 Kulyok

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Posted 29 May 2011 - 09:53 PM

If you like semi-RPGs for the story and don't mind older games, I heartily recommend Myst and Myst 3:Exile, Nox, King's Quest:Mask of Eternity, and the first, old, Russian pirate game Sea Dogs(you'll be smitten, but DON'T buy game 2 or game 3 - not worth it). And, of course, Planescape:Torment. Me, I've been replaying Origins and doing another run with EasyTutu+BG1 NPCs.

#35 -Kaenya-

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Posted 29 May 2011 - 10:27 PM

I think most of you either have unrealistic expectations for games now a days or I am just an easy critic...No game is ever going to be another BG2...might as well get use it to...BG2 was the exception to the rule...not the standard sadly...DA:O gave us hope but as we all know the majority overrules the minority...so be thankful we have what we got...

With that being said there is always room for improvement and hopefully Bioware can do a lot better in DA:3 then they did with DA:2...(Stop re-using all the areas and make more then 1-2 types of bandits!...swarms also get old fast too...)

Thats just my 2 cents...Flame on if need be ha...

Heh, no flames from me, I promise. ^.^

I *am* a critical person, I admit. However, the truth is that games that try to garner attention with flashy graphics, stereotypical characters and situations, and shallow depictions of violence, sex appeal etc. bore me very easily. DAO was good but I had a lot of issues with it all the same, so of course DA2 did not go over well with me at all. I don't really have the money or especially the time to burn on games that I don't love, so I have to be nitpicky.

BG2 was great, but I don't expect new games to *be* Baldur's Gate. I do, however, think that for something to have a quality and a heart to it that it needs to be creative and immersive, a world to get lost in, rather than to merely watch like a movie. Good writing, music and characters can achieve that better than super graphics/explosions/cyber "romance" or whatever it is the average gamer looks for in RPG's these days. I'm rather young, so the idea that the RPG market peaked when I was 12 or so is rather depressing. Other than Oblivion (which I thoroughly enjoyed despite its flaws because the free exploration aspects made it so easy to create my own story), I usually only enjoy older games these days. They seemed more concerned with the game itself rather than commercialism back then.

#36 Kwiat_W

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Posted 30 May 2011 - 05:39 AM

Have anyone of you played games from Drakensang series ("Drakensang: The dark eye" and "Drakensang: River of time")? I haven't, but its based on german pnp RPG, it's statistics heavy, you command party of heroes and I'm not sure but I think it's turn based.

I just checked, it's "tactical combat system with pause function", so probably something like BG/NWN/KOTOR.

Edited by Kwiat_W, 30 May 2011 - 05:46 AM.

icon11.gif W_GUI - a GUI replacement for Baldur's Gate 2/TUTU/BGT/CA
icon11.gif W_PackMule - Your own pack mule for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA, BGEE and BG2:EE

icon11.gif Psionics Unleashed - play as a Psion, mod for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA


#37 Cal Jones

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Posted 27 August 2011 - 12:25 PM

I thoroughly enjoyed Legacy - a lot of the things that were irritating in DA2 have been addressed (such as ninjas falling from the skies!). You still can't influence how it pans out but the journey is enjoyable, levels are nice to play through and fights are fun. If DA3 is more in line with this, I'll take it.

#38 Archmage Silver

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Posted 27 August 2011 - 12:59 PM

Well, it'd be pretty hard to make DA3 worse than DA II... oh wait. Well, even if it's moderately better, I'd still call it "OK" but not great, because of the DA II elements. Great for me would be Origins 2.0 with some obvious improvements.

#39 Vicen


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Posted 27 August 2011 - 04:39 PM

I agree with Cal on this one. As long as they do not have the insane enemies jumping from 100 ft+ from the air down all the time. And they do not re-use areas every other location you go too...I imagine it can only get better before it gets worse...

Hopefully in the next game they will allow you to equip your companions with armor instead of just weapons...that is another thing that irked me in DA:2 I hope they change that with DA:3...

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#40 Daulmakan


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Posted 27 August 2011 - 06:21 PM

I'd be more than set if it was just DA:O with new story, levels, and characters and same skills /graphics and assuming nothing of DA2 (pre-set character, blood explosions 24/7, sky-falling enemies, teleporting rogues, copy pasted levels, awesome button, cheap ass interface, dialogue wheel, god of war attack animations, same ending, etc.).

Edited by Daulmakan, 27 August 2011 - 06:21 PM.

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