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Comments on BGEE & BG2EE News

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#121 -Norenbercer-

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Posted 21 March 2012 - 11:38 AM

Wow, a great deal of discussion here(http://www.beamdog.c...-edition?page=7).
We will do everything we can to keep the game backwards compatible with mods. In the case we fix a bug which a mod was using, we'll try to help the Modders figure out a new implementation.
Adding another character slot has come up in discussion, but we want to stay true to the game, so no, 6 slots will stay.
Stats-wise, we're 2nd Ed. D&D, so we get all the joy that comes with 2nd Ed, like Thac0 and saving throws.

#122 Solaufein


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Posted 21 March 2012 - 12:56 PM

I look forward to the EEs, being a die hard fan since they came out. With this kick start maybe the kids these days will figure out that game playing isn't all about neat eye candy that their uber graphics cards can handle. Plus this will kick start a dieing modding community as well.
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#123 Lurker of the north

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Posted 21 March 2012 - 03:56 PM

no, 6 slots will stay.

...-Oh NOES!!! (as in: -Whyyy?!)

Well, can someone ask them to at least not hard-code it THAT hard... just gently, so that "we" (You, beautiful modders) can expand the party by means of modding, if not by day one, then at least within a year or so?

...Oh, and... Bags of holding, would it be impossible to just sort items within by means of "drag and drop"?
Would probably save hoarders (like me) several hours per run... it's just impossible to find stuff without order, and order takes forever to achieve without the ability do "sort" stuff out,

#124 Tempest


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Posted 21 March 2012 - 04:08 PM

Well, you have to draw the line somewhere, and 6 is the traditional limit in fantasy games.

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#125 Archmage Silver

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Posted 21 March 2012 - 04:33 PM

Well, you have to draw the line somewhere, and 6 is the traditional limit in fantasy games.

And then there's the game balance to think about. BGs would be way too easy with seven characters, although Seven Samurai Kensai probably would be something to behold.

#126 Lurker of the north

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Posted 21 March 2012 - 05:01 PM

-Ok, so that's a pretty good "why"...but still... (*whining*) The banters, u know?
And the look of the bigger (wide)screens; kinda looks empy wiyh only six people in the row.

Game-wise i mostly solo, because it's easier (really, it is)... but the party, the banter... since they're redoing it anyway: why not more? (...and "merrier"?)

#127 Maanape

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 05:35 AM

So basically they're nothing more than corporate-sanctioned modders who will charge money for "fixes" and content of unknown quality.

That's the reason I think they have to offer more than a Big World install can already be. In fact, it's being said the "enhancement" will add more than we can expect, and these "new" content" is not going to alter the storyline and may respect the engine limitations in a manner it can mantain compatibility with the majority of mods. Taking all these hints into account, I can only expect they do something new, which was not possible before, so they could expand the game without messing with what it was before. If it turns out true, I think BGEE would be really interesting; if not, it would be just new "money charged" content, and it could be even worst than what imaginative people can make for free in the modding community.

I don't think installing BGT/Tutu is going to increase the chance of hosing your game, but in fact the reverse. BGT and Tutu already have a number of fixes incorporated in them, accumulated over the years. Will a re-released game have the same level of fixes? Hard to say, but it would be difficult for a software company with a number of other of projects to have addressed that, whereas a freelance development community has had years to do it. In some cases, those fixes aren't even apparent, nor could be easily reapplied to a port of the original game. This is true for both Tutu and BGT fixes, since they both rename vanilla resources (rather radically in some cases).

On the other hand, a number of graphic elements (character animations in particular, as I've mentioned) were better in BG1. So a best-case scenario would be the improvements of the ToB engine without sacrificing graphical elements. But frankly, I think that's a bit of a pie in the sky thing to hope for, like a number of other wishes expressed here. Not being pessimistic, just realistic.

I think the community has showed to developers IE can do a lot more than they thought was possible. That's why I mentioned Divine Remix and Relationship mods. Graphically speaking, there's Spellpack (which ports spell animations), Infinity Animations and the 1PP mods, and maybe others I don't know of. If they are going to make some "graphic actualization", there's nothing to keep them to include new sprites (a mounted avatar would be only a new sprite for a creature like it had boots of speed and "charging" bonus to Thac0 and damage). Again, like I said above, the only way I think they could improve the game without messing with what was done before (thus keeping compatibility with mods) would be expanding game mechanics it hadn't before. Otherwise, why would they care to "raise dead" IE back, instead of porting the BG story and characters into NWN or Dragon Age engines? Maybe I'm expecting too much, but the modders (and posterior games like Diablo 2) showed it was possible. If they're not doing anything like this, I'll simply not buy the game...

Edited by Maanape, 22 March 2012 - 05:50 AM.

#128 GeN1e


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Posted 22 March 2012 - 08:39 AM

no, 6 slots will stay.

...-Oh NOES!!! (as in: -Whyyy?!)

Well, can someone ask them to at least not hard-code it THAT hard... just gently, so that "we" (You, beautiful modders) can expand the party by means of modding, if not by day one, then at least within a year or so?

Assuming they will manage to modify the original content to allow 7+ parties, it will break every mod that ever touches PlayerX actions and triggers.

Retired from modding.

#129 berelinde



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Posted 22 March 2012 - 08:49 AM

Uh, yeah. The prospect of recoding every mod I've ever written to allow Player7 makes me feel kinda ill. And my mods are small.

That said, if they did implement a 7-member party, I'd probably do it... over a period of a year or more.

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#130 MiLeah

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 11:12 AM

...Oh, and... Bags of holding, would it be impossible to just sort items within by means of "drag and drop"?
Would probably save hoarders (like me) several hours per run... it's just impossible to find stuff without order, and order takes forever to achieve without the ability do "sort" stuff out,

Yea, I got a real bad hoarding problem as well. My mind frame is always "Weeeeelll, I'll just hold on to it. I might never know when I might need to use it later on". And then I beat the game and never use the said item...
Though, while I admit to hoarding, I am at least an organized hoarder. :lol2:
And I loved the herb bag -I do believe that's what it was called? that I know for sure was added in the Gavin mod, because I realized that I do have a lot of potions, but they just take up space when not in use! I normally like to save certain potions for 'bosses'. So lugging them about until I get around to using them not only takes up space, but, yes, I've even had a teammate be encumbered by the dang things! And having a bag/pouch to store them in is a real blessing!
Hopefully, they'll add something on the line of that (if they already haven't).

#131 Andrea C.

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 12:15 PM

They have just announced iPad support, and confirmed "a new adventure" and one new joinable NPC in the enhanced edition of BG+TotSC (see the website). There are a few screenshots of it running on an iPad, though they might as well have been photoshopped on a picture of the iPad... No stony GUI, no original font, and BG2 character animations are NOT a good start. I hope those are older screenshots photoshopped on an iPad.

Edited by Andrea C., 22 March 2012 - 12:16 PM.

#132 Archmage Silver

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 02:00 PM

Support for iPad... figures. Why always Apple devices? Anyway, I don't think that those screens are Photoshopped per se, as I believe that they're actually showing off PC screenshots on those iPads at this time.

#133 William Imm

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 02:05 PM

I'd rather do Google Android support - I really want to play the trilogy on my ASUS Transformer, possibly between classes. I find it fun doing it that way.
At this point, I'm not really doing much Baldur's Gate related. More focused on Skyrim modding and the Born of Legend tabletop roleplaying game. Don't expect much activity here.

#134 Wisp

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 02:13 PM

Will a re-released game have the same level of fixes? Hard to say, but it would be difficult for a software company with a number of other of projects to have addressed that, whereas a freelance development community has had years to do it. In some cases, those fixes aren't even apparent, nor could be easily reapplied to a port of the original game. This is true for both Tutu and BGT fixes, since they both rename vanilla resources (rather radically in some cases).

True, but it is also true that the team of developers is actually being paid to do just that all day, it's their job and they work with the source code - basically, it's within their power to not only fix bugs, but even completely overhaul whatever caused them in the first place. In fact, there is virtually no limit to what they can do with the engine. Besides, they seem to be well acquainted with mods and the modding community: I don't think it would take them too much to download Tutu/BGT and check out the relative bugfixes. If modders could identify and fix those bugs, all the more reason why the game developers could and should ;)

Thing is, these are resource bugs we are talking about. Having access to the source code of the engine does not help you at all. Think BG2 Fixpack (resource bugs) vs. ToBEx (engine bugs).

Miloch raises a good point. Tutu and BGT have accumulated bugfixes from countless people over several years. The developers of the EEs are presumably not a mammoth studio with a small army of playtesters and QA minions. Chances are slim they can match the list of fixed bugs in Tutu/BGT, if they even devote any resources to look for these kinds of bugs in the first place.
To make matters worse, EasyTutu is, shall we say, somewhat opaque about what exactly it does, so transferring anything over would be a horrible task. I do not know how well BGT does in this regard, but if it does the same kind of undocumented-override-dump job that EasyTutu does, the community and the devs of BGEE have their work cut out for them.

#135 Andrea C.

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 02:19 PM

Anyway, I don't think that those screens are Photoshopped per se, as I believe that they're actually showing off PC screenshots on those iPads at this time.

I sure hope they revert back to BG1 paperdolls and animations (if not even portraits) for BGEE... No graphical improvement can make up for those hideous, mirrored animations and fat, dumb-looking paperdolls :(

#136 -Sir Vykel Kanser-

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 02:23 PM

Well there is one flaw in the Enhanced Edition - as it is being sold by Beamdog it will require the installation of their download client and online activation on install (plus re-activation on "significant" hardware upgrades).

To put this in perspective - had the original BG required online activation, it is highly unlikely that anyone would be (legally) playing it now, since Interplay's virtual closure in 2003-4 would almost certainly have resulted in the activation servers going offline (Shamus Young has an indepth explanation of why a DRM-removal patch would not be released under such circumstances).

The Beamdog forum thread DRM and You: Responsible Consumer Practices has more on this.

#137 Archmage Silver

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 03:20 PM

Anyway, I don't think that those screens are Photoshopped per se, as I believe that they're actually showing off PC screenshots on those iPads at this time.

I sure hope they revert back to BG1 paperdolls and animations (if not even portraits) for BGEE... No graphical improvement can make up for those hideous, mirrored animations and fat, dumb-looking paperdolls :(

Well, they did the best they could after the original Baldur's Gate artist Daniel Walker passed away in 1999. It wasn't easy for BioWare to replace him.

Edited by Archmage Silver, 22 March 2012 - 03:22 PM.

#138 phordicus

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 04:48 PM

EA/Oster: Hey, don't mind us! We just wanna leech hard working modders so you can play an old game on your iHipsterDouchebag toy.

Posted Image

Running on an upgraded and improved version of the Infinity Engine, Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition™ will include the entire Baldur’s Gate adventure, the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion pack, and never before seen content including a new adventure and new party member.

Hilarious. Let's hope they continue to cater to the modern RPGer and make sure we can sleep with that new NPC while we're railroaded along the new quest.
Druid Kit Enhancements 1.0 (requires Dispel Magic fix, whether ToBEx's or Taimon's)

#139 Kaeloree


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Posted 22 March 2012 - 10:08 PM


They're bringing Baldur's Gate to a new generation of players. This can only be a good thing for the modding community.

#140 phordicus

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 10:42 PM

Why do they need it brought to them? The game's already there, cheap and easily available. Seriously.
Druid Kit Enhancements 1.0 (requires Dispel Magic fix, whether ToBEx's or Taimon's)