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Comments on BGEE & BG2EE News

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#901 CamDawg



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Posted 04 December 2012 - 11:46 AM

I'll blame the modders; how about that. In exchange for whoring yourselves out, now you get credit for this disaster of a release.

That's an outrageous lie.

Since I didn't get paid I'll have you know I'm a slut, not a whore.

Why is this Hypnotoad video so popu... ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD.
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#902 Yovaneth


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Posted 04 December 2012 - 12:06 PM

Since I didn't get paid I'll have you know I'm a slut, not a whore.

I bet I'm more slutty than you are.


#903 Kaeloree


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Posted 04 December 2012 - 01:35 PM

And y'all have nothing on me; just ask theacefes!

#904 --Bard--

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Posted 04 December 2012 - 02:08 PM

Can someone send "blurry" screenshots from BG:EE and BGT on http://screenshotcomparison.com/ ?

To see what is all the fuss about?

#905 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 04 December 2012 - 02:48 PM

To see what is all the fuss about?

My thought about that is that the new video cards are the common factor there, that when they use their anti-thingy, they actually blur the picture as if it were moving... as the video control panels need to set it to be application controlled, which solves the blurriness.

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.

#906 theacefes


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Posted 04 December 2012 - 03:46 PM

And y'all have nothing on me; just ask theacefes!

It's true. He's as slutty and whorey as they get. Totally sells himself out whenever possible.
DO ~SetGlobal("omgBbqRomanceActive","GLOBAL", 2)~

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#907 Bartimaeus


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Posted 05 December 2012 - 03:05 AM

Can someone send "blurry" screenshots from BG:EE and BGT on http://screenshotcomparison.com/ ?

To see what is all the fuss about?

I'm afraid not, as I honestly have no idea what anyone really means when they're talking about that.

Patch released:


Framerate control support again, yay! :)

#908 Almateria


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Posted 05 December 2012 - 04:39 AM

This thread's become much more interesting in the last 24 hours.

And by that I mean much hotter Posted Image

#909 pacek

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Posted 05 December 2012 - 04:56 AM

I'm not seeing blurry graphics. They look pretty good.

Me too.

Honestly, I don't get all the comments about blurry graphics. That's totally not what I'm getting on my computer, and I'm often left wondering whether we are playing the same game.

The upscaling algorithm BG:EE is using is the best available. That's not a matter of opinion so much as a matter of maths: No filter is better, barring perhaps Lanczos (and even that is debatable). It is far superior than anything any GPU or computer monitor could possibly do.
Some (minor) blurriness is unavoidable as it is inherent to the way upscaling works to begin with, but the blurriness in BG:EE really is pretty minor. I know there are issues with FXAA (nVIDIA) and MLAA (ATi), so people experiencing lots of blur should try to disable those.

Do you know if they tried Genuine Fractals. From examples I've seen (albeit fom the proprieters) it seems fairly impressive.

#910 GeN1e


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Posted 05 December 2012 - 06:40 AM

Whoah, that's a lot of flame going on here :)

To be completely honest, I speculate their prime goal was to release BG on new platforms, not to focus on enhancing the PC version. However, they did provide for the latter to the best of their ability, given time constraints.

The abundance of bug reports is only to be expected, in fact I'd be well surprised if there were none. Even Blizzard, known for its "when it's done" release date, didn't seem to avoid its share recently. It takes a decade to fix every single bug, as you can tell by BG2Fixpack, which keeps growing even now, despite the amount of people "testing" it, as Baronius would have said.

Retired from modding.

#911 Grunker


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Posted 05 December 2012 - 06:53 AM

To be completely honest, I speculate their prime goal was to release BG on new platforms, not to focus on enhancing the PC version.

Interesting. Some us pointed out this very fact when this was announced, claiming we were skeptical that this would have much use as a PC-release, since it looked like the port was the main focus. Back then we were told we were being overly critical and too pessimistic. Now that it seems we were right, it instead becomes a defense: "Yes of course this is no BGT - it was always simply meant as a multi-platform release! Considering this was always a multi-platform release they were actually kind and good to even give a bit to us PC-users!"

I'm not flaming when I point out the inherent hypocrisy in this evolution of arguments.

Edited by Grunker, 05 December 2012 - 06:54 AM.

"I've heard people complain that the game [the new Prince of Persia] is too easy, which seems odd to me, since I died more times than The Nameless One in a smoothie-maker."

- Yahtzee

#912 Aranthys

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Posted 05 December 2012 - 07:43 AM

To be completely honest, I speculate their prime goal was to release BG on new platforms, not to focus on enhancing the PC version.

Interesting. Some us pointed out this very fact when this was announced, claiming we were skeptical that this would have much use as a PC-release, since it looked like the port was the main focus. Back then we were told we were being overly critical and too pessimistic. Now that it seems we were right, it instead becomes a defense: "Yes of course this is no BGT - it was always simply meant as a multi-platform release! Considering this was always a multi-platform release they were actually kind and good to even give a bit to us PC-users!"

I'm not flaming when I point out the inherent hypocrisy in this evolution of arguments.

What you seem to have trouble understanding about our view, is that we do not mind about the fact that the main goal is "Porting to additional devices and ensuring the game runs on modern computers". That, by itself, is already great.
But what we also had, was some additional features, bugfixes & externalization of hardcoded engine features.

At the moment, sure, BGT is probably better for someone that knows existing mod and that's not afraid to mode the sh!t out of their game (More content, more or less the same bug fixes at the cost of having to personalize and heavily mod your game).

But down the road, BG:EE will be the way to go :
All fixes & UI improvements are native on BG:EE, Overhaul are working their asses off (they're fixing things quite fast, you have to give them credits for that) and the more "fixing" mods are deprecated thanks to BG;EE, the best will be the user experience overall.
Content mods will be adapted in due time, so it's not like it matters that much anyway.

That's why Beamdog/Overhaul got my money. And I'm quite pleased with what they've been doing up to now. No, everything's not perfect yet, and I do not agree with all they're doing. But they do well enough to get my support.

Edited by Aranthys, 05 December 2012 - 07:44 AM.

#913 Bartimaeus


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Posted 05 December 2012 - 10:05 AM

I'm not flaming when I point out the inherent hypocrisy in this evolution of arguments.

Care to link to a post where the person you quoted, (GeN1e), previously touted such? Either way, the opinion of one person doesn't automatically make it the opinion of any and everybody who defended the game pre-release.

Edited by Bartimaeus, 05 December 2012 - 10:13 AM.

#914 Cuv


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Posted 05 December 2012 - 01:40 PM

How about we lighten the mood over here with a video of Gorion winning(almost).


My apologies for the crappy quality of the video.

#915 Daulmakan


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Posted 05 December 2012 - 02:22 PM

To be completely honest, I speculate their prime goal was to release BG on new platforms, not to focus on enhancing the PC version. However, they did provide for the latter to the best of their ability, given time constraints.

Considering they failed to pass Apple's approval test, wouldn't that make BG:EE even more of a blunder?

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#916 GeN1e


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Posted 05 December 2012 - 02:34 PM

I'm not flaming when I point out the inherent hypocrisy in this evolution of arguments.

As a matter of fact, the first time I heard about BGEE, I was as much skeptical as anybody else here (link to Russian board). I've changed my opinion quickly, though.

And I still believe the 'enhancing' part has been as important as the 'porting'. It may matter little to modding veterans, but I've seen a lot of casual players prefer to torrent a pre-installed megamod compilation, than bother with going through BWP installation manual. Not to pirate it, mind you, just to spare themselves the headache (something I can understand, because I too use K-Lite codec pack, too bored to study details).

I can understand what you mean by hypocrisy, I get that feeling too sometimes, because some say they'll pay for BGEE just because all fan-made torrent compilation have been buggy, while others advise to stick to BGT. Some compare the official content to poor mods and say they don't want any fan-made crap in their game, while others play with professionally made works like SCS and cringe at the vanilla stuff.

To be completely honest, I speculate their prime goal was to release BG on new platforms, not to focus on enhancing the PC version. However, they did provide for the latter to the best of their ability, given time constraints.

Considering they failed to pass Apple's approval test, wouldn't that make BG:EE even more of a blunder?

Actually, I've never liked Apple anyway. They're evil.

Edited by GeN1e, 05 December 2012 - 02:35 PM.

Retired from modding.

#917 Daulmakan


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Posted 05 December 2012 - 04:32 PM

To be completely honest, I speculate their prime goal was to release BG on new platforms, not to focus on enhancing the PC version. However, they did provide for the latter to the best of their ability, given time constraints.

Considering they failed to pass Apple's approval test, wouldn't that make BG:EE even more of a blunder?

Actually, I've never liked Apple anyway. They're evil.

Be that as it may, it wasn't what I asked. ;)

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#918 Aranthys

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Posted 06 December 2012 - 01:07 AM

Be that as it may, it wasn't what I asked. ;)

Note that Apple approval test can sometimes be a bit "bitchy" if I'm not mistaken.But, yeah, that's a bit of a blunder. Their loss, our Win, I guess.. well, 'xept for the delay.

#919 Yovaneth


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Posted 06 December 2012 - 01:24 AM

Considering they failed to pass Apple's approval test, wouldn't that make BG:EE even more of a blunder?

No. Apple's approval's procedure is known to be arbitrary at best and downright impenetrable at worst. It's also a closed shop with no real detail as to how to get your app to pass their 'approval'. Apps are rejected for no good reason without reason and without explanation.


#920 Grunker


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Posted 06 December 2012 - 01:37 AM

Considering they failed to pass Apple's approval test, wouldn't that make BG:EE even more of a blunder?

No. Apple's approval's procedure is known to be arbitrary at best and downright impenetrable at worst. It's also a closed shop with no real detail as to how to get your app to pass their 'approval'. Apps are rejected for no good reason without reason and without explanation.


I guess the game not being able to function on most Apple computers is an arbitrary explanation to you, then?
"I've heard people complain that the game [the new Prince of Persia] is too easy, which seems odd to me, since I died more times than The Nameless One in a smoothie-maker."

- Yahtzee