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Help: BGT 1.14 on Mac OS X 10.6

BGT-Weidu Mac OS X 1.14 Install Troubleshoot

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#21 Turambar

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 10:19 AM

That's definitely an error. But in my case, removing the file from the bg1movie folder during the installation still allowed me to play; just one movie was skipped. So, this is probably not the only, and breaking, error.

The game should read the paths from baldur.ini, and that's correct.
But apparently, WeiDU for mac just ignores baldur.ini:
./setup-bgt --noautoupdate --no-auto-tp2 --logapp --log bgt/bash.debug --out bg1movie --biff-get-rest intro15f.mve
[./CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 590551 bytes
[./CHITIN.KEY] 182 BIFFs, 41793 resources
[./dialog.tlk] loaded, 8701039 bytes
[./dialog.tlk] 74129 string entries
[./Autorun.ini] loaded, 1452 bytes
[./baldur.ini] loaded, 587 bytes
Possible HD/CD Path: [CD1]
Possible HD/CD Path: [CD2]
Possible HD/CD Path: [CD3]
Possible HD/CD Path: [CD4]
Possible HD/CD Path: [CD5]
Possible HD/CD Path: [CD6]
[./Keymap.ini] loaded, 5615 bytes
[./Mplaynow.ini] loaded, 230 bytes
[./unins000.ini] loaded, 148 bytes
[./setup-bgt] Using scripting style "BG2"
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [CD6/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [CD5/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [CD4/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [CD3/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [CD2/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [CD1/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD1/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD2/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD3/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD4/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD5/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD6/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./cache/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [CD6/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.cbf]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [CD5/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.cbf]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [CD4/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.cbf]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [CD3/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.cbf]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [CD2/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.cbf]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [CD1/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.cbf]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD1/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.cbf]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD2/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.cbf]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD3/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.cbf]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD4/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.cbf]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD5/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.cbf]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD6/MOVIES/MOVINTRO.cbf]
Try making a symlink called Movies to data/Movies

Edited by Turambar, 18 February 2012 - 10:21 AM.


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#22 GammaLeak

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 10:52 AM

Well, the symlink "solved" the INTRO15F.MVE error, but you were correct that it wasn't the breaking problem. I've still got the same assertions preventing me from starting the game. Phooey.
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#23 Turambar

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 11:04 AM

Have you tried my new .tp2 and .sh script? You should again move back baldur.bgt to baldur.ini in your BG1 folder.
Using that, could you please post a new .debug, so that we have a clearer view now that other errors have been fixed?

Have you tried reinstalling BG2 from scratch (IE, deleting whatever remained in your BG2 folder before reinstalling)?

Edited by Turambar, 18 February 2012 - 11:06 AM.


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#24 GammaLeak

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 11:24 AM

The .tp2 and/or the shell script you provided unfortunately produced an error:
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#25 Isaya

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 11:30 AM

Your baldur.ini contains very few lines. It looks like you never tried to run the game before installing a mod. Am I right? Then your issue when running the game might have nothing to do with any mod but with the base installation of BG II. In that case, I would suggest checking that the games work properly before trying to install any mod.

Moreover, this content looks strange:
I'm not familiar with the GOG version, however I would assume that, provided the GOG installer put everything in the data and movies sub-directories (like BG did) instead of the usual CD2, CD3, etc. of the CD version of BGII, the alias should look like:
When looking for a file, BG and BGII always appends "data\" or "movies\" to the path stated in the alias. WeiDU just follows that behaviour.

With a CD version, when the game copies files from CD2 data and movies directories into CD2\data and CD2\movies on the hard disk, the baldur.ini says :

My overall impression is that your baldur.ini might be wrong. Can you describe the content of your game directory, please. Is there a movies sub-directory? Is there any sub-directory in the data subdirectory?

#26 GammaLeak

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 11:34 AM

Hello Isaya! Thanks for your input!

My BG2 game works perfectly before I install BGT. If I uninstall BGT it goes back to working perfectly. This is without changing the .ini file at all.

So I'm pretty sure there's something happening with the BGT install that's causing an issue.

Here is what the main BG2 folder looks like from my GOG install

Power Users.txt
script compiler

And here is what the data folder looks like...


Edited by GammaLeak, 18 February 2012 - 11:39 AM.

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#27 Turambar

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 01:17 PM

The error you posted (BTW, now that you're a member you can attach files in posts, if you use the full editor) is not in the part of code I edited.
Perhaps, it's due to the fact that I'm using a beta; try using the version here, replacing the files I posted above.

Have you tried reinstalling BG2 (unless it's impossible to do it with the GOG game)? Some people have solved the problem just like that.

You appear to have all necessary bifs inside Data, I also have 68; it's strange, though, to have a movie and data folder inside the data folder itself...

The script I posted above for mac OS X is wrong; the correct bgt/install/osx/linkbg1.sh is:
#! /bin/sh
mkdir bgt/bg1
for res in chitin.key dialog.tlk dialogf.tlk bgmain2.exe movies data sounds override characters music
	name=$(ls "$1"|grep -im 1 ^$res$ )
	if test -e "$1/$name"
		ln -fs "$1/$name" bgt/bg1/$name

Another thing you could try, in the .tp2, is to look for the line:
COPY + ~bgt/title.tr~ ~bg1movie/intro15f.mve~
and comment it out:
//COPY + ~bgt/title.tr~ ~bg1movie/intro15f.mve~
if it's already commented and there's a DISABLE_FROM_KEY below, comment that one instead

Edited by Turambar, 18 February 2012 - 01:22 PM.


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#28 GammaLeak

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Posted 19 February 2012 - 08:11 AM

I just did a completely fresh install. New BG1 install. New BG2 install. Then I installed BGT with the modifications you provided.

Same results: I still get the same assertions. :crying: :lol:

Attached are the relevant files...
Attached File  SETUP-BGT.DEBUG   2.38MB   492 downloads
Attached File  baldur.ini.zip   1.47K   274 downloads
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#29 Turambar

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Posted 19 February 2012 - 09:17 AM

I'm sorry, I'm still trying to figure out where that bug could come from; it's a really strange behaviour, and I've never seen it before.

First of all, a new fix for the script:
mkdir bgt/bg1
for res in chitin.key dialog.tlk dialogf.tlk bgmain2.exe movies data sounds override characters music
		name=$(ls "$1"|grep -im 1 ^$res$); a=$?
		if test -e "$1/$name" -a $a -eq 0
				ln -fs "$1/$name" bgt/bg1/$name
and for the .tp2: Attached File  setup-bgt.tp2   365.97K   435 downloads

Try using them; if it doesn't work, open the .tp2 and look for DISABLE_FROM_KEY and comment it out (put // before it); if it still doesn't work, it should not have to do with movies.

Other thing to try: move the data/data and data/movies subfolders (don't touch the bifs which are simply inside data) from data to a new folder, such as "cd" (so, [bg2dir]/cd/data and [bg2dir]/cd/movies); then, edit baldur.ini so that all cds point to cd instead of data.

Try selecting "no" when you're asket whether you want to biff all resources.

Other idea (a bit "dirty", but could also give some information): try installing BGT using the Windows executable (setup-bgt.exe) through wine.

edit: I've found another anomaly in your .debug, this time regarding tis2bg2: no overlays are ever added to your tilesets.e
g, the first area:
[Source]: area0015/ar2600.wed, V1.3
		  area0015/ar2600.tis, V1  
[Output]: area0015/ar0015.wed, V1  
		  area0015/ar0015.tis, no header

Basic tiles number:		 4800
Doors extra tiles number:	 4800
Animations extra tiles number: 9

Tiles processed: 4800 of 4800 done.
Extra 0 overlay tiles added.
In my case, 414 overlay tiles are added.
On the other hand, there should only be 24 door tiles. That could just be an error in the debug, but it would be interesting to see if the resulting tis file is ok... can you open ar0015.tis with NI/ ar0015.are with DLtcEP? Does the area preview in DLTCEP/do the tiles in NI appear to have green water or similar?

[data/areau000.bif] incorporating [AREAU000/AR1007.MOS]

rm: area6500/ar2600*: No such file or directory

That's perhaps a problem of weidu extracting files upper case in Mac, and lower case in Linux; it could overwrite existing tilesets.
Try deleting manually those and the following files while tis2bg2 is running:
rm: areau000/ar10*: No such file or directory
rm: areaw000/ar20*: No such file or directory

edit: it could also be a problem with wildcards, since the only commands which fail are those with a * in the name. Does it work differently on Mac?

Edited by Turambar, 19 February 2012 - 09:56 AM.


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#30 GammaLeak

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Posted 19 February 2012 - 01:45 PM

Alright, more updates on this issue. (EDIT: Correct files finally back in the post)

Tried: Moving c:\bg2\data\data and c:\bg2\data\movies to c:\bg2\cd1\
Result: Same assertions

Tried: New script and new .tp2
Result: Same assertions
Files: Attached File  results-new_tp2-new_script.zip   210.23K   275 downloads
Notes: When I try to "Load area" in DLTCEP for AR0015 I see an image of the whole Candlekeep map. I couldn't really get NI to work on my Mac, so I can't really report any results from that.

Tried: New script, new .tp2, no biffing option
Result: Same assertions
Files: Attached File  results-new_tp2-new_script-no_biff.zip   167.15K   305 downloads

Tried: BGT 1.14 from Github (no modifications) with DOS WeiDU executable in Wine
Result: WORKED? ... but there were "file not found" and similar errors
Files: Attached File  results-github1.14-DOSWeiDU.zip   240.21K   281 downloads

So running the DOS executable actually worked. I could start up BGT, choose a BG1 game, start it, and tool around Candlekeep. Very cool. I know I've tried running the DOS exe in Wine once before with disastrous results (maybe BGT version 1.09 or 1.11?), but something must have changed since then.

HOWEVER... it sure would be nice to know what's causing those "File not found," "Path not found," and "Syntax error"'s. Notice also an "Invalid parameter" error right after you tell WeiDU to BIFF the new resources. I'm a little worried that halfway through a playthrough I'd start getting crashes or maps with no graphics, etc. Those errors don't show up in the WeiDU log (SETUP-BGT.DEBUG), so I reinstalled everything and then redirected the standard output to another file so that you could see where the "File not found," etc errors are happening. Take a look at SETUP-BGT-STDOUT.DEBUG.

So from here we have a few options:
  • Continue to figure out why the Mac version of WeiDU causes the game to get into this assertion state. Maybe by comparing the SETUP-BGT.DEBUG files from the Mac exe and the DOS exe we can see what the discrepancy is.

  • Figure out what those "File not found," etc errors are and fix them in the WeiDU code so that a Wine installation on Mac happens without any problems, then tell Mac users to just install WeiDU mods that way.

  • Fix both 1 and 2 so that either installation method is viable for Mac users.
I wish I understood what was going on under the hood here better so that I could be of more help...

Edited by GammaLeak, 19 February 2012 - 02:11 PM.

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#31 Turambar

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Posted 19 February 2012 - 02:13 PM

I don't know much about WeiDU for Mac; it's even supported by a different person (devSin instead of TheBigg), so I don't know what differences it might have, and whether this could be a bug related to WeiDU itself. One thing WeiDU for Mac and Linux must deal with is case sensitivity, and the two versions, FWIK, deal differently with it. The help of some other Mac user could be useful.
I could try preparing some test .tp2s to see if any of them crashes your game, containing eg snippets of the BGT code. This will surely cause many missing files, but could make me understand better which action causes the crash you experienced. In that case, I'd suggest that you create a second BG2 vanilla installation, where you can try installing them, without ruining the installation which is currently, apparently working.
For example, try replacing all MAKE_BIFF with //MAKE_BIFF; that's the first thing I can think of.

Concerning your game, try advancing a bit in the game, and tell me if you experience bugs or glitches.
Have the temporary folders of BGT (all those AREA#### folders) disappeared, or do you have hundreds of folders inside your BG2 directory?
One thing which could have happened, in all those NOT found problems, is that some files have not been deleted when they should have.

Could you please also post the complete .debug file? Actually, something should have been redirected there, too; I'd like to give a look at that as well.


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#32 GammaLeak

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Posted 19 February 2012 - 02:32 PM

I had bad files in the post originally, but if you look now, you should be able to see a complete .DEBUG from the DOS installation.

I'm looking at a DIFF between the two files and noticing that when it gets to the last stage and starts compressing the areas and game files the file sizes in the resulting BIFs, and sometimes even the number of resources, is totally different. Below are two examples.

Compressing areas...
[data/area0015.bif] will contain 6 resources totalling 25281424 bytes
... <snipped output> ...
[data/area6500.bif] will contain 120 resources totalling 92711675 bytes

[data/area0015.bif] will contain 6 resources totalling 27401104 bytes
... <snipped output> ...
[data/area6500.bif] will contain 114 resources totalling 68520787 bytes

Notice how that the PC only has 114 resources in area6500.bif and the Mac version has 120? The Mac version incorporates the following files that the PC version doesn't:
[data/area6500.bif] incorporating [AREA6500/AR2600SR.BMP]
[data/area6500.bif] incorporating [AREA6500/AR2600LM.BMP]
[data/area6500.bif] incorporating [AREA6500/AR2600HT.BMP]
[data/area6500.bif] incorporating [AREA6500/AR2600.WED]
[data/area6500.bif] incorporating [AREA6500/AR2600.MOS]
... <snipped output> ...
[data/area6500.bif] incorporating [AREA6500/AR2600.TIS]

It looks like the AR2600 stuff never gets rebiffed into anything in the PC install. I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but it seems bad. ^_^

There are more folders left behind in the PC install:

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#33 Turambar

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Posted 19 February 2012 - 02:43 PM

I had bad files in the post originally, but if you look now, you should be able to see a complete .DEBUG from the DOS installation.

I'm looking at a DIFF between the two files and noticing that when it gets to the last stage and starts compressing the areas and game files the file sizes in the resulting BIFs, and sometimes even the number of resources, is totally different. Below are two examples.


Compressing areas...
[data/area0015.bif] will contain 6 resources totalling 25281424 bytes
... <snipped output> ...
[data/area6500.bif] will contain 120 resources totalling 92711675 bytes

[data/area0015.bif] will contain 6 resources totalling 27401104 bytes
... <snipped output> ...
[data/area6500.bif] will contain 114 resources totalling 68520787 bytes

Notice how that the PC only has 114 resources in area6500.bif and the Mac version has 120? The Mac version incorporates the following files that the PC version doesn't:
[data/area6500.bif] incorporating [AREA6500/AR2600SR.BMP]
[data/area6500.bif] incorporating [AREA6500/AR2600LM.BMP]
[data/area6500.bif] incorporating [AREA6500/AR2600HT.BMP]
[data/area6500.bif] incorporating [AREA6500/AR2600.WED]
[data/area6500.bif] incorporating [AREA6500/AR2600.MOS]
... <snipped output> ...
[data/area6500.bif] incorporating [AREA6500/AR2600.TIS]

It looks like the AR2600 stuff never gets rebiffed into anything in the PC install. I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but it seems bad. ^_^

The "PC" is right, those 6500/AR26.. should have been removed, but apparently rm AREA6500/ar2600* doesn't work on Mac as expected.
But still, I don't think those extra files could have caused you that assertion.

The area7200 folder should have been deleted at the end of the installation.


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#34 GammaLeak

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Posted 19 February 2012 - 02:47 PM

Oh, BTW... if you want to make some test TP2's I have a fresh install I can use to fiddle around with...
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#35 Turambar

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Posted 19 February 2012 - 03:04 PM

Thanks; I'll tell you when I have some test ready


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#36 GammaLeak

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Posted 19 February 2012 - 05:37 PM

I've been using CLUAConsole:MoveToArea() to jump to all the areas in this list. The point was basically just to see if they load up. So far all of the ones from BG1 have loaded except for ARU010 Ice Island: Maze L2. DLTCEP says that ARU010 isn't even in the BIFs, which is probably why it won't load. In vanilla BG1 it's AR1010, and I can see it in my fresh BG1 install (via DLTCEP).

So, at least on the surface, using the PC version of WeiDU appears to properly install all BG1 areas except that one. However, where there's one error, usually there's more.....

EDIT: It appears that this dungeon was excluded from the regular version of the game and is only restored via BG1 Unfinished Business, so this is not actually an error.

Edited by GammaLeak, 19 February 2012 - 08:01 PM.

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#37 Turambar

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Posted 20 February 2012 - 06:20 AM

Here are two test .tp2s (for WeiDU for Mac). Rename them to setup-bgt.tp2, try to install them and to launch the game.
Only see if you get the same assertion or not; if you manage to reach the first menu, please exit immediately, since plenty of resources will be missing.
If the first one fails, the second is probably useless.
You should add the content of this archive to bgt/install/osx: Attached File  osx.7z   382bytes   233 downloads

test 1:
Attached File  setup-bgt-1.tp2   366.11K   368 downloads

test 2:
Attached File  setup-bgt-2.tp2   365.96K   382 downloads

Please post .debug from each


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#38 Ascension64

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Posted 21 February 2012 - 12:16 AM

I don't know if this is the issue, but I might have found a mistake at line 445 of setup-bgt.tp2 (actually, that will probably have broken your bg1 installation).
So, first of all, please post your setup-bgt.debug file.
Move that baldur.bgt file back to [bg1 directory]/baldur.ini
Then, edit setup-bgt.tp2: line 445 and following:

  AT_NOW ~%mv% "%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.ini" baldur.bgt %debug%~ EXACT
  LAM bash_log
  //needed to be sure that it will be restored even if installation fails
  AT_EXIT ~%mv% "%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.bgt" baldur.ini %debug%~ EXACT
should be changed to
  AT_NOW ~%mv% %quote%%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.ini%quote% %quote%%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.bgt%quote% %debug%~ EXACT
  LAM bash_log
  //needed to be sure that it will be restored even if installation fails
  AT_EXIT ~%mv% %quote%%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.bgt%quote% %quote%%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.ini%quote% 2>bgt/at_exit.debug~ EXACT
Try installing again and post the new .debug file.

This isn't a typo. ren can never rename a file outside the directory it is currently in and does not accept a path as a target. Should revert back to original.

Then that command should be split between Win and UNIX. In all Unix-like systems, there's just the mv ("move") command. So, mv a/b/c d will move the file to ./d, not to a/b/d, and you must specify mv a/b/c a/b/d to do the action we want here.
Besides, I'll have to somehow change that part of OSx installation, because the link to the BG1 directory is deleted before that move is reverted, so it will break BG1 (whereas the aim of BGT is to leave BG1 fully functional). I could use a simplified version of the linux linkbg1 script.

I think you mean split between Win and OSX, since that code above specifically excludes Unix.

Anyway, I have no time to work on any IE stuff at the moment, so I'll sit in the background and peek at all the good work here for a while.

Retired Modder
Note: I do not respond to profile comments/personal messages in regards to troubleshooting my modifications. Please post on the public forums instead.

Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU and Mods
Throne of Bhaal Extender (TobEx)

Contributions: (NWN2) A Deathstalker (voice acting) - (IWD2) IWD2 NPC Project (soundset editing) - (Misc) SHS PC Soundsets (voice acting)
Legacy: (BG/Tutu/BGT) Beregost Crash Fixer 1.9 (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Enable conversations with charmed/dominated creatures (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Experience Corrections (18 Jul 10) - (Misc) Platform Conversion Utility RC2 (13 Feb 10)

#39 GammaLeak

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Posted 25 February 2012 - 06:39 AM

Here are two test .tp2s (for WeiDU for Mac). Rename them to setup-bgt.tp2, try to install them and to launch the game.

Sorry for the long hiatus. My weekdays are usually pretty slammed.

The first TP2 you provided was not able to complete the install due to an error.
[bgt/modify/itm/sw2h07.itm] loaded, 362 bytes
ERROR: No translation provided for @200006
ERROR: [bgt/modify/itm/sw2h07.itm] -> [override/bgsw2h07.itm] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
Stopping installation because of error.

Here is the .DEBUG file:
Attached File  SETUP-BGT.DEBUG   518.74K   448 downloads

This might be partly my fault though... throughout this conversion we've patched together a number of changes to the executables and .sh files and I'm not sure I've got all the right ones assembled anymore.
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#40 Turambar

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Posted 25 February 2012 - 07:00 AM

You need to use the BGT folder from the beta release I linked you here, and apply the new .sh and .tp2 files over that.
So, I'd suggest that you back up your bgt/install/osx folder (could you please upload all binaries, BTW?), extract the beta version, then restore the os folder and overwrite the .tp2 with the ones I sent to you


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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: BGT-Weidu, Mac, OS X, 1.14, Install, Troubleshoot