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Help: BGT 1.14 on Mac OS X 10.6

BGT-Weidu Mac OS X 1.14 Install Troubleshoot

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#1 -Gamma Leak-

-Gamma Leak-
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Posted 17 February 2012 - 04:17 AM


I'm attempting to install BGT 1.14 on my Mac. I'm using Wine (actually, Wineskin) to try and run BGMain.exe, but I'm installing BGT via the OS X Weidu executable.

The installation of BGT seems to work just fine. However, when I attempt to run BGMain.exe I get the following error:

An assertion failed in ChDimm.cpp at line number 628
Programmer says: Unable to Open BIF:DATA:BGTWAV.BIF

Some Google searching seems to indicate that this might be a problem with the baldur.ini file, particularly the [Alias] section, but from the standpoint of my Wine(skin) install, the pathing in the [Alias] section is all correct. My Baldur.err file is competely empty. The baldur.bgt file has bg1 paths in the [Alias] section. I tried changing those to 'bg2', but that didn't work either.

[Program Options]
Install Type=3
[Game Options]
Memory Access=100
Memory Level=1
One Time Popup=1
Current Loading Hint=2
Uninst_dir=D:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{8DAE4336-2B71-11D4-9A6C-006067325E47}
Uninst_dir_25=D:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{B8C3B479-1716-11D5-968A-0050BA84F5F7}

[Program Options]
Translucent Shadows=1
Maximum Frame Rate=30
Path Search Nodes=4000
Sprite Mirror=0
Gamma Correction=0
Brightness Correction=0
Volume Movie=80
Volume Music=30
Volume Voices=80
Volume Ambients=80
Volume SFX=80
Strref On=0
[Program Options]
Volume Music=40
[Game Options]
Memory Access=100

#2 Turambar

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 05:08 AM

I don't know if this is the issue, but I might have found a mistake at line 445 of setup-bgt.tp2 (actually, that will probably have broken your bg1 installation).
So, first of all, please post your setup-bgt.debug file.
Move that baldur.bgt file back to [bg1 directory]/baldur.ini
Then, edit setup-bgt.tp2: line 445 and following:
  AT_NOW ~%mv% "%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.ini" baldur.bgt %debug%~ EXACT
  LAM bash_log
  //needed to be sure that it will be restored even if installation fails
  AT_EXIT ~%mv% "%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.bgt" baldur.ini %debug%~ EXACT
should be changed to
  AT_NOW ~%mv% %quote%%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.ini%quote% %quote%%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.bgt%quote% %debug%~ EXACT
  LAM bash_log
  //needed to be sure that it will be restored even if installation fails
  AT_EXIT ~%mv% %quote%%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.bgt%quote% %quote%%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.ini%quote% 2>bgt/at_exit.debug~ EXACT
Try installing again and post the new .debug file.

Edited by Turambar, 17 February 2012 - 07:18 AM.


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#3 -Gamma Leak-

-Gamma Leak-
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Posted 17 February 2012 - 06:11 AM

I had already deleted my old .DEBUG file by mistake, so I apologize about that.

But I made the change you recommended and I'm still having the game problem. Here is my new baldur.ini and my SETUP-BGT.DEBUG file



#4 Turambar

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 06:30 AM

The link you provided is blank (or at least, I can't view the content with Mozilla or Webkit).
In the meantime, has the baldur.bgt file disappeared? do you still have baldur.ini inside the bg1 folder? Do the paths shown inside bg1/baldur.ini still point to the BG1 directory?


Currently supporting: DSotSC for BGT, NTotSC - forum

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#5 -Gamma Leak-

-Gamma Leak-
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Posted 17 February 2012 - 06:46 AM

Sorry about the empty pastebin. I think this one will work now:

In the bg2 folder:
- baldur.ini (refers to bg2 folders)
- NO baldur.bgt

In the bg1 folder
- NO baldur.ini
- baldur.bgt (refers to bg1 folders)

#6 Turambar

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 07:16 AM

Had you renamed baldur.bgt to baldur.ini when I told you to move it to the other folder?
Baldur.bgt is actually baldur.ini from bg1, which has to be renamed during the installation process but should be restored at the end.

The MacOSx-specific part of BGT had actually never been tested, due to lack of Mac users. A request thread was here, but didn't find anyone; if you help us, we can probably manage to get that working, too.

First of all, you're missing some binaries used for the manipulation of tilesets; I'll send you the links soon.
They have to be put into bgt/install/osx/bin
edit: here are 2/3 required binaries (I hope they work). I don't have mosunpack. I don't know if Ascension has one; otherwise, try contacting Wisp; I remember him having similar issues with the Worldmap.
Attached File  osx.7z   41.25K   370 downloads

In order to have better debug, I had to make one more edit to the code above; please paste it again, try again and post the bgt/at_exit.debug file (if it exists and is not blank).

Anyway, your .debug file does not show any problems with wav files... could you please check you have a data/bgtwav.bif file?

How soon does the error occur? Are you able to see the intro movies, the first menu,...?

Edited by Turambar, 17 February 2012 - 07:31 AM.


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#7 GammaLeak

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 01:36 PM

Thanks so much for all of your help so far! If you need someone to do testing on the Mac, I would love to help.

I got those binaries placed and the process seemed to do a lot more stuff, so that's a good sign. Unfortunately, I still get the end results of that same failed assertion. The assertion happens right away, before any of the intro movies even start playing.

Here is the output of at_exit.debug:
mv: rename bgt/bg1/baldur.bgt to bgt/bg1/baldur.ini: No such file or directory

The bgtwav.bif file exists in bg2\data it is 118MB.

I'll try to get ahold of mosunpack and see if that helps. I'm not intimidated by having to compile my own version, so if you know where to get the source code, I'm willing to give that a shot.
Posted Image

#8 Turambar

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 01:53 PM

Thanks so much for all of your help so far! If you need someone to do testing on the Mac, I would love to help.

I got those binaries placed and the process seemed to do a lot more stuff, so that's a good sign. Unfortunately, I still get the end results of that same failed assertion. The assertion happens right away, before any of the intro movies even start playing.

Here is the output of at_exit.debug:
mv: rename bgt/bg1/baldur.bgt to bgt/bg1/baldur.ini: No such file or directory

I might have understood this problem; I'll think of a solution. It's not this which breaks BG2 and causes the bug you're describing, but it does completely break BG1, so it's still something I'll have to work on.

The bgtwav.bif file exists in bg2\data it is 118MB.

And that should be correct... I really can't understand why THAT file is causing you trouble, since it's all others who have problems... Unless some other file is so messed up that it throws random errors.
Could you look for NearInfinity or DLTCEP (which should run fine in Wine) and try to extract/open some .wav file from BGT with it? For example, try AMNSO01.wav; I'm not sure it will work, though, because it might be compressed, but at least I could understand if the key or bif file are really somehow corrupted. Even if you get some error, tell me; it might already say a lot...
Actually, if you found a way to upload such a heavy file, you could also upload the bgtwav.bif and chitin.key files, and I could look at them

Does the game without BGT run fine?

I'll try to get ahold of mosunpack and see if that helps. I'm not intimidated by having to compile my own version, so if you know where to get the source code, I'm willing to give that a shot.

For that, IIRC, you should contact Wisp; I think he's the author or maintainer of that tool

Edited by Turambar, 17 February 2012 - 02:00 PM.


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#9 GammaLeak

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 02:50 PM

I've got the mospack/mosunpack source code (Wisp had it posted here on SHS), but getting it to compile on the Mac is going to take a little while. It's got a few dependencies I've got to hunt down.

I was able to extract the AMNSO01.wav file from bgtwav.bif. It says that it's 20KB, but it won't play in VLC or Quicktime Player. My MP3 converter program claims that it's corrupted. But maybe that's just because the file is encrypted/XOR'd or compressed?

I'm attempting to get my chitin.key and bgtwav.bif uploaded somewhere right now.
EDIT: Here is a link to my chitin.key and bgtwav.bif

Edited by GammaLeak, 17 February 2012 - 03:26 PM.

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#10 GammaLeak

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 04:11 PM

Alrght, I was able to compile a version of mospack and mosunpack. I then tested out mosunpack on a .moz file I had and confirmed with DLTCEP that I could view the .mos file and it was in good shape (not corrupted).

All that said, I've STILL got the original assertion firing
An assertion failed in ChDimm.cpp at line number 628
Programmer says: Unable to Open BIF:DATA:BGTWAV.BIF

Here's my latest SETUP-BGT.DEBUG output
Posted Image

#11 Wisp

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 05:08 PM

Alrght, I was able to compile a version of mospack and mosunpack. I then tested out mosunpack on a .moz file I had and confirmed with DLTCEP that I could view the .mos file and it was in good shape (not corrupted).

Can you please upload both mospack and mosunpack? I would like to include them in the standard download, along with the other binaries.

#12 GammaLeak

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 05:14 PM

Here are the mospack and the mosunpack that I created:
Posted Image

#13 Wisp

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 05:29 PM

Here are the mospack and the mosunpack that I created:


#14 Ascension64

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 10:39 PM

I don't know if this is the issue, but I might have found a mistake at line 445 of setup-bgt.tp2 (actually, that will probably have broken your bg1 installation).
So, first of all, please post your setup-bgt.debug file.
Move that baldur.bgt file back to [bg1 directory]/baldur.ini
Then, edit setup-bgt.tp2: line 445 and following:

  AT_NOW ~%mv% "%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.ini" baldur.bgt %debug%~ EXACT
  LAM bash_log
  //needed to be sure that it will be restored even if installation fails
  AT_EXIT ~%mv% "%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.bgt" baldur.ini %debug%~ EXACT
should be changed to
  AT_NOW ~%mv% %quote%%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.ini%quote% %quote%%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.bgt%quote% %debug%~ EXACT
  LAM bash_log
  //needed to be sure that it will be restored even if installation fails
  AT_EXIT ~%mv% %quote%%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.bgt%quote% %quote%%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.ini%quote% 2>bgt/at_exit.debug~ EXACT
Try installing again and post the new .debug file.

This isn't a typo. ren can never rename a file outside the directory it is currently in and does not accept a path as a target. Should revert back to original.

The only error I found in the lastest debug was
ERROR: BIFF [./MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF] cannot be loaded: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "./MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF")
[INTRO15F.MVE] --biff-get error: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "./MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF")
Unrelated to the assertion error though I think. I'm not exactly certain what is going on, but in fact the Unable to Open BIF error message looks spurious in code, because the assertion is
"g_pChitin->GetCurrentVideoMode() != NULL"
Are there any video settings you can play around with that might fix this, either in baldur.ini or somewhere else? Say for example, turn 3d acceleration on...

Edited by Ascension64, 17 February 2012 - 10:43 PM.

Retired Modder
Note: I do not respond to profile comments/personal messages in regards to troubleshooting my modifications. Please post on the public forums instead.

Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU and Mods
Throne of Bhaal Extender (TobEx)

Contributions: (NWN2) A Deathstalker (voice acting) - (IWD2) IWD2 NPC Project (soundset editing) - (Misc) SHS PC Soundsets (voice acting)
Legacy: (BG/Tutu/BGT) Beregost Crash Fixer 1.9 (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Enable conversations with charmed/dominated creatures (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Experience Corrections (18 Jul 10) - (Misc) Platform Conversion Utility RC2 (13 Feb 10)

#15 Turambar

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 12:34 AM

I don't know if this is the issue, but I might have found a mistake at line 445 of setup-bgt.tp2 (actually, that will probably have broken your bg1 installation).
So, first of all, please post your setup-bgt.debug file.
Move that baldur.bgt file back to [bg1 directory]/baldur.ini
Then, edit setup-bgt.tp2: line 445 and following:

  AT_NOW ~%mv% "%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.ini" baldur.bgt %debug%~ EXACT
  LAM bash_log
  //needed to be sure that it will be restored even if installation fails
  AT_EXIT ~%mv% "%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.bgt" baldur.ini %debug%~ EXACT
should be changed to
  AT_NOW ~%mv% %quote%%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.ini%quote% %quote%%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.bgt%quote% %debug%~ EXACT
  LAM bash_log
  //needed to be sure that it will be restored even if installation fails
  AT_EXIT ~%mv% %quote%%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.bgt%quote% %quote%%bg1_dir%%slash%baldur.ini%quote% 2>bgt/at_exit.debug~ EXACT
Try installing again and post the new .debug file.

This isn't a typo. ren can never rename a file outside the directory it is currently in and does not accept a path as a target. Should revert back to original.

Then that command should be split between Win and UNIX. In all Unix-like systems, there's just the mv ("move") command. So, mv a/b/c d will move the file to ./d, not to a/b/d, and you must specify mv a/b/c a/b/d to do the action we want here.
Besides, I'll have to somehow change that part of OSx installation, because the link to the BG1 directory is deleted before that move is reverted, so it will break BG1 (whereas the aim of BGT is to leave BG1 fully functional). I could use a simplified version of the linux linkbg1 script.

I've got the mospack/mosunpack source code (Wisp had it posted here on SHS), but getting it to compile on the Mac is going to take a little while. It's got a few dependencies I've got to hunt down.

I was able to extract the AMNSO01.wav file from bgtwav.bif. It says that it's 20KB, but it won't play in VLC or Quicktime Player. My MP3 converter program claims that it's corrupted. But maybe that's just because the file is encrypted/XOR'd or compressed?

I'm attempting to get my chitin.key and bgtwav.bif uploaded somewhere right now.
EDIT: Here is a link to my chitin.key and bgtwav.bif

Could you please also upload the wav you extracted? It's probably a compressed wav, as most in-game wavs, so normal audio players aren't able to read them.

Unrelated to the assertion error though I think. I'm not exactly certain what is going on, but in fact the Unable to Open BIF error message looks spurious in code, because the assertion is
"g_pChitin->GetCurrentVideoMode() != NULL"
Are there any video settings you can play around with that might fix this, either in baldur.ini or somewhere else? Say for example, turn 3d acceleration on...

Could be a problem with wine... Are you playing windowed mode or full screen? Are you emulating a desktop? Do you have the widescreen mod?
When you uninstall BGT, does the game run without problems?

PS: I tried downloading your files, but I could only download the chitin.key, because it said you can only share one file at a time. Anyway, if you can upload that .wav file, it should be enough to understand whether that message is correct or, as Asc said, it's spurious and misleading (as it probably is, otherwise you shouldn't have been able to even extract that file)

Edited by Turambar, 18 February 2012 - 12:56 AM.


Currently supporting: DSotSC for BGT, NTotSC - forum

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#16 GammaLeak

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 04:56 AM

Thanks again for your help, everyone. I've got some updated information.

First of all, I'm not sure I said this before, but this is the GOG version of the game.

Also, please note that these errors only start occurring after installation of BGT. If I just install the BG2 Fixpack, the game runs no problem.

3D Acceleration
If baldur.ini has 3D Acceleration=0 then I get the assertion I was getting before (line 628, unable to open BIF)
If baldur.ini has 3D Acceleration=1 then I get a message box that just says "-1" and after clicking OK I get a ChDimm.cpp assertion at line 834.

The line 834 exception is supposed to be related to the pathing in the [Alias] section of baldur.ini (according to various Google results and the FAQ here at SHS http://www.shsforums...leshooting-faq/)

In my Wine(skin) install I've got Baldur's Gate 2 installed to c:\bg2 and that's what the [Alias] section has:

I tried switching the resolution for BG2 to all the "supported modes" (800x600 and 640x480). I toggled 3D acceleration on and off. I changed my Wine(skin) video settings to various things. All of them had the same results. If 3D Acceleration is turned off, assertion at line 628. If it's turned on, assertion at line 834.

Starting from scratch
Since the common solution to assertion at line 834 is to reinstall and double-check the paths in [Alias] I thought I would be thorough and try a totally fresh re-install. So I created a new Wineskin wrapper. I installed BG1 and BG2 from the GOG installers. This time I did not apply the BG2 fixpack first, but installed only BGT. I got all the same results as described above.

Turambar's questions
  • Are you playing windowed mode or full screen? I have tried both. I get the same results as described above.
  • Are you emulating a desktop? I've tried emulating and not emulating. Again, same results.
  • Do you have the widescreen mod? The problems I have described so far were WITHOUT using the widescreen mod. I tried installing the widescreen mod but that did not change the behavior.
  • When you uninstall BGT, does the game run without problems? Great question! Yes, if I uninstall BGT, the game runs fine again. If I subsequently REinstall BGT, then I get the same errors again.
Sound file from bgtwav.bif
Try this link. Sorry about all the problems trying to get you files/pastebins. I don't have accounts at these places, I'm just trying to use their anonymous services. ^_^

Again, thanks so much for your help. If there's anything I can do to help get all this working on a Mac with Wine, I would be thrilled to do that.

Edited by GammaLeak, 18 February 2012 - 04:58 AM.

Posted Image

#17 Turambar

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 07:03 AM

The .wavc file is ok. So, that bif is apparently not the problem. I would be surprised if DLTCEP could open a file which is corrupted for the IE itself...
Is the data directory upper or lower case? What about the biffs? Wine shouldn't care, but who knows...


Currently supporting: DSotSC for BGT, NTotSC - forum

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#18 GammaLeak

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 07:31 AM

The data directory and the bgt/bg1 bifs are all in lower case. The orginal bg2 bifs have mixed casing.
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#19 Turambar

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 08:36 AM

First, I have an edited tp2 which should solve the problems with baldur.bgt not being restored: Attached File  setup-bgt.tp2   365.91K   592 downloads
You should put the following script into the bgt/install/osx folder: EDIT: that script was wrong; I posted the correct text in this post.

I don't think this will actually fix the main problem, but at least there shouldn't be any more problems with missing files and similar...

One thing I've noticed in your Debug is that one movie (SOAINTRO) is missing. Being it an INTRO movie, could that be the reason why the game refuses to launch?
That's quite strange: There is an error extracting it, then the MOVE works, but then the file is not biffed. Shouldn't MOVE have failed?
Besides, it's the only file which should be extracted from the BG2 biffs, so there could be some sort of problem with your chitin.key.
Check if, and where, you have your movintro.bif file, and try reinstalling BG2 from scratch

Besides, I've noticed that, after that MOVE, a placeholder (title.tr) is copied to intro15.mve, but it remains as a text file, is never modified, and is biffed in the end; it then remains as a corrupt file in all games. Why? If you want to "kill" that mve file, couldn't you use DISABLE_FROM_KEY instead?

@Ascension: the edited .tp2 above (an edit of the v15 you uploaded recently) also requires the Linux linkbg1 script to be slightly modified: Attached File  linkbg1-unix.7z   667bytes   360 downloads

Edited by Turambar, 18 February 2012 - 01:19 PM.


Currently supporting: DSotSC for BGT, NTotSC - forum

Turambar's fixes and tweaks for BG2, BGT, DSotSC, NTotSC, SoBH and more!


Before posting questions (even regarding posts written by myself), please look at Jarno Mikkola's FAQs for the Megamods!
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#20 GammaLeak

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 10:09 AM

OK, I'm about 95% sure I figured out the problem. I've gotta investigate the Weidu code to be 100% sure, but I'm on a good lead here.

So, check out the key difference between extracting BOOT01.ITM (as an example) and INTROF15.MVE

$ ./weidu --biff-get BOOT01.ITM
[./weidu] WeiDU version 23100
[./CHITIN.KEY] 182 BIFFs, 41793 resources
[./dialog.tlk] 74107 string entries
[./weidu] Using scripting style "BG2"
[./DATA/ITEMS.BIF] 659688 bytes, 1990 files, 0 tilesets
[./BOOT01.ITM] created from [./DATA/ITEMS.BIF]

$ ./weidu --biff-get INTRO15F.MVE
[./weidu] WeiDU version 23100
[./CHITIN.KEY] 182 BIFFs, 41793 resources
[./dialog.tlk] 74107 string entries
[./weidu] Using scripting style "BG2"
ERROR: BIFF [./MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF] cannot be loaded: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "./MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF")
[INTRO15F.MVE] --biff-get error: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "./MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF")

The key problem is in red:
ERROR: BIFF [./MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF] cannot be loaded: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "./MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF")
[INTRO15F.MVE] --biff-get error: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "./MOVIES/MOVINTRO.BIF")

That path is all wrong. There is no ./Movies folder. That's why the Unix_error exception is 20. errno.h defines 20 as ENOTDIR, i.e., the directory doesn't exist.

Weidu should be trying to extract it from ./data/Movies/MOVINTRO.BIF, which does exist.

The question is, why does Weidu think that ./Movies is the right directory? Is it because something is incorrectly hard-coded into weidu.exe or is it because something was incorrectly written to Chitin.key?

My guess is that it's the former. Something is incorrectly hard-coded into weidu.exe. That's because you get the very same error if you try to extract INTRO15F.MVE from a totally fresh BG2 installation. I'm not sure why this problem isn't affecting EVERYONE (regardless of platform), but maybe that will become evident when I find the problem in the Weidu code.

Interestingly enough, when Weidu can't extract a file from a BIFF, it still creates an empty file with the same name. That's why the MOVE still works after the extraction fails.

Edited by GammaLeak, 18 February 2012 - 10:13 AM.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: BGT-Weidu, Mac, OS X, 1.14, Install, Troubleshoot