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Illasera: human or elf?


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Poll: Illasera: human or elf? (16 member(s) have cast votes)

Illasera's race?

  1. Elf (9 votes [56.25%])

    Percentage of vote: 56.25%

  2. Human (3 votes [18.75%])

    Percentage of vote: 18.75%

  3. let players choose (with default to elf) (4 votes [25.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 25.00%

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#1 Enkida


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Posted 07 February 2012 - 11:57 PM

So I raised the issue of Illasera's race incongruity at the G3 fixpack and got varied responses. Some people think she's human, some elven, and officially it's too big a graphic change for too little a bug.

So, what should be done? Take elf ear off her portrait? Fix her avatar to elf? Offer players both options? Vote and tell me what to do about her.

For the record: cre file says human avatar, official portrait has no elf ear, race is elf, equipment is elven (sylvan chain). No dialogue or official source material exists to clarify her race. Wki says human, FR wiki says elf.

For the second record, here are your choices

Posted Image Posted Image

Edited by Enkida, 08 February 2012 - 01:07 PM.

#2 Kaeloree


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Posted 08 February 2012 - 12:10 AM

Personally, I would say make it human, primarily because the most visible parts of Illasera have always been human. :)

#3 Sanctifer



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Posted 08 February 2012 - 12:17 AM

For the exact same reasons, I vote for human !
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#4 Turambar

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 02:58 AM

Well, why not half elf?
She could be a half-elf with very little elven blood (very few generations are enough to lose most elven traits; IIRC 2 generations - IE 1/8 elven blood - are enough...), which would on one hand justify her human appearance, and on the other hand explain why she still has a high dexterity and the possibility to multi-class, and why she uses elven items (she could have inherited them...).


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#5 William Imm

William Imm

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 04:48 AM

Yea, half-elf would be a good choice for her.
At this point, I'm not really doing much Baldur's Gate related. More focused on Skyrim modding and the Born of Legend tabletop roleplaying game. Don't expect much activity here.

#6 Daulmakan


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Posted 08 February 2012 - 05:05 AM

I'd vote half-elf as well.

item_pack.jpg   Drows.jpg


#7 Enkida


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Posted 08 February 2012 - 05:13 AM

LOL! Ok, if she goes half elf, keep the ear or remove it from the new portrait? :P for those not following the original thread: "with ear" and the original

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Edited by Enkida, 08 February 2012 - 05:20 AM.

#8 Turambar

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 05:54 AM

LOL! Ok, if she goes half elf, keep the ear or remove it from the new portrait? :P for those not following the original thread: "with ear" and the original

Posted Image Posted Image

Whoa, really nice!!!
Anyway, I would remove the ear: in the original portrait there are no elven ears and they can't be hidden by her hair, either.
But in the end, if the 'ear-mutilated' portrait is not as nice as this one, keep the ear...


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#9 Miloch



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Posted 08 February 2012 - 07:55 AM

I say elf due to what I already mentioned. She's multi-classed (not dual-classed), has elf-only armour and Melissan talks about her retreating back into the elven forests.

But it doesn't matter what the Fixpackers think or even what other people think. You can't even be sure people installing your mod will have the Fixpack installed. And it's your portrait mod, so if you want to represent her as an elf, make her an elf. When you assign her .cre colours etc., just add:
  WRITE_BYTE 0x28 0x11
Meaning if she's got a human avatar, she gets an elf avatar of whatever class she is.

Oh and the portrait looks good, but you might want to match the ear better to her skin colour, which would be coppery (as it is, sort of) as a wood elf or even half-wood elf. It's not going to matter much, since people will only ever see her small portrait, not the ToB epilogue size portrait, so you might want to show the small portrait instead for non-joinables.

Edited by Miloch, 08 February 2012 - 07:58 AM.

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#10 Beleg33


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Posted 08 February 2012 - 08:17 AM

Elf because you made her so hot, I don't think my PC would fight her.

Can let the players decide too, ultimately in a decently modded game you won't see her avatar because of all spell protections/invisibles et al... And when you bring it all down she's dead in 2-3 rounds :lol2:

Edited by Beleg33, 08 February 2012 - 08:24 AM.

Random spambot #8434678 said :

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#11 Enkida


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Posted 08 February 2012 - 08:31 AM

BG2 takes FR lore, stomps it to the ground, amd spits on it for good measure. I'm going to try and keep her skintone as jaundiced as inthe original. Will look into more closely matching her ear to the jaundice yellow, though, har har har. ;-)

We will see how many components this behemoth portrait pack expansion ends up having. If we're hitting 3 digits already I will go with elf for brevity's sake, since elf is leading the poll. :-). If not, I will make a 2 optionwithdefault to elven. Feel free to continue debating, nothing is final until the pack is released :-)