Posted 08 February 2012 - 04:45 PM
--Michael Keaton, "Dream Team"
"I love love-triangles! ... Or squares. Hexagons. Trapezoids. Circles with tangent lines... Geometry aside, where are we?"
-- Cassandra Mewborn, a dead character
Posted 08 February 2012 - 04:50 PM
Make sure you keep the old readme's and tweak the tp2's so that NOBODY
who doesn't read the filesREALIZES UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE
Me likey. Let's conspiracy it....
~Updates for ALL characters, mod and Bioware!
~New outcomes to quests!
~New characterization!
WARNING: Your mind WILL implode.
Anomen not say "prithee!"
Aerie without a stutter!
Viconia without misanthropy!
Keldorn with a 'tude!
Korgan with the personality, as well as the axe, to slay the ladies!
Imoen gone wild!
...and many more!
--Michael Keaton, "Dream Team"
"I love love-triangles! ... Or squares. Hexagons. Trapezoids. Circles with tangent lines... Geometry aside, where are we?"
-- Cassandra Mewborn, a dead character
Posted 08 February 2012 - 04:59 PM
Commander Shepard!
...and Edward Cullen!
DO ~SetGlobal("omgBbqRomanceActive","GLOBAL", 2)~
Posted 08 February 2012 - 05:15 PM
.....and this is the part where I stop drooling over Shepard and get back to Marcos.....
--Michael Keaton, "Dream Team"
"I love love-triangles! ... Or squares. Hexagons. Trapezoids. Circles with tangent lines... Geometry aside, where are we?"
-- Cassandra Mewborn, a dead character
Posted 09 February 2012 - 03:34 AM
At least try to make those sound realistic.Interesting Cernd!

Actual stuff: Almateria's Restoration Project | Icewind Dale 2 Fixpack + Restorations
Skips: Hell Recollection | Fake Import Mod
Assorted tweaks from when I was 14: Alma Tweaks (macOS)
Posted 12 February 2012 - 04:43 PM
//Anomen Banters
IF ~InParty("S#MARC")
THEN S#MarcB AnomenBanter1
~What are you staring at?~
DO ~SetGlobal("S#AnomenBanter","GLOBAL",1)~
== BANOMEN ~ I've heard stories about you, Corvus. I see you are a man of honor and noble deeds, yet you are not a knight. The stories they tell do not reflect such virtues.~
== S#MARC ~Nobody can have it all.~
== BANOMEN ~I beg to differ. There are many, many knights in the Order of the Radiant Heart whose actions uphold righteousness and honor.~
== S#MARC ~Let me rephrase: I can't have it all.~
== BANOMEN ~So the stories are true, then?~
== S#MARC ~Considering that they aren't... extoling my virtues, then, yes, they're true.~
= ~Let's not talk about that. You're a knight or squire or whatever you want to call it. I'm a no-good street urchin that stayed alive for long enough to get a job.~
== BANOMEN ~You are determined to think ill of yourself.~
== S#MARC ~Figured that out all by yourself, have you?~
IF ~InParty("S#MARC")
THEN S#MarcB AnomentBanter2
== BANOMEN ~...we found ourselves surrounded by--~
DO ~SetGlobal("S#AnomenBanter","GLOBAL",2)~
== S#MARC ~Four orcs, a troll, and a giant.~
= ~You're doing it again.~
== BANOMEN ~Doing what, Corvus?~
== S#MARC ~What we talked about. With the repeating the same story for everyone. You told that story to me two days ago.~
==BANOMEN ~Forgive me. Some people do not tire of hearing tales of valor.~
== S#MARC ~Having been on the other side of Righteousness's sword, I like the gritty realism better.~
== BANOMEN ~I see... Well, then, if you were telling it, how would you do it?~
== S#MARC ~You're asking me to do that? You have got to be kidding me...~
== BANOMEN ~No, I am not. I do not wish to bore everyone. These are important tales that men can learn from!~
== S#MARC ~....Fine.~
= ~"Three years ago, there was a giant. It was bad. Me and some friends went and killed it. The end."~
== BANOMEN ~That's it?~
== S#MARC ~Yes.~
== BANOMEN ~Honestly, man! Where was the tension? The thrill? The heart-pounding worry? You can do much better than that.~
== S#MARC ~I take it that if you fail your test you're going to become a bard.~
== BANOMEN ~Alas, I do not have a gift for such things.~
== S#MARC ~Considering the way I've seen women stare at you, I don't think *those* talents would, exactly, matter. (smirk)~
== BANOMEN ~I don't know what you're talking about, sir.~
== S#MARC ~I seriously doubt that.~
= ~...~
= ~You're serious, aren't you? You didn't even notice the way she was looking at you?~
== BANOMEN ~Who? I recall no lady with an ear bent to my tale.~
== S#MARC ~This calls for an intervention. There are some things that the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart can't teach a man. The next time we're in a tavern, you've got a lesson coming.~
IF ~InParty("S#MARC")
//Area checks for taverns and at rest
THEN S#MarcB AnomenBanter3
~Alright, Anomen, over here. Have your pint?~
DO ~SetGlobal("S#AnomenBanter","GLOBAL",3)~
== BANOMEN ~Aye. Now, will you explain?~
== S#MARC ~(smirk) Of course. Drink up, first.~
== BANOMEN ~No! I will hear your words first.~
== S#MARC ~It will be so much more enjoyable after an ale.~
== BANOMEN ~Bah. If you insist.~
= ~...~
= ~I say, this is good stuff...~
== S#MARC ~Alright, then. See that girl over ther?~
== BANOMEN ~Aye...~
== S#MARC ~She's been watching you this entire time.~
== BANOMEN ~She knows a man of virtue when she sees one. Why? Of what interest is she to me?~
== S#MARC ~...I think we're going to need another round. Or seven.~
//Anomen LG Banters
IF ~InParty("S#MARC")
~I guess this means that our tavern lessons are at an end.~
DO ~SetGlobal("S#AnomenBanter","GLOBAL",4)~
== BANOMEN ~Alas, I fear that you speak the truth. No more shall we drink ourselves into a stupor in hopes of garnering a lady's attention for the evening...~
== S#MARC ~You actually *knew* what I was up to?~
== BANOMEN ~Not every squire was sheltered.~
IF ~InParty("S#MARC")
~I have an idea.~
DO ~SetGlobal("B#AnomenBanter","GLOBAL",5)~
== BANOMEN ~I am more than willing to hear it, my friend.~
== S#MARC ~We still have an ale, but you teach me chivalry and I teach you how to clinch the deal.~
== BANOMEN ~I could not accept such an offer. A woman is not to be treated in such a manner.~
== S#MARC ~Just the ale, then?~
=- BANOMEN ~Aye, just the ale.~
//Anomen CN Banters
IF ~InParty("S#MARC")
THEN S#MarcB AnoCNBanter1
~I think our next ale-ing session is going to be the best yet.~
DO ~SetGlobal("S#AnomenBanter","GLOBAL",4)~
== BANOMEN ~Indeed. Without the chains of the Order, there is so much I can do. The freedom is...~
== S#MARC ~Intoxicating. And we are both going to be intoxicated.~
== BANOMEN ~I think I may have the perfect story to... practice your lessons with.~
== S#MARC ~So long as I don't have to bail you from prison in the morning, I say restraint be damned.~
== BANOMEN ~Do you think <CHARNAME> will protest?~
== S#MARC ~Not if we pull <PRO_HIMHER> into it with us.~
== BANOMEN ~A sound plan. I shall see it done.~
I need another CN banter, but the one I've got in my head is too obviously "Ha ha you're like me now, Ani. Let's be bad-ass together." Also, I think a couple of the drinking comments might need to be reined in. Marcos isn't an alcoholic, but when he has a drinking buddy who is oblivious to a woman's attentions... Well, I wish I could narrate the scene, but it'd be the longest banter in Bioware history. Potential for a short story, though.

Thoughts? Comments? Likes? Dislikes? Better before/now? Ideas? Too many? Too few? Etc. Feedback is welcome!
Edited by Stnemele, 13 February 2012 - 06:10 AM.
--Michael Keaton, "Dream Team"
"I love love-triangles! ... Or squares. Hexagons. Trapezoids. Circles with tangent lines... Geometry aside, where are we?"
-- Cassandra Mewborn, a dead character
Posted 12 February 2012 - 05:31 PM
Wrong character here, hehe:
= BANOMEN ~Let's not talk about that. You're a knight or squire or whatever you want to call it. I'm a no-good street urchin that stayed alive for long enough to get a job.~
Posted 12 February 2012 - 06:17 PM
Yeah, the drinking comments are very problematic for Anomen, actually, since he's got issues with his alcoholic father and I don't think he drinks. Not sure if it's ever made explicit, but I would err on the side of caution. He probably thinks it's a disgusting and ignoble habit.
Wrong character here, hehe:
= BANOMEN ~Let's not talk about that. You're a knight or squire or whatever you want to call it. I'm a no-good street urchin that stayed alive for long enough to get a job.~
Good point. And corrected the character slip in my hard copy. I totally forgot about the father thing.
How's this for a drinking banter:
Marcos: Alright, I have the ales for us...
Anomen: I'd rather not.
Marcos:... So how do you relax?
Anomen: Well, there are many ways! Telling a good tale, hearing a good tale, practicing my swordplay, praying...
Marcos: Let me rephrase: How do you relax *without* still being a squire?
Anomen: I do not. One must always uphold the image of the Order.
Marcos: (shurgs) More for me, then. If I start making swipes at the patrons, though, you're welcome to smite me... or whatever you knights do.
Anomen: If that is the case, then perhaps it is best you refrain from the drink entirely.
Marcos: .... I really need to figure out how to pick better drinking partners. Every time I think I've got something, they always end up being... uh...
Anomen: I believe the word you are searching for is prudent.
Marcos: I had something a little less... eloquent in mind, but... yeah. "Prudent" is better.
Edited by Stnemele, 13 February 2012 - 06:08 AM.
--Michael Keaton, "Dream Team"
"I love love-triangles! ... Or squares. Hexagons. Trapezoids. Circles with tangent lines... Geometry aside, where are we?"
-- Cassandra Mewborn, a dead character
Posted 12 February 2012 - 07:40 PM
Posted 13 February 2012 - 06:08 AM
--Michael Keaton, "Dream Team"
"I love love-triangles! ... Or squares. Hexagons. Trapezoids. Circles with tangent lines... Geometry aside, where are we?"
-- Cassandra Mewborn, a dead character
Posted 13 February 2012 - 06:50 AM
IF ~InParty("S#MARC")
//Area checks for taverns and at rest
THEN S#MarcB AnomenBanter3
~Alright, Anomen, over here. Have your pint?~
DO ~SetGlobal("S#AnomenBanter","GLOBAL",3)~
== BANOMEN ~Nay, my friend. I do not partake in such foul and filthy habits.~
== S#MARC ~(absently) Good, good. So, the trick to getting a wo--~
= ~Wait... What kind of a man doesn't have an ale at night?~
== BANOMEN ~A man with self-control, as it worthy of any knight.~
== S#MARC ~...So how do you relax?~
== BANOMEN ~Well, there are many ways! Telling a good tale, hearing a good tale, practicing my swordplay, praying...~
== S#MARC ~Let me rephrase: How do you relax *without* still being a squire?!~
== BANOMEN ~I do not. One must always uphold the image of the Order.~
== S#MARC ~(shurgs) More for me, then. If I start making swipes at the patrons, though, you're welcome to smite me... or whatever you knights do.~
== BANOMEN ~If that is the case, then perhaps it is best you refrain from the drink entirely.~
== S#MARC ~....~
= ~I really need to figure out how to pick better drinking partners. Every time I think I've got something, they always end up being... uh...~
== BANOMEN ~I believe the word you are searching for is prudent.~
== S#MARC ~I had something a little less... eloquent in mind, but... yeah. "Prudent" is better.~
//Anomen LG Banters
IF ~InParty("S#MARC")
~I guess this means that our tavern lessons are at an end. Not that they were doing much, anyway.~
DO ~SetGlobal("S#AnomenBanter","GLOBAL",4)~
== BANOMEN ~Alas, I fear that you speak the truth. No more shall you drink yourself into a stupor in hopes of garnering a lady's attention for the evening... Instead, I will teach you the self-restraint I have learned so well.~
== S#MARC ~You actually *knew* what I was up to?~
== BANOMEN ~Not every squire was sheltered.~
IF ~InParty("S#MARC")
~I have an idea.~
DO ~SetGlobal("B#AnomenBanter","GLOBAL",5)~
== BANOMEN ~I am more than willing to hear it, my friend.~
== S#MARC ~I still have an ale, but you teach me chivalry and I teach you how to clinch the deal.~
== BANOMEN ~I could not accept such an offer. A woman is not to be treated in such a manner. And *you* need to learn to refrain from such habits.~
== S#MARC ~I haven't woken up naked in a different realm, yet.~
== BANOMEN ~And yet we all remember the day you woke up naked.~
== S#MARC ~Don't remind me... Has that incident made it into one of your tales yet?~
== BANOMEN ~Hah! I believe the way you went about defending that maiden's... honor certainly made it worthy of the bards. Then again, she was more interested in the bard than you.~
== S#MARC ~(flushes) I'm the living, breathing moral of the story.~
== BANOMEN ~And the reason future knights will take chilvalry and sobriety seriously.~
I should note here that Marcos SUCKS at picking up women.
//Anomen CN Banters
IF ~InParty("S#MARC")
THEN S#MarcB AnoCNBanter1
~I think our next ale-ing session is going to be the best yet.~
DO ~SetGlobal("S#AnomenBanter","GLOBAL",4)~
== BANOMEN ~Indeed. Without the chains of the Order, there is so much I can do. The freedom is...~
== S#MARC ~Intoxicating. And we are both going to be intoxicated. Finally.~
== BANOMEN ~I still cannot do such a thing. Angry with the Order as I may be, there were some good habits they instilled.~
== S#MARC ~...Then can I ask you a serious question?~
== BANOMEN ~Of course, my friend.~
== S#MARC ~Why in the HELLS do you say "prithee"? It sounds like... like...~
== BANOMEN ~Have you seen the ladies' reactions to it?~
== S#MARC ~Wait a minute... You *knew* what was going on?~
== BANOMEN ~Naturally. A squire simply couldn't act on it unless said damsel was a lady.~
== S#MARC ~And now that you're not a squire?~
== BANOMEN ~I shall garner even more attention. Care to know how?~
== S#MARC ~Exploit the ruggedly-dark and morose character?~
== BANOMEN ~Exchange "prithee" for [insert word here].~
Any ideas for Anomen's last word? I was thinking "a curse" or "a kiss", but the first wasn't explicit enough and the latter was unclear (since my intended meaning was that Anomen would kiss someone to start a conversation instead of saying "Prithee, my lady"). So... any help would be good. A bad-ass, still romantic way to get a woman's attention without a pick-up line? Please?
--Michael Keaton, "Dream Team"
"I love love-triangles! ... Or squares. Hexagons. Trapezoids. Circles with tangent lines... Geometry aside, where are we?"
-- Cassandra Mewborn, a dead character
Posted 13 February 2012 - 07:28 AM
Working and playing on a Mac Pro 6,1 running Mac OS X 10.13.6 High Sierra, and a Mac Pro 3,1 running Mac OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan.
~Buion na 'ell! I serve with joy! Your eyes and ears I shall be. Let us hunt together!~
- Erysseril Gwaethorien: a joinable, romanceable NPC mod for BGII - SoA/ToB, in sporadic development.
A female elf warrior of nature and a Bhaalspawn cross paths during their quests, joining forces to share adventure and companionship. Will they find more?
Posted 13 February 2012 - 07:47 AM
In the banter conditions, you probably don't need to have !StateCheck("S#MARC",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) listed twice, as you do above.
Yes, it would rather help if Anomen got a check, wouldn't it? Thanks for pointing that out! Fixed in my hard copy

--Michael Keaton, "Dream Team"
"I love love-triangles! ... Or squares. Hexagons. Trapezoids. Circles with tangent lines... Geometry aside, where are we?"
-- Cassandra Mewborn, a dead character
Posted 19 February 2012 - 04:35 AM
Edwin's updated Banters:
//Edwin Banter
IF ~InParty("S#MARC")
THEN S#MarcB EdwinBanter1
~Are you planning on causing me as much trouble as the rest of your kind, Odesseiron?~
DO ~SetGlobal("S#EdwinBanter","GLOBAL",1)~
== BEDWIN ~I don't know what you are talking about, guardsman. (Fool has better things to do than annoy me.)~
== S#MARC ~The Red Wizards are nothing but trouble. If I didn't respect <CHARNAME>'s judgement, you would be hanging from a noose right about now.~
== BEDWIN ~I do not have time for this! Leave me be, boy.~~
== S#MARC ~I'm watching you.~
== BEDWIN ~I shall keep that in mind.~
Working on Haer'Dalis's. Hopefully after a week of moving, being sick, and other very stressful/not cool situations, the creative juices will return in full swing... because this -->

--Michael Keaton, "Dream Team"
"I love love-triangles! ... Or squares. Hexagons. Trapezoids. Circles with tangent lines... Geometry aside, where are we?"
-- Cassandra Mewborn, a dead character
Posted 04 March 2012 - 01:47 PM
Outlining the talks; figuring out the scripting for it
Estimated number:
10 (6 core, 4 additional if not romancing)
Question to experienced modders/anyone with an opinion: Will it be better for a character to go through the friendship track and then branch into the romance track or have the friendship track branch off at a certain point to become either the romance track and the advanced friendship track? I want to know what's better, not what's easier (because I know which is which).
--Michael Keaton, "Dream Team"
"I love love-triangles! ... Or squares. Hexagons. Trapezoids. Circles with tangent lines... Geometry aside, where are we?"
-- Cassandra Mewborn, a dead character
Posted 04 March 2012 - 08:36 PM
So, with that in mind, I'd suggest that it might feel more natural to go with the friendship rack/romance track offshoots (scenario one) rather than divergent paths.
"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde
berelinde's mods
TolkienAcrossTheWater website
TolkienAcrossTheWater Forum
Posted 05 March 2012 - 06:55 AM
Working and playing on a Mac Pro 6,1 running Mac OS X 10.13.6 High Sierra, and a Mac Pro 3,1 running Mac OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan.
~Buion na 'ell! I serve with joy! Your eyes and ears I shall be. Let us hunt together!~
- Erysseril Gwaethorien: a joinable, romanceable NPC mod for BGII - SoA/ToB, in sporadic development.
A female elf warrior of nature and a Bhaalspawn cross paths during their quests, joining forces to share adventure and companionship. Will they find more?
Posted 05 March 2012 - 01:15 PM
But the point that all talks, no matter what, are friendship talks is completely valid. I wouldn't date someone wasn't my friend. No point.

--Michael Keaton, "Dream Team"
"I love love-triangles! ... Or squares. Hexagons. Trapezoids. Circles with tangent lines... Geometry aside, where are we?"
-- Cassandra Mewborn, a dead character
Posted 02 June 2012 - 07:11 AM
However, I do not have the time or inspiration to continue/finish this mod. Although I had his character, I was having trouble putting him into the story and making him compatible with multiple PCs. As a full time student and worker, I also do not have the time to learn the coding necessary for this, although there are great guides out there.
So, my apologies to all those who expressed interest in this or who were looking forward to it. But I am not going to be that modder that says something is "in progress" when all it really comprises of are a few files on my computer that I haven't opened in months.
Will I work on this later? Potentially. No promises since I haven't picked this up since my last post in March, nor is it on my immediate 'to do' list. I enjoy the modding community very much, but now I understand how difficult it is to write a mod. I was having fun, certainly, but that only goes so far to keep one going.
Thanks again to everyone for their comments and support!
--Michael Keaton, "Dream Team"
"I love love-triangles! ... Or squares. Hexagons. Trapezoids. Circles with tangent lines... Geometry aside, where are we?"
-- Cassandra Mewborn, a dead character
Posted 26 June 2012 - 09:35 AM
Ultimately, we all have the same number of hours in each day, and we all find time to do what we enjoy doing. We don't usually stop until it becomes un-fun, and it sounds like that's what happened to poor Marcos. Maybe it would have been better to just write the darned thing and figure out later what to tweak to make him fit better with the game world. Maybe it would have been better to vet the idea with a smaller focus group who could have offered feedback without becoming overwhelming. Maybe I should mind my own business.
Anyway, if you really have lost interest, these things happen, but maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to leave the files where they are and come back to them some other time. At the very least, revisiting the files later may provide private amusement (or embarrassment). I look back on a lot of the stuff I wrote years ago and wonder what I was thinking.
Whatever you ultimately decide to do with Marcos, you had fun with the creation process. That has to count for something.
"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde
berelinde's mods
TolkienAcrossTheWater website
TolkienAcrossTheWater Forum
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