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BWP 10.3 tactical. in-game issues

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#81 Suslik



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Posted 12 May 2012 - 04:46 AM

About overpowered party tactics - I have nothing against tough battles, and I have completed it before posting the issue here just fine. I just want the developer to fix the bugs and to nerf/disallow the loot of OP items.

About kuldin: the problem is that the trigger that turns bugbears into other monster does not properly work. Check out these blocks:

It seems that my current party level is 21, because values are following:
LevelPartyLT(21) - false
LevelPartyLT(22) - true
LevelPartyGT(21) - false
LevelPartyGT(20) - true

So none of these two blocks is fired. This is a bug, for sure, because second check should be with LevelPartyGT(19) instead of LevelPartyGT(21) and all similar blocks should be fixed as well.

About some of those monsters not attacking - that is the same problem, actually. If the bugbear is not turned into another monster, he does not attack since his combat script is replaced with morphing script, such as this:
		CreateCreature("TELALU1",[-1.-1],0) // Alu-Fiend
		CreateCreature("DEMGLA01",[-1.-1],0) // Glabrezu
But since none of these blocks are fired, he just stands still.

About the trap - that's pretty strange, because I have played about 5 different setups of BWP since version 9.1 and this trap Always caused CDT. Nothing in baldur.err/baldur.log.

I always installed SCSII before and now I have installed it mixed with BP, only compatible components.

I have reported the problems above to CtB forum.

Edited by Suslik, 12 May 2012 - 06:25 AM.

#82 Suslik



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Posted 12 May 2012 - 03:26 PM

Major problem, I have started a separate thread for it. It may potentially affect any script in the game, preventing it from being run. I currently have no idea what causes this, but you can check the investigation progress in this thread: http://www.shsforums...in-a-wrong-way/

#83 Suslik



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Posted 03 August 2012 - 01:31 AM

"Blade of disaster" TobEx 0.24.4 CDT bug[not fixed][workaround is provided][reported] - whenever I cast "Blade of disaster" lvl9 spell with the latest TobEx, I get CDT.
Reason: "Use EFF File Fixer" feature of TobEx is responsible.
Workaround: setting "Use EFF File Fixer" to 0 in TobEx ini fixes the crash.

Problem is reported to Asc64 and hopefully will be fixed soon.

I have also reported a few other bugs related to.. ehh.. somewhat unfinished "Improved asylum" to the developer.

Edited by Suslik, 03 August 2012 - 01:32 AM.

#84 Suslik



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Posted 03 August 2012 - 01:54 AM

High level ability(HLA) selection bug[Potentially major][Not fixed]
Some classes after levelling up to lvl 17-19 have problems selecting some high level abilities. For example my Fighter/Thief HLA list(LUFT0.2DA):

Note that GA_SPCL905(Critical Strike) should require GA_SPCL906(Power Attack) and AP_TG#IMCR(Improved critical) should require GA_SPCL905 to obtain but in fact both GA_SPCL906 and GA_SPCL905 can be gained in any order(separately as well) and AP_TG#IMCR cannot be gained at all(always inactive). Important note is that fighter kit(i hope this is it: LUFI0.2DA) has the same spells with same dependencies and they are gained only in proper way. Here is LUFI0.2DA:

#85 Suslik



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Posted 07 August 2012 - 09:23 PM

Random crashes/character export crash bug[major][solved]
Sometimes I get absolutely random crashes to desktop. The same kind of crash always occurs when I try to import a character while starting a new game. Both BWP's 9.10 and 10.3(I have tested only these, probably more versions are affected maybe even vanilla) have this issue. The crash always occurs when importing a character from a character file and occurs on some save files when importing a character from them.

Error window text is as follows:
Runtime error
abnormal program termination

Reason: after a thorough investigation it has turned out that avast antivirus is responsible.
Solution: turning out avast's shields completely solves the problem.

Hope this can help someone.

Edited by Suslik, 07 August 2012 - 09:26 PM.

#86 Demtrek

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Posted 15 August 2012 - 03:54 PM

Turumbar's contingency bug[Not fixed][Hotfix is provided][Reported] "You can not cast multiple instances of the same contingency spell on yourself" sometimes pops out randomly on mage-chars.

Reason: Turambar's slow drow weapon disintegration component from Turumbar fixes uses some kind of contingency-like spell to detect drow weapons. Which is apparently bugged for now. As a temporary solution you can comment lines in Baldur/Baldur25.bcs which cast "TUDRWUD" spell. Use search in those scripts

Update: bug is reported to Turumbar

These lines are annoying me and as I read, someone in an above post as well. Im not sure I quite understand what you are saying here.

I went into Turumbar Fixes Folder and found nothing that says Bladur/Bladur25.bcs.....I did however find a folder SPL with 3 TURDRUD applications in it.

Can I just delete the whole drow dregrading weapon thing?

Im kinda a noob when it comes to this stuff and I just want a easy fix even if it sacrifices some content.

Thank you.

#87 Suslik



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Posted 18 August 2012 - 11:26 AM

I only have a workaround - how to fix something when it's already installed. Err.. I'm inventing my own terminology on the go. Anyway, after the mod is installed, open baldur.bcs and baldur25.bcs with near infinity and remove any lines that contain TUDRWUD. There's just a few of those so you can do it manually. Glad that you've found my thread by searching - that's what it was created for.

And a new minor bug. Well, it may be minor for someone, but definitely not for me! This does not seem to be a megamod phail, it's a problem in Tashia romance remix mod. So I tried to report it to the link specified in readme: http://forums.spellh...hp?showforum=10 but it is unavailable. So I hope someone can either take a look at the thing themselves or point me on where to post the thing correctly, I mean wherever Tashia romance forum currently are.
Tashia romance bug final battle dialog missing bug[minor][no workaround provided]
In area AR2805 when almost the final battle is just about to start, protagonist talks to each character to warn them personally that they don't have to go there if they do not want. And yeah, the only missing dialog was my beloved's.
I did a thorough investigation into the the thing and it seems that the following lines of btashia.d are responsible for this scene:
EXTEND_BOTTOM player1 33
  IF ~IsValidForPartyDialog("Tashia") !Global("TashiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("M#TashiTalk1","LOCALS",0)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("M#TashiTalkPlayer1_1","LOCALS",1)~ EXTERN ~player1~ add1 //reply if Tashia is not romanced

REPLACE player1
    SAY @566
    IF ~OR(2)
!Global("TashiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN ~player1~ add2 //skip to next char
    IF ~InParty("Tashia") !Dead("Tashia") 
Global("TashiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN ~player1~ add3 //reply if Tashia romanced
As far as I understand the block "EXTEND_BOTTOM player1 33" means that extra options are added to player1.dlg, to state 33(the state when protagonist talks to everyone), and the only option added - when Tashia is not romanced, and that block is called "add1". But block "add3", corresponding to romanced dialog added in a different way with this header:
REPLACE player1
and I do not know what that means. Why not add block "add3" the same way as "add1" was? Because block "add1" fires perfectly(in case Tashia is not romanced) and block "add3" is not fired, and I cannot understand why it actually should.

#88 hook71

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Posted 19 August 2012 - 08:46 AM

Tashia NPC forum can be found here.

#89 Suslik



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Posted 19 August 2012 - 09:23 AM

Thanks, Hook! I'm already there reporting.

#90 Suslik



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Posted 19 August 2012 - 03:17 PM

Luckily we have an extra-fast-fixer Lollorian who has fixed Tashia's bug in one-two. But we need someone able to reinstall the mod with fixes to test if it works properly, hope someone has the time and ability to do so in the thread mentioned above: http://www.shsforums...094#entry545094

Edited by Suslik, 19 August 2012 - 03:25 PM.