About kuldin: the problem is that the trigger that turns bugbears into other monster does not properly work. Check out these blocks:
IF NumInParty(5) LevelPartyLT(20) LevelPartyGT(11) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("CbParty5Cat2","MYAREA",1) END IF NumInParty(5) LevelPartyLT(30) LevelPartyGT(21) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("CbParty5Cat3","MYAREA",1) ENDIt seems that my current party level is 21, because values are following:
LevelPartyLT(21) - false
LevelPartyLT(22) - true
LevelPartyGT(21) - false
LevelPartyGT(20) - true
So none of these two blocks is fired. This is a bug, for sure, because second check should be with LevelPartyGT(19) instead of LevelPartyGT(21) and all similar blocks should be fixed as well.
About some of those monsters not attacking - that is the same problem, actually. If the bugbear is not turned into another monster, he does not attack since his combat script is replaced with morphing script, such as this:
IF Global("CbBugbearAdjustsLevel","LOCALS",0) OR(3) Global("CbParty4Cat4","MYAREA",1) Global("CbParty5Cat3","MYAREA",1) Global("CbParty6Cat2","MYAREA",1) THEN RESPONSE #50 SetGlobal("CbBugbearAdjustsLevel","LOCALS",1) CreateCreature("TELALU1",[-1.-1],0) // Alu-Fiend DestroySelf() RESPONSE #50 SetGlobal("CbBugbearAdjustsLevel","LOCALS",1) CreateCreature("DEMGLA01",[-1.-1],0) // Glabrezu DestroySelf() ENDBut since none of these blocks are fired, he just stands still.
About the trap - that's pretty strange, because I have played about 5 different setups of BWP since version 9.1 and this trap Always caused CDT. Nothing in baldur.err/baldur.log.
I always installed SCSII before and now I have installed it mixed with BP, only compatible components.
I have reported the problems above to CtB forum.
Edited by Suslik, 12 May 2012 - 06:25 AM.