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Parting Ways

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#1 berelinde



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Posted 10 January 2012 - 09:03 PM

File Name: Parting Ways
File Submitter: berelinde
File Submitted: 11 Jan 2012
File Category: Miscellaneous Released Mods

What's the point in installing the Happy Patch if your companions won't rejoin you if you kick them out?

Good question. This mod allows you to re-recruit Baldur's Gate NPCs once you kick them out. It is intended
for Baldur's Gate Tutu or Baldur's Gate Trilogy only.

The mod has 2 options. The NPCs will depart forever upon kickout if they are either seriously unhappy or are at their breaking point. Enjoy.

Click here to download this file

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#2 ShadowTek

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 10:07 PM

Cool, Thanks!!
My Guides:
1. How to install BWP for newbies My Guide for Spellhold on installing the BWP Mega-mod.
2. How to Install Infinity Animations for newbies My step by step guide to installing this must have mod.

Main Stuff for BWP:
1. FAQ for the Megamods The Main Megamod FAQ
2. BiG World Project The Mega Mod Installer
3. BWP Mod List The most up to date Mod list for BWP installs

Cool Stuff:
1. Baldur's Gate Trilogy - This mod alows you to play BGI in the BG ToB engine
2. Throne of Bhaal Extender This mod adds new functions to BGT games
3. All Infinity Animations Mods This mod adds new animations to the game.
4. Widescreen Mod This mod allows you to play BGT in widescreen mod
5. Generalized Biffing This mod will speed up your game allot

#3 Acleacius

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 11:24 AM

Woo hoo, thanks for your work on this berelinde! :)

In the thread when you mentioned !HappinessLT(0) and !HappinessLT(-299) is there a thread to learn more about editing these or even better an Editor? I wanted to use my save in BG2. Since you brought up this Happiness variable, would like to know what is adding or subtracting to it. Also in case this also effects Romance possibilities is there a positive variation i.e. !HappinessLT(100)?


Edited by Acleacius, 11 January 2012 - 11:41 AM.

#4 berelinde



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Posted 11 January 2012 - 12:08 PM

You can edit happy.2da with Near Infinity, but this table is only checked when the NPC's happiness changes, e.g. the PC's reputation changes or the NPC is given the boot.

Happiness() is a hard-coded thing, part of the engine, so you can't actually change its value using any kind of editor. You can only alter triggers in dialogue, such as HappinessLT(Myself,0), or the 2da that controls what the NPC's happiness will be at what reputation.

Happiness = 80 = the NPC is pleased with your reputation in a manner consitent with his alignment
Happiness = 0 = the NPC is neutral about your reputation, neither ecstatic nor anxious
Happiness = -80 = the NPC is annoyed about your reputation and will begin grumbling
Happiness = -160 = the NPC is seriously angry about your reputation and will grumble more often
Happiness = -300 = the NPC has reached his Breaking Point and will leave your party

The leaving-the-party thing is controlled by dplayer2.bcs. It is assigned to all party-joinable NPCs as a general script (or I think it's a general script, anyway) when they are recruited into your party. This is hardcoded. In dplayer2, bcs, there's a block that tells the NPC to leave if they have reaced their BreakingPoint. It is possible to disable this script block but I know of no mods that do so.

BG2 NPCs do not use the same Happiness() triggers that BG1 NPCs use. If I remember correctly, and I'm not sure that I do, they will only realy leave and not be recruitable again if their HappinessLT(Myself,-299). Again, I'm not 100% sure about this, so I'd need to look it up.

Hope this answered your questions.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#5 Acleacius

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Posted 12 January 2012 - 04:00 PM

Thanks for the helpful info berelinde. After reading this, I'm wondering are Romance variables effected by this Happiness trigger? The reason I ask, from reading knowing Viconia can be one of the most difficult Romances, I didn't want anything in my BG1 save file to remove the possibility.

Secondly if you have the time, is gender a factor in Romances or can that be bypassed by an editor in a Romance.2da (if that even exists)?

Sorry about all the questions, I try to help/get involved in modding community despite my limited skills. ;)
Occasionally have good luck, was able to find a sort of fix for SW The Sith Lords with the popular mod Handmaiden for Female PC by Stoffe with the new Restored Content Mod.

Thanks again for your help. :)

Edited by Acleacius, 12 January 2012 - 04:01 PM.

#6 berelinde



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Posted 12 January 2012 - 05:30 PM

Thanks for the helpful info berelinde. After reading this, I'm wondering are Romance variables effected by this Happiness trigger? The reason I ask, from reading knowing Viconia can be one of the most difficult Romances, I didn't want anything in my BG1 save file to remove the possibility.

No, the "vanilla four" BG2 romances are unaffected by reputation, Happiness(), alignment, or class. The only things that affect whether an NPC will sweet-talk you are your gender, your race (Viconia doesn't like elves), and whether you dismiss Viconia from the party for more than 3 game days. That last one is kind of important. Ideally, you should never kick your lover out of the party, but all except Jaheira will tolerate short absences. With Jaheira, the moment she is out of the party, the romance ends.

Secondly if you have the time, is gender a factor in Romances or can that be bypassed by an editor in a Romance.2da (if that even exists)?

Gender is indeed a factor in the "vanilla four" BG2 romances. Aerie, Jaheira, and Viconia prefer males; Anomen prefers females. BG2 Tweaks has a romance cheat that will enable you to romance the ladies with a female Bhaalspawn, but they will treat you as if you are male... complete with the ability to father a child with Aerie in ToB. I would not advise using the romance cheat with Anomen to romance him with a male PC. It's seriously bugged. Actually, I would not advocate using the romance cheat at all. There are a few good mod romances for same-gendered protagonists, and at least there, they will refer to you by the proper gender.

Sorry about all the questions, I try to help/get involved in modding community despite my limited skills. ;)
Occasionally have good luck, was able to find a sort of fix for SW The Sith Lords with the popular mod Handmaiden for Female PC by Stoffe with the new Restored Content Mod.

Not a problem. Everybody has questions, at first.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#7 hook71

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Posted 28 January 2012 - 02:38 PM

Thank you for this mod! Will be installed in my standard setup from now on.

Really minor thing. Company is misspelled in the weidu.log:

~PARTING/SETUP-PARTING.TP2~ #0 #0 // Parting Copmany: 1

#8 berelinde



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Posted 28 January 2012 - 04:17 PM


Whoops! Thanks for catching that. I'll fix it next version.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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