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Syvishtar's Journal

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#161 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:19 AM

The thread voted for Kagain to become a gladiator. They were all extremely perplexed at Kagain's lack of regeneration, like he had in the original game, and wanted to bring that back. With the +1 STR and CON bonus, Kagain would actually become a 20 CON regenerating guy again.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#162 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:20 AM

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3 Flamerule, 1369

So Kagain is a part of our party now. He seems a study enough dwarf to have around. I'm sure Minsc and I will appreciate the help on the front lines.

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He could use some better armor than studded leather though. I give him Branwen's Plate Mail and also the Gauntlets of the Drow. He takes to them with a grunt of approval.

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I take some time to stash some of the extra equipment we're always carrying around in the Jovial Juggler, and then we head back out with a bit of a sheepish wave for Branwen. We did get her killed, after all.

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Gameplay note: You know, according to the map, we are actually just barely north of Athkatla right now. You can see the top corner of the city map in the screenshots. We won't be heading there until the game is halfway over, though.

Six hours shy of Bear River we are startled by a non-hostile bear. Not wanting a fight, we simply keep on going. The bear does the same. By the time we arrive at Bear River, it is night. Viconia complains about being tired, so we make camp and rest. There are no disturbances in the night. In the morning, Edwin and I do our morning routine, and then we begin to patrol. Another friendly bear is what we first encounter.

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But a little while later we encounter two half-ogres and two ogres. I guess you could say we encountered three full ogres?

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I make sure to let Minsc go first. The giant bastards begin to fall like trees in a strong storm. Kagain doesn't seem to have very much luck though. His axe shatters against one of the ogres' hides.

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Minsc doesn't seem to approve of Kagain either.

Posted Image Boo does not like your manner. Away with ye.

Posted Image Shaddup and show me the money!

Kagain picks up a replacement from the corpses of the ogres. He has a choice of a Morning Star or a Bastard Sword, and he chooses the Morning Star [2d4]. He seems to like bashing better than cutting. But he keeps the swords as backup weapons just in case it happens again.

This time we decide to explore south along the river. Despite the fact that we are days away from anything approaching civilization, a foppish dandy stumbles up to us screaming nevertheless.

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The bridge is quite narrow, and I can anticipate an enraged bear charging across it, so I send Minsc in alone. I'm sure he'll be fine.

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Yep, when he gets across he sees an enraged Mountain Bear.

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He is able to take care of business.

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I talk to Jared again.

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Nicely done, all around. I'm liking this Minsc fellow! Although I think it would be best if we explored this side of the river fully before heading to the other side, so I call him back and we go north to the places we have not yet seen. I'm kinda hoping this river is shaped like a bear.


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Posted Image Well, for starters, you could tell your men in the bushes to drop their bows and step out into the open.

Posted Image Did you find all five of them, then? Pity, I shall have to train them better. Anyhow, I'm afraid that I can't abide by your wishes: my men would think me a coward to surrender in the face of such a paltry force. Truly, I see no other choice than to order them to fire at will and rob your sad corpses of any iron they may carry. Come men, I believe the choice before us is clear.

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One, two, three... damnit where are the other two? We begin to fight anyway. I throw a Horror into the trees. It works ok.

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... four, five. Ok, there they all are. Edwin casts Color Spray at one but Haiass drops it just before. Kinda useless there Eddie-boy.

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Edwin also starts drawing fire from two of the hobgoblins. Ouch. So sad. Minsc, Kagain, and I are trying to smack Neville down.

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Neville dies and I decide to try some ranged combat. I raise up my hand and prepare to point it at one of the hobgoblins to drain his life, when I realize that little daggers are swirling around it.

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Gameplay note: Huh. I seriously did not know this. Casting the Blade Shower spell just gives me a Blade Shower special ability? I guess I should use that to actually shoot the damn things. They must have been in my special abilities slot for several in-game days too. That's cool, it means I don't have to cast the spell in combat!

I throw all three of the daggers at the furthest hobgoblin. He dies immediately.

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Well then. Mission accomplished! I immediately summon more for future battles.

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Gameplay note: And huh again. That note would be easier to see if it didn't happen in combat. Maybe I should test out these additional spells outside of combat all the time.

Imoen made sure to go around and loot everything from the fallen monsters. Then she made her way to Neville. He had a Masterwork Long Sword, the Helm of Ethical Insight, and a scroll of Dispel Magic! I also see Imoen quickly and discreetly cut off Neville's scalp for the bounty. I wince but do not object.

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Gameplay note: The important thing to remember about Dispel Magic is summarized in the last sentence. Almost useless if magic is five more levels higher than the caster. That means don't go up against mages more powerful than yourself unless you want to get ripped several new ones.

I immediately copy Dispel Magic into my spellbook. Minsc tries on the helmet and looks daggers at Edwin.

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This side of the river is completely explored, but I don't want to go further until the other side is finished. So, we cross at the northern bridge. I am disappointed when looking at the map. The river doesn't look like a bear at all.

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There is an Ogre Berserker on the northern bridge!

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Minsc takes care of him without incident. We successfully reach the western side and start to look around. We come across a very strange sight - an ogre standing by a campfire, not attacking anyone. In formation and very cautiously, we approach.

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I decide to try to talk to him.

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What? He doesn't get to decide when we fight. The beast's a menace! I decide to tell him that.

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Viconia takes him out with a bullet to the face. Great! One less ogre in the world to deal with.

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We continue walking, and the next thing we see is a fierce, blonde-haired woman standing on a small outcropping.

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Posted Image Yes, we would gladly join you for a while.

Posted Image Wonderful. The gibberlings should be coming soon. You should prepare yourselves.

She's not wrong. She barely has time to finish speaking before a horde of gibbering gibberlings rushes into sight.

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Edwin opens with his signature and only real spell, Color Spray.

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The spell makes the fight a whack-a-mole affair. All too easy. When we are finished, I talk to Laurel again.

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I couldn't agree more. Maybe we can return to this place and hunt with her again. I'll have to keep a note. As we take a further look around we find at least a dozen more bears, but no further hostiles. Bear River - doesn't look like a bear but you can definitely find them there.

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Minsc says if we follow the river south, we can find the Gnoll Stronghold at which Dynaheir is imprisoned. Our path is clear. Onward, to Dynaheir!

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The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#163 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:22 AM

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6 Flamerule, 1369

Gnoll Stronghold Intro Movie

We arrive at the Gnoll Stronghold four hours later.

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Posted Image *Squeak*

Posted Image Onward to rescue our fair lady!

Posted Image Heh, how does Syvishtar know that Dynaheir is fair?

Posted Image She is not? O, well, I guess we will have to rescue her regardless...

Posted Image YES! ONWARD!

Posted Image *Squeak*

But before we do that, we all need to sit down and rest and restore our spells. Storming a castle, even a ruined one, can be difficult work. I still find it strange, and a little laughable, that Edwin has no 2nd level spells to memorize even though he could memorize four of them. Silly red wizard. And also, because this is Minsc's op, I let him lead. He thanks me, at least I think he tries to.

Posted Image Magic is impressive, but now Minsc leads! Swords for everyone!

We do have enough swords for everyone to use one, but I politely decline, and others as well. Minsc shrugs and marches off across the rope bridge ahead of us, Kagain at his side.

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On the other side of the bridge, we are rudely stopped.

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Posted Image Yeah, you pay....200 for all heads, or lose heads!

Posted Image Tell me, creature, who taught you the words 'two hundred'? For I am entirely sure that you cannot count it out. If you wish to prove me wrong, please do so out loud, and we should pay you the whole thousand for your efforts. But under one condition: you and your companions should all close your eyes, while you're counting.

Posted Image Oh... yeah. Close your eyes!

Posted Image One...

Posted Image Two...

Posted Image And what are you waiting for, Syvishtar? The countdown?

Posted Image Four...

Posted Image Yeah, you smart! We take heads anyway, and get lots gold!

Gnarl begins smartly.

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But in a second, they both drop like chumps. What are such weak monsters doing trying to charge bridge tolls?

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Imoen loots them and we find that one of them had a Ring of Energy on them.

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I guess this is where they got their boldness in attacking us. They just never had a chance to use it. I slip it on my finger, naturally.

It looks like there are three paths for us to take. The gnoll stronghold itself looms menacingly against a cliffside. But a path goes down the cliffside, below it. Another goes up the cliffside, seemingly above it. Perhaps we can find a way to sneak into the stronghold from below. I choose the low road. The path is rocky and desolate, but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of monsters.

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The path branches, and we take the fork that loops back around and dead-ends underneath the bridge we took to get over here.

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Perhaps the west path will be more profitable. We go thataway, and eventually run into our first pack of gnolls.

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Minsc takes the first one out quickly, and the battle is joined!

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Some of the gnolls are actually flinds. I'm not sure what the difference is, but they all die to our furious assault in short order. Imoen loots everything and we continue following the path west. The way ends at a mysterious-looking cave.

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I decide to send Imoen in to take a look around. Inside, she finds...

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a cave full of xvarts?! I thought I had killed all these buggers! I send in Kagain and Minsc to slice and dice.

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They do a pretty good job of mopping up the place. They don't find anything actually in the cave, though, so they come back out and we explore another branch of this confusing path. It doesn't take long before we find another set of gnolls.

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I am severely wounded in the ensuing melee. I really need some better armor if I want to keep whacking things with the Serpent Shaft.

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Minsc survives without me, but takes quite a beating. I think it's getting to be time for a rest.

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Imoen loots everything and we return to the xvart cave we found earlier, to sleep and recharge Viconia's healing spells. We are so injured that we end up resting for 16 hours in order to heal everyone. By that time it is dark outside, so we keep resting until the next day. Then ready for anything, we step out of our cave and go back to exploration. In the faint light of dawn, we find two more caves.

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I send Minsc and Kagain in again, and I was right to do so. The cave is again filled with xvarts!

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Kagain gets hit once but otherwise they slaughter everyone fine. This cave is laid out a little differently from the first one, though, and deep within a second chamber is a carrion crawler. Kagain lets Minsc go in first, but the carrion crawler paralyzes him.

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Kagain yells for help and the rest of us run inside to kill the slimy disgusting beast. But we needn't have bothered. It kills itself on Minsc's frost aura before we can even throw a stone.

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Edwin doesn't seem to like all this tramping around in caves though.

Posted Image Could we not have hired some poor fools to do this for us? This is no place for a man of my stature.

We exit that cave and send Minsc and Kagain into the other. Once again, we find xvarts.

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They kill all the monsters, and this time find a chest!

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It has 3 healing potions in it, a scroll of Magic Missile, a scroll of Drain, and what turns out to be a Masterwork Morning Star. That goes to Kagain, the scrolls go to Edwin, and the healing potions stay with Minsc. Now Edwin won't be next to useless - he will be casting a lot of Magic Missiles!

We all gather together again outside and take the final fork. It turns out to be a loop that goes back to the two caves, so we retrace our steps. We were unable to find a secret way into the gnoll stronghold from below, but perhaps we can from above. We go back to the first three-way split of the path and take the fork that goes above the stronghold. Soon, more gnoll veterans attack us along the path.

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Edwin decides to contribute a little to the fight this time and casts Color Spray at a good angle. It catches many gnolls in its path, which confuses them.

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It is easier than ever to dispatch the hunting party, or patrol, or whatever they are. Only Kagain is hit, just once, and Viconia makes it all better.

We follow the path up to the top of the cliffs, and walk along them, but we cannot find any way down or across or through the wall to the fortress. I guess there is nothing left to do but storm the fortress head-on. I find this to be a bad idea in principle but Minsc loves it.

We return to the first three-way fork and finally, take the center path. We march boldly forward, and pass under this horrible-looking gate!

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And up these... empty steps...

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Gameplay note: Um... shouldn't there be gnolls here opposing me?

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#164 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:23 AM

I start to get a bad feeling, so I send Imoen up ahead to scout. She doesn't have to go far.

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We charge in. One of the gnolls, a shaman-type, begins to cast a spell. That's new. I don't remember reading about any gnoll magic-users in Candlekeep but hey what can you say? There are also quite a few wild dogs with the gnolls, but they are not interested in fighting.

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The spell turns out to be a goddamn Silence. It hits me and Imoen. Gnolls can do that?

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We all enter into glorious melee combat. There are slashes, and thunks, and snarls from both gnoll and wolf alike. Something weird is going on back behind them, though. The Gnoll Spirit Shaman casts several summoning spells, calling in more non-combat dogs which begin to wander off. It also calls in a couple of Dire Wolves. Then it even casts Sanctuary upon itself. We couldn't attack if we wanted to!

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Then it makes a mistake, by casting one final spell, Hold Person, on Kagain. That is doubly dangerous because it hits him when he's right in front of the two Dire Wolves. They each take a big chunk out of him before Viconia, in her speedy boots, manages to rush over and heal him.

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I try to take this guy out, and I land a solid blow with the Serpent Shaft.

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He falls with a little more encouragement in the way of an arrow in the eye. The dire wolves and Viconia fight over the fate of Kagain. His health is up and down, up and down. The dwarf has to absorb 3 more heals before the dire wolves finally die.

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By the time Imoen is done looting everything, Kagain is no longer Held. We are going to have to take out the gnoll shamans more quickly in the future, I think. We move to explore further, ignoring the wild dogs. But when we get closer, the wild dogs suddenly turn on us.

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We have to put them all down. They are not a threat.

We continue exploring and find a stairway down. However, down there are more gnolls and their pets. Minsc strides boldly down the stairway, while the ranged attackers stand up top and rain death upon them.

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I join Minsc on the stairs, and my Serpent Shaft can reach far. I am able to get some jabs in while standing behind him. But the gnolls' polearms can do the same, and both Minsc and I get seriously hurt. I have to retreat up the stairs and allow Viconia down to heal Minsc.

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She manages to cast an Aid on him too, but by that time all the gnolls are chunked into bloody niblets.

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Imoen goes down to loot everything and finds that one of them has an Elixir of Health. Better than all the cheap jewels and paltry coins that we are finding.

At this point we decide that a rest for Viconia's sake would be in order. I take this opportunity to load Edwin up with 3 Magic Missiles, in addition to one Color Spray and of course Armor. Then we climb down into one of the pits to rest. Hopefully no gnolls will find us down here.

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We are not that lucky. The stink of gnoll is heavy in the air. I thank the gods that I woke in time and reach for my weapon.

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We take them all out in a few seconds. But still, this is probably not a good place to rest. We go back to the bridge over the river and make camp there. But again we are interrupted from rest by a wandering gnoll patrol.

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We kill them easily with a well-placed Horror from yours truly, and of course Imoen loots everything. Then we retreat to the far side of the bridge and try to rest once more. Finally, no one disturbs us, and we rest the entire night. We consult our map, and survey what we have done, and what is left to do.

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About 60% of the stronghold is left for us to liberate. No time to waste! After Edwin and I cast Armor, we head for the stairway going up on the far west side of the fortress.

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I act nonchalant. Edwin doesn't need to know what just happened. I'll be fine. Don't worry. When we get to the stairway I send Minsc up first and brace for combat.

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Turns out there's nothing up there. Huh. I guess we need to go to the OTHER stairway.

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Ahh yes, much better. Life is pretty good when you have evil lesser races to beat down on. I instruct Minsc to retreat. As he does, Edwin lets loose a Color Spray at the stairs. It 'accidentally' gets Minsc too.

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I add a Horror into the mix to buy the Rashemi some time.

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It works out pretty great, and the party charges up the stairs. At the top is another shaman, though, who Holds Kagain. Uh oh.

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I order Viconia to heal him, and throw my ever-waiting chaos daggers at the shaman. Imoen hits him with some magic missiles too. Minsc charges him. But in the press of the crowd, Viconia can't seem to get to Kagain to heal him, and a wild dog takes him out.

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Gameplay note: Kagain is so close to leveling!

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I wince. But the guy is a tough old gladiator, he probably has died and been resurrected dozens of times. I open my mouth to say some words of encouragement when the damned shaman hits the group with a Silence. Viconia, in the middle of casting a spell, sees her magic fly away into nothingness because of it. I'm surprised. It's the first time she has been Silenced. We enter into grim melee combat. Edwin casts his Magic Missiles at dogs, wolves, and gnolls. In a few minutes, it is all over.

In the pile of loot, Imoen manages to find a Masterwork Spear and some Hide Armor, which is actually better AC for her than the studded leather she has now, but she can't seem to get comfortable in it, so she declines to wear it.

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Gameplay note: It decreases her thief skills by 10 points each. Also, this Kagain thing comes at a bad time. We're about to run into Dynaheir, and we might want to switch someone else out for her. I was thinking we could easily switch out Kagain, but now he's dead. So we're going to have to switch out someone else. Oh well lets cross that bridge when we come to it in about five minutes.

I realize that I realized something a few minutes ago. Something about the weave. Something important.

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I can actually feel my mind expand in dimensions previously unimaginable. And even though we're in the middle of an enemy fortress, with gnolls on every side, I open up Rhialto's spellbook and begin to study it.

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Posted Image Study the spellbook for a while, and see if you can learn something new.

Posted Image You spend some time, browsing through the book...

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Posted Image Try to learn the spell "Rhialto's Random Missiles".

Posted Image You succeed in learning the spell.

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I must know more.

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Posted Image Study the spellbook for a while, and see if you can learn something new.

Posted Image You spend some time, browsing through the book...

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Posted Image Try to learn the spell "Gymlainac's Lightbend".

Posted Image You try to learn the spell, but it's too difficult, you need more experience in the art before you can learn it.

I learned in Candlekeep that the slow and steady acquisition of knowledge was the best way to wisdom, and of course I dismissed that out of hand. I want to know everything now! Why won't this blasted spellbook decipher itself for me! I need to kill something. A selection of gnolls quickly presents themselves for my pleasure.

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Without pausing, I reach for my new spell through Nahal's, and it works perfectly!

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But honestly, a Horror would work better here.

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Gameplay note: Once again Rhialto's spellbook saves the day. I used it to cast Horror, because I was out of spells myself. I think maybe Syvishtar might start worshipping Rhialto as his god of magic in a kind of quasi-buddhist way. After all, they say that if you meet the Buddha on the road, kill the Buddha. Syvishtar definitely did kill Rhialto on a road...


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Gameplay note: This is the Ring of Energy.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#165 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:24 AM


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Ok, the speed boost is over. That is disorienting. Edwin is getting healed, Imoen's in melee, and everyone is feared. We should regroup. Go back down the stairs and gain group coherency.

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Oh shit all the monsters are over their fear and they're coming after us. They got Edwin. Goddamnit!

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Minsc has survived the full duration of being Held. I can't beleive it! I scream at him to come down the stairs with us. We have to stay together!

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On the steps we make a wholly heroic recovery. Minsc kills the gnolls there, and gets back in front of us. With a strong meat shield like that, I feel confident again, and we take the fight back to the gnolls!

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One down, two down, three down, four down! We're plowing through them like loam. foam. roam.

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We gotta roam. On the loam. We need to raise the dead. Oh my head. They all bled. Each one fed. To the shed? They sped.

Gameplay note: Since we are so very, very close to the end of this quest and a major party change vote, and I really want both Minsc and Edwin to be alive when we rescue Dynaheir, I'm just going to go to Nashkel, raise everybody at the Temple of Helm, and come back. If you have some objection :dealwithit:.

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It takes a day and twelve hours to get back to civilization. I was silent almost the whole way, and everyone else too. Carrying two corpses on the trail can do that to a person. I just... I felt like a failure. Two people under my direction died grisly deaths in an ill-fated attempt to storm a fortress via the front gate. I can't just leave them, and I can't just leave the fortress unfinished either. I made them pay the ultimate price for my hubris, so I must give them the ultimate reward. We WILL go back, and we WILL stomp gnoll face in, and we WILL find Dynaheir. I owe them all that much.

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Raising Kagain was 100 gold, and Edwin was 400 gold. I'm sure we have tons more than that in jewelry and precious stones in Imoen's gem bag. It's a net gain, I'd say. I give them both their equipment. I tell them we're going back. Edwin gives an impatient grunt, and Kagain a simple nod. We rest and head back out again. We soak up a little pastoral bliss on our way out.

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Then we set out on our two-day journey.

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But 2 hours away from the Gnoll Stronghold, we are waylaid by xvarts.

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Chunks go flying.

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And soon we are on our way again.

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When we arrive, Viconia complains of fatigue. We camp the night away, and then, for the third time, prepare to charge across this bridge, rampage into the fortress, and kill all the gnolls.

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We ask Imoen to scout out our most recent disastrous battle site. It is eerily empty.

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She does, however, spot more gnolls next to the adjacent pit.

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Using her as a spotter, I move to cast Horror from the Book. It goes off without a hitch.

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We rush into the attack. I throw some chaos daggers at random targets. Edwin begins casting Magic Missiles into the crowd.

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Minsc and I systematically seek out and kill all the non-terrified dogs and gnolls first. Then we start on the scared ones.

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Eventually the only thing we can hear is the eerie howl of the wind through the ruins.

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As soon as the battle is done, Minsc rushes down into the nearby pit.

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Posted Image Why do you stay the killing blow?! Kill her!!

Posted Image I see bravery was not all that motivates thee. I take it I am rescued from one death to die by another then? How can the cause be just? I urge caution; the likes of him are best kept at pole-arm's length.

Posted Image Listen not to the witch's lies! We had a deal!

Posted Image You evil man, you shall not touch one hair on her head! Not as long as Minsc and Boo are here to fight for her with teeth and sword!

Posted Image I'm sure we can rectify that, you baboon. (Yes, a fireball will do nicely.)

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Gameplay note: And here is our dilemma dear friends in my head. For I have seen four choices, and know not what to do... shooo... boo. What should we choose?

1:- A voice of reason at last. Join my group with no fear. I never liked him anyway. If we choose this option, Edwin will leave permanently. We will have to add his name to the Chapter of the Deserters, just after Ajantis. We will get Dynaheir, the human sorceress, with an elemental theme to her spell selection.

2:- A deal is a deal is a deal! It was nothing personal, but now you must die! If we choose this option, Minsc and Dynaheir will both go hostile and attack us. We will have to add their names to the Chapter of the Dead.

3:- I trust neither of you! Mayhaps I sleep better after I cast both of you out! Settle your own differences! If we choose this option, Edwin and Minsc will both leave the party. Edwin and Dynaheir will be transported into the pit, and our party will turn dream-cutscene purple and be unable to do anything while Edwin and Dynaheir duel to the death. It's not clear who will win. If we choose this option I'll make a movie of the fight.

4:- Enough bickering. I can use both your talents. Leave your private battles for another time. If we choose this option, Dynaheir will join us to protect us from Edwin, while Edwin will stay with us to stop her evil lies from poisoning us. We get them both.

Tell me your votes, and hurry! We only have a few moments before the ones outside my head expect a response!
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#166 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:30 AM

Here was the final tally of the vote:
What should we choose?

1:- A voice of reason at last.  ...
2:- A deal is a deal is a deal! 
3:- I trust neither of you!     ..................
4:- Enough bickering.           ..................................

Our final choice will be making everybody play nice together. But due to popular demand I also made videos of all the different fights to see what would happen.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#167 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:31 AM

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14 Flamerule, 1369

Time seems to slow down, and my perspective changes on the world around me. I feel like I am pulling back, seeing more, but I am not moving. My eyes open wide and a vision passes before them. A vision of Minsc, fury and rage, killing us all in defense of his witch. Then another, disgusting, of Edwin beating Dynaheir to death with his staff. A third, more palatable, of Minsc defending his witch in the duel, striking Edwin down in one blow.

Gameplay note: Much later, I was able to make this edited video of Minsc cutting down the entire party: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=-BHRUX3zKM8

Then finally, I turn my gaze inward, to know the desires of my inner voices. "I never liked Edwin anyway" I hear, along with "Let the magic decide." "Flinds are apparently slightly smarter and stronger cousins of the gnolls," an oblivious intellectual voice extolls. There is an entire chorus chanting "Pit fight, pit fight, pit fight!" but still can be heard another saying, "This is Syvishtar's show." "Let it fester" and "You must learn how to lead your allies" speak with equal urgency. A maniacal voice shrieks, "They're fighting for the right to be your servants!" while its evil cousin mutters, "The weak should be culled." A still, small voice says, "for the most Jovial of all Jugglers!"

I feel a rush, and I my focus is turned away from my inner eye. My visions are full of death and dying, my self a gibbering madness. But hasn't there been enough death and dying? Haven't enough of those around me ended their lives too early? I cannot abide the end of more.

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Posted Image Enough bickering. I can use both your talents. Leave your private battles for another time.

Posted Image If he wishes to travel with you, perhaps I should travel with you as well.

Posted Image Idiot! You do not know what you are asking! (There are too many of these monkeys to attack now. Prudence.)

Posted Image I will accompany you, Syvishtar. I would not trust your life to a Red Wizard without allies.

Posted Image If you will not kill the witch immediately, then so be it. I shall remain with you, to stop her evil lies from poisoning you. (There will be opportunities for her disposal. The fool will be easily manipulated.)

Posted Image And just to be clear, I am leading this party. Your differences will remain secondary to our goals.

They both seem to accept that, but not two seconds later Edwin pulls me aside.

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Posted Image Indeed, you have blotched your ask, so I can report you to your Zulkir as a traitor. Now, I suggest that you do what I say.

Posted Image My amateur comedian companion, your words would mean less to my Zulkir than the rattle of a pebble caught in the sole of his boot. I suggest that you do not try to play this game with me, Syvishtar. It would be too boring to win over you.

Dynaheir also pulls me aside, but not to scheme or threaten.

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Posted Image I'm afraid we haven't seen anything like that.

Last, Kagain lets me know that he doesn't mind being out.

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Gameplay note: Ok, we have rescued Dynaheir. Minsc is happy and Edwin is not. I for one am totally ok with this situation. Bioware foreshadowed this whole thing between Edwin and Dynaheir with that wizard in the tent in the Nashkel Carnival, so it doesn't seem so weird when you encounter it the second time. Is it effective? The only other time I've ever encountered Rashemen-related stuff was in Mask of the Betrayer. Anyway, lets take a look at her:

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She's a level 2 sorceress, so she can cast 4 level one spells per day, and it doesn't matter how many of each. She can cast 4 Burning Hands, or 2 Shocking Grasps and 2 Burning Hands, etc. Since she is a wychlaran of Rashemen, I will keep choosing elemental spells for her on level-up. Anything to do with fire, ice, lightning, stone, or water will be top priority for her. Fireball, Agannazar's Scorcher, Ball Lightning, Thunderclap, Cone of Cold, that will be her style. We know Burning Hands already, at least in theory, but Shocking Grasp is new.

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Decent damage with the possibility of a stun, but you have to touch the target. Risky business for a mage. She'll have to sneak up on bosses after they've engaged Minsc and hit them from behind. Maybe she should get Invisibility for that.

She also has a special Innate ability, Slow Poison. Good to keep in mind as we travel to the Cloakwood.

We decide that since we have annihilated every gnoll within walking distance of this fortress, we will camp here overnight. So we hunker down and get ready for rest.

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Posted Image What art thou about, Minsc?

Posted Image Nothing. Just telling Boo a goodnight story.

Posted Image Minsc, thou worry me increasingly.

Posted Image Why? Is there something wrong with Minsc?

Posted Image Thou speakest to thy hamster almost incessantly. 'Tis not quite... mmm... normal.

Posted Image Well, neither is spewing fire from your fingertips, and Dynaheir does it every day. Minsc can't do it.

Posted Image I am a sorceress, and mine purpose is to exercise the arts magical.

Posted Image And Minsc is a ranger, and he's trained to speak with creatures of the wild. If you can't hear Boo, this doesn't mean he's not talking, right?

Posted Image Indeed, but it appears that thou givest him much authority in thine life.

Posted Image Yes, because Boo is my friend! I listen to your advice too.

Posted Image Indeed, thou dost. *sighs* Mayhaps this matter should be laid to rest until such time that we return to Rashemen.

Posted Image Many Othlor are great healers, and surely it is in their power to help. On mine own, I have no means to improve thine condition.

Then we sleep. The next day, we realize that there is still a little bit of the fortress that we didn't explore, so I send Imoen out on a scouting mission. She finds something horrifying.

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Another contingent of gnolls have been waiting up above us this entire time. Perhaps they thought we were sieging them? Maybe that's why they didn't slaughter us in our sleep! I want to see how Minsc and Dynaheir perform together, so I send them both up.

Dogs meet them on the stairs. Minsc doesn't seem to enjoy fighting them.

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After they are gone, Dynaheir steps up and at the top of the stairs lets loose some Burning Hands on the gnolls.

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Then she sidesteps and tries to let Minsc get in front of her. One of the gnolls hits her before she can get away, though, and Viconia rushes to heal her.

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Despite his good position on the stairs, Minsc still takes some hits and needs Viconia's backup during the fight.

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Dynaheir manages to squeeze into an opportune spot and lets loose more fire from her fingertips.

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Minsc manages to destroy the rest of them quickly, and the battle is won. It makes Dynaheir thoughtful.

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Posted Image I still walk my native land, Dynaheir. Rashemen is far farther from here than Candlekeep. Say, where is it, by the way?

Posted Image Rashemen layeth east of here, almost a season's travel, by sea and by land. Betwixt Thay and Ashanath it is. My land is severe and intense, very unlike this mild region. But I bore thee with my mumbling. Let us walk again.

Then we all stride up the steps, and around the final parapet, and then gaze out over this fortress we have just conquered!

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With nothing left to do, we walk back across the bridge and leave this cursed place behind us forever. I'm taking these people back with me to Beregost, and the most Jovial of all Jugglers! But first, there is something I want to see. Minsc mentioned the Dryad Falls as being near us on our way over here. I've always wanted to see a dryad. And after all the death and killing I've been through, I deserve a little vacation. To the Dryad Falls we go!

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No sooner have we arrived, then...

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#168 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:32 AM

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Posted Image Boo says it looks like Dynaheir's handwriting! My witch will make sense of it in no time!

Posted Image Witch? Well, my enthusiastic friend, you are welcome to keep the parchment.

Posted Image If you have a learned scholar, perhaps they could take a look at this. It might be important and shed light on some intrigue.

Posted Image Dynaheir! Look! We have found writing!

Posted Image *squeak*

Posted Image Minsc, where did'st thou find this parchment, torn from mine journal?

Posted Image With this dark looking elf! Boo says he is a great warrior...

Posted Image Ah, I see that you are a Hathran scholar. Perhaps you can help me.

Posted Image I have the solution to thy puzzle, good elf. This page was torn from mine journal. I was a captive of gnolls for a time, and they have stolen it from me. Hast thou found but one page?

Posted Image Just one, m'lady. But the presence of one page is the indication that the whole journal might be nearby or carried off by someone of their number who escaped.

Posted Image Syvishtar, 'tis quite important to recover the journal.

Posted Image Of course, let us give the thieves a chase!

Posted Image Syvishtar, I will gladly help, as you have helped me earlier. I was going to patrol hereabouts, regardless. We can search the area quickly enough, if we split forces. What say you?

Posted Image Sounds like a good plan! Let's do it!

Posted Image Well met! Let us convene here after a day of searching.

We prepare for our search by Viconia casting a few heals on Minsc and herself to make things less painful. Just as we finish that, a pack of gnolls jumps out of the trees at us!

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Posted Image Stay thy hand, Syvishtar. I do not see malice in these creature's eyes.

Posted Image Gnolls! Minsc hates gnolls! Right, Boo? They took Dynaheir!

Posted Image Stand easy, Minsc. Syvishtar, if thou art willing, allow me to trade a few words with the gnolls.

Posted Image The Old One... Aren't Rashemi male wizards called the Old Ones?

Posted Image Indeed, Syvishtar, a Rashemi wizard is called Vremyonni - the Old One, but I know not why a countryman of mine would'st orchestrate mine demise. 'Tis either a renegade, or the name is but a coincidence.

Posted Image I guess. Well, what does the Old guy want? Does he want to talk to you, or kill you?

Posted Image The witch's book shows us that the killing is wrong!

Posted Image Curious. Tell me, my good gnoll, how hath it come to pass that thou and thy companions acquired that conviction?

Posted Image The Old One ordered to find the witch. Hound said - we sooner find her by scent, and all we had was the witch's book. So Hound ordered me to rip it apart and divide between others... I did. Then me and my pack saw the light. Instead of hunting the witch we came to warn her.

Posted Image 'Tis as I have suspected. A priest of Mystra blessed my journal, Syvishtar, and placed a ward on it that any creature of evil disposition would'st turn around for a time in its nature should'st it try to open it without mine permission. Breaking the journal must have made the enchantment more potent as the foursome was affected, and it still did not wear off.

Posted Image Well, Dynaheir, it is your call. How should we deal with this?

Posted Image I thank thee for the warning, good gnoll. Go in peace.

Posted Image Hold on for a second with the hugging and tears of gratitude, Dynaheir. You are going to let these creatures walk away, when they enslaved you, and were going to eat you?

Posted Image Verily. To do otherwise would be wrong.

Dynaheir must be good at reading faces or something, because she clearly sees my consternation at her actions. She decides to try to make things more clear.

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Posted Image Did you not call yourself a Wychlaran?

Posted Image Indeed, Wychlaran is commonly used. A more polite form is Hathran, but either is appropriate. Simply, Hathran are all women with a gift for the Arts. The Unproven are women that were not trained in the arts. The Ethran are the trained, the Hathran are senior amongst us, and the Othlor are the wisest and most honored.

Posted Image And the most senior of you is called Amyrlin Seat. Right?

Posted Image Thou must be confusing some foreign custom for Rashemi. No single Hathran is in charge of all the others.

I studied a lot of cultures, past, present, and future, at Candlekeep. Sometimes its hard to keep them all straight. I ponder what she said and how it related to her actions as we begin our search of the area. How are we supposed to find a journal in all this forest anyway? Ooh, pretty waterfall!

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It looks like I can reach behind the waterfall and find something. I do, and grasp a dead cat.

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Of course, I put it next to the live cat in my backpack, and we keep going. A little later, we attacked by a Dire Wolf.

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It goes down quickly. Imoen seems to have learned something important from that fight.

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Gameplay note: All her saving throws went down by 1. She also got another copy of all her innate spells. I'm thinking I'll get Pick Locks, Find Traps, Hide in Shadows, and Sneak to 100 before dual-classing her.

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The dire wolf seemed to be in front of, or guarding, a cave.

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Cautiously, we enter and find another one!

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We kill it and deeper into the cave, find a box.

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In it is 238 gold, a Tiger Cowrie Shell Necklace, and some Chain Mail +1!

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The magical chain mail seems to protect Viconia just as well as her splint mail, while being 5 pounds lighter. We give it to her. We get back out of the cave and keep searching, even though it is now night.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#169 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:33 AM

While we do not find a journal yet, we do find the dryad of Dryad Falls!

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Posted Image Do not let yourself become bewitched by this one, Syvishtar. Begone spirit! We have no time for you!

Posted Image Oh, please, I am in peril and need the help of brave adventurers like yourselves!

DAMN is she hot!

Posted Image Only the basest of villains would take advantage of a gentle forest spirit! Lead on, and I will deal with them!

Posted Image I thank you, for although they seem dim of wit, they still could do much damage. This way.

Posted Image There, they are just ahead. I implore you, do what you must to make them leave.

I walk up to them to see what I can do, naturally.

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Posted Image You don't really want to do this do you? Just think of how beautiful this tree is. It's truly a wonder of nature.

Posted Image ... Well if yer not gonna help, I'm not gonna let you sit and watch us do it! Yous were probably gonna rob us when we're done, weren't cha? Me an Krumm don't cotton to bandits one bit! Do we Krumm?

Posted Image What?

Caldo is dead before the fight even starts. But something is strange about Krumm. He seems... sick.

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It doesn't stop Minsc from slicing him in half though.

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Good old Minsc. We let the dryad know that her tree is safe again.

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Gameplay note: She gives us an antidote, 227 xp, and increases our reputation by 1! We are finally, FINALLY average rep!

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Then we loot the bodies. Krumm was quite the tricked-out retard. He had Elander's Gloves of Might on him, and also the Tsu-O-Shi, a Katana +2.

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Unfortunately Elander's Gloves of Might are wasted on this party, since we don't even have one fighter.

When Imoen looks at the katana with Finch's glasses, she screams and throws it away from her. She refuses to get anywhere near it and tries to make me promise to destroy it in a volcano's fire, of all things. I compromise by telling her that we'll sell it as soon as we find a good merchant, but she just doesn't seem comforted. Women.

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Since it is getting late, we decide to rest for the night near the dryad's tree. By that I mean *I* decide we rest for the night. and *I* sleep by the dryad's tree. Maybe I'll get lucky!

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Posted Image Thou must surely be joking! I would never relate a tale to a hamster.

Posted Image Please? Pretty please? You could tell Boo about that time you went for a swim in the Lake of Dragons, and Orovar stole your clothes and then...

Posted Image Minsc! Thou would not dare to... ahem... I mean 'tis not a proper story for such a young hamster. I would tell him "The story of the Princess Swan and her Candy Castle."

Posted Image Peanut Castle. I think that would interest Boo more.

Posted Image Indeed. So, once upon a time the beautiful Princess Sunflower Seed went to a dance to the Sunflower Dale in the Peanut Forest-

Posted Image Minsc, what was that about Orovar? The Lake of Dragons... it's somewhere in the Dalelands, is not it?

Posted Image Sorry, Boo. Imoen wants to hear about Orovar. Heh, we took the same ship to Westgate with Orovar, and he really liked Dynaheir-

Posted Image Minsc! Imoen, I would appreciate if thou would not pester our friend with this.

Posted Image Teach me "Burning Hands"?

Posted Image 'Tis not a joking affair. Thou couldst start a forest fire if thou art not careful.

Posted Image So Minsc, what did Orovar do?

Posted Image On the other hand, thou art quite cautious for a rogue. 'Tis not Hathran's custom to turn away one who is willing to learn. Mayhaps I can be persuaded to teach thee.

Posted Image Promise?

Posted Image *sighs* Promise.

Posted Image That Orovar, he had a cabin by the Lake of Dragons, and he invited us to stay for a week... And Dynaheir, she was so sea sick that she was unable to travel-

Posted Image Minsc, I think that Boo'd rather hear the story about the Princess Sunflower Seed and the Peanut Castle.

Posted Image *Squeak*

I wake the next morning the same man I was when I slept. No luck! Dynaheir seems happy enough to be free again, though.

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Posted Image I appreciate Minsc's company myself. And yours. Truly, I consider both of you my friends now, even if I have not known you for long.

Posted Image That is my feeling towards thee as well. On the road friendships are quickly forged and cemented firmly by the challenges comrades face together.

We begin to look for more pieces of Dynaheir's journal. An encounter with a cave bear reminds me that I forgot to cast Armor this morning. Also, Dynaheir demonstrates the true danger of Burning Hands.

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Sometimes I think it would be safer if we just sent Minsc on ahead and waited an hour, then followed the trail of bodies all day long. We circle around the lake completely and find a somewhat hidden passage underneath the water.

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And there, a little girl.

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Posted Image And scenes like this, Syvishtar, are why I think surfacers weak.

I realize that the dead cat I've been carrying around in my backpack belongs to this girl. I find it exceedingly awkward to think of just pulling it out right then and there, so I tell her I'll look for it and wander off. Then I come back a few minutes later and give her the bad news.

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The poor thing gave us 23 gold. I don't know how to give it back. I don't know if I should. I remember my own cat dying not too long ago and can't contain my feelings. I begin to cry along with the little girl. Viconia gives me look of disdain, which makes me laugh as well. I squeeze out few kind of anguished laughing sobs under the waterfall, just me and Drienne, catless victims in a cruel world.

I come back to myself when a touch on my shoulder reminds me that Imoen is here. She's all I have, really. She's the only one that understands me, and she's always there for me. I'd break without here here. Without Imoen, I'd probably burn the world to ash and laugh in the smoke.

When we get to the bottom of the path, we are attacked again, by 5 wargs. Dynaheir is quick with the hands, burning them in their pack.

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But they simply can't stand up to Minsc.

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We move on. We find dire wolves. We kill them.

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We eventually find a bona fide gnoll war party.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#170 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:33 AM

I feel disappointed - I had hoped we destroyed the gnoll problem completely with their fortress.

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Edwin goes out in front of everyone to cast Color Spray. It seems to work pretty well.

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Minsc, Haiass, and I make short work of the rest of them.

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I create a double-wave of Rhialto's Random Missiles during the fight. I think Rhialto would be pleased with me.

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When they all die, we check their bodies, but not one of them is carrying any parts of Dynaheir's journal. Unfortunate. We have no choice but to keep looking. We stumble across another pack of gnolls, to the east. Throwing caution to the wind, we melee with them immediately.

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Minsc seems to be in a bit of trouble, so I throw a Horror from Rhialto's spellbook. Praise him!

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The gnolls practically melt before us. They stand no chance. And neither do the next group we find.

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I pull out my Ring of Energy on these and walk back and forth, making sure to sweep as many as I can into the beam.

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But when it is over, it leaves me alone with 4 badly wounded and pissed off gnolls.

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A Blade Shower takes out two of them.

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I Drain all the remaining Life from a third. But the fourth kills my wolf.

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Everyone arrives in time to help me, but not Haiass. Viconia gets the killing blow.

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But we are tired, injured, my wolf is dead, and we are out of spells. We must rest. I lead the group to what I think is a safe place, and we camp for the night. When we wake up, we get the morning breakfast ready, and then Dynaheir drops dead.

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Posted Image Dynaheir! Nooooo! You will be avenged!

Posted Image Checkmate! At last the witch dies!

No explanation, no evidence, no reason for this. We all stare at her body in shock. I can see the other members of the party getting nervous, and refusing to look somewhere, so I do. I look at Edwin, with his self-satisfied smile. I know it is his fault, even if I can't prove it. That smug bastard killed her, and cost me 200 gold to rez her!

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I know he's close to a breakthrough in magic. I know he's almost my equal again. But just to spite him, I call off the search for Dynaheir's journal and announce that we're going straight to the Song of the Morning Temple. Let him stew on experience not gained.

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When we get to the temple, I also have Viconia resurrect Haiass. It really takes a lot out of her. She seems visibly weakened.

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Perhaps the weakness extends to her willpower, because she admits respecting someone after Dynaheir is raised.

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Posted Image Thou art fluent in compliments. Some might say effluent.

Posted Image I do not understand your need to spurn me. I only wished to express my admiration for your... strength, your pride. You give me hope yet for these rivven.

Posted Image I thank thee for thy kind words. Yet I know 'twould be unwise to not search for the barb that doth likely lie therein.

Posted Image I do not blame you for your mistrust. Such things are innately foolish, and the color of my skin does create certain expectations.

Posted Image Lend me no justification for them, and all the more of my trust shall be thine.

We rest at the temple, and regain our spells. I can't seem to leave well enough alone, because even though I was going to spite Edwin and not give him any more life experience, I can't give up the hunt for the journal. We return to the wilderness to search for Drizzt. We find him near the Xvart Village.

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Posted Image A vicious group of gnolls had it. I do not know if it makes more sense to you than to me, but they were claiming fealty to someone they called 'The Old One.'

Posted Image Here is the journal.

Posted Image Syvishtar, can I have a word in private with you?

Posted Image I am talking to Drizzt Do'Urden, Edwin! Drizzt Do'Urden! Not you.

Posted Image Drizzt Do'Urden can talk? (Likely, he has found a potion of genius. That is the only way I see him becoming capable of putting words into coherent sentences. AND without Cattie-Brie's help. Remarkable.) Well, go talk to Drizzt then.

Posted Image I am most grateful to thee, Drizzt Do'Urden. Allow me to offer thee this scroll as a token of mine gratitude.

Posted Image I was glad to assist. Fare thee well!

I peek over Dynaheir's shoulder.

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I suddenly get a bout of homesickness, and the closest thing to home I've got is the Jovial Juggler. I abruptly announce that we're going back to Beregost. Nobody objects.

It takes approximately a day to get there. When we arrive...

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Posted Image *Giggles* I would not wanna name names, but y'all know that it was Edwin... If I were a Red Wizard I wouldn't peek into it!

Posted Image Here it is, witch. I... I have inspected it as my duty to Thay dictated. (I would be damned if I let the witch know that I could not read it. It's gibberish anyway.)

And with that, we all walk into the Jovial Juggler, home again at last! I think I'll stay here for a few days at least, perhaps a week. There's so much to do!

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Gameplay note: Ok voices, we have yet again reached a major milestone in the game. We have gone to Nashkel, its Carnival, and above the mines. We have trekked west for weeks on end, surviving the harsh wilderness and obliterating the Gnoll Fortress in our single-minded quest to get to Dynaheir. We have rescued the sorceress, and brought her, Edwin, and Minsc back to civilization in one piece. Time for some R&R.

Edited by Usurper, 30 December 2011 - 04:35 AM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#171 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:37 AM

This time I had an entire post dedicated to selecting a new party, with new text on each party member. Here is what I put:

The next step in our Destiny is a significant one, and our first extended dungeon crawl. We will finally take care of the demons in the mines of Nashkel. For this we need a crack team of commandos, adventurers brave and true, to delve into the darkest depths of abandoned deeps that no man has seen for at LEAST five months, if not longer. We will have to deal with coordinated squads of kobolds, survive several more assassination attempts, and fight more undead. Who can we possibly choose to take with us?

Each thread poster has 5 votes, which they can use to either vote FOR or AGAINST any character to be a party member. You can use all 5 votes for one character, or spread them out. You can vote both positively and negatively. If you vote too many times, only the first 5 votes are counted. If there is a tie, the character with the least amount of negative votes wins. If there's a tie in both positive and negative votes, I'll flip a coin. After voting is closed, the top 5 characters will join the party until they die. When they die, they will be retired to the Jovial Juggler, and the next-most-popular character will be added to the party. Repeat until we have accomplished our objectives and come back for another vote.

Here is the list of party members we can use. Please do not worry too much about level or xp during party selection. Do not shun a character because you think they are too weak. I enjoy a challenge and I will make any party work. Really. Test me if you don't believe.

Possible Party Members

Posted Image Posted Image Branwen: A human Battleguard of Tempus. Has died for me 1 time so far. She was a statue in the middle of the Nashkel Carnival. We bought a Stone to Flesh scroll from a nearby gnome and turned her back to normal. She was grateful and agreed to join our battle party, and she didn't care what we were fighting. I think I like her already! She has told Viconia she thinks drow battle tactics are cowardly. She also recently asked me if I ever doubted myself. She seemed both shocked and relieved when I said I doubted myself all the time. When we got to Bear River an Ogre Berseker killed her in the middle of combat, and we let her rest in favor of using Kagain.

Posted Image Posted Image Bub Snikt: A human berserker. Met him in the woods of the Northern Coast Way. Told us to keep low and quiet, that he could smell ogres on the breeze. We offered to let him join the party, and he said okay. Sounds southern, as in southern hemisphere. Doesn't talk much. After clearing the road between Beregost and Nashkel of bandits, we let him have some time at the Jovial Juggler and took Rose back under our wing.

Posted Image Posted Image Dynaheir: A human sorceress. She had been captured by gnolls and was being held at the Gnoll Stronghold being forced to do god-knows-what in their fighting pits. Minsc recruited our party of myself, Imoen, Shar-Teel, Viconia, and Gavin, to aid him in rescuing her. In the same village we met Edwin, who hired us to aid him in killing her. We took him on but didn't promise anything. When we finally rescued her, 22 days later, we told her and Edwin to keep their personal disagreements to themselves, and considered the matter closed. She asked us if we had seen her journal, which we had not. We stopped by the Dryad Falls on our way back to Beregost, and met up again with Drizzt, who asked us about a parchment he had found on some gnolls. It turned out to be one page of Dynaheir's journal. We agreed to split up and search the area for one day, then meet back up and see what we had found. Soon after Drizzt left, we were found by some gnolls that looked peaceful. They gave us a warning that the Old One had ordered many gnolls to find Dynaheir, and each had a piece of her journal with them. We accepted their warning, searched for the journal, but we needn't have bothered. Drizzt found it, and us, several days later. During that time Dynaheir mysteriously died for no discernible reason, except that we all know it was Edwin.

Posted Image Posted Image Edwin: A human conjurer. By virtue of an heirloom amulet he is the most powerful mage in existence, able to cast 2 extra spells per level. We met him on the bridge over the river in Nashkel where he said he wanted to kill the witch Dynaheir. We told him he could travel with us but we would not promise anything about killing. Minsc said he would keep an eye on him. He has been trying to position himself as the superior mage in the party, and I've been shutting him down in turn. When we finally found Dynaheir, he became quite upset that I didn't kill her. He must have poisoned her or something himself because she dropped dead a few days later and I had to resurrect her. He also tried to steal her journal when she got it back, but she had warded it and he sheepishly gave it back to her. The man is getting on my ever-loving nerves.

Posted Image Posted Image Finch: A gnome Priest of Deneir. Has died for me 4 times so far. An extremely happy miniature librarian stereotype. Confirmed that unfortunately she does not come with a stand mount. Met briefly in Candlekeep gardens. Actually said "anyhoo" in conversation. Met her again at the Red Sheaf Inn in Beregost where she helped us kill Karlat, a dwarf mercenary trying to collect on the bounty on my head. Joined up with us after the fight. Apparently she and Imoen have some history from Candlekeep. She punched Imoen in the head after Imoen glued a book together that she was reading. At level 1 she was also the juggernaut of destruction against Bassilus in the Red Canyons, destroying his undead with dialogue and Dooming him to succumb to the party's assault. She tried her hand out at co-tanking with Shar-Teel and then Ajantis, resulting in several deaths for her. It turns out that she recognizes Ajantis from Waterdeep, where they both grew up, although in very different circles. She was the ninth of seventeen gnomish children in a house much too small. She and Ajantis had a nice conversation about home nevertheless. She served us faithfully until she died against Rhialto while wielding the Flame of the North. We gave her some R&R at the Jovial Juggler and picked up Jaheira in her place.

Posted Image Posted Image Gavin: A human Morninglord of Lathander. We met him outside of the Song of the Morning Temple in Beregost. Very devout, and good in a fight. Older guy, and likes to talk. Very scared of giant spiders. Hinted that he was trying to raise money for someone by adventuring, but didn't go into details. Stood guard in front of the Song of the Morning Temple waiting for us to pick him up again. After Ajantis was one-shot killed by a Kobold Captain in the Trade Way South which led to him deserting the party, we decided to pick up Gavin again and travel with him for a while longer. He wasted no time in asking me about my childhood and my hobbies, and seemed very earnestly thankful that I told him about that stuff. Weird. Since then, we've been talking about such subjects as the ultimate consequences of our actions and the possibilities of world peace. He seems like quite a thoughtful guy, if a little chatty. He eventually confessed to his secret sin, which is to being married to a complete bitch who tricked him into raising a daughter not his own and cheats on him with any rich guy whenever he's away. He seemed to think we would want him out of the party after his confession, but we said that as long as it didn't interfere with party business it doesn't matter. He seemed incredibly relieved. He has a good relationship with Keldath Ormlyr who gave us a quest to stop a mad wizard who was trying to tame basilisks to the east of the Song of the Morning Temple. We agreed to take care of it right away. We killed Mutamin and got 1000 gold from Keldath. When we un-stoned Branwen at the Nashkel Carnival we decided to give Gavin some time to see his family and let him go back to Beregost.

Posted Image Posted Image Imoen: A human Charming Rogue. Has died for me 1 time so far. My childhood friend, partner in crime, and a general troublemaker. She reads letters that she's not supposed to. She also followed me out of Candlekeep and pledged to keep me company until I got tired of her. Nice girl, her. When we killed Tarnesh, she picked up his spellbook and has been studying it. She created a strange book-like artifact using it that makes her more dexterous once a day. If she keeps studying that spellbook she might eventually dual-class to mage. Meanwhile she is becoming a pretty good thief, ripping off the entire city of Beregost and leaving them weaponless, potionless, and penniless. Xzar seems to enjoy freaking her out. In a conversation with Gavin, I told him that one of my hobbies was getting drunk in the taverns with Imoen. She's a great drinking buddy. When we got to Nashkel and killed the assassin waiting for us at the Nashkel Inn, I let it slip that I had been attacked by assassins within Candlekeep. She was shocked, and wanted to know why I hadn't told her. I said that I wanted to spare her the worry. She used Minsc to semi-blackmail Dynaheir into teaching her how to cast Burning Hands, and yet we still all love her.

Posted Image Posted Image Jaheira: A half-elf fighter/Priest of Sylvanus. Has died for me 1 time so far. A very pushy woman. She says that she and Khalid often "look into" local concerns, and she wants us to all look into what's going down in Nashkel. Lets Khalid follow her around like a lost puppy. She disapproved of us working for Silke, and reprimanded me for doing that. After some time together we decided to trade her and Khalid for Finch and Shar-Teel. She took Khalid and left for the Friendly Arm Inn without so much as a goodbye. After Finch died for the 4th time, we approached Jaheira again to join our party, which she did without being accompanied by Khalid. She immediately tried to call out Gavin for not pulling his weight in the group and not telling the party about his wife and child, even though he already had told us while she was not around. She came out of the talk looking like a complete nosy bitch. She later died to a surprise Astral Phase Spider hiding out in a cave near the Song of the Morning Temple, cut down in one round. We resurrected her, dropped her off at the Jovial Juggler, and picked up Shar-Teel instead.

Posted Image Posted Image Kagain: A dwarf Gladiator. Has died for me 1 time so far. Was working as a mercenary in Beregost when we walked into his office. He wanted us to look for a lost caravan, but we had already found the remains of it, and showed him Silvershield's fibula. He quickly realized he was in a heap of trouble and offered to join up with us. Wonder if he will bring that trouble with him. Spent a whole lot of time in the Jovial Juggler, but when Branwen was killed at Bear River we picked him up to replace her. Boo doesn't seem to like him, though. When we assaulted the Gnoll Stronghold, Kagain did well in combat, but eventually fell to some Dire Wolves while Held near the center of the fortress. But we were so close to completely destroying the gnolls we resurrected him and brought him back into the fight. He only left our party after we rescued Dynaheir, and is waiting for us to pick him up again.

Posted Image Posted Image Khalid: A half-elf Duskblade. Has died for me 1 time so far. A nerdy fighter who has read up on ancient elven spellcasting techniques, and Jaheira's companion. Stutters. Gets scared a lot. Apparently a long-time friend of Gorion and interested in what's going on down in Nashkel. But mostly he's interested in everything that Jaheira is, because its just like that. Followed Jaheira to the Friendly Arm Inn when we replaced them with Finch and Shar-Teel. He would be willing to rejoin us without Jaheira, though, if we asked.

Posted Image Posted Image Kivan: An elf Archer. We met outside of High Hedge. Said he had been hunting bandits for the past several months and that he would be happy to join with us if we were doing the same. When pressed, said that the bandit leader Tazok had killed someone dear to him. We took him in. He keeps going on and on about his loneliness and grief at losing his wife, Deheriana, and dragging down the group. We've started to tell him to shut up. He and Shar-Teel don't get along at all. When we killed Bassilus he considered the cleric to be like himself, caught up with the spirits of the dead. Hinted that he will commit suicide after killing Tazok. We decided to give him a break at the Jovial Juggler after killing Bassilus, picking up Xzar instead.

Posted Image Posted Image Minsc: A human ranger. We met him near the Nashkel barracks. Carries around a miniature giant space hamster, Boo. Said that he needed to go save a woman Dynaheir from gnolls. We agreed to help, sending Rose back to the Burning Wizard Inn. Grabbed and intimidated a pickpocket into giving us our money back after he tried to pull a fast one on us. Is extremely suspicious of Edwin, watching him closely. Held the line against an unknown number of xvarts, probably over 50, with the Flame of the North. He was flanked by Haiass and my cat familiar. They died, he lived. Has been the lynchpin in our party ever since then, single-handedly destroying more gnolls than the rest of the party combined. He is overjoyed to have Dynaheir back, happy enough that he has begun telling bedtime stories to Boo.

Posted Image Posted Image Rose: A half-elf White Dragon Disciple. We first saw her being accosted in the Burning Wizard Inn, but the man said she took his money. Silke had taught us the danger of a pretty face not five minutes before, so we didn't immediately side with the chick. We tried to mediate the situation, offering the man 10 gold to drop it. He did, cursing us all. After he left Rose gave us 23 gold, which was what she considered to be our cut. Clever girl. Originally from Athkatla. Wanted to become an actress in the plays in the bridge district there, but her parents never let her. That's one of the reasons why she ran away. Likes singing, and clouds, and enjoying life. Dislikes wearing armor, as it chafes her. We dropped her off at the Jovial Juggler after killing Bassilus, wanting to give Tiax a chance in the party. After clearing out the road between Beregost and Nashkel, we picked her back up as the 5th member. She was present at the slaying of Rhialto, singing all the way through and not getting hit once. She was also helpful during the slaying of the mad mage Mutamin and his basilisk and medusa armies. However, when we met Minsc, we decided to take him on and let Rose go back to the Burning Wizard.

Posted Image Posted Image Shar-Teel: A human Sellsword. Has died for me 3 times so far. Met us on the road to Nashkel. Challenged our best warrior to a duel. Khalid stepped up to the plate and gave her a nice, solid cut. She capitulated and joined our party. We gave her a compliment once, and she started assuming we were together. That apparently translates as her berating us for staring at her too long, and telling us about her crooked, chauvinist pig of a father Angelo. Later, she told us of her role model and mentor, the powerful and cruel mercenary Ysena, who trained her to be what she is today. During that conversation she let it slip that she worked in the slave trade. Later, in a boot-related romantic encounter, I told her I had lost interest, and it seemed like she didn't care. But she still feels something deep down inside. When we found Ajantis we decided to send her back to the Jovial Juggler in Beregost for a while, to give us some time apart. Eventually whenever we would go back there, I would manage to talk to her. I have told her my life story, and she said I was still a pox-ridden son of a pig. Considers pushing and shoving to be gestures of love. She ruthlessly slaughtered the mad mage Mutamin at the perfect time, saving the fight and allowing us to win. When we met Edwin, we decided to let Shar-Teel rest at the Jovial Juggler and pick him up instead.

Posted Image Posted Image Tiax: A gnome Strifeleader of Cyric/thief. Has died for me 1 time so far. We found him at the city center of Beregost. He recruited us into his cause of world domination without so much as an interview and has been haranguing us about it ever since. We left him at the Jovial Juggler in Beregost for a while after he exhorted us to kill more puppies and defile more temples, because he was getting annoying. But after killing Bassilus, who was also a priest of Cyrix, we picked him up again because I was impressed with Bassilus' raw power. When Ajantis joined us, he disapproved of Tiax and asked me why Tiax was with us. We said Tiax entertained us, and Tiax became quite offended. He summons Ghasts, which are pretty useful in a fight. We sent him back to the Jovial Juggler when we came across Bub Snikt.

Posted Image Posted Image Viconia: A drow Nightcloak of Shar. We met her in the Trade Way North area when she ran up to us and asked us for help. We said yes, not realizing what she meant. She was being chased by a Flaming Fist mercenary who accused her of murder and demanded her death. I said he had to go through us first, and he attacked us all. We had to kill him. That night, when we had finally gotten back to the Jovial Juggler, she came to thank me for rescuing her. I got her to "thank" me in the particular drow way I had heard about. She landed the killing blow against the mad mage Rhialto, which let me loot his spellbook and gain forbidden arcane knowledge. She was also instrumental in turning the tide of battle in our favor during the fight with the mad mage Mutamin, blessing us, cursing our allies, and Knowing the last Opponent so that we could kill her without getting turned to stone. Both when we cast Stone to Flesh on Tamah near Mutamin's garden, and when we cast Stone to Flesh on Branwen at the Nashkel Carnival, Viconia fervently agreed with our actions and showed great concern for the petrified women. She stayed silent throughout most of the rescue of Dynaheir, although her heals were vital to keeping everyone alive. After we rescued Dynaheir, she became more talkative, expressing her respect for the sorceress. Dynaheir is hesitant to respond, though.

Posted Image Posted Image Will Scarlet O'Hara: A human Troubadour. Has died for me 1 time so far. He greeted us as soon as we got to Beregost. Very helpful, nice guy. Offered to join us in our adventures, so we accepted. Wields a flail in melee and is proud of it. Has 6,000 gold worth of equipment waiting to be bought from different places around town. We left him at the Jovial Juggler despite his crazy-awesome bard song that gives everybody an extra attack per round because he doesn't talk and has a face people just want to punch.

Posted Image Posted Image Xzar: Human Necromancer. Has died for me 1 time so far. Crazy dude Imoen and I met on the road right after Gorion had died. Knew that we had been attacked, offered us a healing potion and then tried to guilt us into going to Nashkel with him and his half-pint thug Montaron. With nothing better to do, we joined up with them at first. We then left him at the Jovial Juggler because we favored some other companions. When we found a mithril ring in the Ankheg pit he appropriated it for himself, saying that he was going to enchant it with 'guidance.' From what, we do not know. Teases Imoen with talk of death, and Ajantis with talk of dragons. When we met Bub Snikt, we decided to give Xzar a break and travel with Bub for a while. He didn't seem to mind at all.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#172 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:38 AM

Here was the final vote tally:
Name     | Yes | No |  Total
Xzar        30 -  0      30
Imoen       35 -  5      30
Finch       34 -  5      29
Viconia     22 -  1      21
Minsc       27 -  7      20
Branwen     18 -         18
Dynaheir    27 - 11      16
Jaheira     18 -  5      13
Edwin       30 - 17      13
Kagain      11 -  1      10
Khalid      15 -  8       7
Gavin        2 -  0       2
Kivan        1 -  1       0
Rose         1 -  0       1
Tiax         1 -  0       1
Will         1 -  0       1
Bub Snikt    0 -  0       0
Shar-Teel   12 - 20      -8
Most controversial award goes to: Edwin!
Most totally hated award goes to: Shar-Teel!
Most universally loved award goes to: Xzar!?
Most forgettable award goes to: Bub Snikt!

And as of the latest update, we are still working on this party vote. The next party vote will be synchronized between this thread and the SA thread. So look forward to it!
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#173 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:40 AM

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21 Flamerule, 1369

We spend a few solid lazy days relaxing at the Jovial Juggler. It is a respite from the unforgiving wilderness. Respite. That's a word I have not had a chance to use for some time. To think I grew up in one of the most secure and peaceful areas in the entire Sword Coast and I wanted to leave. If I had only known about the bandits, and the xvarts, and the hobgoblins, and the ogres, and the gnolls.... the list could go on forever. A man could go insane trying to list his enemies in this world.

Posted Image Play on, bard! 'Tis sweet music to my furry friend.

After a while, though, I get restless. I want to see what's out there again. I actually want to figure out what's going on down in the Nashkel mines. I put out feelers with my companions in conversation, seeing who is willing to go. Who is interested in leaving our life of luxury waiting out the Iron Crisis in the Jovial Juggler and actually doing something about it. Imoen of course is up for anything. She and Finch have been talking a lot more, catching up. Finch is fascinated by our tale of the gnoll fortress. I'm pretty sure she wrote down every word Imoen said. But she was also pretty scared of the whole idea. When Imoen invited her to come with us to the Nashkel mines Finch straight up refused! We had to cut her into a portion of the treasure we got from our recent outings before she would even consider coming along. It took a lot of convincing. Xzar keeps saying strange, cryptic sayings to me about birds in the bush and clouds in the sky. I think he's trying to say he wants to go too. Minsc only has to hear the word demon before he's up for it. I actually have to approach Viconia and do some negotiation. In the end, I promise to let her keep the Boots of the Forgotten Ones when our time is over in exchange for her accompanying us. With that final word, our party is set.

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Posted Image Our paths must run apart for a while. If I should need your help again, though, we should rendezvous at the Jovial Juggler in Beregost.

Posted Image Very well, I accept under the terms of our agreement. (Best to humour them, they're not bright enough to understand the arguments against the idea.)

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Posted Image Our paths must run apart for a while. If I should need your help again, though, we should rendezvous at the Jovial Juggler in Beregost.

Posted Image If thou dost desire it, then I shall do so. Thou hast proven thyself to be quite the leader, and by now I have confidence in thy decisions.

Those two better not kill each other off in the Jovial Juggler while I'm gone.

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Posted Image Headlong rushes are fine with me. But we don't have space in the party for another mage right now. Perhaps Dynaheir would be willing to remain behind, at least for now?

Posted Image Minsc and Boo and Dynaheir are a team! And one which takes up very little space. We should remain together!

Posted Image Nay, Minsc, we should respect Syvishtar's judgment. We owe him much. Fare thee well, I shall be safe here and we will meet again before long.

Gameplay note: I had a little bit of a technical issue with Finch. She wouldn't talk to me. I decided to play it as if she was especially scared for some reason and bribed her with the loot we got from our gnoll excursion using the Friendship mod. I was able to succcessfully get her to Close and then invite her to the party using the special ability. I hope that doesn't break anything...

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That took a lot out of our gem bag...

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Posted Image As much as your mental state unnerves me, I do have need of your company once more.

Posted Image Hurrah! I'd have us all sing with joy, but I'm sure such an outpouring would come dangerously close to making me sick. Onward, and all that.

He still freaks me out, talking to Montaron like that. I think of the tiny corpse mouldering on the cliffside and shudder.

But there we have it - me and Minsc in front, tanking all comers, Viconia and Finch in the middle, healing everybody, and Imoen and Xzar in the back, shooting arrows and occasionally casting spells at our enemies.

Posted Image Smiles everyone, smiles! This is like some great Fantasy!

Before we go, I take some time to talk to our good friend Bjornin.

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Posted Image Would you like to drink a glass of mead with me, Bjornin?

Posted Image I thank you for the invitation, but my answer is no. I don't want to let myself go - I am here to rest.

Posted Image What do you think? How long will you have to stay here?

Posted Image *sigh* If ever I knew. I have stayed too long already.

Posted Image Again, thank you very much for the shield!

Posted Image I know I gave it for a righteous task. There is need for more people with the courage you have shown, to clean up the Sword Coast.

I also slip him a little something to cover his expenses. He accepts it graciously.

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Gameplay note: I should have checked this before doing the party vote, but we are now at Close Relation with Bjornin. We could actually invite him into our party at any time. We'll have to do that when we get back from the Nashkel mines. Our first npc recruit! He is a paladin by dialog, and so I'll turn him into a paladin class. However, there is no way to tell what level he is until that time. He'll just have to be a mystery.

I realize that Finch doesn't have a sling anymore, so I stop by Thunderhammer smithy to get one for her. While I'm there I decide to buy a composite longbow for Minsc. It's only 300 gold. I stock everybody up on bullets and arrows too. Everything else is just too expensive.

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While I'm in the neighborhood, I decide to stop by the High Hedge as well to talk to Thalantyr.

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I can share the wealth with him a little bit, you know. Cut him in on a percentage of the profits. He'll probably look at me more favorably then.

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He's still completely obsessed with Melicamp's problem, and has forgotten that he has anything to sell at all. But he'll take gifts, of course.

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Posted Image *sigh* It's times like this, I miss scribing in Candlekeep.

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Thalantyr and I are pretty good now. We have a rapport. He's friendly to me. We're buds!

Gameplay note: Actually I now realize that doing the Melicamp quest so early in the game, and having skulls so hard to find, kinda screwed me and the other mages in this game over. Thalantyr is the only source for spells until we either finish the mines or get to Baldur's Gate. I, as a wild mage, have been doing ok with spell progression by studying Rhialto's spellbook, but Xzar and Edwin have had to subsist on my reject scrolls, which haven't been many. Edwin just barely learned Magic Missile, for instance. Normally I would be broke all the time because I'd be buying spells from this guy, but not until we can find a skull. Modders! :argh:

Also, we have 430 gold worth of jewelry and gems left in the gem bag after all this bribery. I'm going to keep them as gems until we need to buy something, in order to protect against bad wild surges.

We also have some business to do in Nashkel itself.

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I sell her some Springrose in exchange for a few potions. It is a bit of a tedious process.

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Posted Image Could we cease the incessant noise? 'Tis such a pain behind the eyes!

We also stop by the Nashkel general store. Imoen really insists on going there.

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Posted Image [Charisma] - Easy there, I just wanted to admire this remarkable item up close and hold it for a second. Here, you can have it back.

Posted Image Hmm... I will let you off with a warning, this time.

Posted Image However, know that you will be watched much more carefully from now on!

That girl is going to be the death of me some day! I usher us all back outside and delcare we're heading straight for the mines, no more delays.

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I never thought iron mines would be so... creepy.

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Posted Image Why? What have you heard?

Posted Image Well, my friend Ruffie barely escaped with his life he did. Little demons jumped out of the very walls and chased him down. He'd be dead now if it weren't for the guards that came running. Course... them guards are dead now. Old Ruffie's around here somewhere. You ask him what he saw and he'll tell ya.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#174 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:40 AM

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Posted Image Tell me about the mines... what's been making the miners disappear?

Posted Image Demons! The little devils are everywhere I tell ya! In the walls, there's coming! They're going to kill us all.

Well that was helpful.

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Gnolls? Again? I sure hope not. I see a minecart nearby, and go to investigate.

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Yep, tainted iron. It's coming from this mine alright.

Posted Image I'm starting to find this group almost... palatable.

Thanks Xzar. You're still a creep.

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Posted Image So, what do you think has been happening with the mines?

Posted Image Didn't you know? The mines are haunted! The ghosts of all those that have died in the mine are here to kill us all. They said they'd spare me. Liked me they did. Could see it in their beady little eyes.

Posted Image You saw something?

Posted Image Of course I saw something! Had a nice long conversation with the little chap. Would have asked him to stop haunting us too if the supervisor hadn't kicked me. Said I was sleeping on the job! Can you imagine?

If the iron wasn't actually tainted I would give up at this point and leave the mines forever. People are such idiots sometimes!

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Case in point.

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Posted Image Do you know something about what's been happening here?

Posted Image Sure I know what's happening. What do you wanna know?

Posted Image What about the missing miners?

Posted Image Oh them, I told them before they went. Tried to at least. Naturally there must be a dragon down there killing them all. He must be mad about us mining his hill. Poor thing.

Not only does he believe there's a dragon down there but he pities it. Great. Next thing he'll be throwing himself into the beast's maw to feed it.

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For some reason I did not expect this. I have no choice but to attack with my staff while yelling for the others to aid me. He hits me, Haiass rips his throat out, dead. What was it?

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Oh, one of those things that killed Ajantis. Hey they can't be all bad if they rid us of him and the stick up his ass. We keep searching the mines for ... well for anything unusual.

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Posted Image Sure, I'll return his dagger.

Posted Image Thank you so much. I'm sure he'll appreciate it.

There's nothing special about Kylee's Dagger.

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Posted Image Last couple what?

Posted Image Adventurers, ya idiot. Ye think you're the first to try to save us all? Not likely, not going to be the last I'll wager either.

Dun dun DUNNNNNN. I wonder if Ajantis was down here? I wonder if he died alone and unloved, crying into his own blood? HA!

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Daughter? How did he know I want a daughter?

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Posted Image Um... are you okay?

Posted Image What? Don't you see the walls? Walls everywhere. No room to breathe. No room to breathe. They said paid excellent wages they did. Didn't say anything about little holes did they. No, spaces too small they are. Spaces too small.

Now that I think about it, he kinda has a point. It is a little hard to move around down here.

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Posted Image I've heard that there have been problems with the mine recently. I'm here to try to help.

Posted Image Hmph. I don't know what you can do about it. Sure there have been problems, the ore that we've been pulling outta this place has been crumbling almost as soon as it's cast.

Posted Image Do you know what's been weakening the ore?

Posted Image If I knew that we would have already fixed it!

Around a nearby corner - corners corners everywhere - Viconia gets ambushed by another kobold.

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Minsc takes care of it in his customary fashion.

There's only one damp, dark, and twisty passageway for us to squeeze through. Oh Rhialto. It takes us deeper into these mines.

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This first level will be above us, hanging low with all the vast weight of the earth. Above our heads. But turning back now is... it's not an option is it?

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We follow the passage down, down, down, down to the second level of the mines.

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Posted Image Demons?!?

Posted Image But I... There they are! There they...

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They killed him. Just shot him in the back! A stone-cold execution! Those... those little rat bastards!

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We slaughter them quickly, but not quickly enough for poor Miner Beldin. We came here to help, and we're letting people die. AGAIN! And these damn walls won't go away!

We see more. We attack immediately.

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There is no contest. Little kobold parts splash all over the closeby walls. We move quickly down the passages. I don't want to let those bastards get any more of my men!

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Posted Image What do you know about the happenings of the mine?

Posted Image Kobolds! They're overrunning the place piece by piece. We used to see them occasionally but now you can't go more than a few feet without kicking one of them on the lower levels. It's not so bad up here with the guards around. Still, I wouldn't get caught in the dark if I were you.

We keep going.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#175 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:41 AM

Around yet another corner, we find some corpses of guards and miners.

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Posted Image Shhhhh. Let us use our quiet voices here.

And then we find the bastards that did it.

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They die quickly, and, I hope, painfully. We continue again. We do find some places with happy, healthy miners standing about. Well, living miners at least.

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We find more kobolds.

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More kobolds die quickly.

Posted Image I am become death, destroyer of worlds!

I guess Xzar is really proud of his archery skills. Over to the... right side of the mines, we find a large crowd of kobolds.

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I wonder if this is the direction they're coming from if there are so many over here. Two of them were carrying strange vials.

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We pack them away for later. I'm sure someone will want to see them. Then we move deeper into the mines. The oppressive, dank mines with the stale air and the walls, the walls everywhere! I stop for a moment. I need to rest. To regain my strength. To re-center my chit, or whatever they used to talk about in those eastern philosophy classes at Candlekeep. We can't go on right now guys, we have to stop. Meditate. Guys. Guys? Oh, I should actually say those words.

I tell my companions that we should stop for a moment. We can continue later.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#176 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:44 AM

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23 Flamerule, 1369

Staying in one place isn't helping me at all. The walls feel like they're moving closer. The only solution is to keep moving. Keep moving. Go along now. We go down into a third level of these horrible mines.

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That doesn't look good. Imoen goes to look at the ring on the ground. She winces and frowns when she examines it.

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Joseph is probably dead. That might even be his body just over there. And since there's no one here to pick it up, that must mean that everyone else on this level is dead too! Oh Rhialto why can't they dig things bigger down here? Gotta keep moving.

As we walk down a side passage, we see another kobold.

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We get into a fight, but then I hear more bark-chittering from behind me.

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I may not have enough time to cast this later. I summon my Wild Horde.

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Then I try to move out of the way, but the Horde is blocking me.

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But by the time the Horde is unsummoned, there are only two more dead kobolds. A little disappointed, I re-enter melee with them. Then Xzar gets hit and starts whining like a little girl.

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Viconia eventually gets around to healing him, and most of the kobolds are dead too. Everything is looking pretty good!

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I am pretty sure that we need to wipe the entire mine clean of these bastards. There is nothing else to do but hunt every single one of them down and kill them. We set upon our task.

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Ouch! What the hell? This place is trapped! I immediately stop the entire party. We are going to have to send Imoen out ahead to scout everywhere. I ask her to do so, and she says it's no problem at all. She finds a kobold pretty quickly...

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... and takes care of business. She's a great one to have around, that Imoen. We take care of the little bastard's buddies for her.

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A little while later, while waiting for her to signal the all clear, we hear a gwalrlarlrl-thwap-thunk. I'm not sure if that was the signal or not.

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Then we hear the fwzeeeeshhh-thunk. That's definitely not it.

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But when we hear Imoen shouting "A little help here guys!" we decide to just go and help her.

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Then when going around a corner, I am struck in the chest with a flaming ... something.

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These guys are shooting flaming arrows? Where did they get them?! Imoen notes the one with the special ammo and throws a Magic Missile at it.

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It, and all its friends, die in short order. Imoen searches their corpses but finds no more flaming arrows. She does lead us around the corner to a stack of boxes she noticed, though.

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There's a bit of gold and a Fire Agate Gem in there. When Imoen goes down the next passage, she finds something strange. The earth itself looks like it was torn somehow. There is the distant sound of fire below. Have we descended unto hell? And after only three levels?

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After a little more exploration, Imoen instructs us to follow her. She takes us down one passage and shows us what lies ahead - a rock bridge over a glowing, hot chasm. She says it is the only way forward.

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She volunteers to go first. Then she sees kobolds on the other side of the bridge.

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She begins to fire at them as they return fire. She is much more effective, almost always killing one kobold per arrow. Xzar walks up to join her in the target practice. For some reason the kobolds are not going across the bridge.

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As soon as Imoen kills the last kobold, she realizes why they weren't coming across.

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Traps! Thankfully, now that she knows where they are, she can disarm them.

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But Xzar interrupts her.

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Posted Image I am recording observations of what we do. Information documenting our path, listing what we've seen and who we've spoken to...

Posted Image Spies! SPIES EVERYWHERE! But who does she spy for? The dragons? The rabbits? Or -?

Posted Image No, not them! Anyone but them! Keep away from me, fiend!

Posted Image But-

Posted Image I'll never tell! I'll never tell! Back!

Gameplay note: Yay, Finch is not messed up by bribery!

Imoen just rolls her eyes and moves forward cautiously to disarm the traps, but when she does more kobolds see her.

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She and Xzar try to hold them off, but now that the traps are gone the kobolds run up. We all rush in to support her. And Xzar, of course.

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Minsc leaves quite the chunky festival in his wake.

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On the other side there are no signs of mining, or anything else for that matter. Imoen rushes around trying to explore everything so quickly that she doesn't spot some traps even though she is looking for them.

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More cautiously, she edges around a corner to find a pair of Kobold Commandos waiting in ambush. She takes one out quickly and aims for the other as his arrow flies out afire!

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She kills him too, but when three more bounce out of the darkness she decides its time to retreat.

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I want to try something new, so in the moments before the enemy arrives, I cast Chaos Shield.

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Gameplay note: That's a +15 to the dice roll for every wild surge. Higher-number wild surges are better so that is theoretically good. It will last 8 rounds at level 4.

The protective spell wraps its sunlight glow around me, and I feel safe. Beyond safe. I have never felt closer to the Weave than I do now!

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With renewed confidence I reach through the Chaos Shield for Nahal's Reckless Dweomer, and through that for Rhialto's Random Missiles. I grasp it all and throw it at the enemy!

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Ah ha! I am at one with the Weave! Now we understand each other, she and I! And we are both the stronger for it! I am in such a good mood that I charge blindly down a side passage, killing everything in my way.

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Viconia makes a comment after the fighting is over, about the walls surrounding us. Funny, I had forgotten all about them and their constant presence, until she reminded me.

Posted Image 'Tis akin to my home, but home does not welcome me.

How could she grow up like this? How could she deal with the stench, the horrible reeking... wait a minute. GHOUL!

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We manage to take it out without incident.

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I was not expecting that. You would think that the kobolds would have either been scared off or killed by that thing. And its strange to see a ghoul by itself anyways. They don't often...

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Oh. Well, Minsc will take care of it.

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But when we try to find out where they were coming from, we only found empty pools, still and fetid.

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I almost want to start writing bad poetry about the surface. That would be the day.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#177 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:44 AM

Hey, where did Viconia go?

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Oh no!

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Oh well okay. After the spiders, there only seems to be one path to follow. It's probably trapped to hell. Imoen goes first!

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She doesn't find anything, so we just all amble on across. And, past a small pool, we can see the path further down. Not a mineshaft, but a path nevertheless.

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Gameplay note: Ok, this is much, much easier than I remember from last time. There is supposed to be a huge battle here with multiple Kobold Shamans casting Silence and otherwise annoying me. Something might not be as I thought it was with my installation...

But before we leave, Imoen says she hears a strange sound behind us. Kind of a gurgle, or a moan. We decide to investigate. We don't want to be ambushed from behind, after all. But what we do find is... not what any of us expected.

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Posted Image Even in the darkness of these caverns I can sense there is something not quite human about you... I suggest you explain yourself!

Posted Image I have been sent on a mission from divine Ghaunadaur to investigate the problems these mines are having. My deity finds it most displeasing...

Posted Image Ghaunadaur?

Posted Image You do not know the name of most sacred Ghaunadaur? ssssskrlllmmmm...

Posted Image That Which Lurks is the holy deity of the beloved ooze, slime, mould and jelly. From deep cavern to forest floor to city alley live his servants, watching. I am honoured to be a Ghaunadan, a race of His servants, special among the oozes for having Ghaunadaur's divine favour.

Posted Image Though I appear as a human, this is not my true shape. Ghaunadaur has seen fit to bless our race with the ability to change form, so we can better serve him...

Posted Image So, you're looking into the iron crisis? Why?

Posted Image The iron itself is of no concern to Ghaunadaur, but the poisons they are using are killing the beloved oozes and moulds native to these caverns. I have been charged to put a stop to this outrage!

Posted Image Will you help me in this task? I sense you have a similar purpose to mine.

I look more closely at this... thing.

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Gameplay note: Well guys, what do you think we should do? Take him or leave him?

A. Put him in Minsc's place. Minsc is too loud for dungeon-crawling.
B. Put him in Finch's place. She didn't want to be here anyway.
C. Put him in Viconia's place. We already have a cleric - Finch!
D. Put him in Imoen's place. She's a thief, he's a thief.
E. Put him in Xzar's place. Xzar is pretty much already the same as an anthropomorphic sponge anyway.
F. Leave him here. Mur'Neth is evil, gurgly, and amorphous. You can't trust shifters, my grandpa always used to say!
G. BURN IT WITH FIRE! Man-shaped slime-creature emissary of an evil Underdark deity also called That Which Lurks? Imoen needs to practice Burning Hands.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#178 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:48 AM

The thread had a great debate about this. In the end, though, they voted C. Also, at this point I realized that I had not installed everything that I meant to install. So I updated my installation from BWP 10.0 custom semi-tactics to BWP 10.2.1 full tactics install, and then I had to replay everything that I had done already. It took me about a week. I also installed the Pack Mule mod. I hope that doesn't mess things up for me, although I read that it might interfere with the Stuff of Gaxx store?

Edited by Usurper, 30 December 2011 - 04:50 AM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#179 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:55 AM

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23 Flamerule, 1369

Gameplay note: So saved games don't actually transfer from one install to another. I'm having to play through the entire thing all over again, following the path of my Let's Play so far. I'm using all the cheat codes I can to make sure everything plays out mostly the same as it did before, but there might be some differences. I'll screenshot those differences here.

As a mage, one thing you learn early is that the Weave is capricious. It intrudes upon your waking and your sleeping minds. Without good control, a novice mage can quickly be overwhelmed by the creative forces of the universe and burn himself out, mentally and physically. He can even lose his mind and go insane. At least this is what I was told at Candlekeep. Without the control that comes from complete understanding, an iron will, and total dominance over the Weave through the Art, you are in danger.

But I've never been that good at self-control. The Weave has a will of its own, and its own desires that it wishes to shape into existence in the universe. Who am I, as a simple elf, to always insist on getting my own way? So sometimes, when the weave surges against the mental blocks of my mind, I just... let it in.

Like now. It comes into my mind unbidden, and flows through my body, and I see visions. Visions of a future in a twisted hell, battling incarnations of evil I do not understand. Visions of battles in pink, pulsating hallways. Visions of battles in windswept crags, in dark, dank hallways, underneath the sea. So many battles. So much death and dying.

Then I also see visions of my past. I see myself in Candlekeep, speaking to Tethtoril in his red robes...

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or were they grey? The Weave also shows me memories of the Gatewarden training me in the ways of combat, although my memories of those sessions are somewhat fuzzy.

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Posted Image Yes, Gatewarden. I would appreciate that.

Posted Image Good, then, child. 'Tis one thing to maintain control o' yerself in the heat of battle but 'tis quite another to maintain one's authority o'er a group. I've arsked Obe the illusionist to run through a few simulations fer ye down in the storage cellars. Just follow me this way an' I'll unlock the door fer ye...

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I remember fierce training sessions with scary-looking illusions.

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I'm pretty sure Imoen did the same things, and that's how we were able to work so well together from the very beginning.

I remember talking to Sir Trun about Linda, and her thanks afterwards. She was dressed like a total slut... wasn't she?

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Posted Image Maybe... maybe he will fall in love with his fighting squire juat as he fell in love with the maiden once... Maybe. For now he has a task as a knight, as do I as squire.

Posted Image May Lathander bless you with all his power. Farewell.

Wait a second here, I would have remembered that headgear. What's going on? I send a cautious thought of inquiry to the Weave, but do not get much response, other than the image of a great, leafy tree. The image of tree then resolves into an image of a forest, with Khalid, Jaheira, Imoen, Xzar, and I walking within.

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Posted Image Just practicin' my sneakin' up on people. Didn't mean to scare you.

Posted Image Well, you d-didn't - q-quite.

Posted Image Hey, c'mon. How am I gonna improve, if I don't practice?

Posted Image I'd say you have the basics down very well. Next time, warn me what you are up to. That will make a real t-test for your abilities.

Posted Image Yep! You're on!

Ok, that definitely did NOT happen. What the bloody hell is going on? I insist that the Weave leave. But the Weave don leave. I just get another impression of a great, leafy tree, its branches pulsating with a magical light. My vision begins to trace the organic shape of one branch in particular, following it until I reach a leaf of memory...

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Posted Image Yes this does look like Syvishtar judging by the description that was given to us. Hair and eye color match as do the facial and physical features.

Posted Image This certainly does look like Syvishtar.

Posted Image Shall you strike first or shall I?

Posted Image Perhaps you should draw first blood and I'll draw the last.

Posted Image Excellent idea my love! Now hold still Syvishtar and let us sever your head from your body. We will need it as proof to get our reward.

And then I am shown a vision of bloody murder with magical weapons far beyond my ken. I turn away in revulsion, and begin to push against the Weave. But the Weave does not let me go. I am shown a vision of branches again, a large one leading to a smaller one, and smaller and smaller still.

Posted Image Usually everyone proves themselves, but there is something... disturbing about you.

Posted Image I'll not be mocked, thou most slanderous harlot!

That would be hilarious if it had actually ever happened! I am not comfortable with what is going on. I feel dizzy, nauseous even. Why won't the magic leave me alone?! Trunk, branch, twig, leaf. Trunk-branch-twig-leaf. TRUNKBRANCHTWIG... oh. Different branches, different twigs. Different leaves. Is that important? My mind is forcibly turned to Firebead Elvenhair, living in Beregost.

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Posted Image Heya, Mr. E! Remember me? I'm the *second* kid of Candlekeep. We're goin' ta get ya book, no problem...

Posted Image Imoen! Glad to see you, lass. Forgive me for not recognizing you immediately, but you have changed!

Posted Image Sure thin', sir! No more aprons and bonnets for Imoen the Magnificent. Well, unless someone offers me a dragon's treasure horde to wear one.

Posted Image We're goin' ta get ya book, no problem, Mr. E...

Posted Image It's good to see a familiar face, eh, Syvishtar?

Then I distinctly remember scouring the stores in Beregost looking for the book. I remember finding it. I remember buying it. And I remember bringing it back to Firebead. I say remember because that is what it feels like. It doesn't feel like seeing a vision, it feels like it already happened. But I know it didn't!

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Posted Image Hmm... an odd choice of a reward, as well as an odd choice of words. Both set me ill at ease, to be truthful.

Posted Image Much of history is unsettling, but I hope you will enjoy the book nonetheless.

Having Jaheira, in the vision, address me directly smacks me right in the heart and I am shaken to the core. She looked right at me. She knew it was me! Was that real? Did this really happen? I try to grasp some magic, form a spell, do something to gain control of the situation, but nothing works. I am swept along the mighty currents of the Weave without recourse. I may yet drown in these leaves of twigs of branches.

The book was the History of the Dead Three. The visions keep coming.

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Posted Image Yeah, that was a real rotten thing she tricked Syvishtar into doing!

Posted Image You'll be much better off with us...

Posted Image Syvishtar, he can join us, right? *giggles* He is cute and he is a real bard! Someone's gotta write ballads about my beauty and bravery, ya know?

Posted Image You... you truly think that I am... er... cute?

Posted Image Sure, the more the merrier.

If I get back to the Jovial Juggler and Garrick is just hanging out with the rest of my people I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose my whole mind. My hole mind. My wholly holey mind.

The Weave is feeding me visions faster now, and more throughly too. I can smell the dead-stink waft through the air as Bassilus dies surrounded by corpses of the twice-dead. And I can remember the feel of the marble on the soles of my shoes when I turn in his holy symbol to Keldath Ormlyr.

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Posted Image Not bad, Syvishtar. I wish I got half that for every man I killed, but a man has to be a freak before he is worth anything. Figures.

Posted Image Have a care, lest your head have a price on it, one day.

But I can also remember that Shar-Teel died to Bassilus, and that we turned in his holy symbol before paying to resurrect her corpse. These two things exist in my mind and I do not know which memory to believe. Just five seconds ago only one was in my head and it was... it was... I don't remember. I don't remember what I could and could not remember five seconds ago. The elven mind is clearly inadequate for dealing with the realities of the multiverse. Ha!

From the Weave the sounds of incoherent screaming enter my mind. They grow louder and more insistent. Then they resolve into yet another vision, one of endless screaming slaughter with the paladin Laurel. We fought hard, and fought well, together.

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A snippet of conversation also winds its way into my mind, lodging there as a false memory for all eternity.

Posted Image You are one of the few among us whom I can respect.

Posted Image Her company is refreshing but I am surprised I find it so.

I struggle and wince and groan inwardly in pain, all the contortions that I feel obligated to express as I try to regain control of my own consciousness. Eventually I seem to have everything under control. I can feel my ears, wiggle my toes, and smell the foul stench of this underground cave in which we stand. I think I feel a new appreciation for the multitude of choices, possibilities, and branching paths that brought me to this place. This place deep underground, where a gurgling slime creature vibrates air at me through his crude semblance of a mouth-hole.

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It's a crazy, disgusting, ugly universe we live in. If only I could cut off some of the branches somehow...

Gameplay note: Ok, I have finished my reinstallation and re-play-through of the game with the latest version of the BWP, 10.2.1. I have purposefully tried to avoid doing anything differently, up to and including choosing the same conversation options in all conversations just to make sure nothing is messed up. There were only three exceptions. Currently, as of this moment, Montaron, Eldoth, and Garrick are all alive and well in the Jovial Juggler. If you remember, we kicked Montaron's and Eldoth's corpses to the curb way back in the day, while Garrick had something weird happen during the Silke fight and just disappeared. Here's what I'm thinking. We wait until one of our clerics gets high enough level to cast Raise Dead, and then we go visit the places where Montaron's and Eldoth's corpses are, and pretend like we resurrected them. If the thread is ok with that, we'll eventually do that. If the thread wants the dead to stay dead, though, I will just zap them with the all-consuming finger of god (CTRL-Y) and they die again. Garrick should have been able to be in our party all along, he just ran away too well when a Horror hit him during a fight. I think he might have run away through a locked door. We could say that he just wandered into the Jovial Juggler to see Imoen, and stumble upon him when we get back from the Nashkel mines. What say you on these issues?

1. Should we resurrect Montaron when we have a chance? Yes/No, and why?
2. Should we resurrect Eldoth when we have a chance? Yes/No, and why?
3. Should we recognize Garrick as a valid potential party member, even though we haven't seen him for literally months? Yes/No, and why?

Please let your votes be heard on these three issues. I need to go to sleep now, but tomorrow I can tally the Mur'Neth votes and continue with a new update on our quest. So we've got concurrent voting from two updates going on. I'm sure you guys can handle it though.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#180 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:56 AM

The thread seemed to be leaning Yes to having Garrick in the party vote eventually, and no to Montaron and Eldoth being resurrected. So I'm planning to have Garrick show up when we get back to the Jovial Juggler for the next party vote. As for Montaron and Eldoth, we can defer the vote until later, when we actually get the capability of resurrection.

Edited by Usurper, 30 December 2011 - 04:56 AM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.