19 Kythorn, 1369
Medusae and basilisks, sitting in the trees. S-T-O-N-I-N-G. I can't get this thought out of my head. It's been going around and around and will not stop. Damn childhood ditties. Before we go to sleep, I look over the loot we have gotten from Mutamin.

We already have better bracers than this. I think I actually don't need this. We could sell it for extra cash!

This, however, is great tank equipment. I give this to my warrior woman right away. We also looted a second adventurer's robe. I should save that for the next time Xzar joins us. And finally, of course, the gnome had scrolls on him.

I remember this spell. It happened spontaneously when I fought those thugs for Silke. It will be good to be able to do it on purpose.

This would have been very useful in the last fight. A cloud in which people can't attack or cast spells? I could position my party members just outside of it and we could rain death within.
I also have a little talk with Rose. Now that she can cast magic spells, she needs something to cast. After determining that she does indeed know what she's doing and won't kill herself accidentally, I give her my spare scroll of Larloch's Minor Drain. She writes it into her spellbook, a frilly white thing with lots of curlicues and flowers within. It looks so cute with its one spell written so nicely. The spell's function and the book itself don't really mesh well together, which sobers me up. Should I be giving out such necromantic magic to someone so innocent?
As we make camp for the night, Shar-Teel catches my eye.

We all go to sleep, and wake up when the night has come. Korax suddenly turns hostile on us, and we have to put him down.

I do it personally, although I do not enjoy it.

We still have a lot of ground to cover, so we head out.

Soon enough we come across two lesser basilisks. Since I drank the potions, I go in first. When they try to turn me to stone, nothing happens! We all attack.

They both go down without a problem. Shar-Teel honestly seems impressed with me.

Gameplay note: Wouldn't it be forehead?
A band of skeletons jumps us next. This is just like Imoen's scouting operation.

Viconia, all power and majesty, commands the undead to Turn. They do.

It's a lot easier to kill skeletons when they're running away from you.

We soon find Haiass in what Mutamin called his garden.

I hate to see him here, warm stone among all the cold stone. I need to change him back! Using Rhialto's spellbook, I try to dispel the magic that binds him. But it has no effect. I am suddenly worried that I might never get him back. We have to go get some more Stone to Flesh scrolls, and we have to go right now.
We circle around the Temple area to Beregost, and then go to the temple. No reason. That's just what we do.

As we enter Beregost, Gavin mentions something on his mind.

When we reach the temple, Keldath congratulates us on a job well done.

Gameplay note: The man gives us 454 xp and 1000 gold! We really need the gold because we're about to spend it all on Stone to Flesh scrolls. Two of them are going to be 900 gold.
After purchasing the scrolls, we head back to Haiass and that other chick. When we get back, we try the spell on Haiass first. Thank the weave and all the gods, it works! My wolf is back with me.
Then we go try it on the stoned woman.

Gameplay note: For saving the petrified fighter, we get 136 xp and +1 rep! We have now made up for the 2 rep drop that Viconia gave us, and if we kicked her out we'd be at 9!
You know, I tried doing the rest of this map and actually had to reload several times. I got caught inside a bunny blast radius once, and also got old-fashioned poisoned to death by some medusae. I got turned to stone, shot full of arrows, and also tried to cast a spell on myself and summoned a cow instead, which fell down on me and killed me instantly. And I'm sure you'll be sad to hear that right before I died I was actually a woman. Tonight was not my night for wild surges.
We only have one potion of mirrored eyes left, and I don't think that's enough to keep us safe. So we're going to be conservative and leave for now. We're going to Nashkel!

The trip to Nashkel is uneventful, and we arrive after one whole day of traveling. We were here briefly a few weeks ago, but we didn't explore.